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How often do you masturbate? Vaginal or clitoral?

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Simple often do you play with your clit/pussy?
Not as often as I used to. When I lived alone, I'd rub my nub 2-3 times a day. Now, I get fucked so often, I don't need to masturbate as much.
Quote by BethanyFrasier
Not as often as I used to. When I lived alone, I'd rub my nub 2-3 times a day. Now, I get fucked so often, I don't need to masturbate as much.

This is an important question and yet you STILL didn't give us an answer or even a wild guess of current times.dTrLsaoz9lFrUDVh
I dont have a timetable - when I feel the need I do it. I would say a couple of times a week, most weeks.
Both get into play when I am hot.
Quote by Smoocher

This is an important question and yet you STILL didn't give us an answer or even a wild guess of current times.wPaG4QZGxXGQXuc4

2 times a day sometimes depends on my mood really
Whenever the need hits usually clit manipulation takes precedence
As often as I can at least once a day usually 2-3
On average 3.14 times per week
It depends. Sometimes a couple of times a day, sometimes more, sometimes I go days without touching myself because I'm not in the mood. I do clitoral much more often, or sometimes I combine the two, but I'm much more likely to cum from clitoral than vaginal.
4 to 5 times a week depends on my man
I enjoy me - time about 3 times a week, Mainly using my fingertips and I can cum when I stroke more of my outer lips and around the top of my clit.
If I do not have a man available, which I try to avoid as much as possible. Then sometime during most days, you will find taking care my personal needs.
lately very often.................................
Both, a lot, but i also love being denied the pleasure of self stimulation,,,
Daily, maybe more than once it all depends on my mood and the availability of my girlfriend.

Life is not a rehearsal!!
It can vary from just a few times a week to several times a day. There ae simiply too many factors to give an accurate answer. Most often I just use fingers around my clitoris. The other extreme is suing a vibe vaginally and another small one anally, however that is fairly rare and on times when I know I have considerable time available. No, I have never had dp other then my man vaginally and his fingers stimulating my anus.
Is not often enough a good answer
Couple of times a week
Is 3 or 4 times a day a lot?
At least once a day, at most three or four. But my sessions are often at least an hour long these days.
I have always touched my clitoris, and I have been teasing my vaginal opening as of late also. Always cum by clit though...ha, cum by clit sounds like a perfume or something (;

I masturbate 2-3 times a day. Usually in the morning, when I get home from work and before bed. I do this even if I have sex during the day and my masturbation isn't just clit or pussy. I also enjoy playing with my asshole.