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Is being a prostitute a fantasy for many women?

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Quote by PersonalAssistant

hahaha .... I believe you didn't understand my post. I wonder if I should explain my post .... nah ....

good luck!! that snarkiness a taste from the original blend or is it just re-constituted bitchiness.

Naw...nothing original about it.
Active Ink Slinger
a stripper is probably more likely, at least for me - you can see but not touch unless the girl really wants you to - i think that makes it more erotic for us being a tease and building up the lust and passion
Rookie Scribe
My husband of a dozen years had moved out with some young piece of fluff and I slowly got into dating when it looked like he wasn't coming back. It was a bad time for me and I wound up with a domineering SOB. One of his fantasies was pimping me out and I was in sorry enough shape to go along with it. It was all oral and it only happened a few times. Did I like it? No. But did it later become a type of fantasy? Yes, it did, although an unhealthy one. I stay away from it.
Nope - I've always preferred I choose my partners. Sex on demand is a turn off, and so is the variety of guys who need it to that extent.

The handsome John trope that's sexy and rich is something found only in movies. Real life guys who engage in said practice are more likely to be unsatisfied husbands and lonely old men. Spread my lega for just anyone because they want me to? I don't think so.
It is for me...
I bet if you asked ANY of the real ladies of the night it wasn't THEIR fantasy either...

most of the time they are doing it to feed themselves their kids or their drug habit

now what part of that

I know lighten up nun...
No, thank you. I know a few escorts. I worry about them all the time. It's a scary lifestyle.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I have fantasized about it....I'm the sort of woman that gets turned on by anything that I really shouldn't do. To all my close lush friends out there you know this to be true. ;-)
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know that I would call it a fantasy exactly but it has crossed my mind. I have had sex with a lot of men and I really enjoy it. If I had been paid for all those times I would be a lot wealthier now. LOL

I have fantasized about being the plaything of a group of men. Presumably having been paid to service them. So in all honesty I would have to answer "Yes" to this one. I doubt the reality would be anything like the naive fantasy though.

Alison xxx
In the 1990s there was a movie, Indecent Proposal, in which Demi Moore plays the wife in a couple who place all their savings on a bet in Las Vegas to finance a house-related project and lose. Then the character played by Robert Redford offers them $1million for Demi, who I think was called Diana in the movie, to spent a night with him -- and they accept. Watching that was the first time I ever had the fantasy about being prostituted. A few years later I was in a British city and walked with my then-husband down a street from dinner one evening where young girls were hanging in doorways waiting to be picked up. I had never seen that face of prostitution before and was almost physically ill. The fantasy and the reality are two very different things.
Active Ink Slinger
I believe it is thought about by women....and fantasy for me, sure. I do not think I could really do it though.
I'm with Nyeave here. Only if certain appealing perimeters are defined and present.
No. Especially not since having watched a (now former) friend descend first into alcoholism, then prescription drug abuse, then prescription drug abuse along with methamphetamine and heroin use/abuse. She finally ended up scouring casinos for uncashed winning tickets (or pulls, or whatever they're called--never been in a casino), shoplifting anything she thought she could return to the store for cash, stealing from friends (including myself, thus the "former friend" comment), living with her boyfriend out of her truck...and then her boyfriend became her pimp, with her going up to rooms or out to cars or even just out into the parking lot to perform sexual acts in exchange for cash or drugs or both. The last her mother or I heard, she had been released from jail and skipped out on her court date (charged with prostitution and with being in possession) and honestly, her mother has resigned herself to eventually receiving a call from the coroner's office.

There is nothing sexy or appealing about the true life of a prostitute, and for me, nothing appealing about the fantasy version, either.
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Advanced Wordsmith
I think for me it is not a real fantasy. The actual life is pretty poor (unless you are one of the high class variety). However, there is an aspect that appeals. Losing control and doing as one is told in order to please. I find that important to me. It is why I like older guys. I am not looking for pain or S&M, but rather being directed.....does that make sense?

Advanced Wordsmith
Once I was out with some friends at a bar/club and this guy kept pestering me to talk and dance with him, while all I wanted was to hang out with my friends. After a while I told him, that my time will have to cost him. He quickly lost interest and left me alone the rest of the night. I've never done that before and ever again, but it was fun to make him think I was for hire (and clearly he couldn't afford me).

