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Is it ever OK to date your friend's ex?

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Alpha Blonde
Have you ever dated an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband of a female friend?

If not, are there any circumstances that would make this an option? (ie. does it matter how serious they were, long long they've been separated, or how close the female friend is?)

What if you had genuinely strong feelings for this guy?

There is much talk on "the rules", meaning that you never date a friend's ex.. but are there any circumstances where you might consider bending this rules. Or is it all fair game as long as they are broken up.

Also, if you've been on the other side of the fence where a friend of yours has dated your ex, how did you react to it?

Both guys and gals are free to answer this Q...
It's only ok if you don't get caught. I did it and it ruined both relaionships, especially when they got back together.
Artistic Tart
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Have you ever dated an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband of a female friend?

Not dated, but I have had sex with one, an ex-bf.

Quote by Dancing_Doll

What if you had genuinely strong feelings for this guy?

If it had been a long time since they dated and there was no other plots going on between them, then I would go for it- and if that causes an argument then I guess I would just have to have that argument. If it hasn't been long, then the only thing I would do is mess around with them on the downlow- that's some serious drama if you really try to 'date' them when the breakup is still fresh. Some secret sex works though. And like Alissa said, it is drama if you get caught. But if you can sneak around pretty good, maybe you get away with it.

Quote by Dancing_Doll

Also, if you've been on the other side of the fence where a friend of yours has dated your ex, how did you react to it?

Happened once with a friend of mine, she dated a guy that I broke up with. I didn't care that much, I was done with him. I can see some extreme example where I had a fiancee or something and then my best friend goes after him, that might not be cool, but in general, when I am done, I am done. Good luck to all others with them.
Lollipop Girl
Quote by Alissa
It's only ok if you don't get caught. I did it and it ruined both relaionships, especially when they got back together.

Been there too. We weren't really good friends, but she broke up with him and we started to go out and they were passing letters back and forth and then they decided to get back together so he broke it off with me. I stayed friends for awhile but then it just got weird. I don't talk to either of them now.
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Active Ink Slinger
I’ve always had a tighter bond with my girlfriends than I’ve had with my family… So, ex’s are strictly off limits for me – hell even guys that THEY like are off limits.

I don’t care if they ARE over them, or if the guy they like doesn’t like them back... I refuse to open up a can of worms and lose people that I care about. A friendship is more important to me than any dick would ever be, but then again I only have a handful of people in my life that I would refer to as FRIENDS…
yeah I go with the bros before hos or whatever the female equivilant is...Life is too short to lose good friends over a man
I think the trick is too do this with nobodys knowing. can you enjoy it successsfully I do knot no. but if you do not try you do not succeed.
Constant Gardener
There's too many fish in the sea to troll for someone that a friend of mine has had intimate relations with.

I have never wanted to invite that kind of drama into my life. That's jealousy and the only jealousy I can control is my own.

On the flip side, there was a time long ago, when that was one of my worries. That someday in the future, I'd see one of my ex's hanging on the arm of some guy I knew...and that guy might not even be a friend of mine.

But, I got over that shit, in my late 20's. That's jealousy and that's a waste of emotion.

I had my shot with that woman, it didn't work out..she should have a chance to be happy and if that happiness comes with whomever she chooses - more power to her.

Also, as I was telling someone the other night...of all my friends or guys I know closer than mere acquaintances - none of them ever had a girlfriend or a wife whom I found to be all that, attractive anyway. Perhaps that's just part of my overall thinking, creeping into my vision to cloud 'her looks or appeal', I don't know.

I just know that I don't need that kind of crap near me.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
My frisky side of me would say, oh yes no problem dating a friend's ex; but when I realise what friends I have and considering that most of my friends have kids at my kids school, this means seeing the friends ex-wife a lot and as I have been friends with the women - there is no way that I could rub it in their faces and start dating their ex-husbands.
It's to messy to even contemplate in my mind.
Quote by LushPrincess
I’ve always had a tighter bond with my girlfriends than I’ve had with my family… So, ex’s are strictly off limits for me – hell even guys that THEY like are off limits.

I don’t care if they ARE over them, or if the guy they like doesn’t like them back... I refuse to open up a can of worms and lose people that I care about. A friendship is more important to me than any dick would ever be, but then again I only have a handful of people in my life that I would refer to as FRIENDS…
any dick

Any dick ?????????
Active Ink Slinger
No, no, hell to the no! Do not under any circumstances, date your ex. Period!

