Hmm if that man was MY man, then YES!
no. I'd suddenly be creeped out. Like, that's all he said? "Let's fuck" in a furtive, whispered tone? I'd be reaching for my pepper spray, just in case.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
No. I'd give him a swift kick in the nuts.
░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
I think I might have sent him the wrong signals! ;)
If I fancied him then possibly
Not really my style.
But I know men and women who have demanded it, and its been just their thing - same wavelength.
If I knew or guessed the woman's style, and the mood/conditions were good, I might try it!
baby sasquatch jumbo dog face in the banana field?
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
I would have to consider the circumstances but if I was crazy horny - Absolutely.
If it was a complete stranger, even I would run. But if it is someone that I know in addition to being attractive, I probably would. Oh hell you know I have!
If he was a total stranger, Id kick him in the stones, take his wallet and buy a round for the bar!!!
Hmmm if it was the man I'm thinking about...then possibly.... but I think I would have to consider everything first.
But then again if he had to growl kinkily into my ear and then say "Let's fuck" whilst biting me ear... It'd said me over the edge and I would do so, and very well might I add! ;)
Think it depends on sexual pleasures! :L haahha
If a *woman* whispered that i would, yes. I'd go down on her in a phone booth.
if a man whispered that in my ear I would be high tailing it in the opposite direction!
standard responce "not tonight josephine"
A lot if's here first thought would be "Dont you ever talk to me like that" und would call him a pig .....or something other then a man. If it was my husband .......OOOOOOOOO hell yes i dont like thought of some one walking up and saying lets fuck, even my husband .....i dont want to hear that from any one ,, I to be made love too.... and the lets fuck would never have to be said. Und yes not the most fathful mate that any of my relationships have ever had ...i still dont want to hear...........lets fuck...........
Theres one certain man from work that if he whispered lets fuck I surely would...
If i had complete attraction...then yeah, we would find a place and get after it. I've always had a fantasy of fucking a stranger, that would be my opportunity.
It takes a certain kind of guy to pull that one off with a total stranger
I've only met one who could
If i thought he was attractive, I would respond with when and where. I do not believe in missing the opportunity to experience a new fuck stick
If it was someone I wanted to fuck
Depends. For instance, if me and some guy were eye-fucking at a club and he came over and said that I'd be totally on board (if that's what I wanted), but if some random guy just came up to me and propositioned me like that I'd probably knee him in the groin.