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Chat and Cybersex on this site question

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Wild at Heart
Quote by Mr_Nguyen_77

Mistake #3 If you are unsure as to your gender.


Active Ink Slinger
Stop being so precious you attention seeker. If you don't want the attention, get off this site; because you will get that type of attention.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by LuvitAll
Stop being so precious you attention seeker. If you don't want the attention, get off this site; because you will get that type of attention.

Hey, calm your tits!

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Cock Connoisseur
All I can say after reading through this thread is.........Wow *shakes head*
There's points on both 'sides' here. Unfortunately there has been a lot of posts made with regards to this subject (both in this post and in similar ones I've seen across the internet) lacking in general taste...but the points are made nonetheless.

The reality is that, as females, if we dress a certain way or, in the case of the internet, put up attractive and flattering photos of ourselves we will get pounced upon. Yeah, society sucks. We know that already.

But, you know what, I like my avatar. And if I get a bunch of messages from guys thinking with their dicks because they've seen my avatar and my not-as-flat-as-it-should-be stomach then fine. I ignore them...or I send them a one line response that makes me chuckle. I figure if they're going to piss me off by being assholes then they can at least provide me with a chuckle at the end of it.

And all that 'this is a sex site, rarara' BS. It's called lush STORIES. Shockingly, the majority of us females signed up because we like to read erotica; not because we like to sext with horny guys (or girls).

To break it down:

1) Yes it would be lovely if females weren't treated as a sex object for having a bit of cleavage on show (if you're a DD like me it's kind of tricky not to show a bit of cleavage in day to day life without dressing like a nun)

2) If we find the attention something we don't feel able to deal with we can dress like a freaking nun or put up an avatar of a truck or some such crap.

Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77
Am I out of line being uncomfortable with such activity on a site like this?

This was the only question you seemed to actually ask in your original post. So I shall answer it: no. Of course not. As I mentioned above this is called lush STORIES not lush you-must-cyber-with-everyone-who-asks. But the reality is that you are posting shit about how horny you are. That's a 'come on' however you look at it. You've linked your twitter on your profile and then written how horny you are all over it. If you want to lessen the amount of cybering attention you get then cut out that kind of thing. If you're happy to send guys on their way then carry on... you're not exactly doing any of us any harm! I'm not going to dictate what you should or shouldn't do.
Her Royal Spriteness
i love it when the sharks smell blood in the water and go all apeshit and crazy and biting everything that moves.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Cheeky Chick
And all that 'this is a sex site, rarara' BS. It's called lush STORIES. Shockingly, the majority of us females signed up because we like to read erotica; not because we like to sext with horny guys (or girls).

This was the only question you seemed to actually ask in your original post. So I shall answer it: no. Of course not. As I mentioned above this is called lush STORIES not lush you-must-cyber-with-everyone-who-asks. But the reality is that you are posting shit about how horny you are. That's a 'come on' however you look at it. You've linked your twitter on your profile and then written how horny you are all over it. If you want to lessen the amount of cybering attention you get then cut out that kind of thing. If you're happy to send guys on their way then carry on... you're not exactly doing any of us any harm! I'm not going to dictate what you should or shouldn't do.

I really agree with this first part. I know I joined to read and write here on Lush. I didn't even know you could chat with people when I first joined.

And you make a good point here.

If you think cybering is cheating on your husband, and I agree it is.. Then don't post how horny you are on a public chat site and not expect some stupid responds from people offering to help you out. It's common sense.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ravyn
All I can say after reading through this thread is.........Wow *shakes head*

I thought it was quite entertaining :P
Empress of the Moon
"These boys won't let me be...."

Active Ink Slinger
Enough Already!

If you want me to be a bitch, fine I'll be one!

For everyone who says if you don't want attention don't put up sexy pics, or don't post sexy things. You know what,you are not going to win this argument. I have what you want. I can post naked pics, I can Tweet that I'm naked right now, horny and want to fuck, I can invite you to a cyber session, and guess what when you message me all I have to do is not click on the box. I don't have to go invisible, I don't have to stay off the site, all I have to do is ignore you. You can call me a bitch, slut, or whore if you want, but all you can do is come here and pout, or go over in the corner and spank your little monkey BY YOURSELF!!

