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I am seriously struggling with my fidelity.

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My beautiful, gorgeous and ridiculously sexy wife has cancer, which has eliminated all of her sex drive. I love her more than anything in the world, but cannot seem to take the edge off anymore by "taking care of myself" (although Lush comes very close to helping). I am not looking for sympathy, but would be open to suggestions that can prolong my strength.

Has anyone been through this before? If so, how did you cope? She has mentioned me getting a girlfriend, but I am certain she would be crushed. Hurting her is not an option, for me. Please don't condemn me for asking these questions, as many online posters have a proclivity for. I play music as a side job and have had many, many opportunities over the years, but have never succumb to the temptation. So, my will is good, but I'm getting weak.

I'm not sure what I'm saying/asking...

Help me.
If you are certain that she would be crushed, then be a mensch, and find some sexier stories to read here... mine perhaps! True love is sacrifice. Sometimes less. Sometimes more.
Quote by BethanyFrasier
If you are certain that she would be crushed, then be a mensch, and find some sexier stories to read here... mine perhaps! True love is sacrifice. Sometimes less. Sometimes more.

It wouldn't be the first time I've read your stories, but I have yet to dig deep. Will do and thanks for commenting.
Quote by ZigDust
I know this is in Ask the Gals, however I couldn't help but respond. This sounds like a question for Dan Savage. He gets stuff like this all the time.

Check out his column....
And/or his podcast....

Consider emailing or calling in with your question. He might respond to you. Or you may find an answer to the same question in his archives.

Thanks. I will check it out.
I .. like many who have read yr post .. was just going to skip by without comment. It seems absurd that someone like myself should even comment let alone offer 'advice'.. and in fact I can't .. because what u choose to do is purely yr affair. It's between u and yr conscience ... and no one here ... given the fidelity surrounding yr situation... is anything but in awe of u.

As I grew up I became aware of a situation in my family concerning a favourite aunt and uncle. My aunt had been confined to a wheelchair for many years with all sexual activities long ceased. My uncle remained totally devoted to her although ... like u.. he is a handsome man, certainly not without sympathetic admirers. But as far as I could ever ascertain he never looked aside from her.

I found out recently that there were occasions when my uncle would take himself off and enjoy the company of working girls. Nothing was ever said about this that reached me and his devotion in all that time never seemed to waver.

No one here can offer u moral advice can they?

Practical advice might be discretion coupled with a separation of conscience.

Quote by hayley
I .. like many who have read yr post .. was just going to skip by without comment. It seems absurd that someone like myself should even comment let alone offer 'advice'.. and in fact I can't .. because what u choose to do is purely yr affair. It's between u and yr conscience ... and no one here ... given the fidelity surrounding yr situation... is anything but in awe of u.

Practical advice might be discretion coupled with a separation of conscience.

Hayley says it all really. My heart goes out to you in such an impossibly sad and difficult situation. I've had to deal with longish periods of enforced celibacy due to partners' ill health, but everyone's experience is different and there is no way that I would judge on your situation with your beloved wife.

I can only say that you are coping with admirable integrity and care for your wife. The stress of the situation and having no outlet must be beyond tough. As you say, getting a girlfriend as your wife suggested in passing, might hurt her dreadfully and seem like moving on, which is unthinkable under the circumstances. I can only send you my very best wishes as you cope with and juggle your set of circumstances and priorities to your own impeccable judgement.
Quote by BethanyFrasier
If you are certain that she would be crushed, then be a mensch, and find some sexier stories to read here... mine perhaps! True love is sacrifice. Sometimes less. Sometimes more.

I have to agree with Bethany...but of course, read her stories I don't have any smile Best wishes to you and ur wife!!! xx


(Actually, TURN IT AROUND... YOU are struggling WITH THE TERRIFYING FEAR OF DEATH and your WIFE says, "Yeah I know you're busy with your own deal but do you mind if I go get FUCKED in the meanwhile?")

Jesus LOVE your wife.


If I was holding my wife's hand while SHE WAS FUCKING DYING I think I'd have BIGGER concerns than my LIBIDO... ("MIND if I get a QUICK meaningless fuck while YOU die?")


You should HAVE SEEN the ORIGINAL post!

"In Sickness And In Health..."

Good GOD how HORRIBLE some people are!


(But I Call It As I See It...)
Stephen nailed it.

