Pay money to get in to your pants? Mmmm: I think it would need more than money to squeeze me into a pair of your miniscule panties......
Well I guess I'd get them pulled on so far, but I think I'd end up with meat and two veg hanging out over the elastic, not a pretty sight methinks, but strangely erotic too!
Perhaps over my head so that I can inhale your delightfull musk would be a better idea. Or perhaps the 2 simultaneously! F*ck thimk I'dbetter go to bed before I get myself in trouble.
I don't see why not but you cannot go to far such as start stalking the person. Enjoy it and keep it sane.
I did... There are some really wonderful, good people on this sight and there are some really horrible ones! Beware but have fun. Love sometimes happens when you are not wanting it to!!
I dont think anyone has a choice in who they fall for however i think you need to be realistic about it if you do....
I don't think it's wrong but I'd advise being careful about meeting anyone from online. If your male or female it can be dangerous. Just be wise.
†Jinxy Approved†
I had a very good lady friend of mine meet someone from a sex site. Three days later I read in the newspaper that she was strangled to death by the guy she met. I don't mean to undermine people but you have to be so careful about who you meet online. Exercise caution whoever you meet and as listed above by Nicole, meet them in a public place and let someone know where you are. Looks can be very decieving. Trust your gut........
Yes I think you can fall in love with someone from this site, but like everyone else has said you have to be very careful and know what your getting into....
It takes a long relation to materialize
I think you can have the " grand passion" easily online. I did with a guy from England and it was lovely and was what I needed at the time. Was he entirely truthful.?....not quite but at the other end we are still friends. I also met a few for sex which was fun and something one guy and I still talk about..a year later. I finally met my wonderful Screwloose..not technically here but on another online site. He joined Lush straight away. We talked on the phone and met quickly. It was obvious it was something special. But it was different to what usually happens here..the long lead up and desperation to meet. As long as you are careful, it is very exciting and can be the way you meet the " one." You never know.
" I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer"
Woody Allen
I'd love to fall for an intelligent chatter with her boundless imaginations. The best thing about Lush is that control is in your hand, but your mind does go out of control sometimes:P