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For a guy, am I.........?

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Active Ink Slinger
As I said, this was my last resort. Was on three dating sites. Each had a.90 day guarantee that I would atleast meet someone for sex, or I get 90 days free. Each had to give me the.thre months. And when that expired, they had nothing. Cancelled all three, plus another social site I was on. Is it becoming clear now?
Damn.You come across as being completely defeated. Stomped into the ground and left for dead. Are you the bitter old man that they've always said you would be?
Constant Gardener
Quote by oldhound
As I said, this was my last resort. Was on three dating sites. Each had a.90 day guarantee that I would atleast meet someone for sex, or I get 90 days free. Each had to give me the.thre months. And when that expired, they had nothing. Cancelled all three, plus another social site I was on. Is it becoming clear now?

Yeah, it sounds like you might have a bit of the quitter gene - when it comes to mating/dating. Are women just supposed to fall at your feet and worship the ground you walk on? Get doesn't work that.

I ran a profile on AFF from 1998 til 2007. Lotsa fun realized. A couple of gal friends I still communicate with to this day.

Ditto on I met lots of fun women (some were even quite 'nice' girls). But, then again...I wasn't looking for a wife either.

Of course your mileage would vary, since you're all about the now/asap...and sounds like you might be more than a bit unrealistic.

What do you want, what do you offer? Right now it sounds like you're just a really bitter person who can't let go of past events, has never healed fully from any perceived slight...and have sadly convinced yourself that all women are...pretty much the same.

How old are you again?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
perceived slight? A perceived slight would be something like misunderstanding spontaneous laughter as you walked by in a bar, not an eruption of.laughter when you ask a lady to dance. Not when you simply offer two drunk ladies a ride home because they are drunk and ypu receive, ”sorry, not into geezers.rather get pulled.over” side note, she was only five years younger than me, she was the wife of a Soldier I had deployed with. Not when youre ordered to put a shirt on during swim pt because the females.are.complaining...out loud. Is that a perceived slight?
Bonnet Flaunter
Flip, you're only 45!!!!! If you could build your confidence in order to get a more positive attitude that would work wonders for your emotional life, and how good you feel about yourself can only be reflected positively by others. I wish you the very best of luck.
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by oldhound
perceived slight? A perceived slight would be something like misunderstanding spontaneous laughter as you walked by in a bar, not an eruption of.laughter when you ask a lady to dance. Not when you simply offer two drunk ladies a ride home because they are drunk and ypu receive, ”sorry, not into geezers.rather get pulled.over” side note, she was only five years younger than me, she was the wife of a Soldier I had deployed with. Not when youre ordered to put a shirt on during swim pt because the females.are.complaining...out loud. Is that a perceived slight?

You are not the only one of whom people say horribly cruel things about appearance.

I am 36, and have never had a relationship that wasn't simply to make the other person feel better about themselves until somebody they actually fancied came along.

I didn't have my first kiss until I was 32, and he later admitted he only did it to make me feel better about myself, because nobody else would, or could ever love me because of how I looked. Never mind the hours I spent listening to him, talking things through surrounding his many life issues, I was just too ugly to love, he said.

I waited a year for that man after he asked me to, whilst he sorted himself out. And when he did, he went into an abusive relationship with a very attractive woman who said the most awful things to him. The bitter side of me is glad, because he might feel some.of the pain he gave me.

The result of a lifetime of bullying and comments about my appearance, is that I cannot trust anybody. I hate porn because mostly they are beautiful, slim people that people love to look at. I cannot compare to that.

In my dayto day friendships, I try hard to be positive and friendly, but I fail miserably. I care about my friends, despite my inability to trust them. I have been let down too many times to be vulnerable any more. What am I good for? Listening when they have troubles, caring when they feel alone, and being shoved aside when I am not needed, by some.

I will.never know if the others genuinely care, because I am always expecting that slap to come again. That makes me bitter and hard, but I need SOME protection. The problem is finding balance.

And so, I would say to you, just as I do, please try to find the positives, because whilst they might get ripped away, at least you can hold your hand on what is.left of your heart, and know you tried.

