Especially when you are close to climaxing or when playing with yourself.
More of a moaner, especially when I'm alone. I might grunt like a tennis player when my partner hits just the right spot.
Let's make America grunt again!
I'm more of a gasper. My voice is so high, I can't really grunt, but I pant and gasp for breath when I'm close to cumming.
I usually recite classic poetry. Or Poe.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
It depends whether I'm on the bus, at work or at home. I can be silent if I have to be... but can't help moaning if Sprite is reading poetry to me. Her version of the Shaven Raven is epic.
I have been known to make moaning noises....
Moaning to me indicates pleasure so I moan quite a bit during my experiences and at my climax, but I am not loud.
All my guys are grunters when they cum.
Anything can happen.... last time I almost chewed her nipple when she filled my mouth at the wrong time... :P
When Iam reaching the climax I always moan un intentionaly. not noisy
big time moaner.... when the right spot is hit, I could grunt...
I gasp, moan, whimper and scream if the moment calls for it.
I guess i moan when it feels really good and sometimes grunt when I'm really being used hard...........
I moan a lot, but only when he's not doing it right.
You can make me do anything... it all depends on your expertise :P