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I feel like getting a bit racial.

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Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by summa
i did not come into this thread looking for things to get upset about. if you did not notice the racism in the posts in this thread, i suggest that you are not nearly as sensitive as you think you are, and i would like to remind you (and everyone) that being aware of racism to some degree does not mean that we are always the ultimate arbiter of what is or isnt racist. everyone has blind spots, everyone is going to miss things, and at some point in their life, everyone will be confronted by someone who recognizes racist behavior where they dont. it is how we respond to these situations that define whether or not we are committed to anti-racism, and i invite all of you to learn and grow, as i try to do in my own life.

ok, i am going with sort of the view that, by racism, we are talking the negative aspects, the bigotry, the hatred, all that nasty stuff that i have experienced first hand from several perspectives growing up in a predominately black neighborhood - i have experienced it as a minority, and as a white girl looking seeing how the real minorities around me were treated. i think i have a good idea of what racism is. now, if you look in the dictionary...

1. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as...
2. Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.

now, if you're going for the 'that you even recognize someone is a different color then you is racism' argument, then yeah, we are all racists - when i see a black man, i identify him as such - that said, i don't tack on characteristics to him because of his color, i simply identify him as black - now, i might use adjectives, like hot black man, tall black man, fat black man, just as i would expect someone seeing me to describe me as short white girl, blonde white girl, green eyed white girl. nothing wrong with that - now, if they's made an assumption about me because of my color, like unemployed uneducated white trash, then yeah, THAT is racism.

sorry, you're trying to hard here. either that, or i'm a racist. and no, i won't to around making statements that i have black friends, gay friends, asian friends, etc, cause it's beneath me - that said, my friends are my friends because of who they are, not what color they are. i am very certain that i am NOT a racist and i really don't need to be educated on the subject - been there, done that just - it's called life experience. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by summa
attraction isn't a matter of choice, but if you can categorically declare (for example) "I'm not attracted to black people", chances are you're racist. Someone who's not racist and just coincidentally never met or seen somebody of a given race that they're attracted to (let me stress how unlikely this is in this day and age, when we all get to see media images of people from almost all races pretty much constantly) wouldn't think to declare themself unattracted to the entire race, because that's a racist way to think.

Just because someone isn't attracted to a certain race doesn't make them racist, it's just their taste in men or women. My 2 best friends are haitian and they are attracted to white guys and white girls. They aren't racist, because if they were they wouldn't be friends with a lot of the people that they are friends with.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by terry20069
Ladies, do you prefer to fuck a person of a specific race? Which and why?

No. I have seen and been attracted to men of all races. It is their individual features, facial, body shape, height, eyes, butt, butt and did I say butt, muscular build and then also very important, personality that decide their attractiveness. I do have a favorite facial shape that appeals to me the most and I have seen that shape on men of all races. We all have the same common ancestor. What about 25,000 years ago? Genetic Eve.
Quote by LadyX
Summa, you drew the racism line at categorical rejection of a certain race. I indicated preference. Are you changing your position?
I'm suggesting that saying "I prefer certain races over others" is racist, yes. I'm not particularly interested in setting myself up as the end-all arbiter of what is or isn't racist, for that purpose i suggest

Quote by sprite
i think i have a good idea of what racism is. now, if you look in the dictionary...

1. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as...
2. Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.

I don't like going to dictionary definitions in discussions like these, since they are inherently totalizing and reductive (as they must be). The purpose of a dictionary is to quickly and simply introduce people who are totally unfamiliar with the meaning of a word to its basic usage such that they can participate in elementary dialogue. No dictionary can reasonably claim to have complete definitions, especially in cases like these. Entire books (libraries full of them) have been written on what racism is and what is to be done about it, it is an immensely complex topic, and appealing to a dictionary as if that simply closes the matter is ignorant at best and an argument in bad faith at worst. Nevertheless, in this case the usage I'm talking about in this thread fits both parts of this definition. first, it assumes that "race" as it is commonly understood, implies distinguishing characteristics (which is necessary to indicate preference) and then uses that distinction as a basis for prejudice.

now, if you're going for the 'that you even recognize someone is a different color then you is racism' argument, then yeah, we are all racists - when i see a black man, i identify him as such - that said, i don't tack on characteristics to him because of his color, i simply identify him as black - now, i might use adjectives, like hot black man, tall black man, fat black man, just as i would expect someone seeing me to describe me as short white girl, blonde white girl, green eyed white girl. nothing wrong with that - now, if they's made an assumption about me because of my color, like unemployed uneducated white trash, then yeah, THAT is racism.

