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Share some of your stories - invitation to self-promote

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I thought it might be fun to give any authors who want to participate a chance to promote some stories. And we all might gain some interesting additions to our reading queues.

So here are the categories; feel free to fill out as many or as few as you like.

Titles are great, but if you have time to include the links as well, that would be even better!

1) The one you wish more people had seen. Maybe it got approved in the same hour as twenty other stories and flew off the front page in a hurry. Maybe it was in an unpopular category. Why do you wish more people had seen it?

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with (or an hour, or whatever) if they were "real." (Include story title please.)

3) Most interesting female character. Interesting is however you define it (and please define it). Strong? Conflicted? Kick-ass? Kind? Ridiculously smart? Sexy?

4) Most interesting male character. Same goes as above.

5) Story whose success surprised you. I mean, maybe you think it's good, but you didn't think it was going to be *that* popular. Any guesses why? Good timing? Great title? Just better than you thought it was?

6) A story you were nervous about posting. How come?

7) your raunchiest story.

8) your sappiest story (not a contest, but extra points if same answer for 7 and 8)

9) the one you're proudest of. maybe it was your first RR, or top 10 finish in a competition, or it still turns you on if you re-read it, or it's just your best writing.

10) a story you want to mention just because.
1) The one you wish more people had seen.

Last Tango With Malena.
I have other stories with fewer votes, views, comments, what have you, but I think this one is better than those. At the time I wrote it, it was the first time I thought that I'd written something good even without the sex. (The sex is admittedly fairly R-rated, or even pg-13, which you should probably know going in if you decide to read it).

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with (or an hour, or whatever) if they were "real."

Since I only said one night and not longer, I'd probably have to go with Whitney, the college senior / recent grad from Locked Out. She is very game and very smart and very fun.

3) Most interesting female character.

Cathy King, from Gold-Medal Whore. She's very driven, and it's unclear how much she's a victim (she very much is, in some ways) and how much she uses every means available to her to keep her eyes on her ultimate goal, which she succeeds in getting. I've written nicer, smarter, better, sexier women, but she may be the most interesting to me.

4) Most interesting male character.

I'll leave this one blank for now and edit it in when I post a story I'm working on now, about a bounty hunter charged with bringing home a teenaged runaway-turned-prostitute. He's an interesting character. Very ambiguous. Maybe he's the most interesting to me right now because I'm working on the story.

5) Story whose success surprised you.

Dress Code. By far Dress Code. I have other stories with similar numbers of votes and comments, but Dress Code is my only legendary story, and it's got about 2.5 times the views of my next most viewed story. I think it was a lucky accident. It's a decent story. It's in a "good category": spanking. I think the title is accidentally awesome. "Dress Code" suggests all kinds of naughty associations. At some point it went to the top of the list in the spanking category, and it has an RR, so maybe all of that together accounts for its success (and I promoted the hell out of it when I saw that maybe a legendary story was possible).

6) A story you were nervous about posting.

Not really. I get nervous about all of them, because when I post them, I don't always have the distance to know if they're any good.

7) your raunchiest story.

Maybe the Audition, in which a girl rebels against her too-perfect upbringing by trying out for gonzo porn. She winds up getting double, then triple, penetrated during the audition.

8) your sappiest story (not a contest, but extra points if same answer for 7 and 8)

Louis tells Rick in Casablanca that he's a rank sentimentalist. I'm one too, so a lot of my stuff has happy endings. Maybe Fucked Up. I wrote the story in part to be a vehicle for a poem I'd written (the poem itself wasn't a love poem or erotic poem, so it couldn't be submitted solo). It's about how trying to be a better parent might just help in your sexual relationship w your spouse.

9) the one you're proudest of.

Dirty Martini. I'm very proud of that one. When I posted it, I had a couple of friends who read most of my stuff get in touch to tell me they thought it was my best work. It went on to win the Fetish competition, which I was floored by, and very proud of. I think I did a very good job with that one. Come to think of it, aspects of that story might qualify it for my raunchiest...

10) a story you want to mention just because.

The Price of Admission is a collaboration I did with VirgoGo. It's officially in the cheating category, but it was short enough to be Flash, because it was planned also to be an audio story, and we didn't want the audio to be too long, either for VG to read (she's the voice), or for listeners. I did the vast majority of the writing (though she did contribute some memorable phrases), but I was very conscious as I wrote of how every word was something she'd have to say later on. It affected how I wrote it, and for the better I think. I just re-read it today, and I was pleased to see I think we did a great job. The audio is also fantastic.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
1) The one you wish more people had seen. Maybe it got approved in the same hour as twenty other stories and flew off the front page in a hurry. Maybe it was in an unpopular category. Why do you wish more people had seen it?

All of them? lol Seriously, more people should read my stories in general. If I had to pick one, I guess my last, Group Work. Actually, I'm fine with the number of readers, but this one got the least comments, and I enjoy hearing feedback from readers (not just scores).

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with (or an hour, or whatever) if they were "real." (Include story title please.)

Shriya from A Very Happy Birthday (Straight Practice Part 2) seems like she'd be a lot of fun to spend time with.

