Is there an automatic system within the LushStories website that logs what genres an author has written a story in?
If so, can authors get access to it to help them keep up on what story categories they need to, or have to work on?
Is there an automatic system within the LushStories website that logs what genres an author has written a story in?
If so, can authors get access to it to help them keep up on what story categories they need to, or have to work on?
My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories
Quote by wxt55uk
Is there an automatic system within the LushStories website that logs what genres an author has written a story in?
If so, can authors get access to it to help them keep up on what story categories they need to, or have to work on?
I imagine so, otherwise it wouldn't know when to award the badge.
Have you tried counting? Your current tally is eleven categories.
Quote by CallmeJayne
I imagine so, otherwise it wouldn't know when to award the badge.
Have you tried counting? Your current tally is eleven categories.
Not yet, Jayne, but thank you for counting for me.
However, wouldn't it be nice for us authors to have technology working for us? Especially as I believe this could be quite an easy thing to implicate. I might be only speaking for myself, but I would like to have a live tally of how many times I wrote a story in each genre.
My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories
Interesting. I wonder if there's a place for "how close" counters for those badges that are numerical achievements. Can't see a place on the story list or profile that would be helpful, since you don't have badges show up on the profile pages if you haven't achieved them.
Maybe it could be incorporated on the Badges landing page. So as well as the check mark to show which ones you've been awarded and the counter of how many members have it, some of them could say "nnn to reach achievement" or something?
E.g. number of views needed to reach Prolific. How close your highest viewed story is to becoming Legendary. How many categories you have left to write in to achieve Omnium (bonus points for a link that lists the ones you haven't written in yet). And so on.
I'll ask if something along those lines is a possible future enhancement. Might slow the page down too much.
Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:
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* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.
Quote by wxt55uk
I might be only speaking for myself, but I would like to have a live tally of how many times I wrote a story in each genre.
To get the 'Omnium' badge you only have to publish one story in each category. Not much to tally.
As writing stories is such a minority occupation here, I'm not sure how quickly your wishlist can be incorporated.😊
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
Interesting. I wonder if there's a place for "how close" counters for those badges that are numerical achievements. Can't see a place on the story list or profile that would be helpful, since you don't have badges show up on the profile pages if you haven't achieved them.
Maybe it could be incorporated on the Badges landing page. So as well as the check mark to show which ones you've been awarded and the counter of how many members have it, some of them could say "nnn to reach achievement" or something?
E.g. number of views needed to reach Prolific. How close your highest viewed story is to becoming Legendary. How many categories you have left to write in to achieve Omnium (bonus points for a link that lists the ones you haven't written in yet). And so on.
I'll ask if something along those lines is a possible future enhancement. Might slow the page down too much.
Thank you, for considering my suggestion.
Slightly off subject, has it ever been discussed having badges for 10k and 20k views? These days the amount of stories posted and therefore the churn is a lot higher than it used to be. So getting 30k reads takes a long time, I even wonder if new stories here will ever make that number.
And finally, why are all the badges black? Wouldn't it be nice to add a little colour to them?
My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories
Quote by wxt55uk
Is there an automatic system within the LushStories website that logs what genres an author has written a story in?
If so, can authors get access to it to help them keep up on what story categories they need to, or have to work on?
I feel you. And I had readers ask me for stories in a certain category, and I’d have to hunt for them in my story list. So, I created a post in Author Self Promotions where I listed all the categories in order then put links to stories underneath them.
It’s work, but would help you keep track. Best wishes on the Omnium! It’s a great goal!
Not even trying for Omnium at the moment, but I like the idea for sure. Would be a help to those who are.
Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.
While working toward the Omnium badge, I kept a chart on my own. One thing I miss about the old Lush version is that there was a way to view our stories broken into categories. That was helpful. You can use the search feature, type in your name as the author, and then select the genre to see how many (if any) stories you've written in a particular category. But that is time-consuming.
Dear Mistress Kat - advice on how to spice things up
Another Man's Wife - a true hotwife story
The Cocktail Party - a fun office party leads to more
Boardrooms & Boudoirs - a Mac and Grace novel
Under My Umbrella - a true micro about coitus interruptus
Dessert Is Best Served In Bed - a true micro about delicious makeup sex
I really liked the function on lush v1 which told you how many total views your stories had and which categories you had written in. It was really simple and you could see how many views and categories other authors had as well so you could be a voyeuristic stalker too
I also really liked how on v1 you could list your stories by category too, instead of just being in date order
My latest competition entry about a Christmas shopping trip
Quote by deviantsusie
I really liked the function on lush v1 which told you how many total views your stories had and which categories you had written in. It was really simple and you could see how many views and categories other authors had as well so you could be a voyeuristic stalker too
I also really liked how on v1 you could list your stories by category too, instead of just being in date order
I miss this very much.