this paragraph is a misrepresentation of my argument. I do not expect people to "not see race" (in fact, claiming to not see race denies the continued existence of racist institutions in modern society, and thus removes the ability to fight back against them). Really though, this gets into the issue of what race is, and that's a much more complex question than I'm prepared to get into here.

sorry, you're trying to hard here. either that, or i'm a racist. and no, i won't to around making statements that i have black friends, gay friends, asian friends, etc, cause it's beneath me - that said, my friends are my friends because of who they are, not what color they are. i am very certain that i am NOT a racist and i really don't need to be educated on the subject - been there, done that just - it's called life experience. smile

I'm sorry, but the certainty that you are not a racist, combined with the idea that you have already had all the education you need on racial issues, indicates that you are almost certainly a racist.

Fighting racism (especially that which we have internalized and which we don't notice) is a lifelong task. We will never be done, we can never relax our vigilance or assume that we are now free from racial prejudice.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by summa

I'm sorry, but the certainty that you are not a racist, combined with the idea that you have already had all the education you need on racial issues, indicates that you are almost certainly a racist.

Fighting racism (especially that which we have internalized and which we don't notice) is a lifelong task. We will never be done, we can never relax our vigilance or assume that we are now free from racial prejudice.

ok, so, based on my interaction on this thread, you feel you have the right to brand me a racist? ok, cool. so be it, not really going to try to change you mind. i know better, my friends know better, that's really all that matters to me. must be nice to be able to accuse someone of something as reprehensible as racism with such certainty. obviously, i'm a racist. dammit, Lady X, it was nice being your friend while it lasted! hasta la vista, baby!

oh, crap... going to have to break up with my wife now, too... fuck... gotta go give her the bad news...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
ok, so, based on my interaction on this thread, you feel you have the right to brand me a racist? ok, cool. so be it, not really going to try to change you mind. i know better, my friends know better, that's really all that matters to me. must be nice to be able to accuse someone of something as reprehensible as racism with such certainty. obviously, i'm a racist. dammit, Lady X, it was nice being your friend while it lasted! hasta la vista, baby!

oh, crap... going to have to break up with my wife now, too... fuck... gotta go give her the bad news...

look i dont know if youve read my other posts in this thread, but i think that the attitude that being accused of being a racist is the worst thing that you can be accused of is toxic and unhelpful. As I've said several times, I believe that pretty much everyone (myself included) has unexamined racist attitudes and opinions, as an inevitable result of the society that we live in. What I find reprehensible is that, when confronted with this fact, we do not take the opportunity to grow and become better people, but instead double down on our racist opinions through specious arguments and meaningless sniping.

I'll quote the most relevant post for you:
Quote by summa
pretty much everyone is racist, yes, but that doesnt make it ok, that means stop it, dummy

to answer the point you raise though, I do believe that you are racist in at least some way based on what you posted in this thread, because the things you posted in this thread are racist. i already pointed out the specifics and the reasons why in the other posts ive made in this thread, and i invite you to carefully read them if you wish to understand why i made that accusation (which, i agree, is not to be made lightly).

I do not judge the rest of your life or interactions, I don't know you, your friends, or your spouse. remember, not every racist is a card-carrying kkk member white supremacist with 1488 tattooed on their forehead. in fact, most aren't, and i would guess that the majority of them do not believe themselves to be racist and would take offense at the suggestion. that does not mean that they are not racist, only that their self-image as a not-racist is more important to them than actually not being racist.

I do suspect that, for anyone who posts in this thread, this is not their only unexamined racism, and I encourage you (along with me and everyone else) to address this, and to try and become better, less racist, people.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by summa
but i think that the attitude that being accused of being a racist is the worst thing that you can be accused of is toxic and unhelpful.

Why? personally, i have huge issues with racism, bigotry, homophobia, and their ilk. in my book, being accused of such is, quite frankly, offensive. perhaps it is unhelpful, but if you'd accused me of being a homophobe, should i also have sat back and said 'yeah, you know? you're right, i'll re-examine my views and work on that. see, my point was, you don't know me - you say i should work on becoming less racist, on stamping out racism where ever it exists. how do you know i am not already on that path? you're painting some pretty broad strokes here and people tend not to fit neatly into catagories. 'racist' is a dirty word to some people.

i am just saying that you might want to re-think about how casually you throw it around - it's insulting, ugly, and polarizing. if that's your intent, fine, but i have found that most people tend to put up walls when they are branded as such, and i think that you're not servicing your argument by turning people off to the messenger, if not the message.

