Yes, of course! I can't imagine not having fantasies about sex!
Interesting comment by Alicinnamon
I think AliCinnamon nailed it.
I fantasise A LOT but they're just not going to happen. I have a fantasy sex life which is like my sexy online life - entirely separate from my real life. I could never share this with my partner - he just wouldn't understand, and think I was not satisfied with him - which is completely the opposite of reality.
Is the Pope Catholic?
Seems like a really silly thread to me.
Do women fantasize? Who knows. Do women have real thoughts and do they even exist at all?? No one can say for sure.
Can't speak for all women but I for one have a very active imagination and fantasize quite often.
YES! fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. ~dr. seuss
Is this real life? Lol yes!
What the fuck sort of asinine question is That?!
As if women weren't people, it essentially asks, "Do these lesser creatures have thoughts, ideas, opinions, emotions, plans, or intelligence?"
This question is of a kind one might expect to be brought forth in a discussion among fundamentalist Muslim imams.
I want to know who wrote it and I want to know what the hell they were thinking.
OMG yes. In fact, I have a whole walk-in closet full of them!
Some have been fulfilled in real life, but most have not. They are just too strange to be shared.
Life would really be boring without the fantasy the mind creates.
hells yes i do! to quote the good doctor, "fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living" -dr. seuss
Yes, I fantasize. Until recently, I never had a partner I would share any of them with.
From my profile, about my Master...
"He is discovering, and is satisfying, all of my Desires... known, unknown, and Hidden..."
Thank you Master!
Are you kidding...Yes we fantasize
Yes, but there is a different between having a fantasy... and being willing to carry that fantasy into reality. I have several fantasies, but I know for a fact that some will never come to reality and I'm fine with that.
The polling results tell you clearly especially since you're asking this question on Lush.
I'd say almost everyone has fantasies. Whether or not they are willing to admit them or to share them is another question altogether. The same way whether we want them to become a reality or not....some yes, some no. And I think this applies to guys as well. (or maybe just the self-acclaimed shy ones).
I find this question so obvious. Maybe the question should be "why do I not know my wife's fantasies?" Just sayin'...
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)