My closest friends these days are online. I rarely see anybody in real life for fun. I met that guy I told you about on a fishing site, and I wish to god I never had. But I did, and at least I got a story for Lush out of it. Another lad I met the same way who hurt me got me another story out of that heartbreak too.

A small consolation, but it is something. If we are to be alone forever, then try to come to terms with it. That way, each tiny joy will be a mountain of pleasure (even if it's not the sexy kind). But others will read our character and attitude. Some will do it correctly, others will not. It is to be hoped that those who read it correctly, find something about us that they like.

At least we tried. And if we are destined to always be alone, will be said of us, "They were lovely", rather than, "They were bitter".

Sorry for waffling. Pain does that. See? Wallowing in self pity is long and boring, and no effing fun at all.

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
REALLY??? FUCKERS!!!! This is "Ask the Gals" forum not the "I'm a loser~stroke my ego" fucking chat room.
Quote by WellMadeMale

How about doing what millions of people do these days and flip out the credit card, join one (or all) of the top five dating websites, hell... might as well take AdultFriendFinder for a spin too.

Be brutally honest about yourself in your self profile advertisement and be just as honest about the type of woman you are seeking.

She may be looking for a man such as yourself there too. Or maybe she has already, gotten pissed off cuz you're not there yet..and she's taking a break...but will look again in a few months.

And lay off the victim, woe-is-me routine. That's a total dry-pussy-maker, and an easy-mark show card for those who would see you as prey, Captain Save-a-Wench.

Active Ink Slinger
I was on several sites, and did not fluff or exaggerate my profile. All sites, per their guarantee, had to give me free membersbips when theinitial failed to yield results. When those failed to yeild results as well, the sites had no guidance for a situation like mine I guess. I dont understand the captain save a wench remark.
We see what most of us would call pretty ugly guys, with damn attractive women... so looks are not really the be all and end all.

We see guys with little to no penis with damn attractive women... so penis size is not the be all and end all.

We see out of shape, and outright fat guys, with damn attractive women... so how fit you are is not the be all and end all.

We see complete assholes with damn attractive women... so personality is not the be all and end all.

We see guys with hairy backs at the beach and they look like they are wearing a sweater, and they have attractive women... so body hair is not the be all and end all.

We see guys who look older than their age and frankly pretty worn out, and they have attractive women... so how young you are or look is not the be all and end all.

We also see people who have an excuse for EVERYTHING... and they are bitter and lonely.

There comes a time when the sad sack and "poor me" becomes a comfort zone for people and frankly that not only turns people off for sexual relationships, but also for general friendship. This however tends to feed feed back into itself as a self fulfilling prophesy... "See... no one likes me or finds me attractive!" NONE of the "problems" used as excuses are really the problem.......... they are. Sorry to say. And going to a new place and doing the same things will not net different results. It is like when people bitch and moan about where they live and the crap they always seem to get into; and then they MOVE.... shortly after, they find themselves in the same situations. Well, that is because it was not the LOCATION. You are you, no matter where you move to. So change YOURSELF.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by JohnC
We see what most of us would call pretty ugly guys, with damn attractive women... so looks are not really the be all and end all.

We see guys with little to no penis with damn attractive women... so penis size is not the be all and end all.

We see out of shape, and outright fat guys, with damn attractive women... so how fit you are is not the be all and end all.

We see complete assholes with damn attractive women... so personality is not the be all and end all.

We see guys with hairy backs at the beach and they look like they are wearing a sweater, and they have attractive women... so body hair is not the be all and end all.

We see guys who look older than their age and frankly pretty worn out, and they have attractive women... so how young you are or look is not the be all and end all.

We also see people who have an excuse for EVERYTHING... and they are bitter and lonely.