is there a small seed of racism inside of everyone? perhaps. that said, calling some one who doesn't act upon that seed, who doesn't let it color their thoughts or actions or beliefs, a racist, seems rather ungenerous and, quite frankly, rather rude. there are better ways to get people to examine what's inside of themselves then what has amounted to accusations, no matter how gently they've been administered.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
Why? personally, i have huge issues with racism, bigotry, homophobia, and their ilk. in my book, being accused of such is, quite frankly, offensive.

its toxic because that means that when I point out that people are being racist, instead of saying "oh, am I? let me think about this, oh wait, yes, I am, sorry about that, in the future I will not do that racist thing or similar racist things anymore", they get defensive and, rather than fighting racism, turn to specious justifications of how the racist thing they did isnt really racist, because they would rather justify racism than admit to it.

perhaps it is unhelpful, but if you'd accused me of being a homophobe, should i also have sat back and said 'yeah, you know? you're right, i'll re-examine my views and work on that.


see, my point was, you don't know me - you say i should work on becoming less racist, on stamping out racism where ever it exists. how do you know i am not already on that path?

I don't know. I hope you already are on that path, but I feel that if you were, you would not object to your own problematic behaviors being called out. I pointed out the specific incidence of racism I saw in this thread, and I believe that someone who is dedicated to anti-racism will not object to having their own racism pointed out when it manifests, but will instead work to become less racist.

you're painting some pretty broad strokes here and people tend not to fit neatly into catagories. 'racist' is a dirty word to some people.

it absolutely should be. The important thing is that when we are called racist, we must work to be not-racist, instead of trying to justify the racism we have been called on.

i am just saying that you might want to re-think about how casually you throw it around - it's insulting, ugly, and polarizing. if that's your intent, fine, but i have found that most people tend to put up walls when they are branded as such, and i think that you're not servicing your argument by turning people off to the messenger, if not the message.

what should i do instead? how do i tell people to stop being racist without pointing out that they are, in fact, being racist?

is there a small seed of racism inside of everyone? perhaps. that said, calling some one who doesn't act upon that seed, who doesn't let it color their thoughts or actions or beliefs, a racist, seems rather ungenerous and, quite frankly, rather rude.

I don't believe this person exists, and I certainly haven't seen them arguing about it in this thread.

there are better ways to get people to examine what's inside of themselves then what has amounted to accusations, no matter how gently they've been administered.

If you'd like to suggest a better way to get people to stop being racist than pointing out that they're being racist and telling them to stop, I'd be happy to hear it.
Quote by nowheregirl
to be honest i prefer whites, or Asians.


I like women period. RACE does NOT matter.
Her Royal Spriteness
@ Summa - thing is, i'm still confused as to what statement i made that somehow defined me as a racist. i understand that i voiced my opinion on what i got out of Bambi's post, but i don't recall ever stating that was my belief - in fact, if you read my initial post, i distinctly voiced my opinion that, to me, the color of someone's skin makes absolutely no difference to me. That's what's got me scratching my head, quite honestly.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
@ Summa - thing is, i'm still confused as to what statement i made that somehow defined me as a racist. i understand that i voiced my opinion on what i got out of Bambi's post, but i don't recall ever stating that was my belief - in fact, if you read my initial post, i distinctly voiced my opinion that, to me, the color of someone's skin makes absolutely no difference to me. That's what's got me scratching my head, quite honestly.
imo, your first post in this thread isn't racist.

i've posted at length as to why what bambi posted is racist, and the posts you made that i took issue with are the ones where you said that she was right, and then the post where you said that you had already done all the learning you ever needed about racism, and couldn't possibly be racist.

e: this one:
Quote by sprite
i am very certain that i am NOT a racist and i really don't need to be educated on the subject - been there, done that just - it's called life experience. smile
Quote by LusciousLola
I can't figure out how to post this video, so follow this link:
hey i dont know the interview in question, but its quite obviously been taken out of context and the things he doesnt say here are actually quite important.

the interviewer flounders when freeman asks him when white history month is, and thats because the conceit inherent in the concept of black history month is that every other month is white history month. of course, its a much more nuanced situation than that, most of academia (and history's an academic field) in the us is eurocentric and racist (though some progress has certainly been made). regardless it's offtopic for this thread, but if you (or someone else) wants to make another thread to discuss the issue id be happy to participate.

what is important (and the main point that i disagree with this video on) is that not talking about racism will not make it go away, because racism is a real thing that has tangible effects on people. it is not simply an artifact of the discourse surrounding it, which is what the video tries to imply (though again, i suspect that is not morgan freeman's message, though not having seen the uncut interview i cant be sure).
Artistic Tart
I'll again suggest that we stay closer to the original question and not go down the path of determining who among us are racists according to our own personal thoughts on the matter. We all have our own opinions of what constitutes racism, calibrated based on our own sensitivities and experiences; there's no single right answer but lots of potential overreactions.