Quote by techgoddess
One thing I miss about the old Lush version is that there was a way to view our stories broken into categories.
Quote by deviantsusie
I also really liked how on v1 you could list your stories by category too, instead of just being in date order
Thirded or fourthed or whatever we are up to. That was a nice feature.
Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.
I've notified the developers of the omission, thanks for flagging it. I'd forgotten about having the ability to order by category. That was handy.
It'll go on the list, I'm sure. But how big that list is, and where it features, I have no idea.
Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:
* 30 Editor's Picks, 75 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.
Quote by MC1982
I'm trying for omnium by the end of the year. They have a badge called "Prolific Writer" which tells you you have done two thirds of the genres, I think. Get that, then count the remaining ones would be my suggestion.
I wish you good luck in obtaining the ominium badge. I have always liked the idea/challenge of writing a story in every genre here. In the coming years, this is something I hope to achieve.
However, I have a few questions about the badge, (yes, I did make a forum search first).
There are 58 genres listed including two poetry genres, Erotic Poems, Love Poems.
Are these two genres part of the Ominium badge?
I am not planning to do this but...
I have written and posted 4 novels here. With three? exceptions, every chapter is posted in the novel section. However, many of these chapters could have been posted in their own and very different genres. If I did that, I would be about two-thirds of the way to the omnium badge. Is republishing a story in a new genre allowed?
Finally, are there any plans to add more (or remove) genres to the LushStories list of genres?
My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories
Omnium is a great goal. I might make it one day too, but I need to branch out more.
You are free to republish your stories in any category. Sometimes new categories are added which are a better fit for old stories. It might not even trigger a resub to the moderators. I'm not sure though. Add a note in the Moderator Notes box just in case so that we know that's the extent of the changes.
If you haven't done already, I would suggest using the Series Link feature to join the chapters too.
I don't think the poetry categories are included in the count. And I think Fantasies is also exempt but I'm not 100% on that.
If new categories are added, your badge will still remain. I think it only impacts anyone who goes for the badge after the category is introduced. As far as I know there aren't any plans to add new categories any time soon.
Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:
* 30 Editor's Picks, 75 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
Omnium is a great goal. I might make it one day too, but I need to branch out more.
You are free to republish your stories in any category. Sometimes new categories are added which are a better fit for old stories. It might not even trigger a resub to the moderators. I'm not sure though. Add a note in the Moderator Notes box just in case so that we know that's the extent of the changes.
If you haven't done already, I would suggest using the Series Link feature to join the chapters too.
I don't think the poetry categories are included in the count. And I think Fantasies is also exempt but I'm not 100% on that.
If new categories are added, your badge will still remain. I think it only impacts anyone who goes for the badge after the category is introduced. As far as I know there aren't any plans to add new categories any time soon.
Thank you, WW
My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
And I think Fantasies is also exempt but I'm not 100% on that.
It certainly was back when it was re-introduced to avoid disadvantaging people who have moral objections to writing in the category. After all, it is the only category that we have the explicit ability to hide. So I would hope that is still the case.
Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.
Quote by Seeker4
It certainly was back when it was re-introduced to avoid disadvantaging people who have moral objections to writing in the category. After all, it is the only category that we have the explicit ability to hide. So I would hope that is still the case.
To my understanding, the only exempt category is IF. That’s what I was told when going for my Omnium badge a few years ago. I did one anyway. And when Facesitting was added as a category, I wrote one of those as well. I just felt the badge was more meaningful if I had the 58 genres covered.
Dear Mistress Kat - advice on how to spice things up
Another Man's Wife - a true hotwife story
The Cocktail Party - a fun office party leads to more
Boardrooms & Boudoirs - a Mac and Grace novel
Under My Umbrella - a true micro about coitus interruptus
Dessert Is Best Served In Bed - a true micro about delicious makeup sex
Quote by 1meanjean
I found it easy to make a chart of the categories and mark them off as I went along. It is a real challenge, especially getting into the right head space for categories that you are not comfortable with. Good luck with reaching your goal!
Thank you, 1meanjean.
Though, as expressed at the start of this thread, I feel this information should be readily available to authors/readers through LS.
But, I did make a spreadsheet covering the genres of my 76 stories. They are in 12 official categories, though 64 are in the novel section. Of these 29 could be recategorised, though I have no plans to do this.