There comes a time when the sad sack and "poor me" becomes a comfort zone for people and frankly that not only turns people off for sexual relationships, but also for general friendship. This however tends to feed feed back into itself as a self fulfilling prophesy... "See... no one likes me or finds me attractive!" NONE of the "problems" used as excuses are really the problem.......... they are. Sorry to say. And going to a new place and doing the same things will not net different results. It is like when people bitch and moan about where they live and the crap they always seem to get into; and then they MOVE.... shortly after, they find themselves in the same situations. Well, that is because it was not the LOCATION. You are you, no matter where you move to. So change YOURSELF.

To be fair though - these types of guys are usually rich.

But the way I see it, before pointing out how even the most unattractive man can land a babe, I would suggest that oldhound (and guys like him) *not* go looking for the stereotypically 'attractive' female. I feel like a lot of society is focused on guys being able to circumvent their fate of having everything going wrong for them and yet somehow still coming out on top by getting the affections of a beautiful girl. This is also what happens with a lot of so-called 'nice guys'. They always cry "why won't any female love me?" and then you look at the girls they're going for and they're way out of the guy's league. I know I've gotten into this argument on the forums before about how this doesn't play into things, but it does.

Just as oldhound feels totally miserable about who he is and what he has to offer - there are plenty of females that aren't all that self-confident either. Surely these people would have much in common and neither would be looking to 'use' or unfairly play the other. There is love for everyone out there depending on who they are willing to open themselves up to. Yet I'll bet for all the woe-is-me 'I am so hideous that nobody wants me' type guys out there, I could point out viable options in society and they would probably shrug and say "eech - yeah, I'm not attracted to that girl." I've always found it kind of ironic.
Wild at Heart
Quote by Dancing_Doll

To be fair though - these types of guys are usually rich.

Or these guys are good at blackmail too... Or they saved up 10,000 for the girlfriend experience... Sometimes the hot girls are blind too. (that's the jackpot)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

But the way I see it, before pointing out how even the most unattractive man can land a babe, I would suggest that oldhound *not* go looking for the stereotypically 'attractive' female. I feel like a lot of society is focused on guys being able to circumvent their fate of having everything going wrong for them and yet somehow still coming out on top by getting the affections of a beautiful girl. This is also what happens with a lot of so-called 'nice guys'. They always cry "why won't any female love me?" and then you look at the girls they're going for and they're way out of the guy's league. I know I've gotten into this argument on the forums before about this doesn't play into things, but it does.

Just as oldhound feels totally miserable about who he is and what he has to offer - there are plenty of females that aren't all that self-confident either. Surely these people would have much in common and neither would be looking to 'use' or unfairly play the other. There is love for everyone out there depending on who they are willing to open themselves up to. Yet I'll bet for all the woe-is-me 'I am so hideous that nobody wants me' type guys out there, I could point out viable options in society and they would probably shrug and say "eech - yeah, I'm not attracted to that girl." I've always found it kind of ironic.

I think we see this a lot on similar threads: guys bemoaning "why are women such bitches" when what they really should be asking is "why am I only attracted to bitches?"

It would seem that oldhound's problems lie in a serious case of low self-esteem. Almost every relationship problem that exists is rooted in the fact that at least one party has low self-esteem. Self-esteem has little to do with ego or how introverted or extroverted someone is, or even how submissive or dominant they like to be. Self-esteem is about how comfortable we feel within ourselves.

@ oldhound - it's unlikely that you'll find any help here at the moment. I think it's worth you having a conversation with your doctor about depression: you need to find out whether it's your problems that are making you depressed or that these problems are arising because you're already suffering from long-term depression. Don't be tempted to self-med.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

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Wild at Heart
Quote by overmykneenow

It would seem that oldhound's problems lie in a serious case of low self-esteem.

Dude... no wayyy.. Who are you, Sigmund Freud???
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by oldhound
Some point in their life? Im 45, and it has never ended! I am now to the point I cant stop ”projecting” anger. I have the cool job, a cool history, done really cool stuff, yet still, its the pretty boys with a gangster edge that girls fall for. I have tried..and tried to be the nice guy and let this roll off my furry back, but I guess three decades is long enough.

Dude, back away from the ledge.

