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Too many story ideas?

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To date I have well over 30 lush stories I plan on doing as well as 2 full novels i wany to do (one of which literally just popped into my head)

I love writing but this is a lot. Any ideas how to slow down? The ideas don't seem to stop coming.
that is good, sometimes you go through gluts, and sometimes you stall. I tend to write a bit of each idea on a file labeled ideas, just so I wont forget. then when you are stalled you have something you can go to and hopefully jump start ideas again.
Maybe you should take some time, sit down and consider them, and begin the separate out the good ideas from the bad ideas. We all have both kinds.
I envy your problem ;) I'm in total awe of Lush author, Harry Lime, for the quality, quantity, and subject variety of his stories.

FWIW, the Naughty-one has a good idea. Keep a file of your story ideas. Someday you may need them.

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
You're an artist. . .it's perfectly normal to have too many ideas. Just chill and focus on your tales one by one. They come out 'cause once more, you're artist and there's no stopping them.
Quote by RumpleForeskin
I envy your problem ;) I'm in total awe of Lush author, Harry Lime, for the quality, quantity, and subject variety of his stories.

FWIW, the Naughty-one has a good idea. Keep a file of your story ideas. Someday you may need them.

does my brain count?

I have my story titles, the section i want them in & how many chapters (if more than one) written down & I can recall the plot of every story & chapter
I use a combination of writing ideas down, as well as software that can sync between laptop, phone and tablet.IgZNNbxfLOfmcZ3Q
Quote by Haineko

does my brain count?

I have my story titles, the section i want them in & how many chapters (if more than one) written down & I can recall the plot of every story & chapter

This sounds good in theory. But it's been my experience that when you really inmerse yourself in the current story you can loose the details of the future ones. Plus life has an annoying habit if getting in the way. That why I stash ideas, enough so I can come back and give myself a jumpstart if nessecary. My competition piece (see avatar) was one such stashed piece.
That would work if I wasn't in a Christian based recovery program. I'm trying to write down as little as possible. I as a Christian have no problem with what I write, they might if they find out.

Edit: Still might be a good idea. I like all my ideas.
In a similar vein, I have on several occasions "given away" some ideas / topics / titles for poems to some of my writing friends because I knew they would be better at writing than I would. I get "stuck" at times and just can't go anywhere. I sometimes wish I had a problem with "too many story ideas"! lol!!
Story ideas are ten a penny and are even more worthless without the hard graft that goes into the telling. The writer's craft, it seems, is rather like the songwriter's or the comedian's. The skill is in the timing. The build up. The language. The punchline. Some great books are based on fairly simple and mundane ideas yet are immensely satisfying simply because the author knew how to tell a tale, create tension, and how to keep us turning pages. Any idiot can tell a joke. Any idiot can write a song. And any idiot can tell a story. Apparently, a good one takes a spark of genius, a flash of inspiration, then lots and lots of hard work to make it look like it was easy.

Christian-based recovery programme? That sounds very scary. They are probably well-meaning people, but are likely to be a little unbalanced and probably need recovery themselves. By all means take their help to get to a better place, then say goodbye.

So, to sum up: don't worry! By all means write down your ideas in a diary of sorts. Why wouldn't you? Write it in code if the God-squad are getting heavy... And enjoy your creativity. Simply enjoy smile xxx
"If I sign off with pithy quotations, ignore all preceding opinion for I am undoubtedly a fool. And if, after our discourse, I abuse you by proffering my vulgar produce, cast me into the gutter."
While I do my writing on my Netbook, I also carry around a pocket Moleskin - all my thoughts, ideas, story blips get put into that. Some have worked themselves into full tales, others remain dormant (for now)

For non-erotic, I have 8 stories out there, 3 in magazines, 2 in anthologies and the remainder on the 'Net. My notebook has ideas for several dozen more

For erotic, I have the two published here, two multi-chapter works in progress and perhaps a dozen more ideas in my Moleskin.
Quote by Haineko
I as a Christian have no problem with what I write, they might if they find out.

I would tend to assume that Haineko is not your real name, so it shouldn't be a problem...and I agree with the others who wish they had your problem...just start writing the stuff up, that's all...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
True but I write my rough drafts on paper. That's what I'm afraid they may find.
I don't think you can have too many ideas. When I get a hot idea I might want to pursue in the future, I usually write a few opening paragraphs to sketch the characters - I "see" characters long before before I see a full plot - and save it. I am continually adding to and weeding this boneyard, but the interesting ideas seem to persist and eventually get fleshed out into stories.

"It seemed like a nice neighborhood to have bad habits in.” Raymond Chandler

The Gin Rickey Singularity -- Dirty Talk competition entry

Lucia Makes a Bet

Barn Dance

Shock Wave

Quote by Haineko
True but I write my rough drafts on paper. That's what I'm afraid they may find.

