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Cut vs uncut

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Would you ladies please share your preferences on a man being circumcised or uncircumcised.
Never made a difference

I know some women do not like certain aspects of uncut

But to me..they feel the same

All of them are wonderful!
It doesn't really matter, but an uncircumcised man must be meticulous about their penile hygiene. No washy, no playin'.
I live with 2 guys. One is cut. The other uncut. It really makes no difference to me. They're both very hygienic, and the only difference in feel is when they're in my mouth. When I was younger, I liked the looks of circumcised better, but now I love them both ways.
Nice's awesome there are no flat out no responses....hygiene is very important part of uncircumcised it's true.....I have had the foreskin compared to a woman with puffy outie lips,,,,they are fun during oral.....and no different otherwise
Almost all the men I have been with were circumcised but I really like the few natural guys I know. I think it feels different, but it is mostly psychosomatic I am sure.

Hygiene Hygiene Hygiene
Hygiene is for uncut guys the same as for cut guys. They can both become just dirty.
I'm uncut and wouldn't want to miss my foreskin for the world
I agree on the hygiene, and while it might be the similar for both it is not quite the same. I am uncut and found that if you are not in the habit of retracting the foreskin from an early age it can become difficult later on. Biggest difference I have heard of from a guy who was circumcised as an adult is that being uncut makes masturbation much more comfortable.
cut by far i like seeing the entire cock myself
For me I prefer cut guys - I have had and enjoyed both but now my three guys are all cut I don't have a problem with snotty noses. Some guys just didn't realise how gross it can be if they don't wipe and wash it after use. I have even refused to have it orally or inside me because of the smell and smeg. Some guys just didn't realise that is was so gross.
I have only been with one uncircumcised guy. I have to admit that it was different at first, but I really enjoyed giving him oral with that extra skin...very hot!
doesn't make any difference
Being cut myself , I resent not having a foreskin . Parents are wrong to have their baby boys circumcised at birth , it should be up to men to decide on circumcision when they are old enough to choose .
I think circumcised penises often look ugly whether flacid or erect . With the foreskin covering the head they look smoother neater and there is a surprise when the foreskin is retracted exposing a very smooth , shiny ,puce , seemingly raw meat head of the penis .
I agree that hygene is an important factor , the more so for the uncut . My father-in-law was a pediatrician and stretched my baby son's foreskins when tiny to prevent there being stuck later , mothers should teach their boys to retract their foreskin and wash clean as a habit from early age . In a youthful discussion at drama school , a stunningly beautiful girl later successful film actress , said she prefered uncut because she could feel the foreskin catch on the vaginal opening making it slide back on entry and continuously slide back and forth . Martiann has the right idea ; I have seen in porn films women/girls who slide back the foreskin with their lips and tongue , which looks delicious . As an older man I am aware that the head of the penis forms a skin ; without the foreskin there is no protection of the once sensitive head that with age tends to lose feeling .
Come on ladies....anybody else care to contribute.....would love your feedback
If I had to choose, I would go with cut...I think it looks sexier, just my opinion...but I wouldn't kick an uncut man outta my bed either though.
Personally, Ive only had uncut. So Im not really that experinced on the topic, sorry.
I think when it comes down to it though, as long as theyre clean, fun and healthy, who cares..
The truth be known, do you know or feel the difference? Were it not for the benefit of the emergence of the army of sexual researchers and their obligatory papers/books in the '80's & '90's, would you even give a darn? As far as hygenic issues are concerned the mommies of both cut and uncut little boys religiously preached to them to scrub their little tallywhackers in the bath water every night.
Most English guys aren't circumcised so they make up the vast majority of my experience and I enjoy the extra sensitivity that having a foreskin affords. However, my husband is cut and I adore his penis. Honestly, I would never turn a guy down for being cut or uncut. I'm happy with either. I just like cock.
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Quote by Regello77
Parents are wrong to have their baby boys circumcised at birth , it should be up to men to decide on circumcision when they are old enough to choose .


Quote by Regello77
I think circumcised penises often look ugly whether flacid or erect .

This not ;)

Quote by Regello77
... , mothers should teach their boys to retract their foreskin and wash clean as a habit from early age .

Mothers? Well, them too of course, but this seems to be one of those things where dads seem to be the more obvious choice.


I have never experienced an uncut guy. Cut penises are more aesthetically pleasing, and I'm not sure if I'd want to suck a penis with a foreskin...
Quote by CherryRedGirl
I have never experienced an uncut guy. Cut penises are more aesthetically pleasing, and I'm not sure if I'd want to suck a penis with a foreskin...

Why not? They both most taste the same after a wash up. According to my ex, uncut ones are way easier to jerk off.
I've had both and don't prefer one over the other. All penises, cut or uncut are different. That's the attraction for me. I wish I still had my foreskin, who knows how many nerve endings were removed with it and what pleasure they could have brought me?
a cock is a cock , as long as it enters me wtf, sorry its 5.17am feelin hot mmmmmm got to do something about it, sooooo byeeeee xxx jelly
Quote by Saintz

Why not? They both most taste the same after a wash up. According to my ex, uncut ones are way easier to jerk off.

I think the extra skin in my mouth would feel weird lol
i've never had the pleasure of being with an uncut gentleman. i'm dying to give it a go especially since i've heard that they're more sensitive. would love to preform oral on one

Say. Her. Name.

Still trying to decide...
cock is cock as long as it is big i dont care