First of all, there are plenty of "beautiful" people and "pretty boys" out there that suffer just like you do. Is is easier to get a mate if you're good looking, yeah probably. But finding a date and keeping him/her are two different things. Millions of good looking, succcessful, attractive people out there live alone and in misery. Because they're shitty people and/or have a shitty attitude. Don't assume that all the pretty people out there are living it up and all the ugly people are living lonely lives. We all know miserable pretty people and happy ugly people.

I haven't read this whole thread, word for word so I don't knwo what kind of women you're going after. If you're not a "pretty boy" (I'm not either, btw), then you shouldn't be going after all the Homecoming Queens out there. It's a harsh reality. People love to talk about inner beauty, but you could be Gandhi on the inside while looking like the Elephant Man on the outside, it ain't gonna matter. Seth Rogan will never hook up with Angelina Jolie. Neither could I for that matter.

If your online profiles show any of this desperate and self defeatist attitude, women are going to avoid you like the plague. They, and men too, can sense that desperation a mile away. You're probably putting off that vibe. Gotta fix yourself first, man.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by lafayettemister

I haven't read this whole thread, word for word so I don't knwo what kind of women you're going after. If you're not a "pretty boy" (I'm not either, btw), then you shouldn't be going after all the Homecoming Queens out there.

Nope LM, you're not a pretty're a purdy boy! I was so happy you hadn't taken this picture down yet, you do have an endearing quality to you though...

The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Active Ink Slinger
Ref Mr Lafayette, thank you for the input, the issue is resolved, I just go day by day, as I have, not being with one. And if the urge to talk to one rises, I just remember the pain, and the comments here, and it goes away, replaced by all too familiar anger.
Constant Gardener
Dayum, I thought I was fucked up beyond all repair.

I'm not laughing at you Hound, and you won't let anyone laugh with you - because you apparently can't find anything to laugh at - about yourself.

You ever thought about forgiving yourself, liking yourself... You sound like the stereotypical macho man who can do just about anything he's ever set his mind to accomplish.

Long term depression is one of the most difficult mental barriers anyone will ever face. Unfortunately (and fortunately) only you can prevent forest fires.

You get that analogy don't you?

You have to get right with yourself first, Cowboy.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Actually, I have failed at the majority of tasks in my life. Laughter is no issue, as I said, Im used to it.
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by oldhound
Actually, I have failed at the majority of tasks in my life. Laughter is no issue, as I said, Im used to it.

Do you know what? I regret having shown a vulnerable side to you and the whole of Lush in two threads now, only to see you whine, whinge and complain and bemoan the person that you are, whilst completely ignoring the fact that I tried to show you that you aren't alone. I was wrong. You are, because you want to be. I would have been your friend if you'd wanted one. But you prefer to be a martyr to your circumstances. So be it.

Here, have a couple of Gingas. They might be the only smiles you get. I'm done.

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by lustone
As a guy, all I want right now is to love someone and have them love me back. Is it normal for this emotional neediness to occur? Does this make me any less of a man? Would women really take me seriously? Would my kind, caring and loving nature once again be taken advantage of? sad I'm sick of abusive relationships..

I don't think you're less of a man, in fact, I think you have recognized the basic human need we all crave, and thus aren't afraid to say, "This is what I want & deserve." Yes some women would take you seriously, and some will try to take advantage of you. That is an unfortunate fact. However, my advice, and I mean this sincerely, is don't settle for anything or anyone less than what you deserve. It took me three marriages to find the right man for me. A man who would always put my needs first, respected the love I have for my child, and loved my independent spirit. He has never tried to change what he found most sexy about me, and in turn, I strive to do the same for him.

I wish you luck in your pursuit of love & happiness. I feel we all deserve love, male & female. Don't settle for anything less that what you deserve!

