So here's what I find attractive..
He exudes confidence, yet retains humility.
Has a smile that is genuine and laughs easily.
His body language reflects inner strength.
Has a twinkle in his eyes that tells me there's a rebel lurking not too far beneath.
I don't know how to label him, but there you have it.
Don't worry about it. Sometimes you just have to say 'hold on tight' and then pop a wheelie while she's on the back of your bike. She may not want you to skydive but 'fuck it', do it anyhow. Life has got to be fun, and predictable is boring.
I am baffled by the use of ''shame'' in this discussion - I understand ''introspective'' but shame to me indicates guilt over some bad action - not to be confused with some ''rebellious inclination'' but something to be truly ashamed of (or is ''shame'' just some sort of point of reference term?) Why would that be appealing to a mothering instinct? I would have thought some sort of ''helplessness'' indication would be a better definition in this context of mothering. Also I thought that women are attracted to good providers therefore in today's world that would be the potential high earners rather then the past's more primitive criteria. If I was a girl I would like clever laid back guys who don't compete and try and prove themselves all the time as that's the kind of women I like.
shame [sheym] Show IPA noun, verb, shamed, sham·ing.
the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another: She was overcome with shame.
susceptibility to this feeling: to be without shame.
disgrace; ignominy: His actions brought shame upon his parents.
a fact or circumstance bringing disgrace or regret: The bankruptcy of the business was a shame. It was a shame you couldn't come with us.
verb (used with object)
to cause to feel shame; make ashamed: His cowardice shamed him.
to drive, force, etc., through shame: He shamed her into going.
to cover with ignominy or reproach; disgrace.
Science has a funny way of being right about these things. Or is it they are part of the reason these social norms among genders is tailored?
I mean there's a reason woman prefer the strong male figure who displays a bit of prude and confidence. The shame thing surprised me a bit. And what's that saying, "nice guys finish last"?
Either way the article was a good read. I think, depending on where you're from heavily influences what a person finds attractive.i must say that article is pretty accurate