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Story concepts you won't write?

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I'm curious, here, but I'm worried that if I ask this question and get this thread going someone will bring up things that shouldn't be talked about on lush. Please don't - this isn't about the categories we don't have here or other morally questionable story interests. Ahem - I can't even write it out I don't think - so just don't go there or there or there.

I'm asking about themes, story elements, situations that you won't write about for personal or ethical reasons but, if you did, would be okay to publish on Lush. Perhaps you don't think the idea will fly well with readers of erotica (Lush or published) - or maybe it just feels like it would be too much work and it's a story idea that might have to wait until you have the time to dedicate to it.

I have this one story concept that would be more lit-fic than anything else: it would explore a couple's sex life together from when they meet in their 20's through their old age and then their golden years - until the end. It would focus on their sex life and how career, education, children, illness, age, etc - and all their demands in life - affect and interfere with it - etc.

Yet - it feels like such a tremendous undertaking that, really, I don't think I'll ever get around to it. Not unless i knew it would be well received.

Anything in your idea bank you're not planning on tapping into?
Head Nurse
I write for me first and foremost. So the idea of writing, or not writing, for the reader is foreign. I write because I have stories that need out. When they appear here, you can bet they have been in my head demanding escape before that.

As such, if there is a story that needs out, I will write it, and figure out where it goes after.
Internet Philosopher
I have about 1200 words written for a story that examined sexual harassment in the work place. However, my job as a manager would be terribly impacted if such a story came to my companies attention. Its a shame, but that is keeping me from finishing it. sad
I throw nods to certain aspects of my life in my writing. But I don't think I could ever write a completely true story. That would be way too personal.x
Ah yes - complications with real life.

I've noticed that as I become closer to some authors (that help edit my work) on a personal level I feel more self-conscious. The internet, when I started writing erotica, felt completely anonymous so I dove into some dark fantasies. But now - not so much. I keep going 'and what would they say?' It irritates me that I do this, now, when I didn't give a damn before.

And I am writing my real-life memoir in the form of a fictional story. I was a shitty person - honestly - I think if you say 'don't do that' I must have said "Okay, I'll get right on that tomorrow."

But - looking at it this way - every negative I committed came with a consequence and a life-lesson. I'm not the same person so overall the whole thing constitutes a good character arc.
Anything S&M, even with the level of consent and safety required here. It just does not interest me. Humiliation likewise. I'm cool with domination and bondage up to the point where it becomes about humiliation, though.

I do tend to avoid real life save on a very broad level but a lot of that is just that I don't have much sexual history to draw on. One long-term relationship and maybe a dozen or so one-offs, mostly with professional escorts. Nothing too exciting or kinky involved in any of that. Steamy and fun at times, but hardly anything that merits a story, esp. given that I like having some plot and drama along with my fictional sex (but not always).
Many of my stories are based on fact. I choose to express myself in that way, but not all of the details of the event make it into a story. I don't mind exposing myself if it is therapeutic for me.

I don't think I could write a cuckold story, the humiliation factor is not something that I can write well.
Active Ink Slinger
*comment removed by moderator for inappropriate content*
My own stories are more confessional but I do have a problem with 'reluctance' stories written by men about women. I find these stories tend to border on fantasies and particularly if they're written in the first person, they should be written by women.

This is not sexist or contradictory but I do feel that when a woman has a fantasy, they have the control of the situation and therefore the consent (albeit subconscious consent). Its my personal opinion that the same story written by a man crosses that line.

That's my two-penneth anyway!
, toilet stuff, etc. Repulses me.
Anything involving reluctance. Turns my stomach.
Testing The Waters.
I never say "never".

I'm not fond of cheating stories, though. I've written one that was outright cheating, but it's hardly a favorite. Unlike almost everything else I've written, I've only read back through it when doing edits rather than reading it again for pleasure.

Every other "cheating" story I've written has been bait-n-switch where there wasn't any actual cheating going on. ( Role-play )

I write a lot of MILF stories, and make a special point to emphasize that the women are single for that very reason.

Just isn't my thing.
Good question.

For me, true stories are there and might be interesting enough for others to read - I might one day. In terms of what's off limits though, anything non-consensual, extreme pain and suffering, torture and antics involving stuff that goes in the toilet.

