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Votes and Comments

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Constant Gardener
Quote by DBarclay
I am probably the only one that gives harsh but honest comments
or I did when I could ... and of course there was an occasional DB approved for the quality writing
thats a pinnacle you should aim for...

Heh, you're the reason I turned commentary and embellishment off of any story or poem I may have ever submitted. And I thank you for that inexpensive lesson.

But I do admit to a cheap thrill of reading your eviscerations. And of other people discussing your critiques.

Everyone is a critic. Few do so with empathy. Yours drained out a long time ago.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Lots of porkies and outright lies here

Our members are lying?
Quote by DBarclay
Lots of porkies and outright lies here ... I am probably the only one that gives harsh but honest comments...

Honesty is important, but there's no need for harsh comments. Constructive criticism delivered with tact is much more effective in the long run than harsh comments that only end up discouraging the writer.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lisa
Quote by DBarclay
Lots of porkies and outright lies here ... I am probably the only one that gives harsh but honest comments...

Honesty is important, but there's no need for harsh comments. Constructive criticism delivered with tact is much more effective in the long run than harsh comments that only end up discouraging the writer.

Well said, Lisa. Criticism needs to be constructive, even if you are pointing out flaws in someone's story or writing.

"This story sucks. It totally made me blow chunks. You suck, never write again." ... <<<--- this might be true, the story might suck. The writing could be horrible. However, offering this sort of criticism, just because its given honestly... doesn't mean the person giving it isn't a major fucking asshole and their critique is beyond worthless.

Now if instead you said. --->>> "Your story needs a plot. This story was all over the place and never took the reader from point A to point B. The characters didn't seem real and the sentence structures you used were awkward and hard to read. Also, it was full of typos. Find a good spell checker for your next story. Try to run your story down a path of the intended plot and say your character's dialogue out loud to see if it sounds authentic."

Both critiques are honest. Both tell the writer that their story wasn't very enjoyable to read. But one is helpful and the other is just being a bully.

paranormal • erotic • romance
Mr Nobody
Quote by WellMadeMale
Heh, you're the reason I turned commentary and embellishment off of any story or poem I may have ever submitted. And I thank you for that inexpensive lesson.

I just checked. I can see why.
Mr Nobody
Quote by Lisa
Quote by DBarclay
Lots of porkies and outright lies here ... I am probably the only one that gives harsh but honest comments...

Honesty is important, but there's no need for harsh comments. Constructive criticism delivered with tact is much more effective in the long run than harsh comments that only end up discouraging the writer.

I never though they were harsh at all, just factual.
No admin or Mod ever made any comment to me.

I am getting the urge to start up again now
bit low on oxygen though
Quote by DBarclay
Quote by Lisa
Quote by DBarclay
Lots of porkies and outright lies here ... I am probably the only one that gives harsh but honest comments...

Honesty is important, but there's no need for harsh comments. Constructive criticism delivered with tact is much more effective in the long run than harsh comments that only end up discouraging the writer.

I never though they were harsh at all, just factual.
No admin or Mod ever made any comment to me.

I am getting the urge to start up again now
bit low on oxygen though

DB is never harsh, he gave me the best comments when I wrote my third story, he said 'come on you know you can do better than that! and he was right. Leave DB alone he's an alright bloke.
Quote by HoneyBee000
Quote by DBarclay
Quote by Lisa
Quote by DBarclay
Lots of porkies and outright lies here ... I am probably the only one that gives harsh but honest comments...

Honesty is important, but there's no need for harsh comments. Constructive criticism delivered with tact is much more effective in the long run than harsh comments that only end up discouraging the writer.

I never though they were harsh at all, just factual.
No admin or Mod ever made any comment to me.

I am getting the urge to start up again now
bit low on oxygen though

DB is never harsh, he gave me the best comments when I wrote my third story, he said 'come on you know you can do better than that! and he was right. Leave DB alone he's an alright bloke.

I like DB and don't have any problems with him. I was merely responding to his claim that he gives "harsh but honest comments".
Quote by BrindleChase
Criticism needs to be constructive, even if you are pointing out flaws in someone's story or writing.

I saw your review of Snakeoil's story in the gender/writing style thread. That was very informative and well done, especially the part about active and passive verbs.
I get a huge thrill out of people enjoying my stories so good comments are definitely welcomed and the bad comments, once I've stopped crying, can prove to be an education.
Active Ink Slinger
Exactly, comments help give the writer a barometer of the story. Negative comments are good too, as long as they're constructive.
In custody.

I love baseball!!!
As a writer the main thing I want is to be read, by a broad and wide audience as possible. It would be a lie to say that somewhere deep down I am not a little vain and love to get a lot of votes and positive comments on a story. However, you have to take a look at what the reality of the situation is. Votes themselves do not translate into readership. If they did then every single story posted on any site would have hundreds, if not thoudands of votes. Not all readers, even when they enjoy a story vote, and not every view on a story means it has been read that many times, only that the page has been opened that many times.

As far as comments go I love constructive criticism, as it does help a writer refine their work. What I hate is groundless attacks on an author without even commenting on the story itself. On that other site it is common to see comments based on the readers' inability to fing a G Rated story on a XXX Rated site.