You took the vows, you stood before family and friends and whatever G-d you believe in, and you swore to love her, honour her, and support her, in sickness and in health. Now that the sickness part comes, you want to throw that all out the window? Seriously, have you no shame? Your wife is fighting an almost certainly futile battle against a disease which has as its only treatment something that is nearly as bad as the disease itself, and you want to run off and fuck a...I don't know, random woman, prostitute, whatever?

Man up and do what you vowed to do, and after your wife has either passed or survived, move on from there.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

There are so many pretty amazing sex toys for men out there. The Sybian company makes the Venus 2000 which is a very fun toy for men. It's a bit pricey after you get all the attachments and will Probably run you maybe a grand but it's very satisfying. I have a few friends who have had it.

Then for Maybe a 100.00 you can buy a fleshlight which is a pretty good toy for lesser money.

I know it's not the real thing but if you went this avenue you wouldn't have to upset your wife.

Hope that helps,
And now for the opinion that will probably get me stoned. forget the girlfriend. that means emotional involvement. that's just not right. get a hooker, instead. no emotional attachment. it's simply a business deal. you have sex once. you never see her again. you need that again, you find another hooker. it's only sex, after all. not sure what the big deal is about it.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Lavaman56
My beautiful, gorgeous and ridiculously sexy wife has cancer, which has eliminated all of her sex drive. I love her more than anything in the world, but cannot seem to take the edge off anymore by "taking care of myself" (although Lush comes very close to helping). I am not looking for sympathy, but would be open to suggestions that can prolong my strength.

Has anyone been through this before? If so, how did you cope? She has mentioned me getting a girlfriend, but I am certain she would be crushed. Hurting her is not an option, for me. Please don't condemn me for asking these questions, as many online posters have a proclivity for. I play music as a side job and have had many, many opportunities over the years, but have never succumb to the temptation. So, my will is good, but I'm getting weak.

I'm not sure what I'm saying/asking...

Help me.

Please don't read my stories.

Jerk off to other peoples stories and spend the time you would read mine looking after your wife.

Sorry, no sympathy for you here, its all for your wife.

But hey, if she is up for it I would not usually offer but I may well give her a little sum sum.

I realise its hard for you.

But if the rolls were reversed would it be ok for her to feel this way? Or should she forgo her sexual urges and just mop your brow as if you had man flu?

And yes I also disagree with Sprite..Which will likely get me stoned...But one thing that I have seen about you in all the time I have been here is your love for your wife...I don't see you doing what you just suggested the OP do.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Quote by Mysteria27
There are so many pretty amazing sex toys for men out there. The Sybian company makes the Venus 2000 which is a very fun toy for men. It's a bit pricey after you get all the attachments and will Probably run you maybe a grand but it's very satisfying. I have a few friends who have had it.

Then for Maybe a 100.00 you can buy a fleshlight which is a pretty good toy for lesser money.

I know it's not the real thing but if you went this avenue you wouldn't have to upset your wife.

Hope that helps,

You can get a vibrating cock ring for around a tenner at Anne Summers
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Well I guess I expected a little more reading comprehension from a site based on reading. Most of you got that, but clearly others struggled. I was not looking for sympathy (as I clearly stated), but more looking for ways to be stronger. With suggestions from people who might have been through it. My aim is to make her happy.

Thank you all for commenting, though. Even the harsh statements made me think.

For the record, I have been in open relationships before and if the roles were reversed, I wouldn't mind. However, my first priority is her happiness. Sorry if I didn't make that clear enough.
Quote by stephanie


(Actually, TURN IT AROUND... YOU are struggling WITH THE TERRIFYING FEAR OF DEATH and your WIFE says, "Yeah I know you're busy with your own deal but do you mind if I go get FUCKED in the meanwhile?")

Jesus LOVE your wife.


If I was holding my wife's hand while SHE WAS FUCKING DYING I think I'd have BIGGER concerns than my LIBIDO... ("MIND if I get a QUICK meaningless fuck while YOU die?")


You should HAVE SEEN the ORIGINAL post!

"In Sickness And In Health..."

Good GOD how HORRIBLE some people are!


(But I Call It As I See It...)

I never said she was dying (she is not), but I get your point.
Quote by Lavaman56

I never said she was dying (she is not), but I get your point.

A point admittedly which COULD have been phrased with more politeness... (Diplomacy isn't always my strong suit...)

xx SF
Hey. My boyfriend and I have been discussing the idea of polyamory over the past few months. Neither of us are willing to engage in it because we both fear hurting the other person. There's no way I can make him believe me, but I would truly feel happy for him if he was able to sexually connect with another person in a healthy way! I'd be ecstatic! I'd double-check with her. If you're absolutely certain it would crush her, read "The Ethical Slut" with her. It goes into the history, reasoning and ETHICS of polyamory. Great book, even for couples who aren't making that leap. I've heard "Love Without Limits" is also good polyamory literature but I've never read it myself.