3) Most interesting female character. Interesting is however you define it (and please define it). Strong? Conflicted? Kick-ass? Kind? Ridiculously smart? Sexy?

I think Courtney Willis from America's Sweetheart is pretty interesting a character - at least as I imagine her. She's a TV/movie star with a wholesome girl-next-door persona who starts to find it stifling and secretly wants to break free of it. I don't think I'll continue that storyline, but there's definitely material there to work with if I chose to do so.

Also an earlier character, Seung from With Interest (Part 1 & Part 2 & maybe part 3 if I ever get around to finishing it) is intriguing as a kind of villain who blackmails and tortures her Jesus-freak roommate.

4) Most interesting male character. Same goes as above.

The nameless male character from Across the Tracks I think was pretty well written. The thing I like about that story is that it is pure seduction, but from a distance. They never touch or speak to each other.

5) Story whose success surprised you. I mean, maybe you think it's good, but you didn't think it was going to be *that* popular. Any guesses why? Good timing? Great title? Just better than you thought it was?

The stories I've written that were most successful were in the MILF category. But the one I've been most surprised by is After the Conference. It was about an 30-something married doctoral student being attracted to a younger Indian classmate. As a story, I thought it was alright, but not the best thing I've written. People seemed to like it, though.

6) A story you were nervous about posting. How come?

Again, After the Conference. The idea for this story was drawn from a real experience. I didn't actually cheat on my wife, and I doubt that the opportunity even existed, but the scenario in the story (before the sex) certainly happened. I think if "Kriti" ever read it, she'd recognize it.

7) your raunchiest story.

The Study I let my imagination go wild with research into hallucinogenic demon-sex. This also happens to be one of my favourite stories. It was just a lot of fun to write. I wish more people would read this one, too, but it's kind of on the lengthy side.

8) your sappiest story (not a contest, but extra points if same answer for 7 and 8)

My first erotic story (the first one I wrote, not the first I published here), Sincerely for the First Time is kind of sappy. A guy lusts after a friend's girl (later wife), and then finally gets his chance at a college reunion. There's lots of agonizing about trying to control himself, even though they keep finding themselves in these sexy situations together.

9) the one you're proudest of. maybe it was your first RR, or top 10 finish in a competition, or it still turns you on if you re-read it, or it's just your best writing.

The one I'm most proud of is the novella I wrote called Room for Rent The story follows a "late-bloomer," Bill, who moves in with three younger female roommates. In a short period of time Bill gains a good deal of sexual experience, but realizes that what he really wants is love. The story was published over 14 parts.

10) a story you want to mention just because.

The Staring Contest. It's just a short, fun piece of writing that moves on at a good quick pace. There's nothing technically impressive about it in terms of the writing, but I think it's probably the most easy to read and likable of my stories.

Don't believe everything that you read.

1) The one you wish more people had seen.

Wish Fulfillment. It's c'mon, there's NO time commitment if you hate it. It's about a hot encounter between a woman and a genie.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with (or an hour, or whatever) if they were "real."

I'm bi, so I'm picking two.

Ty from Ty's girl, who is a forty-something, charismatic successful professional with an appetite for public sex. Bonus points if his personal voyeur, Bev, is there to watch.

And Alex from Open. She's a Dominatrix with a pain fetish.

3) Most interesting female character.

Nora, from Quid Pro Quo. She's got a lot a spirit, which translates into a lot of fun dialog. Then there's this whole thing about how she sells her anal virginity for a bookstore....

4) Most interesting male character.

I'm going with Gregory from Mastered. Control is almost a pathology for him. The entire time I wrote him, I was in the pissiest mood. I suppose that makes him interesting to me.

5) Story whose success surprised you.

Something to Believe In. It's the story of a woman who loses her faith in God and her husband but finds solace in an unlikely source. It doesn't have the most views but it does have the most comments and has generated the most PM's.

6) A story you were nervous about posting.

The third and final chapter in the Trading Favors series. It came eight months after the first chapter so I had no idea who would still be interested. Plus, it includes the threat of marriage. I don't know if that's erotic for people or not.

7) your raunchiest story.

Probably Remastered (sequel to Mastered). It's the story of how a rich man turns an average waitress into a whore... and then brings his friends.

8) your sappiest story

A Message in Flowers. I still like the story but I feel bad for anyone who tried to masturbate to it.

9) the one you're proudest of.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Casualties. I wouldn't exactly label it erotica, though I hope the sex is hot. It was more about the atmosphere, something which isn't my forte. I was pleased with how it turned out.

10) a story you want to mention just because.

In his hands. It was my first story here. It has an unlikable male lead, a passive female lead, and it's set in a dystopic world of sex and consensual human trafficking. Truly an erotic adventure (sarcasm font)
Quote by Burquette

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with (or an hour, or whatever) if they were "real."

I'm bi, so I'm picking two.

grumble. ;)
1) The one you wish more people had seen.

Stormy With a Chance of Passion
was my second (now first due to a deletion) Lush story and still only has c. 3000 views. I should do a promo campaign for it because I quite like it myself.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with

April from April's Secret, The Pastor's Secret, and New Friends. Porn star and escort turned passionate college student. Strong woman and hot in bed.

