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Ladies, does looking at pics of a guy's cock do anything for you?

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We know that show a guy a picture of a woman's mound, vagina, etc., and he's interested, possibly gets aroused. But does looking at a random guy's cock do anything for you? Without you being aroused first. And is it different if you are already somewhat aroused?

I can appreciate a picture of a decent cock from an aesthetic standpoint, but a cock picture alone won't arouse me. And even if I'm horny, cock pictures still won't do anything for me.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Not at all. A picture of someone's dick is not going to arouse me.

Especially if it is a random person.
Not just a dick close-up - but a hot naked male body might. I don't zero in on his dick though - it's just part of the overall package.
No. I find it excruciatingly embarrassing, no matter how I feel at the time.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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No. It is what is attached to it that matters the most. A pic from someone I am involved with is one thing. But just some guy's random junk? Negative.
Not really. I may get a tingle if whole package is attractive but 9x out of 10 nothing at all
if a guy posts a dick pic, then he's just a.... dick!! Size doesn't matter to me, why hide behind a pic? As Robin Williams said, god gave men a penis, and a brain, but only enough blood for one to function at a time.... smile
Most likely a random cock pic out of the blue isn't going to do anything for me. In some instances, it may even turn me off. Sometimes though, I can run across an erotic pic that's taken in a certain way and it really catches the hot artistic beauty of one. That may light a little fire.
? A True Story ?
Quote by NickiC
No. It is what is attached to it that matters the most. A pic from someone I am involved with is one thing. But just some guy's random junk? Negative.

This is pretty much the same for me. JUST a cold hard cock shot, whether I know the person attached to it or not, doesn't do anything for me. It actually baffles me how many men LOVE to send them. You've seen one, you've seen them all in my opinion.

As already repeated several times on here, what does it for me is the WHOLE package; the man behind the dick pic particularly if it's someone with whom I'm intimate. If they send me something revealing of themselves, it can be a very big turn on.

I will also add that I can and do enjoy some of the more artistic black and white erotic photos of men in all their form as posted on so many walls around here and in the forums. That's not to say they get my panties wet but I can and do appreciate their beauty.
OMG, YES! just kidding. not really. in fact, it's a bit of a turn off at times. like, dude, eww, why did you send me that?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I can't really add to what the ladies above me have said, just note that I agree with everything said here so far.
If I'm not already horny, no. If I'm feeling amorous, possibly. Although already said, a whole body pic is so much better!
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Not just a dick close-up - but a hot naked male body might. I don't zero in on his dick though - it's just part of the overall package.

^^^^^this^^^^^ and it's no different whether I'm aroused or not.
Yes, looking at a pic of a cock can arouse me- it has to be one I find attractive but it will spark up some thoughts. If I check my email to find a cheeky snap has been sent as a tease then naturally I respond to the "stimulus" but if I'm already aroused and have searched out the photo then I'll let my imagination run wild... A cock shot by itself is sexy to see the erection but otherwise a full nude body shot with cock in view is sexier.

I think some women may prefer erotica which titillates rather than the explicit nature of porn which some people go for but it's down to the individual really isn't it? Personally, a photo of a seductive woman can be more erotic than just a plain pic of someone handling their dick but it depends on the relationship with the person. Seeing my lover sporting a stiff one for me once we've been playing is hot but just a random dick pic would be dull. It's subjective.

As a side note, guys need to groom before taking a cock shot! Don't make me hunt for the cock amongst a forest- it doesn't help! Nice presentation of the package please!
not really, but a guy with hot body and cute face will do silly
Depends on the cock lol
A few years ago something happened to me that was both startling and a revelation. I was meeting a man for lunch. He was sitting on the picnic table smiling at me and I was smiling back and about 20 feet away I started to have an orgasm. Just walking towards him. I wasn’t particularly aroused or anything or thinking about him, just walking and focusing on him. It was wonderful.
It was also a little startling to hear the comments so far. I love looking at a penis either soft or erect. I am always aroused at seeing one, sometimes mildly, sometimes very much so. True, the full body is better, lol, but really is not necessary for me to be aroused.
Sprite said it perfectly. NO! I don't think men understand that though; it's just a part of him - started to say small part - caught myself in time.
If it's really hard, or especially at the moment he ejaculates, definitely yes. If it's soft, not at all. I guess it's all about being ready for action ;)
If you read my Profile it is very clear that I don't wanted to see a picture of your cock. My Product Warranty covers automatic deletion.

I guess a lot of Lush Men can not read because I sure get lot of those pictures.

It does not mean I do not appreciate the benefits of such pictures, and when our relationship has developed far enough I will ask for one or some.

a dick is a dick is a dick

now a huge sexy

in fact when someone send me a dick pic or tells me he HAS a big one

I immediately think..small brain ...NEXT
Well, yes and no. If I am really horny, and its a nice one, then yes. But to just get a pic sent to me, no.. unless its really impressive and a full body pic.
For me, it has to be about context. Where is he, what's the situation, is there a story around his nakedness? That makes the picture for me. Otherwise, it's just anatomy class.
No, I don't like random cock pics and I find them a bit off putting when I see them on public galleries on profile pages. It's fine to share them with friends, if that's what you like, but for me, I don't really like randomly seeing them.

I have seen what you might call "arty" cock pics and I can appreciate that, but it doesn't really arouse me.

Now, if it's a picture from someone special, then that is different...
Quote by elizabethblack
Sprite said it perfectly. NO! I don't think men understand that though; it's just a part of him - started to say small part - caught myself in time.
Elizabeth lol. Large, small or huge is really the smallest part. Without the emotions that a man awakens in a woman, penis is nothing.
From someone random, NO. If it's from someone your with and it's in the heat of the moment and your either having phone sex (and you snap a picture) or your on it can be erotic as hell. There are different scenarios for every situation but personally a cock picture is a cock picture and if it comes from a stranger and you think your impressing me, think again.
Nope. Especially not from a stranger.