You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by sprite
quite honestly, no. hotness is hotness to me - i grew up in a black neighborhood, dated blacks, mexicans, slept with asians, had crushes on indian girls, there's no preference for me, i love people of all color.![]()
ps - if Jack is reading this, i just thought i'd toss this in: from my experience, Mexican men have small penises. The rest of you can ignore that remark![]()
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by summa
not having sex with someone you're attracted to because of their race is absolutely racist.
Quote by LittleBambi
I think it's fair to say that people are probably aware if their choice in sexual/romantic partners is down to racism.
I, to my knowledge, am not a racist...but I don't find black guys (amongst others) that attractive as a general rule. Most people have a 'type'... mine is tall, lightly tanned, soft brown eyed, that chiseled face.... basically, my 'type' is not 'black'. This said, I go to a land based college...and there are a lot of strapping, incredibly tall black guys on the sport course... my type could change. Just sayin'
Edit: please note the key phrase here is 'as a general rule'...there are exceptions, there have been exceptions, and there could well be more exceptions to come.
I don't consider myself at all racist because I am generally not attracted to black (etc) guys... in the same way that I don't consider myself 'hairist' because I don't go for blondes (this said my mister current is dark blonde...there's always exceptions to my rules).
Quote by LittleBambiyou're very close here. now consider the difference between "race" and things like hair color (hint: there isnt any difference except that hair color in white people is no longer seen as a racial divider. in 1900 a dark haired white person was considered to be a different race from a light-haired one). gender is actually different from race in a lot of important ways, for more information on that i suggest reading "whipping girl" by julia serano (its available on amazon, or check your local library. if you absolutely cant find a copy pm me and ill help you out).
One is not 'racist' because they are not attracted to a certain look. Some people aren't attracted to tall people, to short people, to people with small boobs, to people with extremely large boobs, to those with boyish figures, to those with curvaceous figures... pray tell, what are these people? Boobist, boyishist, curcaceousist? Hell, some people aren't attracted to males...some aren't attracted to females. I don't think I'm I? I'm beginning to double guess myself...I must be racist, sexist and hairist...or something.
See, that is why I pointed out the 'as a general rule' thing... it's not a statement, it's just when I walk into a room I'm not physically drawn to the 'black look'...this is a lot of words to say "im not racist but im not attracted to black people", and the qualifier you tack onto the end really makes me question why you bothered. see my earlier post for thoughts on this, since its basically the exact same thing you did in your last post.
This is my 'type' in a's just not black :
That's just what I'm attracted to at first I said, I'm also not attracted to blonde guys at a first glance...but there's exceptions to everything.
To truly be racist you need a reason to be so.... I just don't have one.I may be interpreting "reason" differently from the way you meant it, but you absolutely do have a reason, and it's given in the very next sentence of your post:
I was, admittedly, brought up in a white middle class area....
however I had the advantage over most here... I have close family members that are black (there's quite a few adoptions in my family). I see this as an 'advantage' because most people around here didn't have that kind of 'insight' into the fact that there's no logic behind racism...and thus I don't believe myself to be naively racist as so many in my area are.this is fundamentally the same argument as "but some of my best friends are black!" but taken to a new level.
I have a close friend that fits the bill I'm talking about above... can't stop spouting out the racist comments...being disgusted with herself that she drunkenly kissed a black guy last night... etc etc. This said, if you confront her about why she has something against other races she has literally no reason. Is she racist? Yes and no. I see it more as being uninformed. That's not an excuse for a friend, that's me pitying someone.your friend is absolutely racist. the fact that she is uninformed does not make her less racist, and if you are anti-racist you should educate her about this.
Please note, a lot of the above comments are so flippant and jokey because I see it as pretty pointless to get all serious on the subject of racism....everyone could go round in circles with this for years. It's one of those topics; everyone has different views.actually racism is a very serious issue and it deserves serious attention. the fact that the discussion is difficult to have and many people do not want to admit that they are being racist (consciously or no) and that people will cling to their privilege (and thus that the conversation can and will "go around in circles") make it more important to go into these things, not less. everyone does have different views, but different does not necessarily mean "valid" or "not racist".
The above are mine on my lack of attraction as a general rule to those of other races vs whether or not I'm racist.
Quote by Milik_The_Redfyi there is a thread for the same question in the ask guys forum at this address:
I know this is a ladies question but
Quote by LittleBambiFair enough. I think my points with regards to what you said being racist still stand. If you want to just post your opinions and leave, you are perfectly welcome to do so, but personally I would rather this thread be a discussion than a poll.
Writing a couple of paragraphs on one's opinion does not condemn them, I'm afraid. There is no 'argument' with regards to bringing up a valid point in your own life re the topic you are discussing (or, apparently, the claim I am defending myself against?!).
One is racist for not always being attracted to other're mistaking my point. I am not claiming that anyone must always be attracted to everyone of any particular race (to do so would be ludicrous). My claim is that to say that one is never attracted to an individual of a certain race is a racist statement, because there can be no criteria for disqualifying everyone of a given race other than the fact of their race.
and one is also racist for having black family members that one has no issues with re race or anything else? Man, I am just lostyou are not racist for having black family members (or friends or whatever). you made and are now defending a racist statement, and having black family members (or friends) does not excuse that.
Not wishing to get into a serious, heavy debate on a subject does not mean that a person is guilty of any offences around said subject.that is true. however i did want to defend my reasons for wanting to discuss this here and now, and your post made me feel like you were dismissing any discussion of racism as pointless, which it is not.