3) Most interesting female character.

Dr. Julia Miller in The Professor. I really should go back and explore the whys and wherefores of her going "off the grid" sometime.

4) Most interesting male character.

Hm. Maybe others will disagree with me on this, but I think my men are actually a bit bland next to women like April and Julia. I'll come back and edit if I think of one I think is interesting.

5) Story whose success surprised you.

Hm. In the Dark, I think. Not because of numbers (it only has c. 8700 views) but because it got my first RR and I didn't think it was THAT good (good, but not THAT good).

6) A story you were nervous about posting

The Pastor's Secret (linked in another answer above). Wasn't sure how this place takes to mixing hot sex and religion.

7) your raunchiest story.

I'd say A Christmas Angel's Gift, my first Lush Christmas story from years back. Two people hook up on Christmas Eve and things get a bit wild (pegging happens, just sayin').

8) your sappiest story

Hm. I've got a few sappy and bittersweet love stories in my oeuvre. I'll say The Best Dance, though. First time lovers reunite years later.

9) the one you're proudest of.

This is a tough call. They're all my "babies". April's Secret I think. One of my two "Famous Stories" (30000+ views) and I just like how it all turned out. April became a favorite character of mine, too as evidenced by her return in two more stories.

10) a story you want to mention just because.

Soft As Fur She Was. My only comp success (a runner-up, not a winner) and another that I am quite pleased with myself. Alas, it hasn't really picked up a lot of love yet (only 2500 views) so I'll take this chance to plug it.
Quote by oceanrunner

grumble. ;)

Mumbles... Alex, then. Sits in corner.

Quote by seeker4

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with

April from April's Secret, The Pastor's Secret, and New Friends. Porn star and escort turned passionate college student. Strong woman and hot in bed.

What order should one read these in? The one you listed?
Quote by oceanrunner

What order should one read these in? The one you listed?

The order given in my answer to the question is publication order and I prefer that order myself. It better reflects the development of April's character in my head. However, "Pastor's Secret" is actually a prequel, so the chronological order is Pastor's Secret - April's Secret - New Friends. Either order works, but artistically, I'd recommend publication order.
Writius Eroticus
Okay, I'll bite, since I suck at self-promotion and don't ever do spam posts to friend lists.

1) The one you wish more people had seen

Basic Parameters. I knocked this sci-fi piece out in under a week, which is about fifty times quicker than normal, yet I'm super pleased with the way it turned out. The reader is plunged into a vivid exploration of a dictatorial future, but that quickly becomes peripheral to the encounter of the protagonist with a virtual AI woman in a tight jumpsuit. I especially love the way that the story layers are peeled back along with their clothes, and the conclusion isn't just "guy gets off with computer chick" but actually relates to the world in which they inhabit.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with

Melody Kramer from Damaged Goods. She represents what I call "a real woman". Someone who is confident and strong enough in herself and her less-than perfect wobbly bits, to face the world without feeling the need to cover up her insecurities with tonnes of make-up and fake tan. Sassy, slightly out of shape, but able to hold her own and give as good as she gets. Yes. please.

3) Most interesting female character

Lady Mallory from Reawakening Rebecca. I wasn't entirely sure how this one would go down, but proud of it for attracting my first Editor's Pick award. A snooty posh bitch confessing her affair to a psychiatrist didn't seem the most likely place to carve out a sex story. But the way her character developed and revealed her insecurities as the two women sparred, made her a fascinating study piece. Especially sine I know nothing about therapy so it took some research *cough* watching movies. I also loved the realisation that, despite money and power, the women weren't all that different underneath. I think that maybe resonated with readers more than I thought it would.

4) Most interesting male character

My 'likeable rogue', Ryan Noble, who's actually a bit of a tosser, addicted to women, claims he can "read" them, and I have no idea how he's managed to stay disease free so far. But there's something about his confidence, bordering on arrogance, that's appealing so I keep coming back to him and writing more. He's featured in six tales so far, and I've spent nine months (on and off) working on a two-parter which I'm now reticent to publish, and sketched out two more which I hope will see the light of day here on Lush.

5) Story whose success surprised you

Whatever it Takes. I didn't think anyone would identify with a womanising employer seducing a new recruit in his company, by deciding not to seduce her! I thought the reverse psychology would put people off. Plus it's loooong, but did fairly well, which I'm dead pleased about because it took some hefty editing sessions over many months to keep the story interesting via flashbacks, while propelling the narrative. A real labour of love.

6) A story you were nervous about posting

Alone in Her Hotel Room because it was the first time I'd written solely from the female perspective and had no idea if what I was writing would make all the girls go, "yeah yeah, whatever, clearly a bloke trying too hard: that's not how we feel at all." As it turns out, a few females actually liked it and sent a PM to say so, which made me all fuzzy inside.

