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I would do all of the above
Active Ink Slinger
Only things of that kind i've ever done for a woman:
-carry heavy luggage
-do the cooking if i'm home first.
It's pretty obvious that i want my pussy clean and as quick as possible.
Trying to sound cool. Too much work left.
Active Ink Slinger
I have 3 boys and have been instilling in them what I believe to be a code in which women should be treated.
Unfortunately, I think manners in general are fast being lost in both women and men. I cringe when I see a man open a door for a woman and she either gives him hell for it or sails on through as if this is expected with little or no thanks. It's not that hard to acknowledge thoughtfulness from another with a simple thankyou.

I adore when My man does these things for me. It makes me feel loved and special.
Quote by Naughtygrl73

I have 3 boys and have been instilling in them what I believe to be a code in which women should be treated.
Unfortunately, I think manners in general are fast being lost in both women and men. I cringe when I see a man open a door for a woman and she either gives him hell for it or sails on through as if this is expected with little or no thanks. It's not that hard to acknowledge thoughtfulness from another with a simple thankyou.

I adore when My man does these things for me. It makes me feel loved and special.

I went out on a date once (pre hubby) and this guy didn't open the door for me at all: not the car, not at the restaurant, left my seat untouched AND had the nerve to order for me!

I went to the ladies room and called a friend to pick me up. So that should tell you what I expect and my in laws, did right by me. I love my father in law!!
Active Ink Slinger
I appreciate the little things like opening a door, carrying my luggage, holding a chair as I sit. I never expect the big things.

And I DO NOT expect a guy or anyone for that matter to pay all the time!!
Her Royal Spriteness
i think it goes beyond chivalry. it's nice when anyone does that stuff, and just polite - i open doors, or hold them open, for people if i get there first, like at the bank. it's just a way of doing something nice for someone, and it takes no effort and certainly i appreciate it when someone does it for me. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
the door....

that is a must....
Active Ink Slinger
I try to be a gentleman but many times I get the smart answer Would you do this for a guY?The answer is yes because courtesy is sexless.These women it ruin it for the rest of you
I like all the small things a guy does for me without saying a the door for me letting me enter the building first...opening and closing the car door..I just hate it that the all this sexist shit makes it so hard on us other women and that it confuses the guys where they don't know if they should or shouldn't do it....
Quote by naughtiestmommy
I'm a Southern Belle at heart, so I would like him to:

hold the door for me
open my car door, wait for me to get in, and close it
pull my chair out for me
stand when I rise to leave the table
stand when I return to the table
offer me his coat when I'm chilly
offer to allow me to taste the wine first
Wait until I begin to eat before he does (
unless I encourage him to first)
Call me ma'am or miss if we are unfamiliar (I will always encourage him to call me by my first name, then)

These are not mandatory, obviously, but they ARE typical standards of etiquette, and it's too bad more men don't abide by them. I've raised my 15-year old son to do these things, and I love that he will. I wish more parents would take the time to teach their children manners.

I wasn't raised with manners, so it's not really an excuse for anyone to say they weren't raised that way, so they don't do it. I never hold it against anyone if they are not this well mannered but, if they are, it DEFINITELY leaves a wonderful impression. My husband stood out among others for these very habits.

This is also the way that I have been brought up as well. The one that I would add to it that most men do not do lately is if there is only a single aisle (say like in a mall or restaurant) is make sure she walks ahead of me. When is see a lot of traffic coming I will place my hand on the small of her back and guide her in front of me. It drives me insane when I see these young punks texting on their phones and have the nerve to walk in front of their girlfriends......ARGH!!!

It's so sad to see the way most of the youth is acting these days. No manners and no respect for one another (for the most part). Such a disappointment.
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Active Ink Slinger
All of them, apart from pay for everything. This is 21st century, the world is as much a womans as it is a mans now, and women are no longer bound to making a career as a housewife, everything is equal, thus expectations are too, you cant have it both ways smile
Active Ink Slinger
I love when my hubby opens doors for me, esp when im in front of him and he runs a bit to grab the door before I do.

Also I cant STAND when people hold a door open for you and you dont say thank you.
Active Ink Slinger
When reliable hormonal birth control was invented, women became liberated from a lot of risk and asserted rights more readily as a result of being less dependent on men. That liberated men, too. I open doors for women and often men now, but if a woman gets to a door first and doesn't hold it for me, I think she's inconsiderate and I'm less likely to respect her as a person. I thank anyone who opens or holds a door for me. I have this thing against entitled attitudes.

As the stronger person, I will be a beast of burden. As the taller person, I will reach higher and do the tasks where height is a benefit. As the person with back problems, I will generally stay out of a kitchen because they're designed for shorter people. I will do most tasks that require problem solving knowledge and abilities that are uncommon among traditionally raised females (e.g. auto mechanics). I won't pay for everything because our finances are mutualized by marriage. I won't do all the driving. I will offer my coat when she's chilly. I won't order dinner for her. I will taste the wine first because she expects that. I will do some things just to avoid a ration of crap from her and other things because society still gives women a raw deal in some respects, but I have a fairly low tolerance for almost everything that smacks of entitled "respect" or deference due to gender. I try to resist male entitlement as much as I resist female entitlement. So feminists get a little of what they want and self-entitled traditionalists get a little of what they want and I get a little respect as a person.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Cock Connoisseur
I never expect anything but whatever is given is appreciated. Politeness and good manners go along way. One who doesn't have to try at these things and just exude it, is a very attractive quality. I would never expect nor ask a man to pay for everything in fact its quite the opposite. I am so used to doing most of those things myself that having expectations usually leads to let down. Its much better to not expect and be surprised and thankful to run across a true gentlemen.
Active Ink Slinger
I believe in common courtesy across gender however if I was a woman and some guy got out of his car, walked around and opened the passenger door for me I would be insulted and embarrassed for him and this would apply to all the behaviour that hinges on the helpless female bit. As for paying it would depend on who invited who or if it was a mutual decision. Physical strength - well there are plenty of women stronger than me so that would be scaled accordingly. What does irritate me is the idea that you shake men's hands but kiss women when you greet them. I make a point of shaking everybody's hands unless a woman beats me to it and kisses me. I have to quell an urge to kiss her male partner but that's just my wicked sense of humour.