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Fisting... Turnon or turnoff?

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So how many of you have either been fisted or have fisted a sexy woman? How did you like it, was it hot and fun, would you do it again?
Yes and Yes.

This was no rush job, it took some time, and takes quite a bit of trust, but hell yeah it was fun. Not quite the sucker punching you see in porn at all!
I have also given and received it from both men and women (only fisted a woman though, LOL!). It was nice with the women but a man's hand is just too big for little ol' me so he never eeally got his whole hand in me.

It is like anal in many ways, kind of and must be done gently at first and you need to be very wet for it to be pleasurable.

And yes I would do it again.
*raises hand*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

No, no, no, and no.

I have a weird mental block regarding the plunging action of this whole thing, so it's not on my to do list.
Never tried it and don't plan to, just not into it.
Sorry not into it - giving or receiving
I have enjoyed it. Takes a while but worth it.
I have been with a girl who asked me to do it to her... I tried and managed to fist her but i didnt realy get into it. she asked if she could do it to me and I almost slapped her except my hand was busy lol. No it is not a turn on and no i would never do it again
I would say a turn off for me. I don't fancy having a whole hand inside and being worked like a puppet.
Never tried it. Not really into the idea. If i was with the right girl i might try it had she done so and enjoyed it but not on my top 10list of things to try.
Done it before. I didn't mind it, Mr Sweets got big hands though and it get painful after a bit. I however don't mind watching it being done on porn sites.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
Absolutely NOT!! If you can fit a fist inside any part of your body ... just no. So wrong! It's nasty. (No matter how small the fist, it's still a fist!!!!)
†Jinxy Approved†

Quote by Discreetfella
So how many of you have either been fisted or have fisted a sexy woman? How did you like it, was it hot and fun, would you do it again?

I'm an equal opportunity fister. I've only met one woman who has requested such and she loved it. She also almost tore my forearm off within 10 minutes of application.

I've yet to have any gentlemen ask me to fist them, I have indicated more than a few times on this forum, I'm a whore and I can be purchased for the right price.

*Incidentally, the woman who requested and enjoyed the fisting - also owned the tightest vagina my cock has ever plunged into and out of.

The act itself wasn't some three to five minute piston/camshaft action event either. There was ten to fifteen minutes just getting fitted...and another 30 minutes of actual fisting once she accepted the size of my hand.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I haven't tried it and it's never been on my bucket list or played a part in any fantasies.

I honestly, genuinely don't think it would be physically possible with me anyway. Just seems too painful. As well, the image of it doesn't really turn me on.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I haven't tried it and it's never been on my bucket list or played a part in any fantasies.

I honestly, genuinely don't think it would be physically possible with me anyway. Just seems too painful. As well, the image of it doesn't really turn me on.

Ditto... I never understood the fascination with it, either.
seems painful..but do certain sizes of the male body....
I am big enough that it isn't that painful unless the hand is very large. dang I shouldn't have given that away. I wanted to be known as one of those "tight" girls. Oh well.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I haven't tried it and it's never been on my bucket list or played a part in any fantasies.

I honestly, genuinely don't think it would be physically possible with me anyway. Just seems too painful. As well, the image of it doesn't really turn me on.

think of it as kind of a puppet show... with you being the puppet.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I can definitely get my freak on but the whole fisting idea just isn't something that appeals to me giving or receiving...but then again, I've said that about many things I now find very pleasurable
I've never tried it, can't say I would, I've seen it being done and doesn't seem like something I would do.....
Anything you think is sweet, I'm a little more than that.
Major turn off!!
I have tried it but not really sucessfully. I may try it again with the right person.
If I ever had the misfortune to find someone's fist inside me, I would squeeze my pussy so tight it would break their fingers. That'll teach em to keep their hands to themselves. ;)
While I can be adventurous, that is something I have no interest in whatsoever, and it would be a major turnoff if even suggested. But hopefully I pick my partners well enough that it would not be a concern.
Hmmm.... see 'do you prefer a tight pussy or a loose one'

And no, a hand is not bigger than a baby's head!
That reminds me of a time I had with a girl who was into that.

After my hand was inside she asked for more so I slipped a finger of my other hand in and she asked for more and so it went on till I had both hands in her pussy.

Then she said 'now clap' and I replied 'there is no fucking way I can do that'.

And she replied, I know, tight arn't I?