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What's your kryptonite?

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For me, it's being to busy to write as much as I did before. My other problem is too many ideas that don't flow as easily as I thought they would. Sometimes they become longer than I intend, but when I look back, I realize they must be as long as they are as that's just they way the story must go.

I do have a nice editor who helps me out as well and he often makes helpful suggestions that improves my writing. I suggest all writers have an editor they can rely on and trust. I edit for my editor on occasion as well as a few others who have asked. But I feel as a writer I should help my fellow writers to grow.
Quote by vines
AbigailThornton I don't understand what why people always say that. You need to read other people's stuff. My stories are not meant to be learned from. People can learn from them sure, but the first thing is the store is meant to entertain. And if they learn something on the way of being entertained so be it. When I write everything is so deliberate. A lot of my writing is made up of things the great teachers of storytelling tell you not to do. For example, they say don't be heavy handed in your writing it will only slow the story down, make it feel clucky, and keep the reader from coming into the story; yet my heavy handedness is what allows for all those things. And why is that? I don't know and it can't be learn from reading my story. You have to look with in yourself. Conventional thought says don't switch points of view. I do it in all my stories and bring the story to a level other wise it wouldn't have been able to reach. Conventional thought says don't use passive voice. I use passive voice a lot and it draws the reader in. It is a technique I made up, as far as I know. The technique involves the passive voice and usage of a vague word, such as, 'it' to trick the reader's mind into going into their own mind saying what 'it' means. This way 'it' or what ever the vague word may be it makes a more close connection. After all when a person reads every one will respond differently to the same story so using this technique makes sure however they take it that it will have maximum impact. But in order to use this technique other things must take place in orer for it to work. You have to already establish was the vague word is or make sure they will know the vague word is when the time comes. Also there needs to be a transition into the moment where the vagueness comes into play. I didn't set out to make the technique instead I was writing a scene that needed the technique and so the technique was born out of need.
These past few days I have taken the advices of you all and read some stories. However, I only wanted to read stories that were deemed good. So I picked from the editor's choice. I learned a lot from reading these stories. Mostly mistakes that never occurred to me, not because I'm that great but because writing style naturally kept me from these mistakes. Now that I know of these mistakes it will make it even more likely I will not make these mistakes. Another thing I learn is that hard work is no substitute for talent, and talent can learn from hard work's example. I learned this from buzz's story that I read. He took adventage of all the opportunities and did all the right things. I couldn't fault the story but at the same time it didn't have fire factor. The quality that makes you stand up and take a pause from the read as you relax your giddiness. And that made me realized where he was coming from and at sametime me realize where I was coming from.
Here is an example of the technique I was talking about above:
Dismal looks forward and he sees it; from his feet up to his head and back down to his toes; and without a doubt he feels it when it bounces into his eyes, like a busty blond on a beach, glistening and beautiful, it bounces with all its loveliness, enticing him and captivating his attention; the golden shimmer enthralls him and he begins to lust for it, but this is not a beach, he is not a lover, and there is no bouncy blond, the cries of pain and the blood of lives spilt all around him makes this clear. It does not matter because if their was a lovely blond coming at him he would kill her becausemhe is a fighter and thismis war. He steps forward, "Golden knight?"

I think that one thing you could most certainly learn from Buz is that proof reading and spell check can make a huge difference to what you write, whether a submitted story or a long forum post. Also breaking up a large body of text with line breaks and paragraphs makes it much more easy on the eye and less difficult to follow.

We all have very different styles as writers. Some of us might use techniques and formulae to plan our stories, others might write "off the cuff". Some appeal to huge numbers of the Lush population, others to a mere few...

I think it's safe to say that everyone can shine here in their own individual and special way...
Fear that it will be boring, the story line is too complicated or it's just not any good.
? A True Story ?
My kryptonite would have to be a mind that works at 60 miles an hour all the time and fingers that can barely break into a trot! I either need to learn to type faster or learn to think slower!
“A man never lies with more delicious languor under the influence of a passion than when he has persuaded himself that he shall subdue it to-morrow.”
― George Eliot, Adam Bede
My feelings. I have this NASTY habit of allowing myself That shit causes me more problems than anything else.
lack of freetime and then lack of enthusiasm when I do get some

It's like masturbation, it feels good at the time, but you're only fucking yourself hahahahah
Quote by Mazza

It's like masturbation, it feels good at the time, but you're only fucking yourself hahahahah

