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Do you ever close your eyes and think of another man when you have sex?

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Be honest Ladies. Do you ever close your eyes and think of another man when you have sex with your partner? I suspect more women do than care to admit. Men do too. It's quite normal. That said, it has to remain . Because if we new our partners were doing it we would not be too pleased. I for one would freak if I new my girlfriend was doing it. It must be common though. Surely?
Active Ink Slinger
I dunno... I feel if I have to think of someone else while having sex with my partner, then what the hell am I doing with them?

I do have a deep and meaningful relationship with Jason Statham in my dreams, but I don't imagine it's him when having sex with my partner.
It just smacks as being disrespectful to him.
Besides, when he brings his A game (and even his B game), I don't usually have the brain capacity to imagine him as someone else.
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness
I dunno... I feel if I have to think of someone else while having sex with my partner, then what the hell am I doing with them?

I do have a deep and meaningful relationship with Jason Statham in my dreams, but I don't imagine it's him when having sex with my partner.
It just smacks as being disrespectful to him.
Besides, when he brings his A game (and even his B game), I don't usually have the brain capacity to imagine him as someone else.

Sure. But lets say for example you have been in a loving relationship for some years. Married with kids. Surely the sex isn't a reason to primarily be with that person. I think it is common for people who have had the same partner for a long period of time to fantasize and imagine someone else during sex. I'm not saying its right or wrong. But it does happen. I don't do it with my wife, but I have in previous relationships.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ArthurG77

Sure. But lets say for example you have been in a loving relationship for some years. Married with kids. Surely the sex isn't a reason to primarily be with that person. I think it is common for people who have had the same partner for a long period of time to fantasize and imagine someone else during sex. I'm not saying its right or wrong. But it does happen. I don't do it with my wife, but I have in previous relationships.

LOL I am in a relationship, with children, that's been going on for many years. Loving? Not necessarily... That's why I have a deep and meaningful relationship with Jason Statham in my dreams. But fantasizing? Nope. It's just something I've never done... With any partner.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh geez... I really need a sarcasm font.

I don't really go to bed at night and dream of having a deep and meaningful relationship Jason Statham. It just sounds good. Obviously my sense of humor did not convey itself across the screen.

Besides... Jason and I would never work out. Long distance relationships don't seem to work for me.
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness
Oh geez... I really need a sarcasm font.

I don't really go to bed at night and dream of having a deep and meaningful relationship Jason Statham. It just sounds good. Obviously my sense of humor did not convey itself across the screen.

Besides... Jason and I would never work out. Long distance relationships don't seem to work for me.

Yup that's why WE get along so well.....

The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Active Ink Slinger
Awww before Cher became plastic.

I try not to think of another man. I might if I get bored and it's mainly a movie character such as Snape. (I liked Alan Rickman as Snape and as the infamous Rasputin...he has a sexy voice)
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
i could say who it is...but then i would get a spanking!
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness
Oh geez... I really need a sarcasm font.

I don't really go to bed at night and dream of having a deep and meaningful relationship Jason Statham. It just sounds good. Obviously my sense of humor did not convey itself across the screen.

Besides... Jason and I would never work out. Long distance relationships don't seem to work for me.

Strange. I really thought I had a strong sense of sarcasm, but I didn't see that. Oops.
Active Ink Slinger
when masturbating, yes. when having sex, no.
Princess Blondie
No, I've not done this. I guess I've always enjoyed who I've been with. :P
†Jinxy Approved†

Quote by malebox
when masturbating, yes. when having sex, no.

Same for me. Besides, I don't often close my eyes during sex.
Alpha Blonde
Yeah, I have. I haven’t done it in healthy thriving relationships in a secretive ‘omg, this other fantasy guy gets me off in my mind so much more than the guy I’m actually fucking’ way. I have done it on occasion with casual partners or when a relationship is in the obvious downslide before breaking up though, but those times are pretty rare.

I don’t think there’s anything really wrong with it unless you’re doing it on a constant basis or are so disinterested in your committed partner that you need to pretend they are someone else to get off.

But… even in a relationship, sometimes you have those pseudo roleplay situations where you’re dressed in a certain way or maybe wearing a wig or giving the illusion that you’re someone else and provoking it. In certain relationships sometimes I would talk about another girl or a threesome and in the heat of the moment tell him to fuck me as though I was a certain other girl or a hot friend of mine… kind of as part of a cheating fantasy. Often the fucking would be a little different if I was encouraging him to imagine I was someone else and it would really turn me on. And I’ve had guys who have encouraged the same (wanting me to imagine I was fucking someone else but using their body). But it’s all out in the open and part of the mutual fun. Not sure how common that is though. Outside of actual threesomes or an open relationship, a little imagination can definitely turn up the heat.
Active Ink Slinger
I have a few times. But only in a casual relationship that didnt go as I had hoped so I would fantasize during sex to make the best of it and get it over with.
Rookie Scribe
Yeah im guilty! Usually dream of nice black cock
Masturbating, all the time, lol. But when it comes to sex, if Im having to think about someone else, be prepared to be flipped over and taken advantage of because you aren't doing something right.
Active Ink Slinger
'Do you ever close your eyes and think of another man when you have sex?'

if the guy i'm with is sufficiently playful and attentive, no - just because then he crowds out the rest of the world. if not, then hoo boy yes - it's quite possilbe i'll be calling on my friend imaginary david beckham. he and i have an arrangement.
Active Ink Slinger
Never during sex and I was married for almost 20 years!

While I masturbated? Well, that is another story all together
Quote by BelleduJour
Never during sex and I was married for almost 20 years!
While I masturbated? Well, that is another story all together

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pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Frank

I think I am scarred for life... lol.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Active Ink Slinger
I've done it before, but not in my current relationship. Now, I don't imagine anyone else, just him.
Advanced Wordsmith
i do it while masturbating