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Please do not contact us about "low" votes on your stories / poems

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Quote by Callisto

you've been blocked.

I was going to suggest this one. And, as she says, all members can block other members.
Quote by ChuckEPoo
Recently I scored a story a four (and that was generous). The author wrote me and said if I was going to low score then to not read her work. When does a four become a low score? I get them and thank the reader for their time.

I've been writing for three years and don't expect perfection. Quite the opposite. I'm always grateful for those that offer suggestions.

Wow... talk about some serious thin skin. That whiny author needs to take their work to another site and then he/she will be grateful for a 4 (I won't mention any names, but there is a site with low standards and way too many trolls that many of us post on as well.)

Did you write the whiner back and tell them why you gave them a generous 4? I sure as hell would have. I might have even gone back and lowered my score to a 3.

A 4 is not a low score... a 1 or 2 is. And if a reader feels one of my stories is worthy of such a score... then please PM me and tell me why. That's all I ask. Your feedback might make a difference.
I think anything worthy of being approved, is worthy at least a four.
Quote by NymphWriter

Wow... talk about some serious thin skin. That whiny author needs to take their work to another site and then he/she will be grateful for a 4 (I won't mention any names, but there is a site with low standards and way too many trolls that many of us post on as well.)

Did you write the whiner back and tell them why you gave them a generous 4? I sure as hell would have. I might have even gone back and lowered my score to a 3.

A 4 is not a low score... a 1 or 2 is. And if a reader feels one of my stories is worthy of such a score... then please PM me and tell me why. That's all I ask. Your feedback might make a difference.

No I didn't write her back. I've given up on trying to change people. Only God can do that and he doesn't have a great record at it either. I read to many authors here to stress over the little stuff.
People are entitled to their opinions as long as they are not be malicious. Personally, I don't have a problem with a low score as long as the person provides some constructive feedback on why. I am always trying to improve my writing. Also, I do think people are in general, generous in their scoring. I am guessing that most stories average around 4.75 which is close to excellent.
Fuck those stories and voters.... I make my own stories with people here no one would've thought they play like that :P
Quote by ChuckEPoo
It sucks no one gives me a score higher Than a 5.53oNdQ28OGkn1hNR

Sometimes people who comment say they're leaving me a 5+. So that's a little higher than a 5.
Quote by Adagio
I think anything worthy of being approved, is worthy at least a four.

serious answer, i don't. i approve plenty of stories that i wouldn't give higher than a 3 to. just because they pass, doesn't mean the story itself is going to be inspiring. that said, i am admittedly a very harsh critic.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

When I first got here, I rated a few fours and, I think, a three. It wasn't until later that I figured out that most people use it as a "Thumbs up/Thumbs down" vote. And that's fine. What I don't want to do, is discourage an inexperienced writer because they think my four means something besides "good". If it can't be a five, I just don't vote these days.
I either give a five or nothing. Oh, and a freaking spelling error (this passed Friday... vs. this past Friday...) in your story tag? I'm not even going to read the first line of your story lest I break my own rule.

Just because it passes the eyes of overworked mods and story verifiers doesn't mean you're a bloody Hemingway in the making.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Quote by ChuckEPoo
No I didn't write her back. I've given up on trying to change people. Only God can do that and he doesn't have a great record at it either. I read to many authors here to stress over the little stuff.

Fair point. I can totally respect that decision.
Quote by Burquette
I figured out that most people use it as a "Thumbs up/Thumbs down" vote.

I'd prefer a thumbs up/down system. Much simpler and it would avoid this low score drama. Personally, I don't care as much about scoring as I do about receiving comments. If someone takes time to write, at least they were moved enough by the story to want to respond to it. I appreciate that.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

I'd prefer a thumbs up/down system. Much simpler and it would avoid this low score drama. Personally, I don't care as much about scoring as I do about receiving comments. If someone takes time to write, at least they were moved enough by the story to want to respond to it. I appreciate that.

I would not give a thumbs up to a story that I only thought was worthy of a 2.5 or a little more.
Quote by SydneySider
I would not give a thumbs up to a story that I only thought was worthy of a 2.5 or a little more.

Neither would I. But I also wouldn't give a rating of 2.5 (or 3) to an author. I'd just abstain from scoring them.

Don't believe everything that you read.

I personally do not care about the scores. I write from my heart. If you like it, great, if not, that is your opinion, which you are entitled to. I am not a writer, have only submitted one story, but I was pleased with it and that is all that matters.
Quote by Guest
I'm surprised that people are unwilling to vote less than a 4. It's nothing personal to get a low vote. If 4 and 5 are the only options, than people are just going to mentally readjust their standards anyway. As Yatzhee said, "But the cruellest thing you can do to an artist is tell them their work is flawless when it isn't." If a story is poor, I say so. If it's excellent, I say so. If someone gets all 5s because no one wants to hurt their feelings, what's the motivation to write an excellent story that deserves all 5s? You'll never know the difference either way. People need to be pushed out of their comfort zone if they're going to improve.

I completely agree with this. I want honest comments. I want to know where I need to improve.

If I get good comments from other authors then I feel better about what I am doing. If a really good writer says he/she doesn't like something, I know I need to work on fixing that for future stories. I want to improve and have people want to read my stuff when they see I have posted new stories.