You could write it down as an outline, and write/type it out properly when your not being watched.
I use Evernote. I keep ideas as notes in a notebook. If I start running with an idea and creating a story from it, then I start a new notebook for that specific story. It's free, runs on all major platforms, and stores notes and notebooks in a cloud so they are available 24/7 on any computer or device you have handy (I've used it on Blackberry, Android tabs, and Windows). Oh, and it's secured with a username and password so you can lock stuff away fairly easily. Just use an email that other folks wouldn't know to sign up and you should be pretty safe as long you log out when you're not using it. It may not work for you (not sure how much tech you use), Haineko, but I'm tossing it out for those who might be interested.
Regardless I'm gonna keep doing what I do because I love it & write down all my ideas. It may be a lot but at least I'll never be at a loss for a story.
Quote by Haineko
Regardless I'm gonna keep doing what I do because I love it & write down all my ideas. It may be a lot but at least I'll never be at a loss for a story.

That's the key. Regardless of HOW you keep and organize them, the first step is TO keep and organize them. I have ideas in my notes that have been stewing for years that I go back to periodically.
Haineko when you find the "off" button for your brain to stop the ideas from coming on so fast, let Me know. I'll be damned if I can find it!

I currently have 12 stories waiting to be published and four in the process of being written!
My ideas list is well over 50 by now. I stopped numbering them. I have seven novels in some state of progress. Quite a few outlines are written up.

The amount of ideas I have in my head used to make me feel it was pointless to try to focus on them, but I know some will never be written and that's okay. Others, however, might end up well *together* (sometimes my ideas are characters, sometimes they're scenes or overall plot concepts - or subplots). By combining concepts I can create a fuller story as well an explore many more things.

(Example: The Devil's Undertones combines 4 story concepts: A story between a professor and his student, a murder mystery of sorts, a twist ending, and following the sex life of a minister's daughter)

But, also, I force myself to stay focused: no more than two stories at a time. Usually, the two stories are of different concepts (lit fic and chic-lit, for example) so I have different things to focus on. When I get worn out with one (or stuck) i can focus on the other.

Then, the fact that I have many more stories to write is what keeps me focused and determined to finish. When a story is done i started a new one.
Quote by Haineko
Regardless I'm gonna keep doing what I do because I love it & write down all my ideas. It may be a lot but at least I'll never be at a loss for a story.

Don't turn it off, just go with it. Keep writing your ideas down. Its great fun.

I have a lot of ideas written down and a few paragraphs into several stories that I cannot get finished. There is not enough time and stress can often kill the mood to write.

It would be awesome to spend a few weeks at a secluded mountain cabin just writing, especially sitting out on the porch.
Quote by Buz

Don't turn it off, just go with it. Keep writing your ideas down. Its great fun.

I have a lot of ideas written down and a few paragraphs into several stories that I cannot get finished. There is not enough time and stress can often kill the mood to write.

It would be awesome to spend a few weeks at a secluded mountain cabin just writing, especially sitting out on the porch.

Now that's just gone and given me another story idea!!

I think having too many ideas and not enough time to write is something that all writers face in varied degrees. I write my down in a little note pad if it's something that I know I really want to write one day, but most of my ideas just circle around my mind.
Quote by Haineko
To date I have well over 30 lush stories I plan on doing as well as 2 full novels i wany to do (one of which literally just popped into my head)

I love writing but this is a lot. Any ideas how to slow down? The ideas don't seem to stop coming.

I think you are blessed with such a creative mind and imagination.

Try having a spell of writer's block when it all dries up. Then, when you think you can approach a story, you have to re-write the first two chapters (8,000 words) because of a lack of practice and confidence.

To avoid a repeat I keep all my ideas in a little document now with an outline, character and story arc. That way I can get an idea how it might/might not work and how long the story might run for. When I think I've done something justice I pick off the ones I really want to write.

Works for me. You could use the same approach to prioritise what you would like to write next.
Not a bad idea.

What I do is write with my goal of posting in every category in mind. With the exception of the series I have going and any competition that pops up every story will be In a new category. Picking one is easy, I just write what feels 'right' at the time.
There's never too many story ideas! In fact, I'd say its a blessing to have so many ideas and you're creative and passionate. smile I have like 8 stories I started but I dunno if I'll ever manage to finish them.
It's nice to have so many ideas! I use a free mobile app called Wunderlist to make a note about my to-writes. I'm at 18 pieces right now, erotic- and non-erotic together.
Check out Office Sluts: The First Weeks at Smashwords!

I definitely have too many ideas. For Lush and beyond. Whole notebooks of them.

Quote by MC1982

I definitely have too many ideas. For Lush and beyond. Whole notebooks of them.

Lucky for us - Lush has so many genres to cover that we will see your stories for some time yet. 😎

Quote by MC1982

I definitely have too many ideas. For Lush and beyond. Whole notebooks of them.

Ditto. I have some story ideas that have lurked in my imagination for years without ever making it onto the page. Some I have never tried, some fizzle out every time I try to write them.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.