7) Your raunchiest story

The second part of the two-parter: A Woman Too Far (Reassembling the Night was part one). That was just balls-to-the-wall crazy sex as Ryan gets his come-uppance after hooking up with a girl in a nightclub. Includes pegging and foot play, which was fun to write as it's unfamiliar to me. Took a loooot of research *cough* porn, which was such a drag :-)

8) Your sappiest story

A toss-up between Timestones and Unbanished. Both had supernatural/sci-fi elements, which I love to write, but they both ended up far, far from my original plan in terms of character development. The pieces had kind of neatly wrapped-up happy endings, the characters less complex than my usual fare, which kinda pissed me off because they sounded great in my head and less enchanting when written. I've since learned to spot these and scrap them early instead of inflicting them on you.

9) The one you're proudest of

151 Reasons. It has comparatively few views, votes and one of my lowest scores, but for me, it represented a huge challenge to smoosh a lot of backstory about my recurring character, Ryan Noble, into the competition's 3.5K word limit. Everything I'd written up to that point had the luxury of space and I could ramble. This was a completely different editing regime change and taught me how to be terse, while still trying to deliver scene setting and snappy dialogue. Probably the story I learned most from about the craft of writing.

10) A story you want to mention just because

Another Editor's Pick tale, Exercising Restraint, because who wouldn't want to be tied up and tormented by a girl in yoga pants on an exercise bike?

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Mana wahine
1.) The One I wish more people had seen: Last Kiss. It was a love story set 25 years in the future and was a sequel to a story I wrote in the first time category. Sure I can see some mistakes now that time has passed, but I think it's a decent story line.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with:
Probably Giles from my historical series, which I am hoping to resurrect sometime soon.

3) Most interesting female character: Janet from 'The Good Wife' and the fact that she is so conflicted between her husband and her lover. She wants to do right by her husband and be a good wife and person, but her body takes over and she finds herself controlled and addicted by her lover. To get into the head space of writing someone who was conflicted and unsure of what to do, was challenging and fun.

4) Most interesting male character: The step-father Jack from my series. The fact that he has no moral compass or real regard for other people and is out essentially only for himself really was a lot of fun to write and work with.

5) Story whose success surprised you: That would be Mrs Malcolm, my first ever story in the MILF category. I was, of course proud of it, but I never thought it would be as popular as it was, let alone hit the famous mark within a few months.

6) A story you were nervous about posting: My first entry in the novel category, which is an on-going story. It is set out like a diary entry and has no explicit sex scenes, so to speak.

7) your raunchiest story: My first ever BDSM story. It was a lot of fun to write

8) your sappiest story: The sequel to my cheating story. The male character at the end starts talking about undying love. Ick!

9)the one you're proudest of: That's easy. Open Letters To My Underwear. The concept is original, it's funny and honest and is just a lot of fun.

10)a story you want to mention just because: Just because. Who doesn't like a blowjob giving mermaid?
Active Ink Slinger
The one I wish more people had seen.

Incubi Lover. It's intended to be a humor piece as well as a dark little tale. The sex is definitely off the beaten path. I personally think the dialogue is some of my best. It came out after Halloween, so maybe it was out of season. Whatever the reason, I think the story has legs.
Active Ink Slinger
Yeah, as one who sucks at self-promotion, thanks for the opportunity!

1) The one you wish more people had seen.
I’m going to go with ”The Chain”, which is actually a series, but all of the episodes are free-standing. It’s a victim, I think, of series syndrome, with very long individual episodes and being in a category (Fantasy & Sci-Fi) that is a (fairly) niche taste to begin with (not to mention nondescript titles). The basic premise is that of the chain letter, with people receiving a mysterious envelope through the mail, which leads them to experience their deepest sexual desires and passing the gift on to someone else. I suppose the stories are a form of ‘magical realism’. I wish more people had read those stories because I had a lot of fun writing them, and still sometimes consider extending the chain. Maybe when or if I get round to E-book format.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with
I’m going to cheat here, because the “if they were real” part of the question is debatable. I had a particular real life acquaintance in mind while writing ”After the Book Cub”, on whom Karen is loosely based. Nothing can ever happen, because her husband is far from the acquiescent figure he is in the story – but you can always fantasize, can’t you?

3) Most interesting female character.
Again, a series. Catherine in “Dirty Little Secrets”, whose husband’s work takes him abroad every other week. She makes videos of herself to send him, while knowing that she has a secret admirer watching through the window as she pleasures herself. That’s how it starts. Then things spiral. Not all the parts are narrated by Catherine, but the fact that I kept the series up for 11 parts is testament to how interested I was in following her transformation from being ‘a bit naughty’ to… Well, make up your own mind!

4) Most interesting male character.
One I have yet to create, I think. No one character, rather the basically amoral men in the majority of my Cuckold stories. Amoral characters hold a particular fascination for me – in the stories I read as well as the ones I write.

5) Story whose success surprised you.
I’m always surprised whenever I’m awarded an RR or an EP. I mean I wouldn’t submit stories if I didn’t think they were any good, but I’ll freely admit that there are authors on Lush whose stories I consider far superior to my own. The biggest surprise is “The Ride Home”, perhaps because it gave me a “breakthrough” of sorts. Not only is it an RR, but the response to it from readers in general far exceeded any expectations I had, not least because it was a bit of an experiment. I was reading a novel at the time, which I didn’t much like, but the style stuck with me, and it’s that stylistic influence that makes “The Ride Home” a story that many readers seem to respond to as being a bit different (even if I wimped out at the end). Years later I still get the occasional PM about it. I’ve half promised to try and write something else in that style, but I can’t seem to get back into that headspace.