Impressed myself with a quick response here!
Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Liz, I am not sure what you mean when you a person can learn something from reading my stuff. Do you mean they can learn how not to write?
AbigailThornton the reason is I don't feel like. I these stroies are no where as good at getting the best sellers list and here I am no where close to that. A lot people especially strong writers that are being groomed to be best seller authors can see short stories of mine and figure they can use the talent in my writing to show case in their stroy. But it become train wrack because it needs to all be of the same talent or if they are able to pass off the borrowed talent then their works will be inconstant. How many times have we seen these so called next great author and their first book is great or very good and the next is shit. I'm telling you that is a sign of barrowed talent. It is happening more and more. I can read something and know they barrowed talent because there is things that writers of a certain talent they do and don't do certain things. And when I read a story with part that represents a good amount of talent I am more strick with my critique. When I see other parts of the stroy doing and not doing things that the talent that was represented would not do and things that would be dome are not being done.
I've read things sent to me by companies as an example of great writing. And I read it and becomes clear they have borrowed little bit of my talent. Only draw back is that these companies that are staking these authors will start to wonder why they are so inconsistent or the very best their "new" reads just like their old story.
Mazza I am not sure what you mean by off the cuff. If you mean wing it. Then you're talking about my style of writing. When I told about my writing I have to be able to explain it to the regular Joe Blow. So I break it down into mechanics. Every should be able to do that with any story. The geater skill at which a story is told makes it harder to do this. A literary done very well will go unnoticed as such. For example, my 'kisses in the dark'. It is a titerary story about high pressure sex and about how she feels and emotions she goes through. People reading it will most likely just say you trying to show off by doing all this fancy shit. Well, all my writing has fire you should know that by now.
I told my girl friend. I don't ever thing I'm going to get the respect as a storytell that I would like so what I am thinking of doing is just keep on writing and when I'm old I'll find some underprivileged kid that hard to work hard to graduate from a well known university. Give him all my stories. Editor and shit will see that oh graduate from a good shcool, you know, he worked hard and it is showing through his writing. But in end I hope that will inspire a kid with true talent. They see this guy and they think man he is just like me. So it gives this kid hope. The truth wouldn't be that good. I didn't come from the hood and that kid and i don't look alike.
And to answer your question as to why I am not writing is because I am think about the scenario I just talked about. People in the writing business don't want stories from people that didnt go to college. You give the same future best selling story to two different people. One person is well educated and the other is not I can tell you with 100% chance the former would be more likely to be published.
I have always lost focus over time. I have so many things that I want to do - it's hard to maintain something that's a commitment. Writing a story when you don't feel like one, ends up sounding forced and insincere. However, I think a little discipline is in order. Forcing yourself to sit down and MAYBE write. smile. I think that's the key. I have a lot of partially completed stories because I'm unable to maintain that pace and I just want to jump right into the parts I'm excited about. Also, I want to write them all at once! I think the most important thing is that you always find a time to go back to it! I'll be doing that once sitting down for hours at a time is not a necessity and I can freely roam about and come back to writing time to time. Writing by hand is also significantly slower for me so I always like to use a computer, I really rely on the ability to shift whole scenes and edit certain features without everything looking like a mess.

- Stay focused by forcing yourself to sit down (but not forcing yourself to write, just to consider it)
- Write down other ideas for other stories to keep for another day
- Consider other concepts like pen vs. computer, which would be better for you?

I love to write and these are just a few things that may help you. :). Best of luck! If you discover anything, do share.
Happiness is not an outcome or an entitlement. It is not tangible and it is not purchasable. It is a conscious decision, it is a state-of-mind, it is a choice you make at every crossroad.
Putting together a cohesive story line, to get the story to flow and make sense. Once that is done from start to finish, no matter how crude or rough at that moment, I find the story pretty much writes it's self from then on.
Hitting one scene/conversation/transition that doesn't flow and drags me to a complete halt.

Sometimes I can write past it and come back later, but most of the time I get caught up in that point and can't force myself to go anywhere until it's right. The frustration will often dampen the whole of my creative process, leading to long droughts where nothing gets written.
Quote by Liz

This ^^^

I edited a story recently from 12,000 words to about 7,000 in one sitting.
Every time I pick up where I left off I have to give the existing content a read to get back in the mind-set. Then it inevitably turns into an editing session during which nothing new gets written.

This is what happens to me, also. I've always got several stories going. Hopefully, Flash Erotica has helped me to JFDI. Now I sit down and write from beginning to end. Put it away and then later run spell checker etc. and polish it off. (he says, not really believing it will happen again, but he's an eternal optimist and he will for the moment pat himself on the back with a mental high five)
Writing only what I know. And I honestly don't know very much, sexually-speaking.
I'm not that good at making things up. I can only write from experience and how I'm feeling about someone at the time which does limit me, but not in a bad way. Once I've got an idea, then it's much easier and I enjoy the fun of writing.
My new story has been awarded the Recommended Read. If you adore a needy bottom and fancy a short, but very naughty read...
Quote by KatieElizabeth
I'm not that good at making things up. I can only write from experience and how I'm feeling about someone at the time which does limit me, but not in a bad way. Once I've got an idea, then it's much easier and I enjoy the fun of writing.

Well I am the polar opposite to you. I suppose in every way, lmao.
I have so many ideas and love to run them through in my head. I simply hate writing, it holds no fun for me. In fact it's agonizing!
I can sit for ages, searching for a phrase or even a single word. I know it but I just can't bring it to mind and it frustrates me.
I am also liable to wander off in the wrong direction, like heading to Ben Nevis and ending up at Snowdon. That gets binned and all that effort was wasted.