I do not like profiles without an avatar. I require an avatar other then the default before I accept a friend request from someone. I also require a bio (not blank.)
Like Missy said...
I also think its very lazy not to have an AV, when Lush kindly provide loads of AVs to choose from and if they can't be bothered to fill out their bio, why should I bother to add them?
I like there to be an avatar but filling out the profile and telling something about yourself is much more important to me. if I dont know anything about you, why would I want to be your friend?
I agree with all of the smart ladies above. I stopped accepting friend requests from Red AVs and blank bios. No effort by you, no effort by me.
If someone messages me or request friends when they have no avatar,get no answer from me.
I don't like it at all. The profiles should be filled out also. I think this is very inconsiderate of those people!!
An avatar only gives direction the av owner must provide the final game they want to play!
why would you even bother to chat to someone who has no AV or bio - you might as well be speking to a pot plant but that would be rude to pot plants. Get a life and say something about yourself.
Isolation - A Tale Of Star-Crossed Lovers
hartclass & CumGirl
One of my absolute pet hates. Agree with everything said above - no avatar, no conversation.
Even more pissed off at some people here without fuck all info at all - then having the balls to try and defend it?
Isolation - A Tale Of Star-Crossed Lovers
hartclass & CumGirl
yeah if someone doesn't have an avatar i'm not going to accept a friend request
A little bit of bio is good, The av... It doesn't make much difference to me. I've chatted with some gorgeous "avs" who have had zero personality and vice versa. Buried treasure is usually found under a pile of dirt. Who knows what might be lurking under that nondescript av?
I know this is on the gals forum, but I have to agree with everything stated above. I am not a fan of someone who does not have an avatar and does not have their bio filled out. Makes me believe they are fake and only here for one thing. (Although I have seen many profiles here that have avatars and bios filled out that I know are definitely fake because I have seen the photos that they use as avatars on sites for years, and they are trying to pass it off as being real).
I have made a few exceptions, but most of all, no avatar or no bio, I normally do not accept them as friends.
"So don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
Don't lie to me,
Just get your things.
I've made up your mind."
Oh I don't mind it at all, actually I think I'll take my avatar down and stick with the red one lol
It doesn't annoy me as such. I'll still add the person as long as their bio exists.
I have a few friends with no avatar, but generally I don't bother, especially if they have nothing to say in their profile.
It's hard to be friends with a non-entity.
I don't make a hard and fast rule about it, but my preference lies with people who put something on their profile.