6) A story you were nervous about posting.
All of them. Every story submission is presaged by questions like, “Is this too silly?”, “Is this too outlandish?”, “Is there enough of a plot?”, “Is it too juvenile?”. And so on. There are quite a few unfinished or unpublished stories on my hard drive which I just didn’t feel were good enough or going anywhere. But the one published story that sticks in my mind as a “nearly didn’t appear” is my entry for the fetish competition, “Living Doll”. It exemplifies perfectly the rather odd thing that the stories I’m most uncertain about, are often those that seem to strike the most enthusiastic chord with many readers. I was really, really ambivalent about the merits of “Living Doll”, but the readers who like it are extremely enthusiastic, a bit like the situation with “The Ride Home”. Maybe I should dust off some of those unpublished works.

7) your raunchiest story.
All of them. Well, not quite, but as I state (somewhat pretentiously) in my profile, “I incline to the view that one of the most vital roles of art is to provide what life itself for the most part does not (at least not for most people), or at the very least to provide an intensified, exaggerated or heightened version of reality.” Thus, to me, writing about cuddly, marital sex holds no appeal. If I had to pick one story, it would be “Throwing Prudence to the Wind”, once you’ve got past the explanation of how Prudence gets to find herself in the middle of an orgy.

8) your sappiest story
None of them. I don’t do sappy. Really. There’s a reason I haven’t written anything in the “Love Stories” category. I just can’t do it. It’s like my taste in music. At the moment I’m excessively fond of the song “All Is Equal in Love” by Meilyr Jones, but that’s my fill of sappy for the year. If I could write something with the same kind of ambience as songs like “Heart of Oak” by Richard Hawley or “Pure” by The Lightning Seeds, I’d do it, but story writing is as much about knowing your limitations as knowing your strengths.

9) the one you're proudest of.
The one I’m proudest of is “Fare Dodging”, my first Flash story. The reason for this is that brevity really isn’t my thing (as you can tell if you’ve read this far). So to manage to produce a coherent story that stuck to a thousand word limit is probably my greatest personal achievement as a story writer.

10) a story you want to mention just because.
Once a story’s published, I’m more or less done with it, and I become preoccupied with whatever I’m working on, or whatever ideas I have in my head. Right now the story that’s occupying my thoughts is a Reluctance story, working title “Slut-In-A-Box”. Coming soon to whatever device you log onto Lush from.
1) The one you wish more people had seen.
I don’t have any stories that should be read more. I have plenty that should be read less. I won’t tell you which, but I hide them and brutally strangle the worst offenders.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with
I wouldn’t like to spend a night with any. I know how deceitful and sentimental and needy they are.
I suppose Sunny, who stares at girls’ tits ‘like they were a new set of spark plugs’, shows a strain of honest virility that I might find intoxicating. But even so, five minutes at most.

3) Most interesting female character.
The one that was interesting to write about was gamma in Cotton Fever. She was about a hundred and while I worried about setting a story in the deep south in the 1920s without shouting about it; mooning about cultural appropriation and historical context (can’t say this; can’t do that), she was always there, rabbiting in my ear, with a voice, as I think I said in the story, like a kettle coming to the boil.
She kept the story going. In fact I couldn’t stop writing about this feisty old lady because her history was traumatic and exotic. Her family loved her. And I did too. Of course, she made the story wiltingly unsexy. In the end I cut most (all?) of her bits because there’s an English Channel between what I find fascinating and others should have to bear. But still, I’d invite her to tea and apologise. She deserved better.

4) Most interesting male character.
Because I wrote it from his perspective, I can’t resist the pull of Charles Wood, a misanthropic, racist, recently retired Londoner, whose world is collapsing in Got Milk?

5) Story whose success surprised you.
No-one Else will Ever Have You, a story written too quickly for a competition, with the main character’s name spelled inconsistently.
I always hoped that nobody – unless they looked closely – could see the join of two stories held together by a Gothic sticking plaster. I liked the story that came second more.

6) A story you were nervous about posting. How come?
The only one was Everything I Read is Wrong, because it was my first and as a Hollywood producer might say, it was based on actual events.

7) your raunchiest story.
I wouldn’t describe any of my stories as raunchy. That sounds far too healthy. Doesn't Mean I Love You, Wilson Reedy is a seedy love story that squeezed in a lot of things – golden shower CHECK, spitting CHECK, anal CHECK, masturbation CHECK.
There’s anal sex and wanking off in Sunny. Does that count? If so, the chocolate and ice cream in Messed Up was probably dirtier.

8) your sappiest story
This Is the Last. By the time I'd finished it I hoped it was too. Now I know it's a good rule never to write a story after reading the diary of someone dying of cancer.

