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Why do you write erotica?

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Hi everyone,

I'm a journalist looking for a woman to share her experiences of writing erotica!

I'd love to speak to someone who will talk to me about how they got into it, why they do it and if it has affects their sex life.

You would get paid for taking part in the piece and get to approve everything before it is printed.

If you would be interested or have any questions please give me an email -


Natasha x
Quote by Natashadh

Hi everyone,

I'm a journalist looking for a woman to share her experiences of writing erotica!

I'd love to speak to someone who will talk to me about how they got into it, why they do it and if it has affects their sex life.

You would get paid for taking part in the piece and get to approve everything before it is printed.

If you would be interested or have any questions please give me an email -


Natasha x

Hi Natasha!

Welcome to Lush

I think your piece sounds very interesting and look forward to reading both the article and contributions from the authors here.

Best of luck!

Liz x
I'm not sure why I write erotica. I just love it. I often write about friends that share a desire to be together, even though we never actually do so. And what better way to explore you inner desires?
I have specific reasons - an overall goal - and a path that led me here over time.

PM me and we can chat about it smile
Hi Natasha,

Welcome to the site.

I'm trying to find a list of people who have completed our "interview with" series, that would give you a headstart.

Here's an example:

People responding to her question here, she is looking for people to give extended answers for a feature article, not one liners. I would start by writing a paragraph or so here, and she can then pm you directly, or vice versa.


Quote by Natashadh

Hi everyone,

I'm a journalist looking for a woman to share her experiences of writing erotica!

I'd love to speak to someone who will talk to me about how they got into it, why they do it and if it has affects their sex life.

You would get paid for taking part in the piece and get to approve everything before it is printed.

If you would be interested or have any questions please give me an email -


Natasha x

Hi Natasha,

This sounds like a very interesting and intriguing piece you're working on. I'm definitely interested and will be emailing you shortly. smile
Quote by Natashadh

Hi everyone,

I'm a journalist looking for a woman to share her experiences of writing erotica!

I'd love to speak to someone who will talk to me about how they got into it, why they do it and if it has affects their sex life.

You would get paid for taking part in the piece and get to approve everything before it is printed.

If you would be interested or have any questions please give me an email -


Natasha x

Why only women?
Quote by Jack_42

Why only women?

The articles are featured in Women's magazines, and they want a female perspective for this particular feature article.

I would also like to see an article on the reasons why different genders write erotica, I'm sure they are likely to be rather different. Perhaps get the reasons from half a dozen men and women.
Also, it helps me to work through the desires I have - to understand them better.

Oh dang it. This is for women only. Sorry, please ignore the dumb guy.
It's not something I take seriously.

For me and my friend Diane - who helps me write my stories - writing erotica is merely a bit of fun to fritter away the hours as we drink wine, chat and ultimately...well, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Sorry Natasha, I wouldn't have thought my experiences of writing erotica would be appropriate for your magazine.
I write erotica (many times dark) because my mind travels in that direction. Ninety eight percent of what I write goes to my documents or shared with special friends. Porn is easy for me...but I do have a problem with punctuations. That is why I don't published more. Genres are my special suit.
I read a story (don't remember on what site) i liked it, even though looking back it needed a lot of editing... I liked it so much, I copied and pasted, made some changes (still in need of a lot of editing) then I wrote some sequel to it... I haven't posted them here on lush but... I still read them from time to time... I really need to really edit them make them acceptable and post them here on lush... maybe when I'm not so busy...
Quote by Scorpio2015
I read a story (don't remember on what site) i liked it, even though looking back it needed a lot of editing... I liked it so much, I copied and pasted, made some changes (still in need of a lot of editing) then I wrote some sequel to it... I haven't posted them here on lush but... I still read them from time to time... I really need to really edit them make them acceptable and post them here on lush... maybe when I'm not so busy...

if it's not your story, it doesn't matter how much editing you've done - it won't be published, and you will get, at the very least, a stiff warning. please only post original content. thank you.

head fairy bitch @LS

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

if it's not your story, it doesn't matter how much editing you've done - it won't be published, and you will get, at the very least, a stiff warning. please only post original content. thank you.

head fairy bitch @LS

Ok, what if I write one with a similar line of events, different names, different city, etc...?
Quote by Scorpio2015

Ok, what if I write one with a similar line of events, different names, different city, etc...?

That would be fine, although, as a writer, i'm not sure why you feel the need to rewrite an existing story.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Okay, I'm A GUY!!!

To get me looking like the photo you see on AVATAR took HOURS in make-up but...

It's an interesting question.

I write about sex for several reasons. The classic 'write what you know' rule obviously applies, but I think it goes deeper. Writing erotica allows us/me to EXPLORE avenues we've considered but not wandered down... I think it's VITALLY IMPORTANT, when writing intelligent erotica, to know that you have an aware audience of readers; it's why I write for LUSH STORIES and LS only...

Of course not everyone here is so discerning but in my experience the readership/membership here is very 'quality aware' and it shows in comments, votes etc... And I say that as a writer who does not get as many hits as others.

The other factor is STYLE of story. Again, this is another reason I favour LS. On the site there is every style of story, from Flash Fuck Fiction to the most love-lorn romanticism, and yet the diligence of the moderating crew ensures that only COMPETENT pieces are posted in whatever category or genre.

I hope you will post a link to your finished piece when it is published.

xx SF

(Incidentally, I worked professionally as a journalist for over a decade and NEVER ONCE did I nor anyone I worked for EVER pay an interviewee... Not for print. Radio/TV etc different deal!) Mind you, I worked for ARTS magazines and National Newspaper Supplements... I know SOME newspapers PAY people for stories. And get what they pay for.

xx SF
Quote by Scorpio2015
Ok, what if I write one with a similar line of events, different names, different city, etc...?