As poetry is not counted, for me there are only 3 categories that stand out as being hard to write in. Humour (I have a loose draft done, but it needs work), Trans (that one is going to take some thought) and Monster Sex (that is going to take some research).
My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories
Quote by wxt55uk
Thank you, 1meanjean.
Though, as expressed at the start of this thread, I feel this information should be readily available to authors/readers through LS.
But, I did make a spreadsheet covering the genres of my 76 stories. They are in 12 official categories, though 64 are in the novel section. Of these 29 could be recategorised, though I have no plans to do this.
As poetry is not counted, for me there are only 3 categories that stand out as being hard to write in. Humour (I have a loose draft done, but it needs work), Trans (that one is going to take some thought) and Monster Sex (that is going to take some research).
I would double check on poetry. The folks who I know that have the Omnium Badge have written poems. I’m happy to check that out and clarify.
Dear Mistress Kat - advice on how to spice things up
Another Man's Wife - a true hotwife story
The Cocktail Party - a fun office party leads to more
Boardrooms & Boudoirs - a Mac and Grace novel
Under My Umbrella - a true micro about coitus interruptus
Dessert Is Best Served In Bed - a true micro about delicious makeup sex
Quote by techgoddess
I would double check on poetry. The folks who I know that have the Omnium Badge have written poems. I’m happy to check that out and clarify.
Thank you, Kat.
My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
Omnium is a great goal. I might make it one day too, but I need to branch out more.
You are free to republish your stories in any category. Sometimes new categories are added which are a better fit for old stories. It might not even trigger a resub to the moderators. I'm not sure though. Add a note in the Moderator Notes box just in case so that we know that's the extent of the changes.
If you haven't done already, I would suggest using the Series Link feature to join the chapters too.
I don't think the poetry categories are included in the count. And I think Fantasies is also exempt but I'm not 100% on that.
If new categories are added, your badge will still remain. I think it only impacts anyone who goes for the badge after the category is introduced. As far as I know there aren't any plans to add new categories any time soon.
Hi WW, you now lose the badge when new categories are added. I had to do a Facesitting story to get mine back and Brookall lost hers for the same reason.
You don’t have to write Fantasies as I got mine without one.
As far as I know, you have to write both a love poem and an erotic poem.
If you write 2 in every category do you get a number 2 beside the Omnium badge?
My latest competition entry about a Christmas shopping trip
Quote by deviantsusie
Hi WW, you now lose the badge when new categories are added. I had to do a Facesitting story to get mine back and Brookall lost hers for the same reason.
You don’t have to write Fantasies as I got mine without one.
I have not written in Facesitting, but have in and still have the badge. I had been told once you have the badge, you keep it. So no clue why you and Brookell lost yours when Facesitting was added. I’m assuming y’all have talked to Admin about it.
Quote by KimmiBeGood
The thing I like about your goal for the Omnium is it’s just up to you to get that badge. I like to set goals like that where I only need myself to reach it. Whereas if you have goals for #of votes, comp placement, etc, you are relying on others.
You make a good point, Kimmi, and yes, I do agree with you. 😊
My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories
Quote by deviantsusie
you now lose the badge when new categories are added. I had to do a Facesitting story to get mine back and Brookall lost hers for the same reason.
Ah, that could be one of the things that needs addressing on Lush V2. It was probably a(nother) hack that Gav put in to maintain the award even if the categories change.
I'll ask the question for you and see whether there's anything that can be done to keep it if the categories change. It doesn't seem very fair that you lose it just because the goal posts move!
Also didn't know about the poem categories, so thanks for clarifying that. I sit corrected.
Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:
* 30 Editor's Picks, 75 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
Ah, that could be one of the things that needs addressing on Lush V2. It was probably a(nother) hack that Gav put in to maintain the award even if the categories change.
I'll ask the question for you and see whether there's anything that can be done to keep it if the categories change. It doesn't seem very fair that you lose it just because the goal posts move!
Also didn't know about the poem categories, so thanks for clarifying that. I sit corrected.
I have written in all the categories. I didn't lose my Omnium Badge when the Facesitting Category was added. But I did feel as though adding that genre to my catalog of stories was important.
But I do know that it used to happen until Gav did some sort of hack and fixed that. You shouldn't have a badge taken away. At the very least, you should be given an opportunity to write a story for any new genres added.
Dear Mistress Kat - advice on how to spice things up
Another Man's Wife - a true hotwife story
The Cocktail Party - a fun office party leads to more
Boardrooms & Boudoirs - a Mac and Grace novel
Under My Umbrella - a true micro about coitus interruptus
Dessert Is Best Served In Bed - a true micro about delicious makeup sex