With the characters I write, I like to measure them against deserving good or deserving bad. I've found there is morality even in immoral acts between people. In my experience in terms of getting up to mischief, there has to be trust and respect even amongst strangers.
Active Ink Slinger
True, first time stories with either sex. Both were disasters!
I suppose I could write about the first time with a female and put it in the humour category. It wasn't funny at the time though.
I would never attempt a lesbian story, for fear of offending them. Sci fi and supernatural don't inspire me enough to put pen to paper, no comp entry from me!
I'm quite happy in my little "gay world" at the moment, but who knows what might pop into my head and inspire me.
Active Ink Slinger
I have written about almost everything - solo, masturbation, couples, affairs, teachers, office sex, prostitution, pornstars, camgirls, Lesbians, threesome, swingers, seductive, supernatural, reluctance, MILF and so many other categories and I'm willing to write in many more categories but I haven't written a word about GAY (men on men) sex. I don't have any problem about writing about two men getting closer to each other, but I never wrote a thing about it. May be in future I will write something.
Be a man to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore.
I can add stories involving menstruation to my list.

I'm actually editing a non-erotica story that contains this (some male authors devise plots that involve this coming of age female element) and it's just disgusting.
The story I have planned for the reluctance category makes me very uncomfortable.

It's about a pastor's daughter losing her virginity in her father's church.

Depending on my thoughts when I get to writing it I may scrap this idea and come up with something else.
Quote by Haineko
The story I have planned for the reluctance category makes me very uncomfortable.

It's about a pastor's daughter losing her virginity in her father's church.

Depending on my thoughts when I get to writing it I may scrap this idea and come up with something else.

Oh - if you need help let me know. LOL - the story of my sex life. Sort of (being a Pastor's daughter and having sex in church - I mean). So my PM box is open. smile
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dirty_D
I write for me first and foremost. So the idea of writing, or not writing, for the reader is foreign. I write because I have stories that need out. When they appear here, you can bet they have been in my head demanding escape before that.

As such, if there is a story that needs out, I will write it, and figure out where it goes after.

Like Dirty_D, I write my stories primarily to get them out of my head. The fact that others enjoy my twisted imagination is a pleasant side effect! smile
That being said there are a couple genres if you will that simply don't come to mind. Those I don't write in because they just don't interest me.
Quote by MasterJonathan

Like Dirty_D, I write my stories primarily to get them out of my head. The fact that others enjoy my twisted imagination is a pleasant side effect! smile
That being said there are a couple genres if you will that simply don't come to mind. Those I don't write in because they just don't interest me.

You're not the only one who enjoys your twisted imagination - indeed, it is a pleasant side effect.

And that I will indeed write about. :)

Unfortunately - mine's like Margarette Thatcher naked on a cold day half the time. A lot of my stories aren't even erotica and it bugs the crap out of me. I don't like a lot of my ideas. I don't want to write tragedies, for example, but a lot of my ideas are exactly that.
Never going to touch the Supernatural/Sci-Fi categories again, my comp entry gave me a literal headache. Hardcore, Cuckold/Cheating, Crossdressing, and a few other story categories likely won't ever be written for, just because my brain refuses to go there.
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Head Nurse
Quote by MasterJonathan

Like Dirty_D, I write my stories primarily to get them out of my head. The fact that others enjoy my twisted imagination is a pleasant side effect! smile
That being said there are a couple genres if you will that simply don't come to mind. Those I don't write in because they just don't interest me.

So I thought also, but my current story is one I never would have imagined I would being writing in. However, it was an idea that took hold and refused to let go until I got it on paper. Now just to get it through the editing process, which is by far the longest, hardest part for me.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Metilda

Unfortunately - mine's like Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day half the time. A lot of my stories aren't even erotica and it bugs the crap out of me. I don't like a lot of my ideas. I don't want to write tragedies, for example, but a lot of my ideas are exactly that.

It's a shame that there isn't a non erotic category. I love a good tragedy.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dirty_D
I write for me, first and foremost. So the idea of writing, or not writing, for the reader is foreign.

If I wrote for me, then I'd never write again.
I just thought that I should have a go at it, just to see if I could. Well I found that I can write a passable story. Now I want to know if I can write a good one and I want to finish my first attempt. That one is turning into the War and Peace of erotic gay fiction, without the erotic bit!
Quote by dpw

It's a shame that there isn't a non erotic category. I love a good tragedy.

I'll let my online writing communities like Lush know if I do anything - even if it's outside of erotica. smile But mostly my erotica tends to incorporate things whether I like it or not. If I don't write it it won't just leave my mind - it'll stew for years. Writing is like purging your house of ants.
Head Nurse
Quote by dpw

It's a shame that there isn't a non erotic category. I love a good tragedy.

The blue site
Quote by Dirty_D

The blue site

I note there's no erotica category at the other site! What's wrong with erotica!

(lol - kidding)
Head Nurse
lol.. Lush is the erotica category ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Zombie porn. Born out of a hilarious chat between me and a friend, about using guts and things for lube, bits falling off or needing to be held together, etc. Dark comedy obv, and not for the squeamish, and very very silly. It'd be too much of a challange for me right now, I think.
Head Penguin
, buggery, necrophilia, , underage, extreme violence. There might be other subjects, but they are the ones that spring to mind.

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way