9) the one you're proudest of.
Because I'm lazy, the one I liked writing most was Wilson Reedy. It was effortless. Felt like I sat back and someone else wrote it for me. I didn’t know how it would start or end. All I knew was I wanted to write a story about old guy and a young woman and I didn't know how I could make that realistic. On one walk to the shops it resolved itself so neatly without me even trying that I started skipping. I loved - still love - that story, because it didn’t feel like mine: my only job was to hold the pen. I’d never felt so positive about anything. I hope I do again.
But anyway I entered it in a competition and it came nowhere, so what do I know?

10) a story you want to mention just because.
I don’t think I could mention any stories just because. They all mean something to me, the little starving waifs.
But *cough* while I have the microphone can I just say people should write fewer poems. And by people I mean me.
1) The one you wish more people had seen. Maybe it got approved in the same hour as twenty other stories and flew off the front page in a hurry. Maybe it was in an unpopular category. Why do you wish more people had seen it?

I'm always amazed by how many people read my work. I never imagine any of them being popular. If I've got to pick one, then I guess Yin and Yang didn't get as many views as it could have. It's a gentle story, more romance based than many of my other tales. I've had some lovely, positive feedback.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with (or an hour, or whatever) if they were "real." (Include story title please.)

Saskia from Dear Diary. I'd have a hangover for a month but a night out with her would be a riot.

3) Most interesting female character. Interesting is however you define it (and please define it). Strong? Conflicted? Kick-ass? Kind? Ridiculously smart? Sexy?

Amy from Going Down. She's not what she first appears to be, there's much more beneath the surface. Ruth from The Arrangement is a similar, scheming character. Both are strong women in control of their lives and not afraid to cut a few corners to get what they want. I'm not sure that's always a good way to live but I wouldn't mind giving it a go.

4) Most interesting male character. Same goes as above.

My male characters take a backseat whilst the women drive my stories. I guess Jimmy from Jimmy's Whore is an interesting bloke. He has a certain magnetism even though he's essentially an aging pimp.

5) Story whose success surprised you. I mean, maybe you think it's good, but you didn't think it was going to be *that* popular. Any guesses why? Good timing? Great title? Just better than you thought it was?

Road to Nowhere. This one was way out of my comfort zone. I'd never written a supernatural story before and I rarely write stories over 3k words. I struggled to put this one together but I do love a challenge, so I persevered. I also had flu when I wrote it, which didn't help. Anyway, it got 3rd in the Gothic Erotica competition. That was a surprise!

6) A story you were nervous about posting. How come?

All of them. I know that's what some other authors have put but it's true. I worry about every story I post. Daft really. They are what they are.

7) your raunchiest story.

My earlier stories are raunchier than my later ones. Stories that pre-date Lush are the worst - pure filth! Of the ones on Lush, I think Hitting The Jackpot is pretty naughty. I love Cindy and Julie, they know how to have fun. I always intended to write a sequel to this story but I didn't get around to it. Maybe one day...

8) your sappiest story (not a contest, but extra points if same answer for 7 and 8)

Sappiest? My stories aren't sappy. Well, okay, maybe Yin and Yang is sappy. I've already admitted that it's romantic. It's much more Ahh than Umph!

9) the one you're proudest of. maybe it was your first RR, or top 10 finish in a competition, or it still turns you on if you re-read it, or it's just your best writing.

I guess I'm proudest of How Would You Like Me? and Let The Games Begin. I love writing Flash Erotica and I think I got it right for these two. Strangely, both these stories were very easy to write. I think Flash may be my forte.

10) a story you want to mention just because.

Not a story - a poem. Falling For You. It's not a great poem, it didn't place anywhere in the poetry competition it was entered into but I did make loads of brilliant friends when I posted it, many of whom are still around. This marked my introduction to 'Lush Life' and it's a fun poem, too. Life should have moments like this.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Saucymh
My earlier stories are raunchier than my later ones. Stories that pre-date Lush are the worst - pure filth!

That's really got me wondering ;)
Quote by PervyStoryteller

That's really got me wondering ;)

Another site, another name... that's all I'm saying
Quote by Saucymh

Another site, another name... that's all I'm saying

you could, perchance, pm me with a link. my curiosity is piqued.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Saucymh

Another site, another name... that's all I'm saying

Too bad! Pure filth is so much fun, and from a woman of your talents it's sure to be sensational!
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm very proud of my novel. The Rebirth of Andrew Bishop was written over many months and was my first effort at writing erotica. It is a story about an Australian farmer who's life is turned around by two strangers he helps in a minor car accident. I would have liked more people to have read it, what author doesn't want that. But the people who did take the time were generous with their praise to me.

My second efforts was a four part story, You think you know some one. Again I think I did a good job on this series, it was a lot easier to write and more enjoyable for me.

If you are interested just go to my profile page and look under stories, enjoy.
Rookie Scribe
1) The one you wish more people had seen. I don’t think I’ve written that one yet. And it seems to frequently happen that what the writer has the greatest affection for, the reader seems cold to it. Of the smattering of things I’ve published here, Wren in Love comes closest to being a favorite of mine, and it was only lightly read. B & E is a close second to Wren in Love, and of course it had the least readership of all. See No. 9 below.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with Wren Vane, from Wren in Love, but mostly because she and I are more similar in tone and tint of mind, and I would enjoy her company outside of the bedroom.

