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If a couple asked you into a threesome, would you do it?

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Quote by _divorced_slut
If there was Chemistry HELL YES !!!!!!

Ok im asking. Lets DO A THREESOME!!
yes i would as long as it was fff or more f's
It would depend on the couple but i probably would.
It would depend on who it was and how well I knew them.
Yes have done it since my divorce
If their were a connection between us ......
For those of you who have done it, how did you know the couple? Were they friends? If not, how did they meet you?
Already did it...but i knew her...
Yes for sure, but I only bottom, I would be a cuck, clean up all the cum, fluff him for her, take her strapon and his cock
I have had a lot of girly threesomes, foursomes and moresomes and a few FFM threesomes.

However for hetero couples, I have heard where a threesome has led to break ups.

It is fun but you have to consider the possible fall out.

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

I have recently met a couple online so MMF is being planned atm. First time for me but am excited!
I'd love to. Someone invite me, please!
If I was attracted to the couple, then yes, it would be so much fun smile
hell yeah i would
Depends on the couple but I would if it felt right and I knew they would be discreet.


Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Quote by Safire
yep, and no limitations smile
Mmmm...My type of Babe;)
Absolutely I wouldsmile
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Yes I would and have several times. They were all very fun and quite sexy.
Yes, without a doubt.
If the couple turns me on and I'm comfortable with them, yes. I've had many 3sums with couples in the past and I've enjoyed almost all of them. I love being with other women and if it turns the wife on to see me sucking her husband/boyfriend's cock and getting fucked by him, then that makes it even more special.
If I knew them well yes.
I guess so it might be very interesting for sure ......
about 90% sure I would