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by oldhound
As I said, this was my last resort. Was on three dating sites. Each had a.90 day guarantee that I would atleast meet someone for sex, or I get 90 days free. Each had to give me the.thre months. And when that expired, they had nothing. Cancelled all three, plus another social site I was on. Is it beyou coming clear now?

brutal honesty. if this is how you presented yourself on those dating sites, i'm not surprised. you seem to have decided to be miserable. all the advice in the world can't change your attitude. if you choose to wallow, than wallow, but don't expect anyone to magically fix your life. only you can do that. i'd actually be sympathetic if anything about you told me you were trying - from reading all the good things people have said her, and your responses, i've come to the conclusion that you enjoy being miserable for the attention it gets you. newsflash: after a while people get tired of hearing you go on and on and ignoring their best intentioned advice. do yourself a favor, at least PRETEND that you're trying and stop being a drama king.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Ms sprite, no, I did not present myself as a miserable, loser SOB, as I appear to you. I typed out my likes, dislikes, what I wanted in a woman. I was not mean or bitter, I also was not viewed more than once.well one did, and she was the last straw. I detest this feeling and only wished for someone to talk too about it. When all I got was that which I had been force fed my whole life, I took the few grains that were different. Women see me as a pitiful feral dog that will always come to.their aid with just a whistle. Have fun now...thats not in general as I have no impact on the lives of 99.999% of the people on this or any other site
Mr. Hound: Antidepressives. Therapy. If it didn't work the first time, change meds or shrinks. If being unhappy is your thing and you don't want to change, complaining like this is obviously not helping you out in the human interaction department. Find another way.
Active Ink Slinger
I did find another way, it is just the one the.therapists didnt like, cutting interaction as much as possible. I do not require heavy meds. My issue is not a biochemical imbalance. Despite 13 concussions, my brain functions nominally. I just dont .. Think like other people I guess and here is the result.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by oldhound
Some point in their life? Im 45, and it has never ended! I am now to the point I cant stop ”projecting” anger. I have the cool job, a cool history, done really cool stuff, yet still, its the pretty boys with a gangster edge that girls fall for. I have tried..and tried to be the nice guy and let this roll off my furry back, but I guess three decades is long enough.

Quote by oldhound
Ok, shows what the focus is on...1) did shave, grows back in about five day. 2) used Nair, grows back in a week.3) wax failed, took skin with it.

Quote by oldhound
Acthally no bs, tried it, jamed it up. And yeah, it burts lik e hell

Quote by oldhound
Removing desire to impress or be with any female. And no not going gay. Same issue, different gender

Quote by oldhound
perceived slight? A perceived slight would be something like misunderstanding spontaneous laughter as you walked by in a bar, not an eruption of.laughter when you ask a lady to dance. Not when you simply offer two drunk ladies a ride home because they are drunk and ypu receive, ”sorry, not into geezers.rather get pulled.over” side note, she was only five years younger than me, she was the wife of a Soldier I had deployed with. Not when youre ordered to put a shirt on during swim pt because the females.are.complaining...out loud. Is that a perceived slight?

Quote by oldhound
Actually, I have failed at the majority of tasks in my life. Laughter is no issue, as I said, Im used to it.

Quote by oldhound
I did find another way, it is just the one the.therapists didnt like, cutting interaction as much as possible. I do not require heavy meds. My issue is not a biochemical imbalance. Despite 13 concussions, my brain functions nominally. I just dont .. Think like other people I guess and here is the result.

I call bullshit. Each reply you post paints your life more and more miserable. Each becoming more and more outlandish. At one point you say you have a cool job and cool history, and done cool shit. Then you go on to act as if you have nothing to offer.

You can't use backhair removal tools because it grows back (that's the thing about being alive, shit grows). You can trim your "fur" and keep it managed, some chicks like hairy "manly" looking men.

Oh, you say you're not going gay. Men don't dig you either? So you've tried "going gay"? Who knew a person could just change their sexuality?

Failed at majority of tasks? I thought you had a cool job and a cool history?

13 concussions? Now that I buy. You need to get to a doctor immediately because you've knocked something loose up there. The hamster's been knocked off his wheel and someone's turned the lights out and he can't find it. I feel like I have a concussion after watching everyone bang their heads against the wall trying to help.

This screams of Forum Troll! Are you sure your name isn't Bigguns or Rico?