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Alpha Blonde
I had a close female friend once encourage me to date her ex. I went out with him once, but felt completely uncomfortable with the situation, despite the fact that she was so ultra cool with it. He was also one of the great loves of her life, and while she was fine with it initially, I didn't want to risk our friendship if things turned serious later, and she started to feel awkward about it.

My rule has always been to stay away from men that my friends have had relationships with, unless it was just casual dating... in which case I'd ask first, just to make sure.

I have, however, hooked up with an ex's close friend.... partly due to attraction, and partly because I knew it would upset my ex (who deserved to be made as upset as possible based on how our relationship ended).

The answer to every question for me in my life ....



Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Alissa
It's only ok if you don't get caught. I did it and it ruined both relaionships, especially when they got back together.

Not totally sure we agree with this statement. Had 2 instances where the truth hasnt been revealed but it has caused some tense moments.

Instance 1.
A soon to be, very sexy, ex sister in law and both of us, after she came back for drinks after a night out. Add wayne's cheeky comments on how sexy we look sat next to each other in very skimpy outfits to them drinks and hey presto, The rest was history for all 3 of us. Well i say history, it occured another 5 or 6 equally enjoyable times after that too. Yes it was wrong, well maybe it was. Yes, we enjoyed every moment knowing it may be wrong. Until, said sister in law and brother announced they were to get back together and try again. We all made a promise to never say a word but even though it stays a secret, it also makes any get togethers a little tense for us, well myself more so than wayne. It also makes anytime my brother comes round very hard to as there's always a slight hint of guilt and what if, what if he ever found out...This to us makes it worse than being found out because this will be with us all the time now, as it rightly should. Karma some would

Instance 2.
Wayne says not being found out makes him feel low, not really a proper friend and week after he acted as a shoulder to cry on but ended up sleeping with his best mates ex one night. He says a true friend would put a best friend before his ex, who cheated on him but got found out and dumped. Instead, wayne tried to be friend's to them both taking no sides as he'd known both for many a year. He as always felt weak and low because he has never been able to tell him what happened. Again, he knows he shouldnt of done what he did but says certain circumstances and moments of madness contribute to what happens. Wishing he hadnt done it doesnt make it any easier, so he says that never do it. Its not worth it either way. Friends are friends. Dont risk that friendship for what maybe just 1 night.

Me, well i say how can we judge or say anything when we have a couple of friends, who are female who join us now and again for our own style of fun to make the number up to 3. I think you get what i mean.

Just our two pence worths like, not judging, slating or pulling anyone down who does do the ex thing...:)
And somewhere, between when you said “I would never leave you”....And when you said “I can’t stay here anymore”....My heart got caught in the crossfire of all your words....
Active Ink Slinger
No way. My sex life is to complicated already. I totally don't need that shit.
Just because I know there is this whole 'girl code' thing going on with this, I wont do it. BUT, personally, just because my love with this person didn't work out, doesn't mean I don't want them to find other love.

Maybe they were meant to be, I don't ever want to be the cause of two soulmates not finding each other because I was too petty to get over myself.
Internet Philosopher
If a friend has an issue with my being happy, I would be forced to reconsider the value of that friendship. Whom I date matters only to who is dating me.
No, I wouldn't date a friend's ex. Sisters before misters and all that.

I'm not sure I'd want a friend dating an ex of mine either. I might start to wonder if they'd had something going on during the time we were together. It's best to just stay away from that issue all together, I think.
Rookie Scribe
Depends on why they broke up in the first place... If he was the cause of the break up, then he's not worth it, but as the saying goes... "One womans trash, is another womans treasure"

My best friend had been seeing a guy for almost a month (long time for her) I told her I wouldn't mind bedding him myself so she brought him round to my flat one Saturday night and we had a threesome. It was lovely for all of us.

She carried on seeing him for a further six weeks until she got tired of his possessive attitudes. l.

I then had sex with him myself on a few occasions .... I told my friend about it and she wasn't in the least bit bothered. We're still the best of friends and occasionally still have girly sex together.
No never ever will across that line..
Not until she is with someone else and he has been with someone else.