3) Most interesting female character. The female correspondent, A Muse Amused, in Post-Modern Love, Part 1. She may be slightly bitter and lonely, but she’s sharp and acerbic and almost bending toward the philosophical in her erotic pain. There is a part 2, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to submit it yet.

4) Most interesting male character. Bobby and Eric in B & E. When I finished that story, I could imagine writing about one or the both again. It’s not that they’re all that interesting in that story, but I see potential for them. Also, they seem like the only male characters in my posted stories that aren’t flat out dimwits or douchebags.

5) Story whose success surprised you. Haven’t been so lucky to see anything I would remotely call successful.

6) A story you were nervous about posting. All of them.

7) your raunchiest story. I don’t know, they all seem pretty tame considering what’s out there in the wide world. Helping Jan is a story that strikes me as extremely unpleasant in its coldness, a reverse chronology of turning a married but fairly inexperienced woman into a cum slut of sorts. There’s an underlying nastiness to it, and I’m not sure why I wrote it.

8) your sappiest story I don’t think I’ve done anything I would characterize as sappy yet.

9) the one you're proudest of. Definitely B & E. I’d just plowed through a half dozen or more Elmore Leonard novels. That voice and those cadences and that style was filling my head, and I had to do something with it, had to do something with that buzz it gave me. So I tried to write an Elmore Leonard story but with, you know, fucking. It was fun, intercutting all the scenes, trying to keep it snapping along, putting up all the pieces out and then fitting them all together. Of course, it got the fewest views of anything, and no scores or comments.

10) a story you want to mention just because See #9 above. Since we’re self-promoting.
I'm very proud of many of my stories, but along the way, I have penned some stinkers. I find writers, who identify with me, and then a "few" that say I have no talent. I usually brush them off, as being under the influence of their ghost. One doesn't have to remind me, that I'm not gifted. Read a few of my poems and stories. Then tell me what you think. I'm always open to collaboration. I find it fun to exchange styles.
Love this thread and wish more authors would post here. There's nothing better than listening to good writers talk about their work.
Internet Philosopher
Quote by browncoffee
Love this thread and wish more authors would post here. There's nothing better than listening to good writers talk about their work.

I will be happy to contribute.

The one you wish more people had seen.

Date Night. This one is a very tender coming of age tale of two teens and their first time. I thought it was a wonderful story and I did get some success, but I've always felt it never really got its chance to shine.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with (or an hour, or whatever) if they were "real." (Include story title please.)

This is a tough one, but I think it would be Kelly Woods from my Kelly's Passion novel. She is beautiful, confidant and very sensual. She was in some ways my ideal of a sexy woman when I first conceived her. Ive grown a lot since then, but more than any fictional character I've written, she seems More real to me.

3) Most interesting female character. Interesting is however you define it (and please define it). Strong? Conflicted? Kick-ass? Kind? Ridiculously smart? Sexy?

Easy. Myra from the Survivor. A beautiful, smart female Rambo who can flirt and kick ass all at the same time. This series win two EP's

4) Most interesting male character. Same goes as above.

Asius from a Slaves Fate. Another EP winner, Asuis is a male Roman Pleasure slave. Has flog, will travel and keeps his mouth shut.

5) Story whose success surprised you.

My Last Morning With Melissa. I knew it was gonna be well received, but it's got an EP, it's legendary and one of the highest rated stories Lush. That's a rare trifecta. Probably my best work overall

6) A story you were nervous about posting. How come?

I Am Pet.

Two reasons. It's a pretty hard BDSM, punishment story and because it was the first I wrote from a female POV. I really thought it would be better read, but I found the subject matter was a bit much for some. It's not really brutal, but I think it gives the impression it might get that way at any moment.

7) your raunchiest story.

Ethan. Written by Sweet as Candy and I. Read it You'll see.

8) your sappiest story (not a contest, but extra points if same answer for 7 and 8)

Making Our Baby. This early one hasn't faired well, a fact I don't get aside from my limited writing skill at the time. It's about the joy of baby making sex.

9) the one you're proudest of. maybe it was your first RR, or top 10 finish in a competition, or it still turns you on if you re-read it, or it's just your best writing.

The Taking of Cassidy Lynn. My first real success. It also has my second favorite male lead.

10) a story you want to mention just because.

Three, actually. All are collaborations on other writers pages.

The first is Power Play with Principessa. This one won a outstanding series award. I dare you to stop after one chapter.

The Geisha with Coco. This excellent tale won an EP. I highly recommend it.

Syncopation with Dirty_D winner or an RR. These two stories are really very touching and beautiful works.
Bonnet Flaunter
What a great thread Mike! I've really enjoyed reading it so thought I'd contribute.

1) The one you wish more people had seen.

I'm really proud of this one:
I took a real person who died by their own hand in 1821 and turned it into a vampire story, very much in the style of Sheridan LeFanu who wrote much later in the nineteenth century. I tried to take all the elements of early nineteenth century London, the details of the last year of Polidori's life and weave in that spooky Gothic feel of LeFanu. The character Marcella was named after LeFanu's vampire story Carmilla.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with (or an hour, or whatever) if they were "real."

