I write because I want to and if people like to vote that's great but it's a bonus for me personally.
Bearing in mind the recent voting change, has anyone else thought of only garnering votes if a comment is left? It is an option that I'm giving some thought.
Is there anyone that does this already or has anyone a view? I'd really like to hear it.
Cheers, Martin.
What recent voting changes are you referring to? I wasn't aware. Or as my wife so glibly says, I'm clueless.
I personally don't see the point in forcing comments . someone can score a one and comment something generic like 'hot story'.
I have tried a number of combinations - scoring, no comments necessary; scoring with comments required; and scoring disabled. I have chosen to disable scoring and if someone wants to leave a comment they can and it's appreciated. Many people who read my stories tell me that they would have left such and such as a score.
I write my stories for myself, to get the ideas out of my head and onto "paper". The fact that others seem to enjoy my mind is a happy side effect. But I know that my stories don't appeal to everyone, no matter the genre. And I don't want a low score - either because someone didn't like the story or because of some personal vendetta or gripe against me - to sway someone else from reading them who might actually enjoy them. So I have disabled the scoring on my stories. The scores don't mean anything to me unless I am in a competition, and I don't do a lot of those. I am much more concerned with the comments I get... those are what help me to become a better writer, not some random number with no real criteria behind it.
I also don't want to force someone to write a comment just to score my story. A lot of people don't know what to say and are uncomfortable writing a comment. It's just easier to disable scoring and let them leave a comment if they want.
I don't like to be forced to do anything. I tend not to bother voting or scoring (not that I can do one without the other) if the writer is using this option, it's one I don't like. I don't use it.
Besides, activating this option doesn't stop low scoring. People take scoring way too seriously here IMHO.
I write because I'm very creative and have a lot on my mind. I just love that people enjoy my stories.
In the last month, I disabled scoring and am quite happy with my decision. I'm finding more people comment on my stories then ever.
I've always been more interested in comments and views. The scores are more politics and game play.
Thanks for all your views and I value them too.
The option to simply disable it is there. I'm not worried about bad scores and what motivates others to do so is a can of worms. For me, it's their view. Writing can always be improved, I do need a score out of 5 to tell me that.
I've left it as is precisely because of that - it means nothing so why bother. I have a preference for comments, if a story really gets them enough to comment, that means something. Even then the cynical could say they are badge collecting, maybe.
There's nowt weirder than folk.
Scores are for games, and writing is not a game to me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a five, but it comes mostly from politics. My biggest thrill, is seeing my words posted and read. I could care less about patronizing for popularity. If one person reads me, I consider that success enough to satisfy my ego. I am what I am and not a can of worms, but I do like comments, if they are sincere.
I disabled scoring on my stories because I am more interested in comments than scores. Like Myst and others that have done so, I have found that people leave more comments.
I've left scoring on because some people seem to like expressing themselves that way, though I prefer to get actual, meaningful comments. As I have commented once or twice in the past, ditching the 1-5 scoring and replacing it with a "Like" button a la Twitter is how I would tend to do it if I was running the site. The proliferation of "5" scores tends to suggest to me that's how people are using it anyway.
I write for the pure enjoyment of it, and I feel a score is a not necessary. A comment is more likely to entice me to write, than a four or five. Many people put out a great effort to espouse and when their words are greeted by a three, I can feel their pain and agony. I'm not gifted, but I give it all my got. I call the trolls, the "shamers" of Lush.
I don't like the forced comment box for the exact opposite reason to Wannabe - I often score stories immediately based on my gut reaction but I then need time to think about the comment. I often add them later. Sometimes much later. A forced comment box will either get you a rubbish comment from me or no comment at all - and no score. Sorry.
I always comment anyway, so I have no problem with it. Personally, I feel it's playing roullet with my scores, and I won't ask for a mandetory comment. Especially since it doesn't say who voted. Yes, it's easy to see in the timeline, but if someone is offended by it, they won't care.
Also, most writers are very aware of their overall score, and a four can bring them say, from a 4.98 to a 4.97. Let's not pretend ego's don't play a part in what scores we get.
I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.
I personally never had forced commenting turned on till recently, Till the voting was changed. But as I read here, the opinions of forced voting, I'm seeing the majority doesn't like it. I agree with what MJ has said in his comment about a low score swaying others from reading his work. I agree also not everyone is going to like your work, but I feel that is no reason to bash them. If I read something I dont like or just didnt tickle my fancy, I just dont vote.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
I turned off the voting on my stories. If readers feel moved to respond to my story, they can leave a comment. Otherwise, I'm happy counting views rather than votes.
Don't believe everything that you read.
I dislike when comments are forced too. There have been times I cancelled my vote when I had to comment, mostly when I was in a hurry. Unfortunately, I'm in a hurry a lot. I usually comment when I score but sometimes I need every extra second in my day. If their story didn't motivate me to say something special, then why shouldn't a vote be good enough? That is the one issue I have with nameless scoring, now I feel like I do have to comment so that authors who track such things will know I voted too.