Don't take your frustrations on girls that tease you here and won't put out on me. All I asked you chicken chokers was if you thought cybersex was cheating on your spouse. I didn't say I felt harassed, I didn't say I think anyone shouldn't do it and I didn't tease anyone here.

A few people may agree that I'm the one in the wrong on this forum, but I ALWAYS WIN. I can post anything I want, make it as sexy as I want, and if I say no to cyber, for whatever reason, that's the end of it. You can't kick me off this site, you can't report me to anyone. ALL YOU CAN DO IS GET MAD.
I hope you will all follow me on Twitter: I can also be found on Facebook

Clever Gem
Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77
Enough Already!

If you want me to be a bitch, fine I'll be one!

For everyone who says if you don't want attention don't put up sexy pics, or don't post sexy things. You know what,you are not going to win this argument. I have what you want. I can post naked pics, I can Tweet that I'm naked right now, horny and want to fuck, I can invite you to a cyber session, and guess what when you message me all I have to do is not click on the box. I don't have to go invisible, I don't have to stay off the site, all I have to do is ignore you. You can call me a bitch, slut, or whore if you want, but all you can do is come here and pout, or go over in the corner and spank your little monkey BY YOURSELF!!

Don't take your frustrations on girls that tease you here and won't put out on me. All I asked you chicken chokers was if you thought cybersex was cheating on your spouse. I didn't say I felt harassed, I didn't say I think anyone shouldn't do it and I didn't tease anyone here.

A few people may agree that I'm the one in the wrong on this forum, but I ALWAYS WIN. I can post anything I want, make it as sexy as I want, and if I say no to cyber, for whatever reason, that's the end of it. You can't kick me off this site, you can't report me to anyone. ALL YOU CAN DO IS GET MAD.

Wild at Heart
Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77
All I asked you chicken chokers was if you thought cybersex was cheating on your spouse.

Active Ink Slinger
I much prefer actual chatting, getting to know people, and if it somehow leads to cybering that can be good or bad LOL What I don't understand is just posting pics all the time and pretending that it's the foreplay to mutual stroke sessions. Doesn't work for me without conversation.
Artistic Tart
Unicorn Wrangler
Wow, most of what was said is what I would have said. I have myself set as "away" so I don't get bombarded by "chat requests". You can also set yourself as "invisible" which I do if all I want to do is read & not be bothered by even the "on-line" chats (the little 100 character limit window).

Now, everyone has a different opinion about the cyber thing, and I respect your opinion in this. Happily, most of the folks I chat with have taken the time to get to know me first before engaging into a cyber session (and only a select few have cybered with me.) So, I think if you follow the advice the wonderful folks who have already given, you should be fine.

Oh yeah... and for those who think you're being a bitch... FUCK THEM! (not literally) You are here to share your stories and maybe read a few (I know that's why I'm here.) I stay because there are a few I love to chat with, and I get great feedback on my stories.

Stay strong hon! We might not agree in the realm of cyber, but I respect your opinion and desire to share your work.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
i love it when the sharks smell blood in the water and go all apeshit and crazy and biting everything that moves.
Thats just brilliant !!

Lush has so many different aspects that appeal to us as individuals,so you can make your bio very clear as to why you are on the site and what you like to do.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77
Enough Already!

If you want me to be a bitch, fine I'll be one!

For everyone who says if you don't want attention don't put up sexy pics, or don't post sexy things. You know what,you are not going to win this argument. I have what you want. I can post naked pics, I can Tweet that I'm naked right now, horny and want to fuck, I can invite you to a cyber session, and guess what when you message me all I have to do is not click on the box. I don't have to go invisible, I don't have to stay off the site, all I have to do is ignore you. You can call me a bitch, slut, or whore if you want, but all you can do is come here and pout, or go over in the corner and spank your little monkey BY YOURSELF!!

Don't take your frustrations on girls that tease you here and won't put out on me. All I asked you chicken chokers was if you thought cybersex was cheating on your spouse. I didn't say I felt harassed, I didn't say I think anyone shouldn't do it and I didn't tease anyone here.

