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Faking it... any?

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Active Ink Slinger
I have this sex guide titled "I'll have what she is having" it was published by Australian's womens magazine Cleo.

I read the chapter of "Faking Orgasms".

Got me thinking "Does anyone one else out there fake their orgasms? and if so for what reasons?"

I am putting my hand up and saying YES I have.

It has happened before, especially when I know Mr Sweets tries to pay me attention and my body is enjoying it but my mental side is bored.

Or Mr Sweets wants to get it on and I mentally already bored. So I turn on my Porno Queen diva inside and just slow my breathing put out a few moans, tell him what a king stud he is and he comes and he is happy, I'm happy and we have a wonderful day or night.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
Active Ink Slinger
I have... Sometimes, I know that I an just not going to orgasm, be it mentally distracted, exhausted, whatever... I know he won't stop until I cum, so I fake it. I know I shouldn't, but there are times he has been so disappointed and I don't want that. Especially, because its not him and I can't explain why it happens.

My question is, can a guy tell when we fake it?
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Gingerbread Lover
Perhaps I would feel differently if I had experience, but why do people need to lie about it? Must every act of intimacy and sexual contact finish in climax? I'm sure that's the ideal, but can't lovely touching and fucking just be what it is, and if it goes as far as orgasms, great. But if not, it was still wonderful?

I would be absolutely gutted if my lover felt they had to lie, rather than for me to be glad they were just happy with that time together. And if something was wrong, how would I know so I could try to make it right? I hate lying, no matter what form it is in.

Honest intimacy is more than orgasm, surely? Perhaps it's down to how much we are willing to cede to keep our lover happy about a false thing, rather than let them know how happy we are about the many other things they gave us to enjoy?

Just my opinion.

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Shylass
Perhaps I would feel differently if I had experience, but why do people need to lie about it? Must every act of intimacy and sexual contact finish in climax? I'm sure that's the ideal, but can't lovely touching and fucking just be what it is, and if it goes as far as orgasms, great. But if not, it was still wonderful?

I would be absolutely gutted if my lover felt they had to lie, rather than for me to be glad they were just happy with that time together. And if something was wrong, how would I know so I could try to make it right? I hate lying, no matter what form it is in.

Honest intimacy is more than orgasm, surely? Perhaps it's down to how much we are willing to cede to keep our lover happy about a false thing, rather than let them know how happy we are about the many other things they gave us to enjoy?

Just my opinion

For me, the intimacy is enough on those occasions. But to see the disappointment in his eyes, to have him question his manhood, is unbearable. So if me faking it on occasion to prevent that, then so be it. He satisfies me completely and I will do anything to make him know that.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by anonymouslylush

For me, the intimacy is enough on those occasions. But to see the disappointment in his eyes, to have him question his manhood, is unbearable. So if me faking it on occasion to prevent that, then so be it. He satisfies me completely and I will do anything to make him know that.

I understand.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Orgasm Aficionado
There'd be no point trying to fake an orgasm with my BF - he knows me too well... but more importantly, there's no need. He isn't blinkered to the porn-view that sex is purely driven by the need to achieve orgasm(s). Sex for us is about making a connection with that special someone.
Clever Gem
Quote by AbigailThornton
There'd be no point trying to fake an orgasm with my BF - he knows me too well... but more importantly, there's no need. He isn't blinkered to the porn-view that sex is purely driven by the need to achieve orgasm(s). Sex for us is about making a connection with that special someone.

I have to concur on this one!!
You can fake a scream but the actual physical contractions that occur are a bit hard to fake. I've never faked, I don't see how that would aid anything.
He'd know.
I have a silly after orgasm uncontrollable giggle, It's nothing like any other giggle..I could not fake that, or the resounding clamping "down there".

If ain't ain't happening I either say so, or take over and let him watch.
As someone who's actually been on both sides of this one, I may have some insight.

If a man (or woman) - let's just say your 'partner' is observant they might be able to tell that you're faking, and that doesn't make us feel good at all. I think if explained to most people that for whatever reason, you just aren't going to cum right then (that evening, weekend, whatever), then it's a much better approach, but I understand the urge to please your partner's desired to please you.

I have certainly done it myself from time to time. Those of you who know my posts or profile may be gasping and exclaiming "Surely not!". Yes, For those of you who don't know, I'm MTF trans, but non-operative bio-male, and while I am biologically male, but there are two things to keep in mind here. The first is that orgasms are not necessarily the most important part of sex for me and I don't always cum, in much more the same way women tend not to than anything else. My orgasm is about seventy or eighty percent psychological. The second thing is that men can indeed fake an orgasm. I like to burst that bubble every now and then. Ever had a guy "orgasm" and just not cum that much? It works best in a condom, but it's not the only way.

