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Being stared at by men on the street?

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When you go walking down the street and you feel the intense, distinctive leery eyes of a man preying upon you, how do you feel?

I guess your reaction will depend on what kind of mood in particular you are that day,or what kind of man is doing the staring, but more or less, broadly speaking, what you feel most of the times?

Indiference? It's a turn on/off? It gives you a sense of power?
Bit of a turn on, bit of a sense of power... and of course depending on who it is you look back
It gives me power over him, that just looking at me walk past him has such an effect on him. The power is a turn on, and if he is a hot one then it turns me on even more. I will play it up, I will make sure he knows I notice, and by then I might have him eating out of my hand.
Appreciative glance = Good.

Leering = Bad.

There is definitely a distinct difference... (unless he's hot! LOL)
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Appreciative glance = Good.

Leering = Bad.

There is definitely a distinct difference... (unless he's hot! LOL)

I agree. I've had real leering coming from creepy old guys when I was still underage. But a hot guy closer to age glancing is a huge turn on
Quote by Sexy_Katt
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Appreciative glance = Good.

Leering = Bad.

There is definitely a distinct difference... (unless he's hot! LOL)

I agree. I've had real leering coming from creepy old guys when I was still underage. But a hot guy closer to age glancing is a huge turn on

I have to agree completely with Dancing_Doll and Sexy_Katt.

But I do like this quote which seems to fit this topic "We sometimes imagine we hate flattery, but we only hate the way we are flattered"
Most of the time I'm in my own world lol...the times it has happened and I noticed I turned away and grinned...I like an appreciative glance or a double take but I draw the line at being wolf whisteled at.
At 42, I work hard to look the way I do. A look and recognition is good and leer can be even better especially when he is attractive too. But if he is older where is the harm? Unless he makes a woman feel threatened.

But what would the ladies answer be if it was another woman?
I buy by clothes knowing which is the best attention grabber (only kidding a little bit)
On my off days I dress slobbish and cover up when I want to.
When my confidence is brimming it is v neck tops, push up bra, hair is straigtned, I'll have my make-up on and jewellry and I'll feel fantastic.
I love it
Well, leery-eyes actually scare me somewhat... Maybe that's just me, but if some guy is actually leering at me - and maybe this is just my imagination - but I don't think that a nice, clean shaven bloke that looks like he could be in a hippy band could leer at me (I may one day be proven wrong)... So, leery guys scare me, because again in my imagination, they look generally... ' ' or soemthing, and leery is not good, it feels threatning as I believe was mentioned above.

But like you said, my mood will also be part of it - If I've just had a big arguement with a partner, and I'm all stroppy, some guy giving me eyes may get a very negative reaction, or a very good one... And again, the kind of guy doing it is a big thing too - If my clean shaven hippy band dude is giving me the eye it'll make me feel great, although he may have caught me looking at him...

In general though, looking and not leering is good. A nice appreciative glance will boost my confidence and make me feel better about myself. I've recieved compliments in mywork scrubs though, without a scratch of makeup and a birdsnest for hair... They always leave me feeling good, but mildly bemused too.
Quote by javier
When you go walking down the street and you feel the intense, distinctive leery eyes of a man preying upon you, how do you feel?

I guess your reaction will depend on what kind of mood in particular you are that day,or what kind of man is doing the staring, but more or less, broadly speaking, what you feel most of the times?

Indiference? It's a turn on/off? It gives you a sense of power?

It depends, but if the feeling I get is that he is really leering and creepy, I make sure he isn't also following me afterwards. If there's a feeling of danger coming across, it's a different thing than feeling being turned on or feeling powerful. The key thing is "preying upon you". Being preyed upon is in a different category. An appreciative look is totally different, in my opinion.
It hasn't happened lately, but I love looking right back at them with the "you can look all you want, but the rest is seriously off limits!" stare.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
When I'm high in spirits, I love when guys lust after me as I walk down down the street. I'll probably give the guy a wink and flash him a smile. But if I'm not in the mood, I'll probably turn around and scream,

"What the FUCK ya looking at!" and then storm off.
Quote by sexyho51
When I'm high in spirits, I love when guys lust after me as I walk down down the street. I'll probably give the guy a wink and flash him a smile. But if I'm not in the mood, I'll probably turn around and scream,

"What the FUCK ya looking at!" and then storm off.