I agree that a subject like this is chock full of hot-button landmines, and that race is a subject that should absolutely not be treated like a bygone subject, but this thread is about preferences, not race and sexuality as a subject of controversy. I suggest the Think Tank section if anyone wishes to delve further into a subject such as the one discussed over the last 20 or so posts.
Advanced Wordsmith
Nope, all I see is man or woman. But I've noticed Indian girls are a bit more...kinky. HUGE turn on.

Although, I just melt for a hot white boy with short, shaggy brown hair, bright green eyes, and a lovely Irish accent.


Garrett Hedlund, Ian Somerhalder, Jennifer Morrison, and Olivia Wilde
Don't know if this qualifies as racist but middle-eastern womn have long large clits and full meaty lips
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Footsiebabe
Don't know if this qualifies as racist but middle-eastern womn have long large clits and full meaty lips

No way!, give me a nice North European pussy or shemale cock any day
Oh wow... I really can't believe that people feel they have the right to go around calling anyone racist in a forum such as this. 'You have been quite open about your racism in this thread' ....I just....I don't even have words. Overnight I find out I'm a racist, that everything I've ever said or done on the subject has been a total lie... I mean shit man.

The best part for me, here, is that upon reading back over what has been said since I left for my cosy bed last night is summa's comment about (I don't have the energy to trawl back through some of the.... well, I won't go into that ...that's been posted above, so a rough quotation will do) how saying you never find any individual within a race (or races) attractive. This is why, in my initial post, I made it clear that this is not the case. If you don't know what the phrase 'as a general rule' means...feel free to look it up.

I agree with Sprite here, some people look too hard to find the likes of racism in situations and people, there is nothing wrong with using someone's race to describe, or talk about, someone provided you are not using it offensively. 'Look at that beautiful Indian woman', a lot of people use their race to describe themselves as it is...I've yet to meet anyone who has said, or behaved in a manner that would indicate thus, that they have a dislike of this.

My apologies Lady X, dragging it back round from this lovely discussion..

Back to the original post, the OP's question, do I 'prefer to fuck someone of a specific race'? I almost can't really answer this as sex is different to first glance attraction... when I first see, say, 5 guys in a bar....I have literally no way of knowing which one is going to be the one I'll prefer to have sex with. I will however know which one I'm physically attracted to first....this however may change when they start talking to me as often, as we all know, personality has one of the biggest influences on attraction.

If not always being attracted to a man of a specific race at first glance makes me racist in the likes of summa's books then so be it.

This racist is signing out.

I'm going to pass on the racism discussion in this thread.

OP: I have no qualms with any race in terms of sexual preference. I like women and men of any race as long as I have a certain chemistry with them. Sexuality to me is not about the color of a person's skin but it is what's in the inside of said skin.

That is all...
Active Ink Slinger
Wow. This is crazy. I've read this thread and I haven't seen Bambi or Spirte, the two "racists" in question, say ANYthing racist. Not at all. In fact, I find that anyone who sees such blatant racism in such innocent and non-offensive things to be the true racist. That word is a heavy word and should only be used when necessary. Categorically calling a person a racist is a coward's way of invalidating their arguement. It's the whole, "if you see any differences at all between races/cultures" then you must be a racist. Bullshit. People are different. One isn't any better than the other.

The fact that the OP is black and commented that Sprite's first reply was "kickass" destroys the notion that she's racist. Either that or he must be an Uncle Tom. And no Terry, I don't think you are. Also, later in the thread ThunderQueen states that she prefers white men. She doesn't say she'd only fuck white guys. Jsut prefers them. People are attracted to whatever rocks their boat.

Summa, I don't know you. Just as you don't know anyone here. But I think you're seeing something that isn't there.

As for me, I have a thing for "Asian chicks". lol I lost my virginity to an Asian girl and I've been trying hard to get another certain one to give it up but she's playing hard to get. LOL Seriously. I have no issues with dating or being with someone of another race. Dated an Asian girl and went on a few dates with a black girl as well. The color of her skin had no bearing in anyway on why we got together or why we split apart.

Let's not dilute the terms "racist/racism" on the unimportant things such as whether or not someone is attracted to one race versus another. True racism is ignorant, hideous, and hateful and should be used to describe people and actions, both overt and covert, that actualy are racist. "

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates

Welcome back we have been awaiting your return.

