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Admitting you masturbate.

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Why would anyone have a prob admitting that !!!
Yep I masturbate and I love it any one says they don't they are lying.
I do and I thought everyone does, but some may not mention it to others.

Unless I have someone with me to take care of my needs you can be assured that I Masturbate Most Every Day.

Oh I forgot I did have the Flu I think is either 2009 or 2010 and I may have missed a day or two
lmao how else would a nun have sex ;)
Quote by thesexynun
lmao how else would a nun have sex ;)

Isnt that a sin...
Seems very normal to me to masturbate and if I did not there is more than a 50/50 chance I would not survive.

I fyou do not I guess tht is normal in some peoples eyes. But it sure seems strange to this writer.
well it depends how conservative or how religious someone is.. The girls that wont admit that are probably the ones that are having sex only missionary lol..
Oh yeah, I masturbate. I will say it loud and proud.
Quote by olfart
Why is it most women will not admit they masturbate to their hubbies or b/f's.

You've got to be joking!! Either I'm super naive or I'm far too liberal for my own good. Regardless, I am a BIG fan of masturbating and have NO issue with admitting it, talking about it and sharing that experience with my lover.
I won't admit it at work but, that's it. Guys have never really ask me.
I masturbate a lot. Sometimes 6 times a day.

My husband knows I do but does not know exactly how much per day.

But we have a healthy sex life too.
Completely natural thing to do!
Hell yes, I masturbate. Three or four times a day.
Quote by BelleduJour
You've got to be joking!! Either I'm super naive or I'm far too liberal for my own good. Regardless, I am a BIG fan of masturbating and have NO issue with admitting it, talking about it and sharing that experience with my lover.

You masturbate!
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pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Quote by shelley2013
I do it all the time, anyone that doesn't is lying!!

so true..lmao
I masturbate, - when I can, but unfortunately that's not as often as I would like. I play every day, but only cum perhaps every 4/5 days to a fortnight. I really envy you guys and girls who can orgasm every day, - and more than once a day? Never have/could, even in my youth!
Quote by shelley2013
I do it all the time, anyone that doesn't is lying!!
Exactly,,,,,,,,I love it and I also have a couple toys to help out,,but I don`t always need them,,,