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Big build guys? dig it? dont dig it?

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What the hell...

Quote by goose_74
.and as a big guy thats what we have been brain washed to think...if your going to be big

This is my favourite bit. I like how you speak on behalf of all 'big guys' out there! It's a bit like me saying 'all us DD girls are scared that if we lose weight our tits will get smaller and we won't be able to do the female version of the pec dance, which would be, like, a total tragedy because we all think we have to do it because we've been brain washed because we're DD girls!!!'

I can totally do this. (Disclaimer: not joking, it's easy - try it ladies!)

Edit: ....Disclaimer number 2: DD girls does not stand for Dancing Doll's girls...much as she's lovely, we're not quite there yet
lol you just love to hate....and idk and dont care what your problem is....but i thought you said there was nothing left to comment on move on already! honestly im done commenting towards you or replying to your comments from here on out...

Have a good day smile

Wonder what you and your 300 lb will master next, walking on water? When you manage that I will happily take on the 'hater' role!

Active Ink Slinger
Hey Goose.. just a comment.. sounds like you had a good run in college.. you could have just put that in your bio.. you're barreling through here on your Ducati and juggling your 80 pound weights and waiting for applause.. this is an adult site where social skills are the way to meet and get accepted.. it's not 4th and goal.. dial it back a tad and let everyone catch up to you.. for the most part the women in here are elegant, sophisticated, very savvy and usually a lot smarter than us guys.. you don't get to jump to the head of the line.. you have to earn it.. so kick back and have another brew.. enjoy the site..
lol warlock just a not looking to get to the front of any line, and at no point did i mention anything about a motorcycle in this thread, im sure the women on this site are savvy and sophisticated...but honestly dont hide behind your computer and try to make fun of others when your a man in his 60's with a profile picture of a model in his early twenties with a six least im not ashamed of who i am, honestly it looks as if you cant say the same. But its ok...plenty of people in here have been very enjoyable to go back and forth with, and it just seems like two of you have your own issues that you need to work out...and as one of them said... haters please try to take your insecurities out on me so you can feel better haha...cuz it doesn't bother me....but i would hope that before you try and come back at me again you at least put a pic of yourself...until then i have no more to say to you....
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by goose_74
lol warlock just a not looking to get to the front of any line, and at no point did i mention anything about a motorcycle in this thread, im sure the women on this site are savvy and sophisticated...but honestly dont hide behind your computer and try to make fun of others when your a man in his 60's with a profile picture of a model in his early twenties with a six least im not ashamed of who i am, honestly it looks as if you cant say the same. But its ok...plenty of people in here have been very enjoyable to go back and forth with, and it just seems like two of you have your own issues that you need to work out...and as one of them said... haters please try to take your insecurities out on me so you can feel better haha...cuz it doesn't bother me....but i would hope that before you try and come back at me again you at least put a pic of yourself...until then i have no more to say to you....

You're right son.. you have nothing more to say to me.. as for my avatar.. that is my actual pic.. I just look really good for my age.. and I need the wings so I can get a little bit off the ground and not drag my johnson on the sidewalk.. uh-oh.. I think your girlfriend is looking at me..

ps... don't feel obligated to respond.. no.. really.. don't respond..
Quote by goose_74
lol warlock just a not looking to get to the front of any line, and at no point did i mention anything about a motorcycle in this thread

Umm.... he was creating an figurative scenario to help emphasise his points....clearly you didn't quite get this.

Quote by goose_74
but honestly dont hide behind your computer and try to make fun of others when your a man in his 60's with a profile picture of a model in his early twenties with a six least im not ashamed of who i am, honestly it looks as if you cant say the same.

The person who comes across....well....less than ideal here, poppet, is you. Warlock was simply, as a member who's clearly spent more time here and on the forums than yourself, offering some advice - some very good advice, as it goes.

Many people are not able to 'show face' on here due to their line of work, or perhaps they just don't want to - that doesn't make them ashamed or any such thing, that makes them internet smart and safe. You'll find lush to be a very, very small world if you won't talk to those without their own faces or bodies on display, particularly in their avatar as most keep it to their private galleries, better learn to deal with it, big guy.
Active Ink Slinger
You still keep in shape or exercise nowadays? This reminds me, I haven't even mentioned those 5'6/ 5'7 chumps weighing I'm guessin 160 trying to act strong and shit and not even drinking water. LOL
Active Ink Slinger
i would like to see a 170lb guy pick up a 120-130 lb girl and have his way with her how he likes without the support of a wall or door for more than 2 minutes haha

You can try it with me if you like. i'm only 5'2 and no man has ever tried that yet. I'm not petite but i'm certainly not fat either.