Anyways, one main points of polyamory is skepticism regarding the idea that one person can satisfy all of another's sexual and romantic needs. Finding a way for your partner to understand that this idea is up for questioning might make her feel better about the position of your relationship, even if she isn't comfortable opening up the relationship to other partners for you.

If you know polyamory isn't an option, there are still ways to explore your sexuality on your own. Get a sex toy if you've never done that before. Use it in all the (safe) ways you can. Try a new technique such as edging (though I can't imagine anyone not trying this). Find other ways to use your time aside from masturbating for a whole month. I can guarantee from first-hand (pun totally intended) experience, after that month your appreciation for masturbation will multiply.
Echoing a lot already posted here - and frankly I have no perspective to give advice. I can't even put myself in your position though I was madly in love with my first lover who passed away very suddenly. I would however offer up an opinion and take it with an ocean full of salt. Be with her when she needs you the most and think what would you have liked if the situation was reversed. Lush is a great release - enjoy it and when you do find yourself available again, explore.
I know this is the girl's forum, and I'm sorry for intruding (but maybe this should have been posted in the more general relationship advice section, anyway).

I'm in something of a similar situation. My wife is not dying, doesn't have cancer, but she's never been very sexual because of childhood abuse by a family member. It's not her fault. Nor is it mine. It's just a shitty situation that is out of both our control. I don't try to pressure her to just 'get over it,' even though it happened years ago. That's not how these things work.

Being in a sexless marriage really sucks - something I think some of the harsher commenters may not understand. Just because your spouse has lost their sex-drive doesn't mean yours has dried up, too. You can begin to resent your partner, not just because they're not having sex with you, but they are preventing you from having any kind of sex. Of course, rationally, you know this is not something they've done deliberately, or that they have any control over. Then you start to think maybe you're an asshole for feeling this way, and something is wrong with you morally (certainly not helped by some of the comments here) because you can't manage to kill your instinctual drive for sex.

Let's be honest - it really isn't fair for you to have to give up your sexuality, to deny an essential part of yourself, because your partner has lost their drive for whatever reason. It's unfair, and a lot to ask for from a partner - whatever the circumstances. So let's acknowledge that even though your wife is struggling with her own issues - my guess is that she is also unhappy about the situation, probably feels a lot of guilt and shame herself, in addition to the medical problems - you yourself are making a large personal sacrifice to be with your wife. To be clear, this situation is also unfair to your wife. She didn't ask for it any more than you did. Compassion, empathy, understanding should go both ways in my opinion.

That said, yes, sacrifice and compromise are conditions of love. You have to put the relationship first. I can't speak for your particular situation, but I identify with you when you said you know an affair would be crushing to your wife, even if she gave you permission. To mine as well. And because I do love her, I refuse to do that to her. Instead, we talk about it. We acknowledge there's a problem, and we figure out ways to deal with it, while recognizing that it's not an ideal situation. For us, it means that I take care of my own needs, and she gives me privacy to do that. In return, I don't break her trust by engaging in sexual relationships, either real or virtual (to me, cyber-sex is the same as cheating, so I don't). Our marriage is worth that much to us, that we can compromise so that both of our needs are at least partly met instead of making it an all or nothing arrangement, where only one person is satisfied, and the other has to give in.

My advice, which I probably have no right to give, is to work on strengthening your non-sexual intimacy with your partner. If you're always focused on what you can't have, you'll fall into resentment. Instead, look at what's still good in your marriage (from the sounds of it, plenty). Secondly, give yourself some space to explore your own fantasies (I'm not advocating for cheating - but ultimately that's your choice to make). One thing that I've found helpful to me, is to write stories for this site. The act of writing has allowed me to look into some parts of my own sexuality, and really take time to fully 'flesh' them out (so to speak) in my imagination. Additionally, I've found that publishing these stories, and getting feedback from other users has been validating in a way that masturbating to porn is not. Knowing that other people have reacted to these stories, been turned on by them, and agree that what I find sexy is in fact sexy, has been helpful or therapeutic or something.