As for the scores, if people want to score low then let them score low. If they are truly trying to be constructive, hopefully they will comment about what they felt was wrong and you can decide if they're correct. If the story is a flawless piece that everyone loves, then don't let a random bad score ruin your day. I'm sure that I've deserved each of the 4's I have received and feel that in most stories the 3's or 4's are probably the most accurate of them all.
Personally, I've kept scoring enabled as I know there are people who like to give a score and feel cheated when the right is taken from them. And, I've never forced commenting as there are some people who simply don't like to leave a comment.
I'm just grateful whenever someone decides to read a piece. If they want to spend their time to go the extra step to vote and/or comment then I appreciate that all the more.
Unfortunately, there are those who troll with a motive when scoring low. I have just recently, disenabled scoring on my works, because I have nothing else to prove. I came to Lush, to see if I had it in me some semblance of a poet. I have found that I have some qualities and lack in some skills, but I do have a range of words I use. Personally, I believe a 1 to a 5 turns into a game of patronizing, and then that sends wrong messages. If something is verified and posted, it automatically should be worth reading, without some idiot popping it a three.
I started out requiring comments to vote, but people grumbled about it, so I changed it. But then I started getting troll voting on my RRs and my EP, so I'm not a big fan of scoring. Writing shouldn't be quantified anyway. It's an art, not a sport. Criticism, constructive or otherwise should only be verbal.
If I have a "criticism" (beyond just not "liking"), I'll send the writer a private message and try to tactfully point out the problem. Mostly it's improper usage of words: there/ their/they're etc.
I'm glad I found this post, as I was thinking about starting one asking what people's criteria for voting is.
I find it strange and somewhat disheartening that you can get a number of '5' votes, and then get two '3' votes in a row, as I just did on a new story (one that I think is my best ever, but what do I know?). I understand that it's all subjective, and everybody can certainly do what they want, but from 5 to 3: really? - not even a 4?
I prefer not to care, but I do. I admit that I'm a whore for recognition, and I do tend to be overly sensitive to perceived slights. I am fairly new to the site, and am a virgin to social media interaction, as I view it as inconsequential mental masturbation with strangers, but in my fairy tale world, I'd like to think that people are generous and positive by nature. Call me naive.
I have made comments when required to in order to vote, and don't mind it at all. I know scores can be a valuable tool for writers (even though some here say how votes can be 'political' - don't we get enough fucking politics in our lives already?), but I have only ever voted 5, and given a comment, because I know as a writer how valuable sincere feedback can be. If it rates less than 5, I don't vote.
I feel that anyone who casts a score for any reason other than the legitimate evaluation of the story or the craft involved is a true 'troll'. Mean spirited people are out there, and intellectual honesty seems to be at a minimum, but even stroke stories (which is admittedly what I write here) deserve an honest critique.
I presently have over 450 stories and poems here on lush. My average score is 4.93. With those numbers it is so difficult to change that average score anymore without dumping a ton of lower scores on lots of stories. So, I won't bother trying to work the system in any way. I let any member vote whatever way they want. I let them comment as they please. I have no one blocked for trolling my work. And the comments are consistently about the same numbers as always during the past years, as are the scores. I know, it's irksome to get a 1 score on a beloved piece of work, that might have even won an award, but the overall scores will continue to be close to the same, overtime. At least, that is what I have discovered.
I usually score anything I enjoyed reading. I enjoy giving the authors the score as a silent "thank you", but I don't score when I'm forced to comment with it. Possibly for the same reason as kiera said above, not liking being forced to do something, but I didn't give it much thought honestly. If I really like it and believe it deserves something else, I'll message my thoughts to the authors.
There's also a pretty big reason of why I score the stories I enjoy: they go to my Story History, which I like quite a lot. I enjoy the fact to recommend nice ones to friends or my husband, and it's a easy way to keep track of them, and in my opinion, better and more discreet than favoriting.
Of course, I'm commenting here just as a reader.
It has been awhile but I once did the forced commenting to vote. I really don't think it affects your overall scores. What is does do is lower the amount of comments and scores you do receive. I came to the conclusion that it was a bad practice.
Seriously, I hate commenting in the forced comment box. If I am on a mobile device it makes that extra hard and I often just leave it. That increases the chance of me forgetting to come back to that story and comment and vote later.
Many Lush readers refuse to give in to forced voting and do not do it. You probably lose mostly 5 scores with forced commenting.
And we really don't need to see who voted anyhow.
Scores have become mostly political, with a lot of patronizing. I certainly enjoy seeing my works posted, BUT, one three or two by a nincompoop can be frustrating. SO, I disabled the scoring and I can breathe without the trolls, trolling on Lush's pond.