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have you cheated your partner? if YES, what's the reason behind?

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I believe is respect. I have never started another relationship while involved in a relationship.
Quote by PersonalAssistant

I believe is respect. I have never started another relationship while involved in a relationship.

i really admire your honest answer.... for me i have done it several times...the last time really affected my family as well
Yes, but I wasn't sleeping with both guys at the same time. I started things up with the new guy while my boyfriend was out of town. When he returned I sort of put him off for another week and then broke up with him. I definitely couldn't 'fake it' and stay in a relationship where I was deceiving my boyfriend and still pretending that I was into him.

The whole thing wasn't handled in the 'ideal' way, regardless. I'm typically loyal to a fault - this was really my only major transgression as far as my dating history goes.

The reason - my boyfriend was the perfect guy 'on paper' but I'd never felt that we had that real intense kind of connection. When I met the new 'exciting' guy, it sort of put a spotlight on all the things that were making my original relationship boring. Rather than settle for 'good', I wanted to try for 'great'. Anyway, I ended up in a long-term relationship with 'exciting guy'. The relationship was ultimately doomed but for the most part I don't have any regrets as far as ending things with the original boyfriend.
Never! Personally, I think cheating is cowardly. I always treat people the way I would want to be treated. Besides, karma is a bitch you don't want to mess with!
Never!...but there are days I feel weak.
One of my mentors likes to say "Don't cheat on your wife. If you really have to go somewhere else, then pay for it with a professional'.
I think if I ever do crack, I will go down that road...and it will only be because I want to try anal which my wife refuses...
I have. Trust had already been broken and we were cheating on each other though ha.
Quote by alex35
Never!...but there are days I feel weak.
One of my mentors likes to say "Don't cheat on your wife. If you really have to go somewhere else, then pay for it with a professional'.
I think if I ever do crack, I will go down that road...and it will only be because I want to try anal which my wife refuses....

Do you really think that's not cheating? I don't think many wives would. They might find it more acceptable than an affair, but that's hair-splitting to a degree I wouldn't expect.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Quote by 1ball

Do you really think that's not cheating? I don't think many wives would. They might find it more acceptable than an affair, but that's hair-splitting to a degree I wouldn't expect.

"Your belief's create your reality...mine are pretty fucked up. So if deep down you believe something, then it can't be wrong"
- Sasha Grey
Quote by alex35

"Your belief's create your reality...mine are pretty fucked up. So if deep down you believe something, then it can't be wrong"
- Sasha Grey

So if your wife believes deep down that it's okay to Bobbit you...
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Quote by 1ball

So if your wife believes deep down that it's okay to Bobbit you...

I had to look up what that meant. I guess you just 1ball'd me...
Noo never have and never will. I think it's really wrong and I'd hate it if anyone did it to me.
31 years and never tough another woman or man for that matters (I am straight so the last is irrelevant)
Never!! I do not believe in cheating.
Nothing more than mild flirting, which is acceptable for both of us.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
yes, i did. and its funny when i finally "came clean" my ex acted like i was just the worst person on earth for breaking our "vows" maybe i was, who knows. its funny though, how quickly fidelity becomes the only vow remembered or the most important vow. respect, honesty, love, honor, cherish...remember those? what about those?

my husband cheated to..with his work. every day he went to the hospital and he loved people. he saved them..he helped them to let go. he is truly brilliant at his job. people send him letters, i called them his 'love notes' and they were all over his little office. women would come up to me on the street "oh my god i work with your husband! you are soooo lucky! he is soooo wonderful. What an empathetic teacher! You are the luckiest woman on earth!"

doesnt that sound awesome?

the reality was when he came home it was not so awesome. there was no love, respect, honor, empathy, teaching and im sure he doesnt know what cherish means.

if i ever had any problem i was dismissed because my problems werent "real" "Youre not dying in my unit are you?!" was said often in my house. no, not dying in your unit.

if i wanted more than plain vanilla sex i was made to feel ashamed.