I Love larger built guys. My partner is 6'3 and unfortunatly not built just fat! no not really he just has a squeezy belly he is working on loosing.
Quote by cyrwr3gmail
You still keep in shape or exercise nowadays? This reminds me, I haven't even mentioned those 5'6/ 5'7 chumps weighing I'm guessin 160 trying to act strong and shit and not even drinking water. LOL

haha ya i try...combination of weight training and cross fit to stay well rounded...but its alot harder when you dont have a gym that u can walk to in 5 minutes....or have all the time in the world to get it dont like in college....but i feel that i need to do it for my health and for its just a daily part of life lol

Shadowcat: LOL nice comment on the significant other =P you sound like a tiny little thing at5ft2 lol...but thats a shame that your guy hasnt given you the "stand up" treatment yet haha...maybe a little encouragement is needed ;) just give him a hint haha but ya i agree with love to see proof for myself ;)
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by goose_74

haha ya i try...combination of weight training and cross fit to stay well rounded...but its alot harder when you dont have a gym that u can walk to in 5 minutes....or have all the time in the world to get it dont like in college....but i feel that i need to do it for my health and for its just a daily part of life lol

Shadowcat: LOL nice comment on the significant other =P you sound like a tiny little thing at5ft2 lol...but thats a shame that your guy hasnt given you the "stand up" treatment yet haha...maybe a little encouragement is needed ;) just give him a hint haha but ya i agree with love to see proof for myself ;)

You know, as much as my head can get turned by bigger lads, and I thought your avatar was proper nice, I now find it turning a different way for the wrong reasons.

There is a health section if you'd like to explore certain issues more fully?

And to be honest, trying to goad somebody into posting a picture just so one can pick holes in them or try to prove something to oneself is, in my opinion, showing oneself to be the smaller of the two. Sure, if people have had a dig, so be it - couldn't a bigger man let it pass instead of playing along? Just my opinion. But I think your original thread has morphed into something saddening and nasty to watch. So I'm giving up bothering.

Good luck with it.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Wild at Heart
Quote by goose_74
So here is the thing, im a big 6 ft4 280 lbs but i have 20 inch biceps, a 21 inch neck, a 54 inch chest(pecs not man tits), can bench 450lbs and i played College football....So i am a big i dont have a belly, im not squishy or just...well proportionately big lol....

Look bro, I don't know my measurements because I'm not getting fitted for a dress.. what the fuck..

I can fucking lift 455lbs and I didn't even need to play no college fool'sball.
Rookie Scribe
The point here is that everyone has their own interests and priorities. I always laugh to myself when people have these misunderstandings about bodybuilders. Sure there are plenty of lunk heads to set a bad example, but isn't that the case with a lot of presumptions people have about other folk. (like using the word folk, made some friends from the south on vacation in the Bahamas. Love their way of talk. Their I go taking the long way around the barn with making my point. Lol). I do what I do with bodybuilding because I love it. Also because I am a compulsive maniac and bodybuilding helps me express that in a healthy way. I sometimes wish I could be casual about exercise like a normal person instead of weighing my food and worrying about my next workout. Don't get me wrong I enjoy looking good and I feel great about myself, but hating on others for how they look is very lame. I'll tell you who never minds me being a strong guy, the person who calls 911 who needs me to carry them down 6 flights of stairs to my ambulance during their medical emergency. No complaints there, as I aviod slipping or tripping on the urine and crack heads in the stairwell. It's all love there, no wise cracks about conceit, steriods or how much I bench.
I've always had a thing for tall, thin men. Just saying...
Love how it all became a "pissing contest" as the saying goes. I'm always wary when, as Shakespeare said, "Methinks he doth protest too much." No one ever says "Man, that guy can benchpress philosophy AND poetry at the same time. I'm impressed."
Active Ink Slinger
So you sound like a DEMI-GOD aka Hercules, Perseus or even Samson.

In answer to your question, I'm sure others have different tastes. My other half isn't the most muscluar man around, but I do love seeing his muscles move when he splits wood with an axe.

Musclar man I think of Rocky (from Rocky Horror) "I'm a muscle fan".

"But a deltoid and a bicep
A hot groin and a tricep
Makes me, Ooh, shake
Makes me wanna take Charles Atlas by the hand"


"I can make you a man".
Active Ink Slinger
Oh my god I only know my height 5' 6.54910032" now what are my........ what do they call those things ah yes biceps - maybe I should go metric (cos it sounds more) and what about the other thing mm never measured that - should I do a before and after thing or would they think that to be wishful thinking? Anyway what did the diminutive Sinatra say about a drop dead brunette in From Here To Eternity? Ah yes I remember now "I like'em tall."
Active Ink Slinger
I don't like guys with big muscles. Their not cuddly. I would feel like he'd cut me on his muscles if I was to cuddle one. So no I don't dig them.
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
Rookie Scribe
I love them big (body builders/ thick) and tall... 6'2 plus
I am tall, 5'10 is usually what it comes out to. I have a willowy frame though. I haven't dated or been with a man who is physically smaller than me. My husband is 6'1, very wide shoulders, long legs, huge arms, very muscled as he's a working man. Love his body type. I like guys who have muscle on them, not just skinny little things who are all skin and bones: total turn off.
Advanced Wordsmith
not bodybuild types, a nice six-pack and tight bum does it for me