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Active Ink Slinger
I had a guy friend in college that asked me to pretend to be one. He had a friend coming to town that wanted to hire an escort for the night. He said he would tell his friend that he had taken care of paying me so I agreed. I had a fun night with the two of them. A month later he was feeling guilty and confessed that his friend had paid half. He handed me $250. I told him that was his friend's $250. I wanted to know where his $250 was. A week later when he handed me the rest of the money he asked if I wanted him to set me up with another paying gig. I said it was a fantasy that turned real but I didn't want to do it again.

I did it one other time to pay off a bet. I had to earn $100 to give her. That was nasty.
Active Ink Slinger
I had a one night stand a few years ago. It was the last night at a conference we were attending. The next morning I found $200 tucked into my shoe after he had departed. I had not sought, asked for, or considered I would be paid for what I enjoyed. I was as keen to go to bed with him as he was with me. I admit to feeling a little depressed because I considered I had been used, and I had been more than willing to enjoy the evening that way. Believe it or not I donated it to my favourite charity.
Yes at one stage early in my career, I did consider rather than fantasised about becoming a call girl, but not a prostitute - in my industry there is a difference. The opportunity existed , I considered it, but I declined without undertaking any work experience.

Now I could not, or would not, sell my body for sex.
Rainbow Warrior
I highly doubt it. Its never been for me, even when a lucrative arrangement was offered to me. When I was working in politics, one of my previous employers tried to get me to have sex with wealthy donors to solicit big contributions to the Party, but I refused. Just out of curiosity, I once agreed to an arrangement where I paid off a large debt with my body, but only because I was attracted to the 3 men who offered the proposition to me. Having tried it, I've never had sex for money again, nor wanted to.
A prostitute only in the sense of being a high class 'escort'. To be exclusive with some very rich, suave distinguished gentleman, yeah I fantasized about that. But I would call the shots as to who I would be with. I must say, maybe some women too. ahhhh... there is that damn curiosity factor coming out again.wHANLfU291fxRLe0
Mine......... Yessssssssss
It was never a fantasy of mine until a guy was fucking me one day and said that he'd pay me if it was necessary. The next time we got together we role played me being a prostitute and it really got me going. I have a lot of dreams about it and it helps get me off sometimes.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, and frequently. Recurring fantasies are being paid to be with a birthday boy then being gang banged by him and his friends, and a paid escort for two or three businessmen on a trip abroad.
Active Ink Slinger
It's a Definite yes for me.
HELL no. I find it interesting that a couple of ladies posting on this thread have indicated they have fantasized about being a "call girl" or a "escort", not a prostitute. Come on ladies... If you have sex for money, you are a prostitute. Whether it's with a rich man or a poor man. A prostitute is a prostitute. I don't have a problem if they want to be a hooker, but it is what it is, why try to call it something else?
Active Ink Slinger
Not really, no
I admit to having been a little slutty in college, but that Idea never crossed my mind
Active Ink Slinger
Nice post Trinket! Well, what about taking another angle. I am not saying I share this view, but worth a thought?
I lived in a pretty affluent environment for many years. Ever so often I overhead women talking: Man / husband has to provide this and this on a pretty luxury/pricy level: housing, car(s), handbags, jewelry... The additional comments like "else I might loose interest / mood..." came with a laughter but big is the grain of truth here?
And I have been told straight into the face "You must be able to AFFORD(!!!) me"...
Where is the line between girlfriend / wife expecting huge financial donations and other forms of prostitution?
Active Ink Slinger
Nope not at all. Maybe if they ever invented a magical pill to do away with all diseases. Whats the point in having all that sex if it has to be with a condom.
Quote by elicia that snarkiness a taste from the original blend or is it just re-constituted bitchiness.

Naw...nothing original about it.

LOL - the idea is fun if the guys are attractive, clean, fun, wealthy, polite.

But I've see Johns - and they often are none of the above. Average High-Dollar Lady of the Night Appeal? High. Average Street Tramp Appeal? Not a drop.
Hell NO!!!!!