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Gals, do you date outside your race?

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I've dated the rainbow coalition. Race, gender, religion etc. doesn't matter as long as you're happy.
I have dated a wonderful black guy, off and on, for a couple of years. He has taken me to another level, sexually, and he has also introduced me to group sex. I was once fondled and touched up by 3 Asian guy, at a party, and have always wondered what it would have been like to have been taken all the way.

Skin colour and race and not a problem..
Yes I have slept with black guys, love the contrast in skin colour!
I never have and I do prefer Caucasian guys but, if met a guy who wasn't white that I really liked, I wouldn't not pursue something just because they weren't white. I have a lot of physical preferences, but any of them cn be bypassed if there is a deeper connection with the guy.
I have and I do enjoy the different way black men handle women in bed.
Yes I did, no big deal. I can't believe that in 2014 this is still an issue with some Will we ever get over it???? Fucking Frustrating!!
I'm mixed 'race' myself, and while I rarely 'date' anymore, I have sex with every ethnicity if I find them attractive. Skin color to me is no different than hair color or eye color. ...except gingers, of course! they have no souls! hahaha
Yep. I'm into aliens.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I have dated several different races or ethnicities. Asian, Hispanic, Persian, Vietnamese, and a few Irish. I once asked a black girl out but she refused. Said her dad wouldn't let her date outside her race. We became friends a school though.

Ooops I just now saw gals only.
Yes, of course.


Might have been awhile though.....
I am married to a black man and I date all his black friends
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I'm mixed 'race' myself, and while I rarely 'date' anymore, I have sex with every ethnicity if I find them attractive. Skin color to me is no different than hair color or eye color. ...except gingers, of course! they have no souls! hahaha

Interested in taking on a Klingon LOL
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before
I'm a mix of black, white, and Latin, so I'd say no! Bahaha!

Yes. I've dated a black man, a Latina, and a Japanese man. I've come away with so much from these and other relationships that are all good. My appreciation for Japanese culture doubled. I'm an artist, so it also affected my work. smile The culture of Mexico was beautiful and I loved helping her with Dia de los Muertos. And the black man was a genius...I learned a lot from him.
Oh hell yeah, I date any race. If there is anyone who is grateful for the female body? I am. And I love fucking women from all races. further explanation is necessary.
Have lots of fun
I have and always will smile im a gal that likes options, and being picky on the color of there skin, well that wold leave very few options for me lol
No! I stick strictly to the human race. And their mechanical inventions!
Yeah I mostly date white guys. IDK? The Viet guys are not my style. Plus my parents are white as I was adopted. A lot of my GF's are Asian and Jen dated a half-black half-latino guy who was really hot. Most of us end up with white guys because they are like in uni with us and highly motivated and stuff. Some of the Asian guys also seem too nerdy for me? IDK? I never think about race much around here since we have like every race.
I date exclusively outside of my race. I've never even been remotely interested in a black guy ( I've dated mostly white guys, one Hispanic and one Asian). I dont know why I'm just not attracted to them. My family used to give me a lot of crap about it but at this point in my life I think they have accepted it.
absolutely! the world is a big ol buffet; live it up

Say. Her. Name.

Although I don't date anymore, when I was dating, skin Colour didn't mean anything to me. If we had a connection, nothing else mattered.
Quote by Musigal
Although I don't date anymore, when I was dating, skin Colour didn't mean anything to me. If we had a connection, nothing else mattered.
Yes, I appreciate race, ethnic and cultural differences
Quote by AwesomeEric
Do you date outside your race?

If yes or no...why?

No. And that's just how I am.