I mention this because while I think in a relationship it's generally bad news to fake orgasms, sometimes a one night stand goes on too long, and you just know that you aren't the only one who's bored. It's unfortunate but occasionally necessary. My opinion in general is that once a relationship is committed in any way, there should be no more faking. Education is the way to go. That isn't to say I'm judging those who do it (too harshly, at least), it just seems like a waste of everybody's time and energy to me. I'm sure I don't understand it fully, though.
Quote by crazydiamond

I have to concur on this one!!
You can fake a scream but the actual physical contractions that occur are a bit hard to fake. I've never faked, I don't see how that would aid anything.
He'd know.
I have a silly after orgasm uncontrollable giggle, It's nothing like any other giggle..I could not fake that, or the resounding clamping "down there".

If ain't ain't happening I either say so, or take over and let him watch.

Ha, I do the laughing thing quite often after climaxing (much to the bemusement of the fella who was kind enough to be involved in its provision...) Once he realised that I wasn't laughing at him, but rather simply because I felt so fucking good, he was able to relax and laugh with me... It's a nice release too.

I think it's probably like the endorphins or adrenaline receding or something?

Laughing Orgasm is the term given to the course of events which culminates with an intense orgasm followed immediately by uncontrollable laughing. It is theorized that an 'endorphin rush' takes place and the result is uncontrollable laughing post-orgasm, or Laughing Orgasm! There is little documentation of this phenomenon. I think this condition is likely the result of physical, physiological and psychological elements all converging in harmony.

Laughing Orgasm - that's pretty cool, huh?

While I have faked orgasms in the past, I don't think I would now, like the others say, what's the point? I think most of us are fully aware that sex does not always end in climax and that doesn't mean that it hasn't been enjoyable. It usually takes me ages to come and sometimes he can't wait that long - does it mean I enjoy it less? No, of course not, sure I enjoy a good orgasm as much as the next person, but I can get pretty damned close and enjoy it too - as long as he doesn't feel guilty about not making me come - I enjoyed it anyway, you know?
Clever Gem
Quote by Mazza

Laughing Orgasm - that's pretty cool, huh?

While I have faked orgasms in the past, I don't think I would now, like the others say, what's the point? I think most of us are fully aware that sex does not always end in climax and that doesn't mean that it hasn't been enjoyable. It usually takes me ages to come and sometimes he can't wait that long - does it mean I enjoy it less? No, of course not, sure I enjoy a good orgasm as much as the next person, but I can get pretty damned close and enjoy it too - as long as he doesn't feel guilty about not making me come - I enjoyed it anyway, you know?

Oh my it's a real thing ... It's not just me then!! hahahahaha giggling again ;)
Active Ink Slinger
I love that "Laughing Orgasms" and like A.Lush I too don't want to see the disappointment in his eyes if I honestly say I'm just not into it.

It has only happened a few times. Most times I enjoy the intimate experience and can climax but there is days mostly a day or two before my damn period where I just am not mentally aroused.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
Quote by crazydiamond

Oh my it's a real thing ... It's not just me then!! hahahahaha giggling again ;)

Yes! It is an actual real thing!!! (You have no idea how happy it made me to find that out!!)

Believe it or not, laughing during sex is not uncommon, but doesn't it just make you cringe with horror? You're intimate with your partner, laying out your best moves, when all of a sudden, a giggle escapes. From you or from your partner, it really doesn't matter; either way, it's bound to spoil the mood.
Although this isn't a hot topic in science, laughing during sex has both physical and psychological roots. There are several reasons why both men and women might feel a case of the giggles coming on before, during or after sex, and here are a few, just to put your mind at ease:

1. Nervousness

Sex is a highly stressful event for people who haven't been together for long. You're still trying to figure out one another's "buttons", and you might feel self-conscious or anxious during sex. Even if you aren't intellectually aware that you're nervous, your sub-conscious is feeling anxiety and fear.

One of our psychological escape routes is through laughter. Have you ever been extremely worried about something, but when everything works out all right, you burst into laughter? This is common because your body is making a release; you've been filled with tension for an extended period of time, and when you finally realize that you aren't going to die, you have to release that tension in one way or another.

