My girlfriend won’t let me cum on her face which is fine, but would I like to - absolutely! For myself I wouldn’t want to spray a girls face to degrade or humiliate her - it would show me she’s willing to please me. What are your thoughts on this?
I don't really care for it but if I am in the mood to be really dirty, why not. I prefer to have him cum on my tits, easier to clean lol
Some women I have discussed it with think it sexy hot, some think its degrading hot, some don't like it.
Not if she likes it.
Every woman is different and a man better know how she feels.
Obviously, best not to do it if she's not keen. She may find it too messy to clean up. Why not suggest taking a shower straight afterwards, and pampering her in there?
I love it, but the clean up can be tricky if done in a public place.
Like others have said if she likes it go for it. If not, then don't. That goes for anal sex or anything else. Best to talk over your likes and dislikes before getting into the sack so you know were the line is. Then respect the line.
if I feel like screwing a guy, not often, I finish him with a slow blowjob, and yes a big load on my face and all over
its of
When you have sex, leave your dignity at the door. That said, facials are only demeaning if you're treated like an object, not as a lover.
The only lady I've played with like this would not allow me to do that for the simple reason that it would be a waste. She simply loved swallowing all I could give her. It was intensely satisifying for her.
it's not something i engage in, but a lot of women seem to enjoy it. i don't see the point of going on with a sexual act that your partner explicitly tells you they don't want to do. where's the pleasure? it's one thing if it's simply not a preference and they do it anyway because they know it pleases you.
if you're hell bent on doing it, have a talk with her and find out exactly why she doesn't enjoy/want to do it. it could be a deep seeded issue or just a misconception. once that's discovered, go from there.
Yes because the guy cumming should aim for my mouth. I hate waste.
Not demeaning, but not all the time either. Once in awhile (or a little more!) is fantastic.
It's a form of male sexual energy. I like it.
No right or wrong unless forced to do something . Everyone has different tastes .
My bf cum on my face a few times and I enjoyed it and not felt degraded at all.
I'd want him to lick me clean afterwards, yeah I can be a Bitch.
one of my ex loved this.. I was kind feeling "sorry" for her, as I'm not too much into it, but she liked it in the end so... everything is depending if you like something or not
I don't mind if I am at home or somewhere where I can readily shower afterwards but if it is a quick suck when I am out and about I would rather takev the load somwhere more concealable
If he feels like giving me a Facial is Humiliate and Degrading and that expands the please of sex, then why not.
The only thing is that sometimes when it gets in my eyes it burns, which not a wonderful thing.
Now if there is a group of guys over and they want to Frosting me and think it is Humiliating and Degrading, then go a head and H and D me as much as you want.