What do you think about doing this - is it wrong to help a woman cheat if that's what she wants? I have a neighbor couple and the wife keeps chatting me up, flirting and giving me the eye. I don't know the guy too well other than he travels a lot for work and I think his wife may be frustrated that he's gone so much. She's quite a bit younger than him, mid twenties and he's in his mid to late thirties, and he's gotten more overweight in the year they have lived here while she keeps herself in really good shape by jogging and working out every day. She's really nice and I'm thinking of asking her over to my place for a cup of coffee next time I see her to see how she responds.
You want to go for it or you wouldn't be asking so ok go for it.
i have done it and there's no hotter fuck than doing a married woman that is horny as hell
It is horny as hell..... but ask yourself how happy you'd be when one day in the future you discover that your wife was fucking the next door neighbour.
just be careful people flirt on a daily basis but mean nothing by it so don't get your signals crossed
How would you feel if it was your wife and you found some young neighbor kid with her, It's pretty obvious you aren't mature enough for a committed relationship yet or you wouldn't ask the question. But I have always felt what ever you do in your life can come back to haunt you.
As janet_haney said: "But I have always felt what ever you do in your life can come back to haunt you." And much of it probably will. So choose wisely.
Another factor here is that the "Wife" may desire just a little attention. Not sexually but just enough interest from another man to be sure she still is attractive and "has the goods" to be desirable and sexy! She might just need validation and feels her husband might not be paying attention to her so her ego needs a little boost.
Another thing is that you could be a part in their fantasy. If she can get your attention and maybe let her husband know and possibly see it, it could be just a fantasy of theirs and it is a minor roleplay or fantasy for them.
Finally, it could be a jealousy play for her to use and entice her husband to fuck her more.
But be very careful about going for it!
You might have to move out of the neighborhood if you do get her in yours or her bed!
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Do what you feel is necessary. But if the husband is gone a lot, then don't feel special by tricking yourself into thinking you're the only one. This is all a game to her, kind of like a sport. You're probably just another notch on her bedpost. If she's flirting and giving you the eye and doesn't feel the least bit nervous about it, then you're just next on her list. Something to occupy her for the time being, if you will.
If you wanna be added to her collection, go for it. To answer your question, I'm sure her husband will hate it. But I get the feeling she's been doing other men for a while.
If any of the above sounds appealing to you, good luck and happy humping!
░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
I find it ironic not to mention hypocritical that I'm being called 'judgmental' regarding my comment on this thread by two people who have been known to cast their own judgements in past threads.
I wasn't attacking or singling out any one person in particular but making a personal statement which, the last time I checked, I am entitled to do and shouldn't be chastised for it. Maybe I live by a different moral code than some people on here but if you've read any of my past postings, you will see that I am also a woman who believes in the saying 'to each their own'.
You want to cheat on your partner? Knock yourself out but I don't have to agree with it. Don't want an opinion that is not in favor of what you're doing? Then maybe posting it in the forums isn't very wise OR put a disclaimer that only those who are okay with cheating may respond. In either case, forgive me for expressing my opinion on a PUBLIC forum and especially for not celebrating infidelity.
Perhaps someone should consider policing the rest of the threads to ensure that no one else is ever offended again by opposing opinions and/or Lushies who appear to pass judgements. I suspect whoever that lucky person is, will be VERY busy.
And for the record, I have never been cheated on but have known many people and families who have been terribly hurt by it.
I've been cheated on by only 1 partner that I know of and he happened to be my husband at the time. To say it almost completely broke me is an understatement. In my personal situation, I believe there was no reason whatsoever for him to cheat and have always believed there is no valid reason for anyone to do so. I have never cheated on anyone.
I've learnt some peoples lives aren't always what they seem. Everyone's circumstances are different and none of us know what goes on behind other closed doors. Different things are important to different people.
Sure there are some arseholes out there that just do it because they're arseholes. For some others,it goes much deeper than that.
It is called cheating for a reason. It involves lying. It is not honest.
Of course that dishonesty, lying and sneaking around is just what turns some people on. Would you want to be married to a person like that?
I've had major experience with this subject. My next door neighbor is married, and her and her truck-driver husband weren't happy in their marriage, so she started showing interest in me. After a short while, I was going over there often and things started changing. She became very touchy and showing sexual interest. And out of no where, while I'm at her house one day, she whispers in my ear, "you can lick me, stick me and send me on my way. Come fuck me." So I went for it. We started sleeping together for about 3 months and I started feeling guilty so I stopped. It wasn't like a fantasy..it was cheating and wrong. You wouldn't really want some guy fucking your wife while your gone, would you? And if you're into that, you'd at least want to know about it right? Save yourself the guilt and stress, find you a single woman.
I am not going to give you moral advice; just practical advice in the form of a word of caution:
Have you thought far enough to ahead to how this might end? I don't suppose that you envision her getting a divorce and marrying you - but have you thought far enough ahead about what happens when it's over? Do you go back to being neighbours, friends? What if you get sick of it, but she doesn't? Or vice-versa? And do you like living where you do now? Do you want to move when it's over? Do you want to have a neighbour who hates your guts living next door to you. Do you like to lay away nights worrying about what the bugger will do to your car? Do you care what your neighbours think about you when they find out?
I had an open marriage, and I told him, "Please! Please! Please! Don't fuck the neighbours. If you must, get a girl in another village, because we are not selling the bloody house just because you got randy with the neighbours!"
Si vos postulo me, sed non vis me, oportet me manere.
Sed si vis me, sed non vos postulo me, oportet me abire.
When I was in my twenties I was hired to help my friends mother around her house. Because my friends father was a truck driver and he was gone all the time. What I soon found out after taking the job was that taking care of her was part of my job. I didn't mind one bit, her husbands loss was my gain...;)
It was a quick, "NO, cheating is wrong and you'll probably get your ass beat." answer that I had in mind...
but now I'm just confused. What's all this about gardeners and judgements? (so confused)
Trees grow, flowers bloom.
I'm a creeper, BOOM.