Is it a big deal taking a guy's virginity? This will probably come down to personal preference but I thought it be cool to get the opinions of the lush faithful
Not to me. He'll have plenty. Odds are, I was a first a few times and didn't know it. Guys don't parade it like some girls do.
I would think that that the first would be import for a young man. But as the numbers build up of events it becomes less and less important.
But at this point being a man first is very low on my list of things I look forward to. Sisters please train him to pleasure a woman and then send him my way
It probably depends on the situation. If you're both teens (legal age of consent teens) then it'll have a certain importance.
If he's saved himself for marriage, and you're his first, on his wedding night, at the age of 35.... yeah, it'll be a huge deal to him.
If he's awkward or shy or otherwise unlikely to easily get laid... and he's had years of failed attempts to get laid... it'll be a big deal to him.
If you're his first and he doesn't get laid again for 5 years.. it'll be a big deal.. for at least those 5 years.
If he's in his first year of college and away from home for the first time and you're his first... but he gets a different lay 2 weeks later... then it probably won't be a big deal to that guy
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates It depends on too many details...
For us gals, we take it that guys would rather pride themselves as being our first instead of which gal was their first.
But some years ago, as my Hubby pointed out, things changed when MILFS became popular and us older gals became many guys first.
I like the thought of being remembered as someone's first love but hopefully as Nympholes pointed out, I gave the guy a great start!
I believe that everyone will remember their first lover no matter if it was a good or bad experience!
For the guys it was when I let them have their first time with me. I wouldn't say its is earth shattering for me as they generally came too fast for me to enjoy it.
I have never refused a guy who asked to have his first with me and I would say many would still remember the time I gave them. I always tried to make it memorable for them. That brings back some very old memories.
It's a big deal to the guy, so for that reason, it's a big deal to me. I love taking a boy's virginity, because of his sheer excitement, the way he looks at me, and the fact that his heart is usually beating out of his chest. Even if he doesn't last very long the first time, he's back up in 15 minutes, and it's fun teaching them.