I don't think a women could ever get the intense stimulation of a proper prostate massage from anal like a man but can love it all the same.
Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! I've had some of the best orgasms from being fucked in the pussy and a finger in my ass...gawd the intensity has increased and caused some of my partners an even better orgasm from feeling me shudder around them...
No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy -unless you let him.
- Napoleon Hill
I used to be quite obsessed with anal. I loved to the point of only wanting that instead of anything else. My orgasms were mind blowing.... Unfortunately, I ended up with someone who wasn't totally into it, and now I hardly do it. And, I miss it...
I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, ANAL THAT IS!!, if you must know. In combination with Oral there is nothing to compare.
I do not need it that way every time, but I do like frequent trips down this avenue. More than the guys how could I ever know that.
I have found that when a woman learns to have a good orgasm during anal, she definately likes it more than men. I love it, but I think its more from the mental stimulation than the physical.