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Which misspelt words irritate you the most, or don't they?

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I keep reading stories with "tounges" in them. How can you not know it's a tongue?

Another - "rather then", instead of "rather than".

It's irritating that so many people just either don't know how to spell basic words these days, or are careless / don't care.

Maybe people are brought up in a lot more lackadaisical manner these days than when I was taught rudimentary English.
I agree....I get irritated when I see:

Loose instead of Lose
Your instead of You're
There instead of Thier

My writing isn't perfect but I try......
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Maybe I should stop posting, as I make all these mistakes.

It has been brought to my attention many times in this foum, that I made a mistake is 'speeling'.
I thought this forum was for idea sharing, beliefs, entertanment (sp), ect.

I have 2 BS degrees (not in English) and 6 months short of a masters in CS. English was not my strong suit. So maybe Lush Stories needs a "Spell Checker" added. It would help me and other to at least spell words and make thoughts easier to put down.

I am NOT point a finger. Just my toughts on these topic - so thier.

I don't mind one bit in the forums how bad the spelling is, it's meant to be a place to relax and have a laugh.

If you are submitting a story for public consumption though, which could potentially be seen by publishers, it would make sense to take care of basic spelling and grammar - it takes 20 seconds to run a story through a spellchecker, unless it's horrendously bad.
That's the last thing I want happening Bat, it doesn't matter one iota to anyone in here, but the stories section I do care about as having lots of spelling mistakes throughout the stories looks bad upon the site apart from anything else.

Good idea on the spell checking option, I'll ask my programmer if there's an easy way to incorporate it into the story submissions page, so stories are automatically checked.

Thanks for the help!

Now bend over:
Add spell check to the forum all sew and I'll bottom up for ya, or top down.

I agree. Why not add a spell checker to your forum?

I stop reading shortly after I have found a few blatant misspellings! I feel the writing is so poor, the story will not be worth the frustrations.
Irregardless...everytime I hear it I cringe.

Now, I've taken the time to actually look up the word to make sure it's not a word. Based on what I've found, it's not a proper word, but a made up slang and a probable blend of 'irrespective' and 'regardless.'

I don't use the word because I think it's improper. By the way, my spell checker does not recognize it as a misspelled word, unless I intentionally misspell it. Yet, the thesaurus doesn't recognize it either. It does recognize regardless and gives options for its use.

(I hope I didn't misspell anything)
I used to say irregardless until family members corrected me. Now I just don't speak to them.

On the spell-checker comments: spell-checker are notoriously inaccurate. Take for instance, the word 'misspelt'. My Microsoft Word spell-checker says it's misspelled. Literally. But my dictionary allows it. But it would help a bit, I'm sure, and teach many writers a thing or two about spelling.
there was another forum and story site like this one that had it on for the forums as well as the stories I think. At Stories Unlimited.
Mine is not so much misspellings as misspeaking. Height turns into high-th a lot.
Personally, I'm kind of a language Nazi. I love language, and I love reading, so when something is incorrect to the point of being unreadable, it's very disappointing. Some of my biggest pet peeves include:

There/Their/They're: There = direction, Their = possessive, They're = they + are
Your/You're: Your = possessive, You're = you + are
Then/Than: Then = progression, Than = comparison
Its/It's: Its = possessive, It's = it + is
Comma usage: Too complex to go into here, but just google 'comma usage'. There are lots of people even more anal than me who've dedicated their entire lives to grammar.

Although, I'm sure that everyone reading this topic already knew that. At least, I'd like to hope so.

I think a large part of the story readability issue is not only spelling, but also grammar. I've read (grudgingly) stories, both here on Lush and elsewhere, that include everything from absolutely no punctuation, to being written completely in uppercase.


God, it makes me cringe. I can't believe I'm even posting that to make a point.

The idea of including a spell-checker is a good one, I think, but, as ASp has already stated, they are notoriously inaccurate, and they also can't fix your grammar. Even using MS Word beforehand is no guarantee; some of the rules it tries to enforce are absurd. However, I would rather see a sentence that it grammatically inaccurate and correctly spelled, than see one that is grammatically inaccurate and completely misspelled. Also, it doesn't take style into account. I, for example, have a style that includes a large number of fragmented sentences, which MS Word hates, because, technically, they're incorrect. If everyone followed the grammar checker to the letter there would be much less difference between people's writing.

Perhaps a larger part of the issue is that people just don't care. The lack of structural integrity in their, or anyone else's, writing doesn't bother them, and so perhaps they feel that it's unimportant. I know that in my daily life whenever I correct people on their usage of English I tend to get one of two reactions. Either, "Oh, really? I didn't know that." or, "Shut up." I'll let you guys guess which one is more common... Maybe a solution is to require stories to be submitted for approval before they go live. Not necessarily for content, but just for general readability. I know that implementing this kind of system can be a drain on any site's admin (sorry Lush!), but I think it could seriously improve the overall quality of the content here. I'll volunteer, if it comes to that.
Quote by ASubtlepassion
I used to say irregardless until family members corrected me. Now I just don't speak to them.