Subjects like racism bring out very strong opinions and many people, as you have just shown by launching snide (etc) comments at someone you have no experience with...and thus no knowledge of them or their experiences/values/views/beliefs, are unable to breathe, take a step back and talk in a calm manner about are correct that i have no experience with you, and that my statements are based solely on your posts in this thread. i do try to assume the best of people, which is why i am continuing to discuss with you in good faith. i make no claims to be calm about this subject, but i do not believe that being calm is necessary or even desirable in discussions of such emotionally charged issues as racism. i do, however, object to any attempts to silence me (or anyone else) who cares about this (or any) issue simply because they care.
It is true, this area is very white middle class... my aunt has not-so-fond memories of what it was like for her and my uncle, in particular, growing up here just some 30 odd years ago. Unfortunately for you, such scenarios are not (pardon the pun) so 'black and white'.....if your parents, siblings, others you know/live with are smokers this does not automatically mean you will be a smoker. It makes you more likely to be one, sure, but it does not mean you will be one. To say it is not so is just ridiculous.nevertheless, growing up white and middle class in the anglophone first world does predispose one to be racist. this is due to the culture and society in which we live. i would like to stress again that it is not the fault of the individual for being the product of such a system, it only becomes an issue when one is made aware of the racist culture and assumptions with which they have been raised. at that point we are presented with a choice: we may begin the (incredibly difficult and long-lasting) task of working to shed our ingrown racism and assumptions and work to become better people, or we may double down and work to reinforce and deny the existence of the structures of privilege that we exist within. i invite and encourage you to join me in the former.
Now, going back a few paces, there are other things that can determine what you are or are not attracted to both physically and personality wise. For instance, the first guy that made me feel 'special' (in every sense...yes, I am talking sexually here also) looked similar to the actor who's photo I posted above; this would be a pretty good indication as to why I am specifically attracted to those who look similar. Because I associate it with a good friend, a good relationship, a good set of sexual experiences and so on... with the few people of other races I have been with I simply haven't had such a good set of experiences... nothing to leave me wanting more. That, again, is a pretty good indication of why I may be attracted to the look that I am as opposed to the look that I am not. We do live in a kind of world, unfortunately, where things are pushed in our faces...take the skinny media hype thing... this doesn't mean that all men that are attracted to this physique are so because of the media or because their friends told them to be...and so on.why not? what other factor do you posit outside of socialization (i.e. the sum total of our experiences) to explain our preferences?
Unfortunately, there is never a way to know for sure what it is that will have had some impact on a person's subconscious and, because of this, it is completely out of line for a person to accuse anyone of anything.i fail to see how your conclusion here follows from your premise. the accusations of racism that i have leveled in this thread are not based on the state of peoples subconscious, but rather on the words that they have posted.
I have said all I wish to on the subject...I have no intention of going around for years on this. Please, rest assured, that I am not backing out of this because I fear I may have racist tendencies that are about to be exposed to the world of Lush.the thought never crossed my mind. you have been quite open about your racism in this thread.
You are, of course, entitled to your opinion of me or anyone else based on what we say in these forums....but that doesn't mean that it is acceptable to accuse people of anything you cannot be sure about.i am confused as to why you think im not sure about this. i believe that i have explained quite clearly why the statements that i called racist are, in fact, racist in this thread, where did you get the idea that i lacked certainty in this area?
Quote by summa
pretty much everyone is racist, yes, but that doesnt make it ok, that means stop it, dummy
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by LadyX
Summa, I agree with much of what you have to say, including that too much of racism is insidious and under-identified. However, I think you might be making a straw-man argument when it comes to non-attraction to certain races. I agree that anybody who makes a categorical dismissal of even the possibility of attraction to a specific race is, at least on some level, being racist. However, not one person here has done that.
Quote by LadyX
I prefer certain races over others.
And even if they did, maybe you feel you've done your part by calling them out, but that doesn't change who and what they're sexually attracted to.
Quote by spriteactually, yes it does, and saying "i have a fetish for asians" absolutely makes you racist. Not to mention that asian fetishism (at least when I've seen it, which is mostly in white middle-class american men) is often associated with other racist attitudes (typically that asian women are more submissive, docile, controllable than women of other races).
ok, wow. this has gotten interesting. i think Bambi's point is valid. most of us have a certain type of guy or girl that excites us visually. come one, look at all the sites or even threads here for hot redheads, blondes, black girls, latino girls, asian girls... so, if someone has a fetish for asian girls/guys, that means they are racist? sorry, that doesn't cut it.
now, if someones says i won't date black dudes, that's one thing, but if someone says, i find indian men HOT and if i'm out scoping out guys, and there's a hot looking indian dude next to a hot looking black dude, i'm going to be undressing the indian dude with my eyes, not the black guy. nothing wrong with you understand the difference between saying "i find this man hotter than that one" and "i find this man hot because he is an indian, and i like indian men, and he is therefore hotter than this black man"?
we are attracted to who we are attracted to - that doesn't mean Bambi might not find a black man who just sweeps her off her feet and end up falling in love with him, it just means that's not the guy she's fantasizing about when she turns off the lights - nothing wrong with that.
Quote by LittleBambi
I don't find black guys (amongst others) that attractive as a general rule.
for the record, i am very sensitive about racism, but Bambi's post didn't even registrar as such. sometimes we are looking way too hard fo things to get upset about, you know?i did not come into this thread looking for things to get upset about. if you did not notice the racism in the posts in this thread, i suggest that you are not nearly as sensitive as you think you are, and i would like to remind you (and everyone) that being aware of racism to some degree does not mean that we are always the ultimate arbiter of what is or isnt racist. everyone has blind spots, everyone is going to miss things, and at some point in their life, everyone will be confronted by someone who recognizes racist behavior where they dont. it is how we respond to these situations that define whether or not we are committed to anti-racism, and i invite all of you to learn and grow, as i try to do in my own life.![]()