Oh dear god, none of them!! My characters spend enough time in my head without wanting to spend any more time with them when they're down on the page!

3) Most interesting female character.

Hm, that's a tricky one. Maybe the unusually liberated Mrs Rakesfield from:
Or the sweet and lubricious Betsy from:
Then there's the compelling vampire Marcella from:

4) Most interesting male character.

My favourite male characters are my both fictionalised real life people. Firstly, the hopelessly randy yet sympathetic Dr Simon Forman from: and
Then there's the young, brilliant and far too short-lived Dr John Polidori from: and

5) Story whose success surprised you.

All of 'em! I'm thrilled when anyone reads my stuff.

6) A story you were nervous about posting. How come?

I get myself in a right old twist about posting any story. I seem to be getting worse with each one.

7) your raunchiest story.

I don't really do raunch. That's why I'm thrilled when people read my stories! smile

8) your sappiest story

I don't so sappy either. But I think this is my most romantic one:
Active Ink Slinger
1) The one you wish more people had seen.

First Night at a Swingers Club. Because it's a true account of our first adventure into the lifestyle.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with (or an hour, or whatever) if they were "real." (Include story title please.)

My wife, Jay, as she is beautiful, exciting, intoxicating and very daring. And she features in almost all of my stories, which are based on actual event or fantasies we'd love to try out together.

3) Most interesting female character. Interesting is however you define it (and please define it). Strong? Conflicted? Kick-ass? Kind? Ridiculously smart? Sexy?

Again, my wife Jay, for the same reasons stated in my answer to question 2.

4) Most interesting male character. Same goes as above.

I guess that would be myself as my stories are about our adventures and fantasies. I am very open minded and love to watch my wife in hot, sexy situations.

5) Story whose success surprised you. I mean, maybe you think it's good, but you didn't think it was going to be *that* popular. Any guesses why? Good timing? Great title? Just better than you thought it was?

Shopping For a Strap-On. I think it's success may have been due to all the different aspects of sexual involvement and I believe it fitted a lot of readers fantasies.

6) A story you were nervous about posting. How come?

Didn't really get bervois about any that I've posted but both my wife and I do get a sense of excitement about our adventures and fantasies being read by others.

7) your raunchiest story.

'Our Short Break in London', as it was Jay doing what she just loves to do. Showing off to an appreciative audience.

8) your sappiest story (not a contest, but extra points if same answer for 7 and 8)

The Promise.

9) the one you're proudest of. maybe it was your first RR, or top 10 finish in a competition, or it still turns you on if you re-read it, or it's just your best writing.

The Blindfold. It seemed to be a popular female fantasy.

10) a story you want to mention just because.

First Foursome. It's a true story of our first encounter with another couple.

Click Pegasus4's Profile ( to see my profile.

Click Pegasus4's Stories ( to see a list of my stories.

Active Ink Slinger
There are so many great writers here on Lush, and Katie and I appreciate various stories on different days, probably based on our moods or just how the story strikes the moment.

We try to read them all, and we love to contribute, based on actual experiences. Yes, my Katie honestly is a Hotwife Slut!

Many of the contributors here do larger projects than the excellent short stories shared on Lush, and we do that as well. You're welcome to check out our profile and look into our two latest books.

Other than using words to smooth out a few of the details, our books contain little fiction and lots of friction.

We enjoy the variety and imagination of the interesting and talented authors on this site. Keep it up!

Ken & Katie. ;)
Testing The Waters.
1) The one you wish more people had seen.

As always, it's Merchant Princess. It's what I consider some of my best work, and being multi-part + Sci-Fi&Fantasy means few people ever take a look.

2) Character that you've written that you'd most like to spend a night with

I have to say Jill, because there's so much of my late wife in her personality.

3) Most interesting female character.

Well, as far as stories here go, I guess Valerie. There's just something about her that's so completely off and makes you wonder what's motivating her from moment to moment.

4) Most interesting male character.

Mindblind. An outcast with minimal patience and anger issues who still manages to be the best person in the room when the chips are down.

5) Story whose success surprised you.

Boned, without a doubt. It's more or less been on the top of the Milf stories list since it posted and passed legendary status quite a while ago.

6) A story you were nervous about posting. How come?

That's Merchant Princess again. Why? Because I already had an inkling of how multi-part fantasy stories played here, and the thought of it languishing in obscurity when I love it so much made me hesitate.

7) your raunchiest story.

Hmm... I guess that's probably a tie between Good Will and One Incredible Costume. They're both that younger person you shouldn't be having sex with because it's a daughter's friend or neighbor's son thing, combined with some pretty down-and-dirty seduced into it sex.

8) your sappiest story

Merchant Princess again. But, Friend of the Wood is right up there with it.

9) the one you're proudest of.

Merchant Princess again LOL Also really fond of Lowborn in this regard. However, I'm really pretty proud of Nude Holly Day as well. It started off as nothing more than my standard romp, and ended up transforming into something quite a bit more.

10) a story you want to mention just because.

Recycled... Because it's the story that's currently closest to "Famous" that hasn't made it there yet in my list. ( Closely followed by Double Dip ) Only needs about 3k hits.