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have you ever been paid for sex?

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Active Ink Slinger
Yea, a few times but never felt as good as the free stuff!
I wasn't the only one and mine was for ORAL one time.

feels much better.

love your answers ladies

Active Ink Slinger
No.......but would happily accept any donation !
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dani

Yeah, this is a lot of people's go-to when it comes to women being 'paid' for sex.

But I think guys cheapen themselves when they liken thoughtful or loving gestures to paying for sex. You're not paying to sleep with're showing your appreciation for her.

Sure some guys make grand, expensive gestures to get laid...but if you're committed to someone, it's totally different.

As far as the OP's question, no I have not.

i keep forgetting people here take everything so serious and literal.

dammit. >_<
yes there have been time, what do you consider paid? gifts also?javascript:insertsmiley(' ','/forum/images/emoticons/t1517.gif')
Active Ink Slinger
Seems like I usually get something out of it!
Rainbow Warrior
It kinda depends on the way you look at it. I owed a debt to three guys, and they offered to cancel the debt for a night with me, so I took them up on it to save myself $2,700. So... call me a prostitute, if that's how you look at it.
God yes, many times, as my stories relate. I do it for the rush, the sexual excitement. The money is nice, but the thrill is the motive.
Active Ink Slinger
I've never been given money for sex. I've been bought dinner, drinks, gifts etc. Is that being "paid" for sex? In a way I guess it is. If so I've been paid for sex hundreds of times. LOL
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by PlayWithMyYoyo
One way or another, every time... everyone has and does... Don't you think?

Of course men always pay for sex, it does not matter if it is an escort, girl friend or wife. I am told the escort are by far the least expensive.

I have never been paid for sex but I have been given some very nice gifts for sex. Is that the same thing?

I guess that means some woman do also.
Yes, I have been paid for sex a time or two but it's not something I seek out.
Active Ink Slinger

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.
Active Ink Slinger
Never straight out. I have been wined and dined with the expectation sex would follow and usually did.
On one occasion I met this guy and we got along and we ended up in my bed. Next day I found an envelope with $100 in my bag. I felt disgusted and used. I was willing and I considered we enjoyed the relationship. I never heard from him again nor would I have accepted his call.
Not directly...... but its an essential part of my job profile..... so in a way it can be said that I get paid for sex
Quote by BethanyFrasier
It kinda depends on the way you look at it. I owed a debt to three guys, and they offered to cancel the debt for a night with me, so I took them up on it to save myself $2,700. So... call me a prostitute, if that's how you look at it.

Nope, you made a business decision and you came out ahead in the long run. I just wish I was one of the men that you owed money too.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by pink_pussy
Not directly...... but its an essential part of my job profile..... so in a way it can be said that I get paid for sex

Would love to do Business with you
Active Ink Slinger
Well it is sort of a fantasy for a lot of girls...I mean like the high class escort fantasy. For me no. Guys always try to offer to buy you things, but my mom always taught me to say "no". Plus my mom and dad really provide everything I need, so I don't judge girls who take gifts. I mean my situation is different. I don't really judge, but realistically guys who buy girls gifts are hoping or expecting something right?'s no big deal. You shouldn't judge people since some people have really hard lives or come from hard situations. The biggest issue is if the girl does it by choice or if she's forced into it.
I have paid for it before. In one way or the other guys pay for it. With an escort is much simpler. Then it's on our time frame the women even if pretend seem to have a good time not to mention the variaty.
Yes, I have been paid for sex before.
Active Ink Slinger
yes, I get paid for sex. It's a choice I made, and I absolutely enjoy it.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I have
I should probably leave it there ...... Ssshhhh
Active Ink Slinger
Not exactly for having sex but one time, after being in an 'Amateur Contest' in a Tampa nightclub, I was hired, with another girl, to perform for a bachelor's party on a boat in Sarasota. There was no male/female sex, just us dancing and stripping. I did strip and masturbate for them that evening ashore but that was for fun for me (the exhibitionist)
Chat Moderator
Given the dynamics of men and women, I think yes, most women have been paid, in some form, for sex. Personally, I have received gifts, i.e., vacations, clothes, expensive items, etc and just because there was no cash exchanged, some can still consider it commercial transactions. I doubt that some of those things would have come my way had I not put out. Crass, but true.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BDSMBarbieDoll
I didn't think you thought the ladies or women were whores here.

I wasn't offended.

I probably offend all at some point.

As usual I'm probably hated for telling the truth and I don't know.

It doesn't offend me, I don't think prostitution is glamorous but very rough.

I had a friend who paid her bills, bought whatever because she did that for guys.

I haven't seen her since the mid 90's, so no clue how she is today. Or if she's alive...

I never looked down at her. I never would....

Most would think I am a whore and with just reason. but that does not make me a Prostitute.

I have accepted monetary gifts from Special Friends and in my way of thinking that does not make me a Prostitute either.

A Whore maybe, a Prostitute No.
Yes I have. Sometimes you find yourself in a tough spot, if a guy I would normally have sex with has offered me money for sex, then why not? I was going to do it for free anyways. Think what you will, but I will do what I have to,to get by. If that makes me a whore, then yes I am a whore. I don't feel bad about it, I'll do what I have to do.
Active Ink Slinger
I can honestly say I've not been paid for sex in any way. Never have I been given cash for any act, and neither have I accepted gifts from a man or woman. If a guys were to give me gifts I would not take them. If I were to go for a meal I'd pay my own way. I wont even take a drink from a guy at a bar... Well only once on the worst day of my life and it got spiked... Go figure! Lucky he'd taken more himself and wasn't much of a threat. Anyway no I've never been paid in any form for sex.
Coming soon...