A few people may agree that I'm the one in the wrong on this forum, but I ALWAYS WIN. I can post anything I want, make it as sexy as I want, and if I say no to cyber, for whatever reason, that's the end of it. You can't kick me off this site, you can't report me to anyone. ALL YOU CAN DO IS GET MAD.

Meet your new best friend. I have a feeling you guys were meant for each other.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
omg ... what a hilarious thread!!

Half way down, the OP posted her ultimate question on whether cybering is cheating or not. hahaha

Too bad the OP didn't post that first, there might not have been such fireworks!

My take on the cheating/cybering thing is that it is for some "cheating" on their SO ... for others, this is just a Lush Playground that is their secret. Who am I to judge?

I so love some of the entertainment here!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by PersonalAssistant
omg ... what a hilarious thread!!

Half way down, the OP posted her ultimate question on whether cybering is cheating or not. hahaha

Too bad the OP didn't post that first, there might not have been such fireworks!

My take on the cheating/cybering thing is that it is for some "cheating" on their SO ... for others, this is just a Lush Playground that is their secret. Who am I to judge?

I so love some of the entertainment here!

I have been a member of this site for about two weeks and the one thing that has stood out for me is the number of requests to chat I get. I will usually chat with anyone who asks, but it usuallly goes:

Me: Hi how are you.
Them: great but I'd be a lot better with your legs wrapped around me lol
Me thinking to myself: (I'd be a lot better off with my husband's fingers wrapped around your throat before he snaps your neck!!! because some guy just sent me a message asking if I'd like to suck his cock AS I'M TYPING THIS!!!)

I don't report people to moderators when this happens, or block them from contacting me. I'm also not really as angry as I may sound about it. Several people have sent me apology messages when I tell them I'm not into that. I just try to politely let them know that I'm not offended, I'm just not interested in that. My personal opinion is that I enjoy,and am aroused, by people being sexually aroused by my stories. I do not enjoy people being aroused by me. While I am flattered that so many people find me attractive, I feel that any one-on-one sexual roleplay with anyone other than my husband is a form of cheating. Since I'm new here I am interested in other women's opinion on this. Am I out of line being uncomfortable with such activity on a site like this?
I hope you will all follow me on Twitter: I can also be found on Facebook

Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77
I'm also not really as angry as I may sound about it. Several people have sent me apology messages when I tell them I'm not into that. I just try to politely let them know that I'm not offended, I'm just not interested in that. My personal opinion is that I enjoy,and am aroused, by people being sexually aroused by my stories. I do not enjoy people being aroused by me. While I am flattered that so many people find me attractive, I feel that any one-on-one sexual roleplay with anyone other than my husband is a form of cheating. Since I'm new here I am interested in other women's opinion on this. Am I out of line being uncomfortable with such activity on a site like this?

ok ... hunnie ... relax!!

With reference to your only question in your opening post .... I think you had a few answers at the beginning until members told you why you were being inundated with requests, etc.

Honestly, the majority of us don't give a crap who's cheating, who's just playing, who's fake, who's real .... just try to enjoy Lush for what it is ... a great place to showcase your writing, if you are a writer; a fabulous place to read some great stories; if you choose to chat and become friendly with other members, you have that opportunity.

So ... relax ... and try to enjoy it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77

I'm also not really as angry as I may sound about it. Several people have sent me apology messages when I tell them I'm not into that. I just try to politely let them know that I'm not offended, I'm just not interested in that. My personal opinion is that I enjoy,and am aroused, by people being sexually aroused by my stories. I do not enjoy people being aroused by me. While I am flattered that so many people find me attractive, I feel that any one-on-one sexual roleplay with anyone other than my husband is a form of cheating. Since I'm new here I am interested in other women's opinion on this. Am I out of line being uncomfortable with such activity on a site like this?

Quote by PersonalAssistant

ok ... hunnie ... relax!!

With reference to your only question in your opening post .... I think you had a few answers at the beginning until members told you why you were being inundated with requests, etc.