When you were in high spirits I would wink and smile back. If you screamed that at me I'd answer, "a bitch." That kind of attitude really is uncalled for.

We all live with sexual attractions. Being appreciated is a compliment. Ladies, stop obsessing over who is appreciating the view or if they happened to appreciate it at the right time for you or not - and realize that he can't help it. It's as involuntary as breathing - same as it is for you. And it's a compliment of the highest order for that very reason.

So, if someone said "nice shoes" to you on the street, and you said "What the FUCK ya looking at" just because you're in a bad mood, then you're out of line, not him.

Now, if the guy is staring in a creepy way, meaning longer or harder than is just natural, then he has that kind of thing coming.
I'm a wild and Krrraaazzzy Guy!
It depends on the location but it is a turn on for sure but I am a bit of an exhibitionist. I love to tease men at the beach by stripping down to a gstring or by dancing like a stripper at clubs.
I love it! It's a reminder that I still "got it."
An appreciative glance is welcomed. A leering glance or stare freaks me out a lot.

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When a cute guy looks at me I enjoy it.
When a guy in a windowless van is staring at me I'm a bit scared.
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Quote by SweetPenny
I love it! It's a reminder that I still "got it."

You and me too, but maybe we came from differnet places than some of the other Lush Ladies!
I'm oblivious to everything going on around me so when I do notice a man (or woman ;) ) staring at me or even glancing at me, I get excited and I feel pretty so obviously it's a turn on. ^_^
i love it, especially when the guy is hot
i've more than once approached someone who has been staring at me and had lots of fun hahaha :P
Quote by LadyX
It gives me power over him, that just looking at me walk past him has such an effect on him. The power is a turn on, and if he is a hot one then it turns me on even more. I will play it up, I will make sure he knows I notice, and by then I might have him eating out of my hand.

im for sure in this boat. frankly, i love taking a man's power..specially when they so willingly give it to me ;-)
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Appreciative glance = Good.

Leering = Bad.

There is definitely a distinct difference... (unless he's hot! LOL)

or if he's big and red doll! hahahaaa
It depends on the type of stare and who is doing the staring. If I'm dressed in a certain way it's nice to know it's working smile But generally if its accompanied by a nice friendly smile, I will make eye contact and smile back, its a nice feeling to be attractive to a man especially being in my 40's.
I dont mean to apear to stupid.. but what is the difference between looks and creepy lears? smile

Does it differ depending on who you are getting it from?
Does walking in front of a guy at work and knowing he is watching you bum wiggle consititue as a lear or is it scary at all?
Is it more if he's being to obvious with staring at your chest? (for the record I dont talk to chests.. just to make it clear)
is it age dependant?
can I look at a 16-18yr old and it still be ok compared to someone closer to 30?
what are the boundaries really? It can be kinda confusing for a guy....(well me at least) I gave a big smile to a woman at a petrol station today and got a nice one back in return (this isn't something im usually brave enough to do)..
and how can we judge if its ok to check you out or not? Its a mine field!! hahah
I guess it is difficult for a guy to know what the reaction will be, and yes I suppose it does depend on who you are getting it from. I'm much more likely to respond to being stared at positively if i'm attracted to the guy. A bit unfair I know but it's the ay of the world.

It creeps me out when men stare at me,
but all joking aside; This is a good topic.

I find the opposite sex is what makes me get out of bed in the mornings.
It's nice to know most Ladies appreciate a man admiring their beauty.

If I'm having a good hair day, and feeling extra confident,
I also appreciate an extra look from the ladies as well.

Oh hell, even the men too.
It's all about people making people feel better about them selves.

Ogling for too long is bad news tho
If they just glance, then look away I think its teasing

If they look, and make a good comment, its extremely empowering

If they look, and laugh... well that makes anyone feel like shit

If they look, and follow for a long time without saying anything... RUN. Its never a good thing.. certainly around Miami.

Hope that helped...
Exciting and a sense of power!
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Women
and a turn on
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Women