Perhaps you have seen the show "Sex sent me to the ER". I knew a girl that once used a wiener, yes, I said it, as a dildo. It broke inside her and a doctor had to remove it. Anybody had a situation that has ended at the clinic?
A hot dog broke off in her vagina? Why did that cause her to seek medical attention? I'd just reach up and remove the damn pork product myself. Yuck.
To the point, though, no, I have never personally known anyone who has had to seek medical attention due to a mistaken sex toy or sex game choice; however, as a nurse, I've certainly seen and heard some spectacular things.
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Hey, she couldn't reach it I guess. I think the Doctor had quite a laugh over it.
I've never gone to a doctor...
But one time, after sex using a condom, I was so swollen and sore after I spent hours sitting with a bottle of ice cold water between my legs. LOL - The whole time I was like 'please stop stinging! I'm NOT going to tell anyone about this - you can't make me, pussy!' LOL - that was the end of my condom days.
No, but from now on I will only have very safe, very sensible sex so as to avoid possible embarrassment at A&E.
Thankfully No. I do know of a girl, that was masturbating with a regular dildo in her ass that got so excited she shoved it too hard and too far that the whole thing went into her ass. After that I never used anything in my ass that was not made for anal use.
A new FWB accidentally fractured my rib the first time we had sex.
No. I’m fairly particular about what items go into my vagina. I try to have safe sex.
We had never really thought about one of us possibly being injured during sex. But there have been times that it didn't turn out so well for her. But then usually there was an outstanding factor. Us having sex could alert her to an oncoming yeast infection, so that was almost always the cause. If either one of us has any kind of pain or discomfort, we will halt, not pull out, just stop and let it smooth out. Perhaps the position wasn't right or something small and easy to adjust. The lady I mentioned that was using a hot dog was home and alone and horny. I'm pretty sure she bought a dildo after that experience!
I was sitting on one of those high bar stools while he was standing between my open legs. It was going along nicely but when I put my one leg down I pinched something in my lower back. Had to get chiropractic treatments for awhile!!
I was sitting on one of those high bar stools while he was standing between my open legs. It was going along nicely but when I put my one leg down I pinched something in my lower back. Had to get chiropractic treatments for awhile!!