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Have any of you girls ever been caught masturbating?

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Did you Stop?
1st time was court by my dad and yes i did stop lol

2nd time was court by my flat mate and i dint stop that time
Yes my roommate caught me. I stopped briefly when she jumped and backed out of the room. She asked me her question and I just went back at. I wish she would have been encouraged to join in but she Was not.
Bunker Love
My Dream my latest stopry
Once by an ex, who joined in!

Nearly loads of times by flatmates, family
members and friends, but always got away with it, at least think I did.
yes more than once. I wonder if it has anything to do with how often I masturbate.
Yes, by my mother who told me it was disgusting and that I should be ashamed.

By my boyfriend, yep and that was after he came.
Yes I have been caught several times...First time by my mother who also told me it was disgusting and that "good" girls didn't do that sort of thing..I think that Sirene_Jaune and I could be last time time by my daughter.
My mom caught me when I was a teen. I guess I was lucky as my mom appologized and later told me it was natural and nothing to be embarrassed about. I have also been caught a few other times too and was a little embarrassing but not too bad. Actually was a little exciting too!
I was sprung by my mother when I was just starting out and going at it at every opportunity. Was sitting on the edge of the bathtub rubbing one out before my shower when my Mum walked in. She just said sorry and backed out again....quickly. She never mentioned it.
Yes by my best friend she came over walked onto my bedroom,we ended up having a great time...
I'm lucky not to. But I think I will end up getting caught lots of times when I move back into student accommodation.
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
I've never been caught. An amazing fact when I consider how active I was at home as a young girl, and now as an adult. I'm happy I was never caught. Such a shame the negative comments here about parents reactions regarding masturbation. If I ever find my daughter masturbating I'll be sure to just smile and leave.

Masturbation is a great healthy activity that helps everyone enjoy life that little bit better.

I have many fantasies about being caught, but so glad I never was!

Kimi X
Yes, tons of times. Most when I was growing up in a very strict Catholic household.. my parents were always suspicious about my Internet activities (they had a right to be, of course) and then my younger siblings loved to gang up on me & get me in trouble, so this was easy target practice for them. I've gotten so jumpy when people walk in the room and I have my back to them now, it's the worst, it just seems like I'm doing something shameful when I'm really not.

Nowadays, if my fiancee is in the mood and he catches me, I get the real thing... it's nice!
Yes my Dad caught me. I was 16 and on my bed naked after a shower. I had my eyes closed and was going at it pretty hard. I felt a presence and opened them to see him standing in the doorway. For how long I have no idea. Our eyes locked and he quickly closed the door.
Nope, never have, I swear every time I'm cumming my phone rings though. "weird"
Anything you think is sweet, I'm a little more than that.
Never ever been caught. Too vigilant and just make sure im discrete
i have been caught a bunch of times. by my parents growing up and my sister mostly.
Ahhh...I've been kind of caught...Interrupted, really. I am always underneath my blanket and stop as soon as I hear my door opening. A bit awkward for me...but I don't think they really know what was going on. My mother, sister, and roomies have all almost caught me!
Yes, sometimes by accident and sometimes, well, let's say it was part of the thrill to be "caught". I could have avoided it if i had wanted to
by my roomate and no i didnt stop. im pretty sure she the show.
Three times; my mother, my roomate, and many times by my husband. The last two made the experience enjoyable.
Not that I am aware of by someone who I was not expecting to watch. Being caught by my bf is doesn't count because it's expected of me to masturbate.
My brother walked in on me when i was in the bathroom and definitley stopped. I think he knew what i was doing but didnt say anything. My sister and i shared a room and i thought she was asleep. She wasn't and i didn't stop.
Just the once by my dad. Embarrassing but we never talked about it. Other than that there hasn't been much other chance. The missus walked in when I was in clean up once. Massively poorly timed.
almost caught
Yes, boyfriend caught me. He had fallen asleep and woke up a few hours later and I was playing with my pussy watching porn on his laptop. He finished the job for me
Ive been caught a few times by my mom and ugh waaaay embarssing. She was waaay not awkward about it but ugh the "talk" after. But ive done it under my sheets and not been caught cause i can stop and hide it. My heart races like crwzy though.
Don't know if this counts, but often after sex with my SO, I would masturbate to one final clitoral orgasm (quite a normal thing I am told). I would usually do it while he went to clean up, but he often came back before I was done. He never said much about it one way or another, and I never stopped what I was doing.