If I get a low score from someone that did not have the balls to post a comment with it, I assume it is just someone that is competitive and wants to keep me below them in the rankings. I am ok with that as well. This means my work is a threat to them and it may even be better work than theirs.

Either way, scores are what they are. I don't always write in a genre that everyone will like. But if you are going to read my stuff, at least let me know if you thought it needed work.

Remember to check out a few of my stories. You can find them here.

For those who like a change and prefer something a little more PG, check out my stories on Storiespace.

My last story got 2 4s in the first 6 votes. Yeah, I was a little bummed, to be honest, and neither scorer left a comment. But it's a weird story, and probably overly dependent on dialogue. I rarely get perfect 5s on a story anyway. You put your stuff out there, you gotta have the balls to take what you get.
You have to realize that some people think that they are literary critics for a major metropolitan newspaper. Granted no one on LUSH is getting the Pulitzer Prize for literature. We just have to roll with the punches and hit the pitch thrown. Write on!
Quote by GrayGhost
Granted no one on LUSH is getting the Pulitzer Prize for literature.

i have 2, actually, tho they're for non-fiction fiction.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Verbal
My last story got 2 4s in the first 6 votes. Yeah, I was a little bummed, to be honest, and neither scorer left a comment. But it's a weird story, and probably overly dependent on dialogue. I rarely get perfect 5s on a story anyway. You put your stuff out there, you gotta have the balls to take what you get.

i DID apologize. sheesh. talk about holding a grudge.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I am generally of the "a comment is worth much more than a 5" school. In fact, I prefer comments to scores, though I happily take both. Oh, I've had some people score and then comment by PM. I'm cool with that, too. As long as I get the feedback, I don't worry too much about whether it is public or private.
I usually don’t score anymore because giving a 5 feels dishonest and giving less than a 5 feels counter to the culture here. I like that you can’t score more than two writings every few minutes but I do wish it was alwyas fully anonymous from everyone except maybe site administer.
I usually don’t score anymore because giving a 5 feels dishonest and giving less than a 5 feels counter to the culture here. I like that you can’t score more than two writings every few minutes but I do wish it was alwyas fully anonymous from everyone except maybe site administer.
I like the comments. Hence the reason I turned voting off. Comments speak louder than hitting a number.
Please remember that a lot of the people that are reading your stories are not writers and when they read all the wonderfully written comments by your fellow authors it’s quite intimidating to figure out what to say and not feel like it sounds lame. Might be why some don’t comment.... not that I’m admitting to anything.

As far as Ratings - I don’t think I’ll get involved with that discussion just know you ALL are awesome!

I'm fairly new to this site and I personally love the system here. For a long time I have posted stories on other sites before I knew of this one. Literotica was actually my first. I submitted my first story there almost 8 years ago. While the stories there are moderated you never really get more than an "Approved" or "Rejected" with a very generic answer as to why. I shortly thereafter joined a community where someone helped me with editing my work, which really helped me grow as a writer. While it helped me it also made me lazy at times, knowing in the back of my mind I was going to quickly draft something out and my editor friend was going to clean it up. I wasn't purposely lazy so I'll guess complacency would be the right word. I joined here about a month ago when I found out about the site and was curious as to how my works would be viewed. I have some strange kinks so I'm always curious to hear opinions on my stories .My stuff wasn't accepted at first, but something I never experienced before was actually having moderators tell you why they reject a story and recommendations on how to fix it. I actually found a site where the moderators actually want to help you improve as a writer with honest to goodness feedback. It was refreshing. I got so used to pumping out stories and sending them to my friends to edit that I never really knew how careless some of my errors were. I thank you guys so much for helping me better myself smile.

With that said on the original topic (sorry I rambled :P), while any author likes to see their stories scored high, like others have already said I prefer comments or PMs explaining likes and dislikes of my stories. Honest critiques help me grow as a writer. I welcome critique. If you score me a 4 or 5, awesome, but what turns my crank even more is when you comment or PM me about why you enjoyed it or what part turned you on the most ;) heart. On the other side, if you score me low, like 1 or 2, please tell me why. Tell me how to improve, or at least what you didn't like about the story. I'm always open to suggestions.

I haven't been here long enough to have scored on very many stories but I will never score a story low based on genre, simply because that isn't fair. If I don't like the genre I just won't read it. I can't expect myself to enjoy a story, as beautifully written as it may be, if I don't like the genre. Seeing comments where people have done just that boggles my mind. I take great care when voting stories on this and any other site. If I vote a 5 I mean it. I've yet to vote anyone low but if I do I promise I will tell you why and I never will do it with malicious intent. If I take time to vote and comment, know that whether it's high or low, it's in your best interest. It's my way of saying I care about you as an author and want to give you feedback.

Much Love <3 <3 <3
Does tactical voting ever happen on Lush due to competing egos and personal grudges?
How dare you grown ass adults contact lush crew because someone made a stupid decision to not like you and then took it out on your stories by low voting on them? Goodness gracious.
Those that truly like how you write will leave a comment. I mean those that truly like how you write and not just your lush friends because those only give so so votes and comments.

Would you like me to read and vote on your sexual art?

If so, link me to your art and you'll receive actual real votes and comments.

No, I won't low ball.