That actually sounds like a very promising idea...

Or alternatively...

"One does not simply insert his dick inside a tight butthole..."

Quote by Natashadh
Hi everyone,

I'm a journalist looking for a woman to share her experiences of writing erotica!

I'd love to speak to someone who will talk to me about how they got into it, why they do it and if it has affects their sex life.

You would get paid for taking part in the piece and get to approve everything before it is printed.

If you would be interested or have any questions please give me an email -


Hi Natasha,
Good question. I think there are varied reasons for writing erotica. For me it provides a creative outlet for me to express myself. I am pretty much a beginner myself writing fiction and poetry. This community of writers are not just talented but helpful to new writers. I'm a good example of that.

I write erotica because I wanted to see more stories like the classics. However, since I am not that good, I write what I like.
Quote by Natashadh
Hi everyone,

I'm a journalist looking for a woman to share her experiences of writing erotica!

I'd love to speak to someone who will talk to me about how they got into it, why they do it and if it has affects their sex life.

You would get paid for taking part in the piece and get to approve everything before it is printed.

If you would be interested or have any questions please give me an email -


Natasha x

Hello there!

I began writing erotica to come out of my shell and get in touch with my sexuality in a healthy manner a few years after I was . The little bit of positive feedback also helped me be less fearful sharing my works as a writer. I got into reading erotica a few months earlier. I explained to a friend that I really disliked pornography, as I found it theatrical, and given the situation at the time, too stimulating and uncomfortable. He recommended that I start reading erotica. I attribute my mental recovery and wonderfully healthy sex life to reading and writing erotica. If I had not taken the plunge of reading and posting on here, my recovery wouldn't have been the same and I would probably still be scared of my own sexuality.
Well I have been blessed (?) with an overactive imagination and a high sex drive. A dangerous combination to be sure, and so writing stories like this helps me get my imaginings out - which of course only makes room for more!

I find that in my writing I can explore avenues and aspects that otherwise I would not be able to. And while it is a challenge for me to write, say a lesbian story, it gives me a chance to see things from another's point of view which I feel helps me relate better in real life.
I have a high sex drive and have had elaborate sexual fantasies ever since I can remember which have only existed in my head until recently. I started reading erotica when visual pornography became boring and repetitive, and decided to try writing stories myself.
I write mostly for my own pleasure. There's nothing quite like your own words to turn you on. Unlike reading other peoples stories you choose the path that arouses you most.

If there are people reading this who have never tried writing, please give it a go. It's a great way to arouse your body & mind.

Deb. X
My story is kind of a different one. A friend of mine joined a website to meet men for affairs. She told my friend and me all about her adventures.

I created a profile and was amazed with all the people that wrote to me. Now I never met anybody but just talked to lots of people. I had started to have cyber sex and a few people told me that I was really good at storytelling and told me to try and write a story. I did and sent it to all the friends I made on that website.

One of the men said that there were websites that accepted erotic stories. I joined a few of them and submitted my work. I was shocked with the feedback that I received. So, I then started my erotica journey.

I always refer to myself as the bored housewife. I have a very creative imagination and a very high sex drive. I think they go hand and hand with each other. I love to create fantasies and sexual scenarios. I also have taken requests from my readers and will write stories and or poems at their request. I have a really good following and enjoy writing stories in all different categories. I like to challenge myself with things I know nothing about.

I have been writing now for two years. Hopefully someday, I'd like to put out an ebook.

Quote by Mysteria27
My story is kind of a different one. A friend of mine joined a website to meet men for affairs. She told my friend and me all about her adventures.

I created a profile and was amazed with all the people that wrote to me. Now I never met anybody but just talked to lots of people. I had started to have cyber sex and a few people told me that I was really good at storytelling and told me to try and write a story. I did and sent it to all the friends I made on that website.

One of the men said that there were websites that accepted erotic stories. I joined a few of them and submitted my work. I was shocked with the feedback that I received. So, I then started my erotica journey.

I always refer to myself as the bored housewife. I have a very creative imagination and a very high sex drive. I think they go hand and hand with each other. I love to create fantasies and sexual scenarios. I also have taken requests from my readers and will write stories and or poems at their request. I have a really good following and enjoy writing stories in all different categories. I like to challenge myself with things I know nothing about.

I have been writing now for two years. Hopefully someday, I'd like to put out an ebook.


I never took an interest in writing a sentence of any kind, until I met a woman who challenged me. For a couple of years, I would write to my own documents then by accident discovered Lush. It didn't take but a "sent in" to discover that I had punctuation problems (I still do) but I'm getting better. I never cared much for poetry/prose but liked to play around with words, so I submitted. It soon became fast turning wheel, where I churned them out by the bushel basket. In TRUTH, I prefer writing stories, if I have carte blanche to do so. I don't like to spend days on one story. I would never make a good novelist because I don't have the time. MANY of my stories have some element of "truth and fact" of me.

I don't find myself a gifted writer but I do think I have the eye and soul of a pretty fair writer.

I took up erotic scribbling to please only my being and share with some members of a club I belong to, seeing as I own a small bookshop. I was surprised at the number of members who wrote in the shadows of their own homes.

Erotica can be very boring if only trying to please. I prefer stories with a theme. I have been asked several times to write for others but will not do so. If someone can't write for themselves, they should think about do crossword puzzles.

In the grand scheme of things, I write of my life, Some truth, some BS, it doesn't matter. Erotica does not make the person, but a person makes erotica.
Its like a few other things I do, I just feel compelled to. It feels natural. It's great fun and very fulfilling.
Buz makes me.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I don't write erotica. Erotica writes me.