Quote by oldhound
I see I made myself misunderstood again. And it is invoking responses that one would expect. Ms trinket: I just dont want to need interpersonal contact with people. I can do this for a while, as most can, on anger. But that will either shorten my fuse, raise my tolerance or morph into something else. As most will probably readily comment, I dont have friends, ex took care of that. Just want the need gone.
Mr Felix, I dont drink
Mr wellmademale: 1) thats a marvel comic book Character, I have an affinity for werewolf lore. I see how I am perceived as self centered, was not my intent, just wanted advice. I countered your input only because it had been tried and failed. Self mutilation or self harm would be a true sign of insanity. Unfortunately, the.job I am taking upon retiring will require the use of.a computer. The creature in the picture drives a classic muscle car and had, at least, a sizeable family fortune. Ms doll, same drama exists in those sites, just fake avatars. I am medicated and I have to wait till I get to Mt retirement spot to get a pet. Thank you for the suggestions.

I thought your brain functions normally and it wasn't a biochemical imbalance? Now you're medicated?!

Cough couch... BULLSHIT!!!

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Constant Gardener
Do you think you deserve to be happily hitched up with a pleasant, loving, considerate female partner...cohabiting in marital bliss with little pink houses for you & me?

Do you feel that you've earned that much with your other accomplishments in this life?

Everyone over the age of about 24 has some baggage man. It's not the crap it's how you stow it in the closet or attic and manage those ghosts in the closet.

Something else you probably have not considered (or maybe you have)... The prime dating pool becomes very shallow after we hit the age of 30.

All the naive good girls and good boys have already sold out and gotten hitched up. Then...they trash each other, get divorced once, twice or thrice...and they either heal up or they continue onward...damaged inflict more suffering on the next person they encounter and hookup with.

You think you're the only person who has encountered this phenomenon?

I noticed that you claim that you felt those dating sites did not meet your expectations because they claimed they'd provide you with a suitable match.

You don't really think this way do you? I mean...that's very immature, totally unrealistic and more than a bit on the ridiculous side of the aisle.

You expect a website or any dating agency to honor their implied promise to you in such a fashion, then pitch a fit when it doesn't happen on your schedule or within the 90 days or 180 days or 7 years?

Come'on man... you're trolling us aren'tcha?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Sir, to be honest, I dont really know what trolling is. I may be doing it and not be aware. I just answered your reference to the use of dating sites. I did use them, they did not work. And it wasnt that I didnt get hits from ”hot” women, I got none. Again, I was trying to go outside the box for a safety line, it didnt Id hoped.
Clever Gem
Quote by oldhound
Sir, to be honest, I dont really know what trolling is. I may be doing it and not be aware. I just answered your reference to the use of dating sites. I did use them, they did not work. And it wasnt that I didnt get hits from ”hot” women, I got none. Again, I was trying to go outside the box for a safety line, it didnt Id hoped.

I don't know if this trolling or not, (fuck i hope it is) either way i stick to my other post ... REBRAND your shit! Tell ya what, go back and read all of your posts, then pretend thats a woman, would you want to date her , chat to her ? Take the advice , you keep asking , and then knocking it back and saying poor you? That is not progress. That's all I got. I need a nap.
Active Ink Slinger
Mr Lafayette meister: I am on a drug called gabapentin, or nuerontin. It is prescribed for my back, I blew a disc out in 03. It helps the nerves handle pain stimualtion or some other doctor speak, but it is , according to thw army shrink, a mood stabilizer. Yes I have had 13 concussions from thinfs ranging from a punch to the head breaking up a bar fight, to a fire extinguisher flying loose in a Humvee when we drove into a bunker to drunk dare of who can break the door down. The fur...its thick and well now its grey, and grows quickly. Im six foot, five foot eight is covered. remark was to an expexted response that I try that option. I have done really cool shit, but I have.still failed at the majority of what I could have succeeded at. Took me three years to get my wings, because Im an acrophobe. Not a goodrecord to hold. I have more ribbons than many Soldiers two and even three ranks higher, not a good thing. And I really dint know what trolling is