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Votes and Comments

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My question for the authors is:
How do you feel about votes and comments from people you don't know or if they are not writers themselfs?

I am new on this site, I don't write and I have this odd feeling when I have to do a closer with your work, when I have to 'judge' something about you have been brave enough to open your heart and display it to all of us.

So tell me do you care What and Who is posting comments about your work?
Do you like constructive feedback or just approval?

You all are free to participate
Thank you for your honesty
I like when people comment on my stories, most of the people who have been nice enough to comment and vote have never spoken to me before.

When the comments are negative I prefer it in a pm, though.

I think many authors feel like a bad comment can put others off from reading the story.

Active Ink Slinger
I always enjoy constructive feedback, regardless of the source. Every person brings a new perspective that I can learn something from. Commments are always more useful than votes because I know who made the comment, and can approach them to expand on what they said. There's nothing more annoying than getting a 2 on a story, and not being able to understand why the voter felt it deserved a 2, and what needed to be changed to get a higher score. I may not agree with the voter, but I would want to understand their view either way.
Alpha Blonde
I'm always appreciative and humbled when a stranger takes time of out of their lives to read a story I have written. We are all busy people, and to think that something that came out of my little head can affect someone on the other side of the globe is truly its own reward.

I'm even more grateful when the person takes the time to vote and comment on a story. I love reading the comments. I agree with Necho, that if someone had something really negative to say about it, or had some constructive criticism, I would definitely welcome that in a PM. Every reaction/comment helps us grow as writers and better understand what to add/remove/maintain for the next story.

Because this is an online community for many people, it is sometimes difficult (I think) to separate the quality of the writing from the author. This can work both for and against a writer. Sometimes I'll watch the votes roll in for a story that seems to be going over really well, and then a big "2" bomb comes in, without a comment as to the reasoning. If I don't know why (and if it was legitimately because they didn't like my story), there is zero potential for improvement of my writing.

Everyone has different criteria to vote... some vote based on the quality of the writing, and others vote based on the perceived morality (or lack thereof) of the characters. Others vote because they either like or hate the writer based on chats they've had, or reading their forum posts. I find the latter reasoning rather cowardly, but it's just part of being in an online community... I try not to take it personally anymore...
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Hey She...certainly appreciate votes and comments from people I don't "know"...most of the people I do "know" well as you can "know" someone on a site like this, is from reading their work and vice versa...
You have to accept that most of the readers are not writers themselves...only a small percentage actually "go for it"...I have no problem with that...
And I agree about wanting constructive criticism, but would prefer it in a PM...some of my most popular, highest rated stories like "Mistaken Identity" get a lot of negative comments, like "lack of sex", but the views and votes say a lot...
So, any feedback from anyone is welcome for me...views, votes, comments and PM's are all welcome...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
i love the comments. i appreciate the feed back and even constructive criticism. I feel like it inspires me to be a better writer and to make the next story stronger.
The feed back is nice. It lets you know that people take time to vote and comment. Even the bad comments help.
I'm just glad that there is a place called Lush and I'am able to write my stories and a few poems that otherwise wouldn't have been read at all.
So any comment be it private message or on the comments page is more than welcome to me. I really love it when I get a reply on my work.
And when I have received comments that have been not negative, but contructive to improve my work I like that even more, it shows that other writer's care and have the courage to say to be, hey I've seen you do better, and you know you can do better. It makes me pull my socks up and think... Yeah there right, I could do better.
getting votes and comments on my stories well poems for me is part of the high of writing for me I am happy whether I know the person or not most though I usually know as I've been around Lush for a good while some I have never talked with and some I am very good friends with but either way it's always nice to get a compliment on your work.
Quote by HoneyBee000
I'm just glad that there is a place called Lush and I'am able to write my stories and a few poems that otherwise wouldn't have been read at all.
So any comment be it private message or on the comments page is more than welcome to me. I really love it when I get a reply on my work.
And when I have received comments that have been not negative, but contructive to improve my work I like that even more, it shows that other writer's care and have the courage to say to be, hey I've seen you do better, and you know you can do better. It makes me pull my socks up and think... Yeah there right, I could do better.

one more thing that I love is when I have typed a cooment on someone's work and they send me a little reply to say thank sweetie awe I really like that hee hee
I appreciate the votes on my story but I really am looking for comments both positive and negative alike. It gives me a idea what I have done right and wrong with my stories. It doesn't matter if you write or not as everybody here knows what they like and don't like about stories. It is interesting to get different perspectives on my works
Thank you all I appreciate your response.
I believe after this it is going to be easier for me to comment your work. Please feel free to reminde me if I will get to personal with my cooments (knowing myself I know that I will not stay long with cooments like this: Great story; Beautiful poem; Write some more...I will get little more in to it but as I said feel free to say: On this story She is not allowed to comment ) and of course I learned that constructive criticism will be send to your PM.
I always send constructive criticism via PM, but it wouldn't bother me if someone left a comment at the end of one of my stories with suggestions on how I can improve. It helps me, and other writers too, having it on public display. It's a good way to become less sensitive about criticism and writing.
I always appreciate feedback of any kind as long as it's given with some degree of intelligence. Even though some people on this site have different tastes than I do, I haven't had any issues with anything anyone has said. (even if accompanied by a '1' vote) On other sites you get a lot of bullshit feedback,but not on here.
Active Ink Slinger
I enjoy feedback on my stories. Like all of the other posts, it helps me understand what I need to do to better my next story. I agree that I would rather have a PM with any negative feedback.
Go check out my new story - How Did This Happen? - John's Story
Advanced Wordsmith
I appreciate posted comments and PMs on my stories no matter who they come from. It is always helpful to know how a reader responded to one of my stories, whether positive, lukewarm, or even less so. And, well, it is just good to know that someone read my writing, felt something, and cared enough to let me know what they thought.
Tahnk you all for your feedback, I appreciate it. I enjoy reading your stories and with this thread I learned how to comment them. Again thank you and have a good writing inspiration for new ones, hope your Muse will stay with you for a long time!
Internet Sensation
I prefer honesty to asslicking.
Really there's nothing as annoying as a vote of 5 on a story you yourself wouldn't rate higher than a 3.
I'm not that good on grammar, I usually make up my own verbs too..
But when I sit down to write I put my all into it. most of my work never gets finished.
Though that is what you get for not writing in your own language.
Active Ink Slinger
Most comments are very nice but votes don't mean shit!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Story Teller
The comments are my bread and butter. They are what I live for. They tell me if my audience likes or dislikes my work. Constructive criticism is the best, because you can kill anyone's passion with unwarranted harshness. The votes are good, but I am not in a race with anyone.
Wild at Heart
Quote by Catnip
I prefer honesty to asslicking.
Really there's nothing as annoying as a vote of 5 on a story you yourself wouldn't rate higher than a 3.
I'm not that good on grammar, I usually make up my own verbs too..
But when I sit down to write I put my all into it. most of my work never gets finished.
Though that is what you get for not writing in your own language.

