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Birth control question, loss of drive?

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Hey, Ive been around the site for a wile and i've seen alot about bareback and the fun with it.
So from this I assume many of the women on here are on some sort of birth control.
Me and my ex were having tons of sex up until about 3 months ago.
She started new birth control shot around this time.
Before this we were having sex 4-5 times per week, with some excessive weeks going 15+ times.
I was loving it and I think she was too. Then we had two weeks I was away and when I came back I was expecting she was waiting,
but there was nothing. I wasnt sure what was going on. After three months of this she said she was not into sex anymore... with anyone.
Before she was with other guys a little and we were still together. But everything ended she told me.
Then she decided to leave me, I had purposed to her and was planning on getting married.
This really bothered me.
I was wondering if any other women on here lost there sex drive on a birth control shot and if that contributed to any other problems.
Well that depends on how your body reacts to the shot. Have you asked her about how she feels --- not just about sex, but everything in general..?

I was on the pill for a long time; I need it to keep myself regular. But after a while I decided to change the brand, and as soon as I started taking them I started feeling weird. I would cry for no reason, my head hurt, and I thought about killing myself constantly. Now I didn’t know this was because of the pills but when my brother saw me sitting in the bathtub crying my eyes out, and holding a knife. He started asking questions and we figured out it was the pills.

I went to the Dr. and found out they had too much hormones for me; my body didn’t react well to them. This could very well be the case, and she just doesn’t know what’s wrong. Hope this helps you out a little…
I'd suggest having her change the contraception she's using,. There are hundreds of different types and their not all going to suit every woman. And i think a loss of sex drive is a common side effect with some.
thanks, and yeah I thought it may be the pills playing with her hormones.
But when everything else changed I just thought it might be an excuse.
Thanks for the input and I wont be seeing if that's the problem because
currently she will never speak to me again because I asked for the ring
back after she took it off and threw it across the room.
Shes your ex? She has no sex drive with you because she is knocking boots with somebody else.....get over it and move on.....sheesh! Thought that would be obvious!!!!!
yeah i know that now but i was wondering about before.
Then we had two weeks I was away and when I came back I was expecting she was waiting,
but there was nothing.

Key statement.
hey rocco, can i ask what you mean by that? im thinking she found someone else is that what you are implying?
ok then, ill just let it go
Okay, I should've been more specific. It seems strange that you two were having all the sex you wanted before the two weeks, and when you returned....nothing. Something definitely happened there, in my opinion. Maybe it's coupled with the birth control problem, too.
She did you a favor leaving you I know to many men in sexless marriages and it's miserable! The birth control was a big part of that but not being willing to work it out is MUCH worse you are much better off without her really. I've always been plenty horny but when I went off the pill after taking it for 27 years I just about went nympho. Doc said it was the birth control.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
The hormone in the BC pills are not as harmless as they are advertised. People can get terribly sick from them, can develop blood clots, even die. I can't take them or the injections - when I do I get violently ill, depressed, develop rashes and have developed blood clots. I can't take them ever without serious risk to my body.

This situation makes it difficult for for safe sex and birth control. I've had to become and be an advocate for consistent condom use with a partner.
The injection made me lose it sad and my bf at the time started acting a knob about it which was never going to help the situation. Since i stopped using tht wen we split last year my drive has excelled in rapid speed!
Quote by IsThisOkay
ok then, ill just let it go

I'm sorry this happened to you - usually I find people are a bit more sensitive on Lush, even when I make statements or ask questions that are considered to be silly or self-evident.

Birth control can do crazy things to a woman's hormones - I too was once on a prescription that wasn't right for me, and I was angry and crying all the time. I've since come off them altogether, due to age and the fact that I smoke (seriously high risk), and I also noticed that my sex drive went through the roof afterwards.

I hope things get better for you, soon.
i see three distinct issues here....

1...u left & said she has had other lovers???

2..she threw your ring at you???

3..she has zero sex drive she is on..the pill??

lot of diff pills out there...she should go back to her doctor IF & that is a HUGE if sweetie

wear protection still is she has multiple is just scary with all the diseases out there!

the ring is a promise & a symbol of your love

seems to me she cares VERY little..about either.....

if she does not want to change her BC...u got your answer...she...wants to play with others

but i suspect u already have a clue...about this..u were just looking for affirmation
It is in fact very possible to lose drive while on birth control, every girl has a different reaction due to the body adjusting to the new hormones interfering with it's natural momentum. Truth be told though, that is not your issue by any means. I think you're just in a denial phase and you're looking for some sort of outlet to justify the situation, probably because you care about her so much (from the looks of it). At any rate, she left you and is most likely banging someone else as previously mentioned. Just let it go, take it in stride and continue forward. No need to stumble over your past, no matter how distant or recent. Point blank!
I and many of my friends encountered this problem, while on birth control our sex drives decreased MASSIVELY. No birth control, we wanted sex all the time. It is a MEDICAL FACT that this happens with a lot of women.
Quote by rebeccakeyes
The hormone in the BC pills are not as harmless as they are advertised. People can get terribly sick from them, can develop blood clots, even die. I can't take them or the injections - when I do I get violently ill, depressed, develop rashes and have developed blood clots. I can't take them ever without serious risk to my body.

This situation makes it difficult for for safe sex and birth control. I've had to become and be an advocate for consistent condom use with a partner.

Have you tried an IUD? Great birth control option that is maintenance free and hormone free!
Erm...I was on birth control for a little while...and my sex drive INCREASED....this sounds like something was going on in your relationship, not because of her birth control.
My libido dramatically decreased on b.c. pills! When I stopped taking them, it was right back up to the previous level. It didn't seem to effect me emotionally, but I have a friend who pretty much lost her marbles while taking them. And maybe I'm naive (or less misanthropic) but I wouldn't automatically assume she was sleeping with someone else after enjoying great sex with someone who loved her while you were gone for only two weeks.