Honestly, the majority of us don't give a crap who's cheating, who's just playing, who's fake, who's real .... just try to enjoy Lush for what it is ... a great place to showcase your writing, if you are a writer; a fabulous place to read some great stories; if you choose to chat and become friendly with other members, you have that opportunity.

So ... relax ... and try to enjoy it.

No Thanks!
Since that's how my opening post was interpreted, I'll clarify my position.

Enough Already!

If you want me to be a bitch, fine I'll be one!

For everyone who says if you don't want attention don't put up sexy pics, or don't post sexy things. You know what,you are not going to win this argument. I have what you want. I can post naked pics, I can Tweet that I'm naked right now, horny and want to fuck, I can invite you to a cyber session, and guess what when you message me all I have to do is not click on the box. I don't have to go invisible, I don't have to stay off the site, all I have to do is ignore you. You can call me a bitch, slut, or whore if you want, but all you can do is come here and pout, or go over in the corner and spank your little monkey BY YOURSELF!!Don't take your frustrations on girls that tease you here and won't put out on me. All I asked you chicken chokers was if you thought cybersex was cheating on your spouse. I didn't say I felt harassed, I didn't say I think anyone shouldn't do it and I didn't tease anyone here.

A few people may agree that I'm the one in the wrong on this forum, but I ALWAYS WIN. I can post anything I want, make it as sexy as I want, and if I say no to cyber, for whatever reason, that's the end of it. You can't kick me off this site, you can't report me to anyone. ALL YOU CAN DO IS GET MAD.
I hope you will all follow me on Twitter: I can also be found on Facebook

Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77

No Thanks!
Since that's how my opening post was interpreted, I'll clarify my position.

Enough Already!

If you want me to be a bitch, fine I'll be one!

For everyone who says if you don't want attention don't put up sexy pics, or don't post sexy things. You know what,you are not going to win this argument. I have what you want. I can post naked pics, I can Tweet that I'm naked right now, horny and want to fuck, I can invite you to a cyber session, and guess what when you message me all I have to do is not click on the box. I don't have to go invisible, I don't have to stay off the site, all I have to do is ignore you. You can call me a bitch, slut, or whore if you want, but all you can do is come here and pout, or go over in the corner and spank your little monkey BY YOURSELF!!Don't take your frustrations on girls that tease you here and won't put out on me. All I asked you chicken chokers was if you thought cybersex was cheating on your spouse. I didn't say I felt harassed, I didn't say I think anyone shouldn't do it and I didn't tease anyone here.

A few people may agree that I'm the one in the wrong on this forum, but I ALWAYS WIN. I can post anything I want, make it as sexy as I want, and if I say no to cyber, for whatever reason, that's the end of it. You can't kick me off this site, you can't report me to anyone. ALL YOU CAN DO IS GET MAD.

Good grief, it's a wonder anyone wants to talk to you enough to even open a chat window if you behave like this.

I actually posted a perfectly polite and sincere response to you above...I even answered your original question (which was NOT was it 'cheating' it was 'am I out of line being uncomfortable with such activity on a site like this?'). Every post you've made since has made me wonder exactly why I bothered
Artistic Tart
Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77

I feel that any one-on-one sexual roleplay with anyone other than my husband is a form of cheating. Since I'm new here I am interested in other women's opinion on this. Am I out of line being uncomfortable with such activity on a site like this?

Absolutely not. Many of us feel the same way, actually, but it's no big deal either way. You don't really think horny strangers on the Internet are going to "respect" your marriage, do you? In any case, you're doing an awful lot of all-caps, red-font, cyber-yelling here, and while it is entertaining to watch, It won't get you taken very seriously. The ironic thing is, you've made a point to emphasize your desire for female-only responses, yet you're doing nothing short of baiting men to answer your rants, which again, are directed at them, not women. Guys will "choke their chicken" () whether you decide to 'cyber' with them or not, rest assured.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77
I have been a member of this site for about two weeks and the one thing that has stood out for me is the number of requests to chat I get. I will usually chat with anyone who asks, but it usuallly goes:

Me: Hi how are you.
Them: great but I'd be a lot better with your legs wrapped around me lol
Me thinking to myself: (I'd be a lot better off with my husband's fingers wrapped around your throat before he snaps your neck!!! because some guy just sent me a message asking if I'd like to suck his cock AS I'M TYPING THIS!!!)