if i wanted love and support he promise me it with words but when came time to give it he'd pull the rug and watch me fall on my ass.

if i wanted respect for my job outside the house hed bitch about my time away from home.

if i wanted respect for my job inside the home i was a "waster of his money"

he did every single thing he could to undermine me, make me feel worthless to be sure id stay with him. and it worked, i totally fell for it and lost utter faith in my own capabilities.

and me being me i am drawn to love like moth to a flame...and when it came my way, even if it wasnt what i thought it was i took it. more than once too.
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Quote by littlemissbitch
yes, i did. and its funny when i finally "came clean" my ex acted like i was just the worst person on earth for breaking our "vows" maybe i was, who knows. its funny though, how quickly fidelity becomes the only vow remembered or the most important vow. respect, honesty, love, honor, cherish...remember those? what about those?

my husband cheated to..with his work. every day he went to the hospital and he loved people. he saved them..he helped them to let go. he is truly brilliant at his job. people send him letters, i called them his 'love notes' and they were all over his little office. women would come up to me on the street "oh my god i work with your husband! you are soooo lucky! he is soooo wonderful. What an empathetic teacher! You are the luckiest woman on earth!"

doesnt that sound awesome?

the reality was when he came home it was not so awesome. there was no love, respect, honor, empathy, teaching and im sure he doesnt know what cherish means.

if i ever had any problem i was dismissed because my problems werent "real" "Youre not dying in my unit are you?!" was said often in my house. no, not dying in your unit.

if i wanted more than plain vanilla sex i was made to feel ashamed.

if i wanted love and support he promise me it with words but when came time to give it he'd pull the rug and watch me fall on my ass.

if i wanted respect for my job outside the house hed bitch about my time away from home.

if i wanted respect for my job inside the home i was a "waster of his money"

he did every single thing he could to undermine me, make me feel worthless to be sure id stay with him. and it worked, i totally fell for it and lost utter faith in my own capabilities.

and me being me i am drawn to love like moth to a flame...and when it came my way, even if it wasnt what i thought it was i took it. more than once too.

Well said, LMB. I can totally feel exactly what you're talking about. Sometimes people cheat because they're horny bastards. Sometimes it's much deeper than that.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by lafayettemister

Well said, LMB. I can totally feel exactly what you're talking about. Sometimes people cheat because they're horny bastards. Sometimes it's much deeper than that.

LM...i can tell you that if he had put in any effort at all it probably would not have gone down that way. he didnt want me but didnt want anyone else to have me either.

good news FREE now! biggrin
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Quote by littlemissbitch
and me being me i am drawn to love like moth to a flame...and when it came my way, even if it wasnt what i thought it was i took it. more than once too.

It sounds like you did what you needed to do in order to endure, and then escape, a bad situation. I know what it's like to not be able to simply walk away. In this case the cheating seems like a form of self-defense.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Quote by littlemissbitch
yes, i did. and its funny when i finally "came clean" my ex acted like i was just the worst person on earth for breaking our "vows" maybe i was, who knows. its funny though, how quickly fidelity becomes the only vow remembered or the most important vow. respect, honesty, love, honor, cherish...remember those? what about those?

my husband cheated to..with his work. every day he went to the hospital and he loved people. he saved them..he helped them to let go. he is truly brilliant at his job. people send him letters, i called them his 'love notes' and they were all over his little office. women would come up to me on the street "oh my god i work with your husband! you are soooo lucky! he is soooo wonderful. What an empathetic teacher! You are the luckiest woman on earth!"

doesnt that sound awesome?

the reality was when he came home it was not so awesome. there was no love, respect, honor, empathy, teaching and im sure he doesnt know what cherish means.

if i ever had any problem i was dismissed because my problems werent "real" "Youre not dying in my unit are you?!" was said often in my house. no, not dying in your unit.

if i wanted more than plain vanilla sex i was made to feel ashamed.