Writing in a language other than your own is really impressive. I'm bilingual myself and can write and read in Spanish but not to the extent that is needed to tell a story.

As for votes and comments. I'm sure every writer on lush cracks a smile when they get a 5 vote, me included. But the comments are the ultimate motivator to keep writing.
Active Ink Slinger
The hardest part of being a writer is preparing yourself for harsh critique. It comes by the truckloads and it never ends. I once heard someone say, or read a quote, that the difference between a professional and amateur author, is how they dealt with critique.

A professional understands that everyone's opinion matters. Everyone's opinion has value. But... it all comes down to why you write. If you're looking for a writing career, start listening to every piece of critique given on your writing. It will help you craft stories people want to buy. If you write for the love of writing, then just keep writing and ignore the negative comments.

As for me, I prefer brutal and honest feedback. I need to know if something isn't working and I need to know why. I push my "beta" readers, who comb through my works before I submit them to publishers, to shred it. Pick on anything they didn't like. Awkward sentences, unrealistic dialogue, continuity errors, replicated word choices, grammar mistakes, typos, excessive adjective or pronoun use. Etc... (the list is too long, *lol*)

It is also very important when you find critique that is helpful, to thank them for their honesty. They need to know their comments were not taken as an insult and that their time and effort is very appreciated.

Brindle Chase

paranormal • erotic • romance
Active Ink Slinger
I agree. I like honest feedback. I am very new to writing erotic stories. I just posted my very first one yesterday. I would love to know what I can do better so I can work on it.
In custody.

I love baseball!!!
Active Ink Slinger
As an author of fan fic and erotica, I appreciate when people comment.

Negative or positive it feels like someone is paying attention. nothing worse than writing and not have SOMEONE tell you that the story was good or a good attempt.

"Writing M/M turns me on..."

Active Ink Slinger
Is it possible to lose a vote on a story?

I agree with Rawiya71, its good to hear some sort of feedback just to have an idea of where your story stands.
In custody.

I love baseball!!!
Quote by Sandrine
Is it possible to lose a vote on a story?

If someone decides to delete their account, votes and comments disappear from any stories they've left feedback on.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by PassionFlwer74
The comments are my bread and butter. They are what I live for. They tell me if my audience likes or dislikes my work. Constructive criticism is the best, because you can kill anyone's passion with unwarranted harshness. The votes are good, but I am not in a race with anyone.

I second that!

One thing that I don't care for is when people start telling me what to write, ala "great so far, no get him to fuck his next door neighbor in the back of a pickup truck parked at a shopping mall", that sort of thing. If you want that fantasy, the YOU write it, is how I feel! I do think the "embellish" feature might be neat for those folks, not sure, haven't tried it yet. But it might be why it's not so big an issue here as it was on that other site...

One thing that bewilders me is when the reader doesn't distinguish me from the characters. I always chuckle when guys comment about how they're jealous that I have hot daughters or a sexy wife, etc. I'm single and haven't got any daughters, and I'm the author of the story, not it's protagonist... Haha... Oh well, at least they enjoyed it!
I'm a wild and Krrraaazzzy Guy!
Constant Gardener
Quote by KrrraaazzzyGuy
One thing that bewilders me is when the reader doesn't distinguish me from the characters. I always chuckle when guys comment about how they're jealous that I have hot daughters or a sexy wife, etc. I'm single and haven't got any daughters, and I'm the author of the story, not it's protagonist... Haha... Oh well, at least they enjoyed it!

Other authors have related similar audience observations before. I think this is a testament to your ability and theirs also, to capture the imaginations of some of your audience and then to transport those reader's minds along with your characters. Think of it as the ultimate compliment. You have, for a brief period of time, completely immersed some of your readers in the stories, themselves.


Stephen King and Anne Rice do the same things - to me, with their words.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Mr Nobody
Lots of porkies and outright lies here ... I am probably the only one that gives harsh but honest comments
or I did when I could ... and of course there was an occasional DB approved for the quality writing
thats a pinnacle you should aim for...
but more than a few whinged and whined because of my comment andd even threatened me because of it ...

But there was just a few who wanted to know more and I would even edit their stories and add some advice ...
and now they are pretty good at it ....

but dont come out with we love comments good and bad ... Necho says it as it really is ..