I mean during one love making session. Use whatever sort of time frame you like; I'm just curious about how often a guy can orgasm for you during one 'episode'. Three times is the best for me and that was long ago.
My main man can go a couple times (he's 39). But I have FWB's who can go 4-5 times in one evening (they're considerably younger though).
Both my guys are capable of at least four over a period of a couple of hours when we are really in the mood. Probably a couple of times a month.
Orally as often as I want. Never counted them.
For me I like to get the first one out of the way. Way too hard trying not to cum. Then after that one I am raring to go for an hour. I miss the days of cumming and never getting soft until I was wiped out. (Usually after 2 1/2 hours)
My guy most of the time need to ejaculate 2 or mostly 3 times before he will lose his erection.
Then after some mutual Oral and some other game playing he will be ready again. Not three time, but ready.
He teases me about "Is there ever a time you do not want to Fuck?"
Even if there is I would never tell him.
Twice at night before I go to sleep and twice in the morning before work.
Two times so far, but I drain his balls with cums 1 & 2, not sure if he can give me a third ejaculation or not. Hmm, have to check that out! ;)
Usually once , twice if I'm lucky.
Always depends on the time frame. If there's time for 2, there will be 2. If time only permits 1, we live with that.
Three times is not unusual although twice is more common. Once we did it three times in the evening and again in the morning. In the end it's quality not quantity
Well believe it or not, I had Milik to come 5 times once right after another. Surprised the hell out of me, but what can I say, i have a talented tongue! ?