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Do you like to show off in public?

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I ask this because the other day I was in the grocery store and there was this incredibly sexy older woman wearing skin tight yoga pants and a very low cut top exposing lots of sexy cleavage smile You could tell that she wanted everyone looking at her.
Showing off - yes.

But what the deal is here: I'm showing off for my husband, and sometimes I end up having to go places without him. I don't give a rats ass what others think of me. I care what he thinks.
Showing off for my man: Yes. I like to look good for him plus it makes me feel good.
Do I dress to show off for others: No way. I am not thinking about them nor do care what they think.
As a bartender: I try to choose outfits that are cute but not showing too much. Since I never date a customer that comes into the bar I don't ever want to give them the impression that I am easy or available.
Active Ink Slinger
I definitely LOVE to show off.
Quote by Beckey
I definitely LOVE to show off.

I bet you do Beckey! I can only imagine what you'd look like in those yoga pants and low cut top smile
Rookie Scribe
define public; gym lockers and saunas or malls and bars?
being a born exhibitionist I love it
learned the tr8cks fr9m **Content removed by moderator. Violates Lush TOS.**
bending down in minis without panties
low cut blouse
love 2 wiggle my ass at strangers
Active Ink Slinger
Hmm definitely yes but I only do it for my man
If looking as good as possible is showing off then hell yay
No I don't show off unless short dresses or skirts count. Personally I'm more into cute sexy rather than overtly flashing the flesh, besides I don't have the assets for flashing a cleavage.

Although it's not just about having the body it's also about the mind set. I see girls wearing some very provocative outfits that I simply wouldn't have the confidence to wear in public. In private is a different matter of course
Active Ink Slinger
If a girl goes not want to show off in Public, what is the point in being an exhibitionist?
I do not. Unless I am going somewhere I want to show off a little..

I really do not know if in every instance tight fit Yoga pants and a plummeting cleavage would nessicarily and automatically equal "PLEASE LOOK AT ME-I WANT you to!" That could simply be me after a yoga class or lesson with my hair damp and pulled back, little to no make-up on and the last thing I am caring about when I stop to get my low-fat yogurt or my coconut waters is some guy thinking it is ME "asking" for that... not like I had on something more alluring than exercise clothes! lol If you look, I am not offended, but the moral of the story is to be careful not to presume. Some women just have the sort of breasts that have cleavage in anything but a turtleneck sweater! Maybe she was ~ but it is shaky ground for guys to assume.

That said, I don't feel a need to show off. I never needed to. I am the sort who gets more attention than she wants! It is sometimes really NOT good when it is the opposite, when you WANT to be left alone. I am "FREE" in public, though, and that means not trying to get attention, but not afraid to be myself. IF I want to hug or kiss or show affection... I do. If I want to touch, I am sly and I am naughty. I like to play, I like to tease. If I want something ~ I do it. I am shy in some ways but not in others. I can sing but I am too shy in public, it's hard...but I can dance all night. It isn't about showing off for me, it is about living more freely- being myself, not for attention, but to show feelings and not be afraid... not be afraid to love and show it, laugh and not care who hears... run through that baseball field sprinkler when no one is around, and dance like no one is watching!

If I ever have seemed like a show off or gathered a crowd it wasn't because I wanted eyes on me. I hate limelight, I don't seek attention... no one needs to see, it was because I was genuinely happy, and just free, and it was noticed for something like that.

I like & agree with what Sweet_Firefly, Daddy'sSweetheart, and Metilda said~ smile
Quote by 1LovelyKinkyKitsune
I really do not know if in every instance tight fit Yoga pants and a plummeting cleavage would nessicarily and automatically equal "PLEASE LOOK AT ME-I WANT you to!" That could simply be me after a yoga class or lesson with my hair damp and pulled back, little to no make-up on and the last thing I am caring about when I stop to get my low-fat yogurt or my coconut waters is some guy thinking it is ME "asking" for that... not like I had on something more alluring than exercise clothes! lol If you look, I am not offended, but the moral of the story is to be careful not to presume. Some women just have the sort of breasts that have cleavage in anything but a turtleneck sweater! Maybe she was ~ but it is shaky ground for guys to assume.

That said, I don't feel a need to show off. I never needed to. I am the sort who gets more attention than she wants! It is sometimes really NOT good when it is the opposite, when you WANT to be left alone. I am "FREE" in public, though, and that means not trying to get attention, but not afraid to be myself. IF I want to hug or kiss or show affection... I do. If I want to touch, I am sly and I am naughty. I like to play, I like to tease. If I want something ~ I do it. I am shy in some ways but not in others. I can sing but I am too shy in public, it's hard...but I can dance all night. It isn't about showing off for me, it is about living more freely- being myself, not for attention, but to show feelings and not be afraid... not be afraid to love and show it, laugh and not care who hears... run through that baseball field sprinkler when no one is around, and dance like no one is watching!

If I ever have seemed like a show off or gathered a crowd it wasn't because I wanted eyes on me. I hate limelight, I don't seek attention... no one needs to see, it was because I was genuinely happy, and just free, and it was noticed for something like that.

I like & agree with what Sweet_Firefly, Daddy'sSweetheart, and Metilda said~ smile

Aww. Thanks Sis.. I agree with what you said.. I'm not one to show off.. about not needing to show off..
The woman in question did not just finish a yoga class, it was in the middle of the day and if anything she looked like she just came from the hair salon ;)
yes i love to show off, it's such a thrill
I'm not sure about showing off, but in the years since I became single again I have enjoyed being noticed more and more. I have always enjoyed dressing well, but I no longer always dress so that I blend into the background. The nicer the men that notice me, the more I like it.
Active Ink Slinger
Day to day: no. I prefer to show off to people I know
I'll get sex from(aka my husband)
However on a night out with the girls: maybe. What's the saying? If you got it, flaunt it!!
Active Ink Slinger
I like to look nice, but would not call it "showing off'. I dress rather modest day to day, but when I go out, I like to feel sexy.
i love showing off in public
Rainbow Warrior
Me too! I'm a shameless exhibitionist, and I love being lusted after!
Guilty once again! I love to show off my curves. Especially in yoga pants and dresses. I love my hips and butt so of course I'd show of what I have. But I try to stay classy. Although, sometimes it doesn't look to classy.