I don't report people to moderators when this happens, or block them from contacting me. I'm also not really as angry as I may sound about it. Several people have sent me apology messages when I tell them I'm not into that. I just try to politely let them know that I'm not offended, I'm just not interested in that. My personal opinion is that I enjoy,and am aroused, by people being sexually aroused by my stories. I do not enjoy people being aroused by me. While I am flattered that so many people find me attractive, I feel that any one-on-one sexual roleplay with anyone other than my husband is a form of cheating. Since I'm new here I am interested in other women's opinion on this. Am I out of line being uncomfortable with such activity on a site like this?

This bold sentences seem to contradictory? You aren't offended, but it's cheating to cyber. Most monogamous people would consider cheating to be offensive? And you're uncomfortable with such activity on a "site like this". I'm not having a go at you over this, just pointing out that it's possible people are reading what you wrote differently than you meant it.

Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77
Enough Already!

If you want me to be a bitch, fine I'll be one!

For everyone who says if you don't want attention don't put up sexy pics, or don't post sexy things. You know what,you are not going to win this argument. I have what you want. I can post naked pics, I can Tweet that I'm naked right now, horny and want to fuck, I can invite you to a cyber session, and guess what when you message me all I have to do is not click on the box. I don't have to go invisible, I don't have to stay off the site, all I have to do is ignore you. You can call me a bitch, slut, or whore if you want, but all you can do is come here and pout, or go over in the corner and spank your little monkey BY YOURSELF!!

Don't take your frustrations on girls that tease you here and won't put out on me. All I asked you chicken chokers was if you thought cybersex was cheating on your spouse. I didn't say I felt harassed, I didn't say I think anyone shouldn't do it and I didn't tease anyone here.

A few people may agree that I'm the one in the wrong on this forum, but I ALWAYS WIN. I can post anything I want, make it as sexy as I want, and if I say no to cyber, for whatever reason, that's the end of it. You can't kick me off this site, you can't report me to anyone. ALL YOU CAN DO IS GET MAD.

Yes, you are free to do all of those things. No one can stop you, nor should they. However, the people that view your naked pics, Tweets, horny wants to fuck, and cyber invitations are free to assume you're down for some cyber sex or roleplay. YOu can ignore messages and boxes all you want, that's not going to stop them from coming from the next guy that comes across your profile. And trust me, there are lots of other people here with whom your rejected wannabe cyber lovers can spank their "little" monkey with. How do you know they have little monkeys?

Your attitude does seem to be a bit condescending, at best. Man hating at worst. You can't say on one hand "don't take your frustrations out on girls that tease you.. blah blah blah... I didn't tease anyone...." while using terms like "little chickens, chicken chokers, and talk about your husband "snapping their necks" and then turn around a take out your frustrations on the same people. You're doing what you're telling them not to do, and you're doing it publicly instead of directly to them in private. That would be hypocrisy on your part.

If you don't want to cyber, don't. If you think it's cheating on your husband, fine. If you don't want to block or reply to potential cyber suitors, fine. But none of things are going to stop guys (who don't know your rules) from trying to get into your cyber pants.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Clever Gem
Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77

A few people may agree that I'm the one in the wrong on this forum, but I ALWAYS WIN. I can post anything I want, make it as sexy as I want, and if I say no to cyber, for whatever reason, that's the end of it. You can't kick me off this site, you can't report me to anyone. ALL YOU CAN DO IS GET MAD.

Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77
You all win, I quit.

Is there any way to close this topic and be done with it.

I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Quote by Tammy_Nguyen_77
You all win, I quit.

Is there any way to close this topic and be done with it.

I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Yes but your best bet is to not post in it anymore
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Orgasm Aficionado
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.
Thread closed at the request of the OP.

Posting images / details of people's accounts from other sites like Myspace, Twitter and FB, is not cool.