In any case, you shouldn't be made to feel ashamed that you have a sexual side that is going unfulfilled at home. Just find a way to cope with it that is not damaging to your partner or yourself, and be aware that other couples have experienced similar problems.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Cancer therapy is a real bitch. The treatments for most cancers amount to an attempt to kill the cancer without killing the patient. Radiation and chemo both have awful side effects (focused high intensity radiation methods like the cyberknife seem to have fewer side effects). It's an awful disease: I had to escort my mother through that journey. It sucked. You do it because it has to be done.

Being the support for the patient takes its toll, too. I couldn't find the resources to maintain my relationship with my S.O. and establish a new relationship.

I like Sprite's suggestion a lot: find a sex worker who can take care of your physical needs if you must. For your own emotional needs (and you do have them) lean on your family and friends. doG bless you both as you walk this path.
Quote by coranglais
Cancer therapy is a real bitch. The treatments for most cancers amount to an attempt to kill the cancer without killing the patient. Radiation and chemo both have awful side effects (focused high intensity radiation methods like the cyberknife seem to have fewer side effects). It's an awful disease: I had to escort my mother through that journey. It sucked. You do it because it has to be done.

Being the support for the patient takes its toll, too. I couldn't find the resources to maintain my relationship with my S.O. and establish a new relationship.

I like Sprite's suggestion a lot: find a sex worker who can take care of your physical needs if you must. For your own emotional needs (and you do have them) lean on your family and friends. doG bless you both as you walk this path.

Sane and realistic without being judgmental advice from two individuals I respect. (So too was KK's and those others who advised masturbation to stories, porn or... old pictures of your wife... you have memories... put them to good use.)
I thought it was brave of you to post something this personal in this particular forum. I hope the jokes didnt upset you.

Lavaman, I can't imagine what it must be like to watch your wife get sick. I would agree with Sprite about a hooker and/or Mysteria about sex toys. You're not going to make an emotional attachment with either of those choices and your wife wouldn't have to know about either of them. It's nobody elses business but your own what you do. If you go with the girlfriend Idea, personally I think it might make the whole thing even harder, you will have feelings of guilt on top of what you already feel.

Some people are going to say going to a Pro for sex is being unfaithful. Maybe it is, maybe it's not, but I've never seen a problem with it and I can see only good in having a few here and there around the community. IF you think paying a sex worker is going to be something that will make you feel guilty, I still think it's a better option than having a girlfriend.

Please remember if you do pay for sex, you HAVE to take precautions. It's a no brainer.

Whatever you decide, I hope it makes you happy. Good luck.
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
I know this is the girl's forum, and I'm sorry for intruding (but maybe this should have been posted in the more general relationship advice section, anyway).

I'm in something of a similar situation. My wife is not dying, doesn't have cancer, but she's never been very sexual because of childhood abuse by a family member. It's not her fault. Nor is it mine. It's just a shitty situation that is out of both our control. I don't try to pressure her to just 'get over it,' even though it happened years ago. That's not how these things work.

Being in a sexless marriage really sucks - something I think some of the harsher commenters may not understand. Just because your spouse has lost their sex-drive doesn't mean yours has dried up, too. You can begin to resent your partner, not just because they're not having sex with you, but they are preventing you from having any kind of sex. Of course, rationally, you know this is not something they've done deliberately, or that they have any control over. Then you start to think maybe you're an asshole for feeling this way, and something is wrong with you morally (certainly not helped by some of the comments here) because you can't manage to kill your instinctual drive for sex.

Let's be honest - it really isn't fair for you to have to give up your sexuality, to deny an essential part of yourself, because your partner has lost their drive for whatever reason. It's unfair, and a lot to ask for from a partner - whatever the circumstances. So let's acknowledge that even though your wife is struggling with her own issues - my guess is that she is also unhappy about the situation, probably feels a lot of guilt and shame herself, in addition to the medical problems - you yourself are making a large personal sacrifice to be with your wife. To be clear, this situation is also unfair to your wife. She didn't ask for it any more than you did. Compassion, empathy, understanding should go both ways in my opinion.

That said, yes, sacrifice and compromise are conditions of love. You have to put the relationship first. I can't speak for your particular situation, but I identify with you when you said you know an affair would be crushing to your wife, even if she gave you permission. To mine as well. And because I do love her, I refuse to do that to her. Instead, we talk about it. We acknowledge there's a problem, and we figure out ways to deal with it, while recognizing that it's not an ideal situation. For us, it means that I take care of my own needs, and she gives me privacy to do that. In return, I don't break her trust by engaging in sexual relationships, either real or virtual (to me, cyber-sex is the same as cheating, so I don't). Our marriage is worth that much to us, that we can compromise so that both of our needs are at least partly met instead of making it an all or nothing arrangement, where only one person is satisfied, and the other has to give in.