I find it very interesting how you have taken the topic on sexual preferences and turned it into a question of being racist. People were posting on who they would be attracted to, then you have completely de-railed this thread.

Another thing that I find funny is that you say in your profile you are Canadian but you have posted on this thread and identified that you are American....are you trying to hide something?

Well you sure have ruffled some feathers here and the fact that you have attacked a few good friends of mine here is not cool.
Good luck in the forums we all are a pretty tight bunch and look out for each other. After this thread you will have peaked a lot of peoples interest in what you post here. Again welcome back.
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Active Ink Slinger
just love multiracial group sex.
Trying to sound cool. Too much work left.
Her Royal Spriteness
after lots of careful consideration, i have decided that yes, i AM a racist. i plan on devoting my day to removing anyone from my friends list not of Norwegian descent. also, i have given my wife a 3 day notice that she needs to vacate and find herself a new girlfriend. we have two cats, one who is orange, and one who is brown. guess which one is going to the pound today. yep, you guessed it, brown kitty. thank you for opening my eyes.

btw, if you think by this post i don't take racism seriously, Summa, you are sadly mistaken. i think the issue here is that you are either a troll or sadly misguided. if you really want to fight racism, put your money where your mouth is - posting some snarky accusations on a thread at a sex site isn't going to do a damn thing, especially when the people you are trying to educate probably have a firmer grasp of the subject then you do and have seen the effects of real racism first hand.

and that, folks, is my last word on the subject.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by LadyX
Quote by ThunderQueen79

Love to see the contrast during sex.

Skin contrast has always been a huge turn-on for me. smile

I love seeing my peely-wally (look it up) Scottish arms against my girlfriend's chocolatey skin; so sexy.

P.S. Sorry if I accidentally poked the bear with my Avenue Q video; I just like musicals.
Quote by clum

I love seeing my peely-wally (look it up) Scottish arms against my girlfriend's chocolatey skin; so sexy.

P.S. Sorry if I accidentally poked the bear with my Avenue Q video; I just like musicals.

Peely wally... I love that saying...
Active Ink Slinger
How in the world can anyone conclude that Bambi or Sprite is a racist? Befuddles me. There is no evidence of that at all. Quite the contrary seems to be evident. More often than not the person screaming 'racist' is actually the real racist.
You are invited to read Passionate Danger, Part II, a story collaboration by Kim and ArtMan.

Quote by ArtMan
How in the world can anyone conclude that Bambi or Sprite is a racist? Befuddles me. There is no evidence of that at all. Quite the contrary seems to be evident. More often than not the person screaming 'racist' is actually the real racist.

It's okay, Sprite and I have been consoling ourselves in our racist ways.... I thought I might hold a racist tea party at mine tomorrow afternoon if anyone fellow 'racists' are interested?

Brb, off to shag a white guy. Too far? Dammit.
Active Ink Slinger
I am not afraid one bit to say I am a racist - if racist means preference.

I am racist against cock sizes - I prefer a medium thick one to a long thin one.

I am racist against brands - I prefer a certain brand, especially when it comes to food - fuck the tasteless noname shit LOL.

I am racist against erotic story sites - I don't even look at others. I don't even know if there are others.

I am racist against computers - I prefer my tablet over my PC. I also prefer Android over Apple.

Am I racist against skin color or race? or prefer one over the other? - Nah, it's all the same when the lights are turned off

So if you want to call me a racist - fine, go ahead
Artistic Tart
Quote by sprite
after lots of careful consideration, i have decided that yes, i AM a racist. i plan on devoting my day to removing anyone from my friends list not of Norwegian descent. also, i have given my wife a 3 day notice that she needs to vacate and find herself a new girlfriend. we have two cats, one who is orange, and one who is brown. guess which one is going to the pound today. yep, you guessed it, brown kitty. thank you for opening my eyes.

btw, if you think by this post i don't take racism seriously, Summa, you are sadly mistaken. i think the issue here is that you are either a troll or sadly misguided. if you really want to fight racism, put your money where your mouth is - posting some snarky accusations on a thread at a sex site isn't going to do a damn thing, especially when the people you are trying to educate probably have a firmer grasp of the subject then you do and have seen the effects of real racism first hand.

and that, folks, is my last word on the subject.

I couldn't have said it better myself, which is why I didn't attempt to. LOL

We're here for fun first, so let's act accordingly. There's a section here at Lush for the super-heavy subjects; let's put it to use if there's interest, otherwise: follow the last two posters' lead and smile people!
Gingerbread Lover
Blimey, I bet terry20069 wasn't expecting this when he decided to start his thread!

I just like blokes, really. I don't mind what shade they are - sexy is sexy.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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