Oh Oh...Are you not going to speak to me anymore?
Be careful In, perfect people tend to fall a long way
Excellent post infernum_ex, we're on the same page here
I said 'family', bass, not you folks here.

Oh, there I slip into my southern style.

I used to say, like many Louisianians, "How y'all are?" I've come to the place where I only say "y'all" now. Everything else is getting to be Minnesotan.

When I was a lad, in my teenage years and a bit beyond, I had impeccable speech. After I moved down South I dumbed down (wait for it) a 'whole' lot.
Ok I live in the South....and I dont think I am dumb at all!
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Oh, no. No offence, please. But I would work with guys, and they would be very intimidated by the way I spoke. I wasn't trying to talk fancy. Many people down South just tend to go the easy way.

Not you, though. Never you.
Sorry chefkathleen, I didn't mean for that to come off as heavy-handed (or high-falootin' for that matter). It's only because English is so enjoyable to me that I find it difficult to not become impassioned when I speak about it.
ASp...being born and raised in New York City, the first time I heard a southerner say "all y'all" I thought WTF did they just say? Actually it was probably closer to "yo...what da f*** did they say?" Of course, when I moved to southern CA some 34 years ago, I had to get used to "um,! Fer sure!" Oh well, what's one to do?
No problem ASP......the truth be known, I am not actually FROM the South....I just live here. And the funny thing is, I swore when I moved here I would never say "Y'all".........yeah, I say it all the time! LOL
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Its funny because I say ya'll all the time and I am no where near from the south
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
LOL! My first southern expression that made me stop in my tracks was, "I'm fixin to" or "I'm fiddin to"

I laughed when I first heard it. and yes after 17 years in the south, I say it sometimes. Although, I never got around to saying "I'm fixin to carry my momma down to the Piggly Wiggly" I still don't carry anyone anywhere.

But I must say I love how they say, yes ma'am and no ma'am. It's kinda nice.
Never got the taste for grits and greens though. But I love gator and rattlesnake stew. Mountain oysters are kinda chewy so I don't eat them either.
and I don't think anyone I made friends with could get used to the fact that we spent a lot of time in Europe and don't eat dinner/supper until 9 or later at night.
Although I am a northern girl, I have spent a good deal of time in Florida. It took me awhile to get it straight, but eventually I learned that Y'all is usually directed at a single person and All Y'all is directed at a group. It takes me less than 6 hours to fall right back into my southern twang when I am down there...but then again I tend to pick up on other's accents quickly. I have to be careful that others don't think I am mocking them.

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

One of the ones I like as well was "jeet yet?"

and a girl that used to work for me would ask every day, "Hows ya momma nem"
which was "how's your momma and them?"
Well I have your typical Chicago accent since that is where I grew up.......

"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
Chef, you sound like Jeff Foxworthy!! LOL Have you heard some of the words he has made up??
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
I don't judge people's spelling in the normal course of conversation unless I can't tell what the hell they're talking about. All of us have a certain way of spelling, and we were each raised differently. Just by being in here, you are trying to be friendly and carry on a conversation and I respect that. Who cares if a few words are spelled wrong?
What really irks me is Ebonics. I had the mispleasure of working around one (backstabbing) gal who spoke Ebonics heavily, saying phrases like, "I agree wif dat." Drove me up the wall! I mean, you know what the word is and how it's spelled. Why not say it right?

As for a spellchecker, I think it's every writer's responsibility to have a spell and grammar checker at their side; just like a dictionary, a piece of paper, and a pen, in the old days. It shouldn't be something that Lush has to install on her site. She's relying on each writer to write their best and submit it completed. If you don't have Word or another word-processing program that has it, I'm sure there are freeware versions out there to download.
You know, I'm reading rocco's comments here, and watching a movie with Sally Field's in it. She looks really good, the way her breasts hang gently below her sweater...
Hey Pixie ya know I never had a taste for him. But, if he was talking about strange words from the south, then a lot of them are true.
I did listen to Larry the Cable Guy on the radio on my way to work in the mornings. I thought he was funny. As for his movies, it's just a bit much for me.

I agree with you Rocco but, if you think scolding people over spell checking will work, it won't. People are lazy. Even if they're writing something they hope to get published on this site.
I have a feeling a few of the people that put stories on here are like, um, attention whores. It gives them a thrill to say naughty things and have people read and make comments on it. One person I can think of has at least 3 or 4 stories on here and everyone has typos, misspellings,ebonics etc.

And if one person wants to ax me a question about it.....
I agree with you as well chef/rocco because I think we should all be responsible for our own spell check. I think that those of us that take writing seriously do actually do that. I know I have caught my own typos once I have published a story and I have gone back to edit things as simple as a missed period or comma.

Um yeah I agree with the "attention whore" name because that is exactly what it is.

But let me ax you this chef....."Can you git er done!"

"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."