2. Sensitivity

Sex is a powerful experience for everyone involved, and it is when people are most sensitive to touch. Depending on how "into the moment" you are, every inch of your skin can become an erogenous zone. The problem is that, if touched just a certain way, you might be sensitive enough to be ticklish.

This is especially true of the lower abdomen and inner thighs because those are the areas that become most sensitive to contact. When your partner touches you, you might just have to laugh because you are so ticklish; this isn't abnormal at all. You might remain in this heightened state of sensitivity even after sex as you are coming down from the moment.

3. Orgasm

Just as many people have been known to cry during and after orgasm, it is also possible to laugh. Depending on how your body reacts to orgasm, you might crave a second release: laughter. It's your body's way of telling you that you've reached that much-desired climax, and now it's time to release the built-up tension.

4. You're Having Fun

If you are one of those oh-so-lucky people who have fun during sex, then you might feel the need to laugh. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, you don't realize how lost you've become in one another until both of you have climaxed and it's over. At that point - and again, a form of release - you might feel the need to laugh.

It is true that women are more prone to laughing (or crying) during sex than are men, but both genders have been known to do it from time to time. The most important thing to remember is that it is entirely normal, and you shouldn't feel guilty or ashamed for having done it.

If you know that you are prone to laughing during sex, it might not be a bad idea to warn a new partner. Let them know that you aren't laughing at them at all, but that you have enjoyed your time so much that it is impossible to hold it in. Furthermore, you shouldn't try to stop yourself from laughing during sex; it's a healthy expression of your enjoyment, and should not be suppressed.
Cheeky Chick
I've probably faked one or two but not often.. I usually am to into it to want to fake it. I'm not going to fake an orgasm to rub his ego or anything like that. That is insulting.

I have though, faked it while cybering. Or I use too. Now I have tell people from the get go. As much as I like to "Cyber" I don't get anything out of it. I don't sit there and play with myself while I'm cybering. It's just not my style.. I rather voice it.. To me that is really hot.
Advanced Wordsmith
I was thinking of the movie you have mail--I grant you its been done but wtf it happens--us guys sure as hell cant fake it!!
Alpha Blonde
Yeah, I have on rare occasion. It's very situational though. Some guys can't handle the idea of not making a woman orgasm. They take it like a personal challenge "I will make you come if it's the last thing I do!" and the sex goes on and on. I fooled around with a guy at a house party once and crashed in his bed. I just wanted to sleep, but he wanted to demo his skills as an oral sex god. Unfortunately he was pretty clueless when it came to pleasuring the pussy. I had to fake my way through SIX orgasms before he would leave me alone that night and heard him bragging to his friends about it the next day. Yes, I should have just said "sorry, ain't happening" but we were drunk and the hook up was random and I was young.

Sometimes you're just not going to come - especially if it's after a long party night or if you're just not that into the guy or it's a new partner that is clueless about what he's doing (ie. college days), it's had it's uses as an easy-out.

I wouldn't do it with a relationship-guy though or someone I was seeing regularly - I think you're setting yourself up for long-term failure if you do.
Empress of the Moon
Faking an orgasm is like telling a white lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings. I've done it when I wanted a guy to hurry up and come too, because I was getting sore or just not enjoying it.
Her Royal Spriteness
when i used to cyber, back when i fist joined the site, and felt slightly pressured into it, i used to fake orgasms once i got bored. i'd be 'cumming' while chatting with someone else about something that actually mattered. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Shylass
Perhaps I would feel differently if I had experience, but why do people need to lie about it? Must every act of intimacy and sexual contact finish in climax? I'm sure that's the ideal, but can't lovely touching and fucking just be what it is, and if it goes as far as orgasms, great. But if not, it was still wonderful?

I would be absolutely gutted if my lover felt they had to lie, rather than for me to be glad they were just happy with that time together. And if something was wrong, how would I know so I could try to make it right? I hate lying, no matter what form it is in.

Honest intimacy is more than orgasm, surely? Perhaps it's down to how much we are willing to cede to keep our lover happy about a false thing, rather than let them know how happy we are about the many other things they gave us to enjoy?

Just my opinion.

yeah, if it's your lover, maybe you wouldn't, but one night stands with someone you liked well enough not to want to make them feel inadequate? like mentioned before, think of it as a harmless little white lie - they feel good about themselves, no harm done, everyone's happy (cept me, cause i didn't really get an orgasm out of it). smile in the past i've just waited until later and finished myself off.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.