My advice, which I probably have no right to give, is to work on strengthening your non-sexual intimacy with your partner. If you're always focused on what you can't have, you'll fall into resentment. Instead, look at what's still good in your marriage (from the sounds of it, plenty). Secondly, give yourself some space to explore your own fantasies (I'm not advocating for cheating - but ultimately that's your choice to make). One thing that I've found helpful to me, is to write stories for this site. The act of writing has allowed me to look into some parts of my own sexuality, and really take time to fully 'flesh' them out (so to speak) in my imagination. Additionally, I've found that publishing these stories, and getting feedback from other users has been validating in a way that masturbating to porn is not. Knowing that other people have reacted to these stories, been turned on by them, and agree that what I find sexy is in fact sexy, has been helpful or therapeutic or something.

In any case, you shouldn't be made to feel ashamed that you have a sexual side that is going unfulfilled at home. Just find a way to cope with it that is not damaging to your partner or yourself, and be aware that other couples have experienced similar problems.

I'm not new to lush, but I am to posting in the forums. I didn't really know where to post, but you have touched on several things that have gone through my mind. Thank you for the understanding and the lack of shaming.

One thing in particular that I have often thought about, prior to this situation, is writing my own stories. You have given some good reasons to pursue that.
Quote by coranglais
Cancer therapy is a real bitch. The treatments for most cancers amount to an attempt to kill the cancer without killing the patient. Radiation and chemo both have awful side effects (focused high intensity radiation methods like the cyberknife seem to have fewer side effects). It's an awful disease: I had to escort my mother through that journey. It sucked. You do it because it has to be done.

Being the support for the patient takes its toll, too. I couldn't find the resources to maintain my relationship with my S.O. and establish a new relationship.

I like Sprite's suggestion a lot: find a sex worker who can take care of your physical needs if you must. For your own emotional needs (and you do have them) lean on your family and friends. doG bless you both as you walk this path.

I certainly agree with you about the resources to establish a new relationship. Time is my number one enemy right now. Even if that wasn't the case, I certainly wouldn't go that route.
Quote by trinket
I thought it was brave of you to post something this personal in this particular forum. I hope the jokes didnt upset you.

Lavaman, I can't imagine what it must be like to watch your wife get sick. I would agree with Sprite about a hooker and/or Mysteria about sex toys. You're not going to make an emotional attachment with either of those choices and your wife wouldn't have to know about either of them. It's nobody elses business but your own what you do. If you go with the girlfriend Idea, personally I think it might make the whole thing even harder, you will have feelings of guilt on top of what you already feel.

Some people are going to say going to a Pro for sex is being unfaithful. Maybe it is, maybe it's not, but I've never seen a problem with it and I can see only good in having a few here and there around the community. IF you think paying a sex worker is going to be something that will make you feel guilty, I still think it's a better option than having a girlfriend.

Please remember if you do pay for sex, you HAVE to take precautions. It's a no brainer.

Whatever you decide, I hope it makes you happy. Good luck.

I knew the risk for posting in an open forum might bring about some derision. However, I also was hoping to get some good advice from strangers that don't know me. I have certainly gotten that and I thank all of you for it.
Quote by stephanie


(Actually, TURN IT AROUND... YOU are struggling WITH THE TERRIFYING FEAR OF DEATH and your WIFE says, "Yeah I know you're busy with your own deal but do you mind if I go get FUCKED in the meanwhile?")

Jesus LOVE your wife.


If I was holding my wife's hand while SHE WAS FUCKING DYING I think I'd have BIGGER concerns than my LIBIDO... ("MIND if I get a QUICK meaningless fuck while YOU die?")


You should HAVE SEEN the ORIGINAL post!

"In Sickness And In Health..."

Good GOD how HORRIBLE some people are!


(But I Call It As I See It...)

I agree with this and yet at the same time I don't.

It can take a long time for someone to die, yes that is incredibly cruel, and the person doing the dying needs to have their partner there. If that person's "sanity" suffers from a lack of sex then they should solve that problem. In the same way when a family member of mine was also dying from cancer sometimes we would all go out for a meal and have a great time, she was still dying but life DOES go on.

I wouldn't tell the person though, if they recover then they don't need to know what has gone on and if they don't it won't help.
A quote from my husband on why he chooses the actions he chooses, "at the end of the day I have to be able to look in the mirror and see a man I respect".