if i wanted love and support he promise me it with words but when came time to give it he'd pull the rug and watch me fall on my ass.

if i wanted respect for my job outside the house hed bitch about my time away from home.

if i wanted respect for my job inside the home i was a "waster of his money"

he did every single thing he could to undermine me, make me feel worthless to be sure id stay with him. and it worked, i totally fell for it and lost utter faith in my own capabilities.

and me being me i am drawn to love like moth to a flame...and when it came my way, even if it wasnt what i thought it was i took it. more than once too.

just booked a nice restaurant and ordered flowers for my wife. Sometimes it becomes too easy to take your partner for granted. Thanks for the reminder!
Never have and ever will
I have.
Some have been great, some have not been and two ruined a relationship I truly wanted to work.

Now cheating is doing something that you know you should have discussed with your partner beforehand instead of just doing it on your own. Sleeping with others isn't always cheating.

I'm a person who needs attention, if I do not get it from where I think I deserve or need it, I'll get it from some other place.

However I'm working towards a new "better" me with honesty in focus. So when ever I will feel neglected I'll tell the poor person who's probably just busy, that I'm having that feeling and we'll sort it out.
As I get older and the clear lines of "straight" blur towards nuances of different experiences with others who are not necessarily "straight" - there are some things you just can't do with your partner of the opposite sex - like trying with another guy or a transgendered person. Is it cheating to try? You only live once. Would I regret if I didn't try? Would my partner understand me trying? Too much of a wimp to risk exploring this boundary with her. I paid for the experiences.
Quote by alex35

just booked a nice restaurant and ordered flowers for my wife. Sometimes it becomes too easy to take your partner for granted. Thanks for the reminder!

awww! you rock man! right on for you smile
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
I cheated on my husband. When you don't feel wanted by your own husband and another man makes you feel wanted and sexy, it's intoxicating. I'm not saying it was ok, and I'm sorry I did it, but I my husband knew that I was feeling neglected and for years I kept confiding in him that I wasn't happy and he kept saying that we could work on it and things would be better. He tried to give me what I needed and I tried to not need what he couldn't give me. When he found out about me cheating he decided to stay with me and try to work on things again. I think it was because I was honest about my feeling from the start. If I hadn't told him I was feeling neglected than he probably would have just left me. Finally we decided that we couldn't keep going through this cycle. I mean how many more one more chances were we going to try? We decided to separate 5 months ago. We didn't split because I cheated, although it was probably a factor. Ultimately we are still friends and both think this is the right thing. (Sorry I guess I kind of went off on a tangent there)
Never have and never will. If you have the need to cheat then you really just need to exit the relationship. There are no found reasons for cheating, and I have heard all the reasons why. Cheating is cheating and there is no place for it in a real loving relationship.
I don't know if it was technically cheating or not. Wife #1 and I had called it quits but were still living under the same roof (in separate rooms) until we were 'legally separated' and I had found a place of my own, the first step in a divorce that involves minor children in the state I lived in. So, I wasn't sleeping with my (soon to be ex) wife any longer when I got a girlfriend that I began sleeping with. Every other relationship, I broke it off before moving on, so... cheating, or not?
no. i have too much love and respect to ever cheat on my husband. he trusts me and i trust him...i never wanna break that.
Quote by Notenough
Never have and never will. If you have the need to cheat then you really just need to exit the relationship. There are no found reasons for cheating, and I have heard all the reasons why. Cheating is cheating and there is no place for it in a real loving relationship.

that hits the nail on the head right there. too bad not all relationships are loving ones...or even real for that matter.
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
No.. I haven't cheated. I have flirted with the idea, but my marriage ended because my ex husband wasn't faithful and I would never want someone else to feel as I did... That I was the problem, that I was less of a woman because I couldn't keep my man satisfied. It destroys you. For some of us, we do believe those vows, not just when its convenient.. It takes more courage to walk away from an unhappy relationship than to stay and be unfaithful. Just my opinion from my own personal experience.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner