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Please do not contact us about "low" votes on your stories / poems

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Active Ink Slinger
Additionally, I believe that voting should require a comment (especially the contest entries), and I am glad we have that option. If you took the time to read it, and you liked it enough to give it a high vote, then there is no good reason you can't take an extra minute to say WHY you liked it.

"It was great." is not helpful.
"I really enjoyed the heat between the two main characters, and the action and pace of the story kept my attention all the way to the end." is what the author needs to know. That way they know what they are doing well at, so they can keep doing it.

If you give someone a low vote, you should at least be respectful enough to explain why you gave it, and tell the author what you think they need to do to improve their work. For example:

"Your writing stinks." is not constructive.
"You need to work on your sentence structure, dialogue quotation marks, and writing voice. The paragraphs are choppy and confusing." is far more helpful to the author so they can do better next time.

Either way, leaving a comment ensures that the person who is voting is doing it for a well thought out reason, that has nothing to do with popularity, strife, jealousy or favoritism.
I have read some stories that had been given low scores for the fact they didn't have graphic enough sex. The stories were beautiful written, expertly crafted and well conceived. I understand that this is a sex site but is miles ahead of other erotic site because lush has the best authors on the Internet. It is also a great platform for new writers because the Mods are helpful in assisting new writers. It is a community that is many steps above mindless porn.
I have read some stories that had been given low scores for the fact they didn't have graphic enough sex. The stories were beautiful written, expertly crafted and well conceived. I understand that this is a sex site but is miles ahead of other erotic site because lush has the best authors on the Internet. It is also a great platform for new writers because the Mods are helpful in assisting new writers. It is a community that is many steps above mindless porn.
Quote by sprite
my ego is fed by the comments

I am one of those who rarely, unless forced to do so by the system, leaves comments. On the other hand, I also am one of those who either scores a story/poem a 5 or not at all, so there's that. I'm sorry, R., I just never can come up with something appropriately pithy to say about someone's piece.
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Senior Analyst
I am surprised that no one has mentioned the opposite problem in this thread: that of writers who feel entitled to universal 5s on everything they submit. I recently rated a story 4, because it was formulaic and trite -- it felt like the output of a porn-writing robot, although the sex was graphic, steamy, and well-paced. I provided a comment with this same analysis, perhaps in a slightly shorter form. I believe I had given 5s to a number of stories by the writer in the past, some with comments and some without.

In response I got a resentful message, was dropped as a friend, and was blocked. This is not merely being thin-skinned; it's being juvenile and paranoid.

I'll continue to rate stories as I value them, with weight given to theme, sensuality ("hotness"), structure, pace, and writing mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation). Having said that, I also try to be kind. The stakes here are just too low to justify rudeness.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Porgy87
I am surprised that no one has mentioned the opposite problem in this thread: that of writers who feel entitled to universal 5s on everything they submit. I recently rated a story 4, because it was formulaic and trite -- it felt like the output of a porn-writing robot, although the sex was graphic, steamy, and well-paced. I provided a comment with this same analysis, perhaps in a slightly shorter form. I believe I had given 5s to a number of stories by the writer in the past, some with comments and some without.

In response I got a resentful message, was dropped as a friend, and was blocked. This is not merely being thin-skinned; it's being juvenile and paranoid.

I'll continue to rate stories as I value them, with weight given to theme, sensuality ("hotness"), structure, pace, and writing mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation). Having said that, I also try to be kind. The stakes here are just too low to justify rudeness.

Sadly, that happens as well. Realistically, the scoring system is set so that a 3 is average, a 4 is a really good story, and a 5 should represent something close to perfection, the type of story that should have an RR or an EP. Lush culture has evolved that anything less than a 4 is considered a dis. IMO there are very few stories that deserve the high scores they've garnered here, a large percentage of mine among them - that's why I will never complain about a 4 or a 3. I might not be thrilled, but I'll probably forget about it fairly quickly. 1s and 2s, yes, those are different. I know my skill level well enough to know I am better than that. *shrugs* Someone gives me a fair score, tho, and no, I won't contact admin, I won't retaliate, I won't go High School on their ass. Anyone who does any of that stuff, honestly, you're better off without them as a friend - count it as a blessing that they dropped you.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Unicorn Wrangler
Twice I've had someone give two different stories a 1 and I was upset by this... not because they felt it was only worthy of a 1, but because they didn't have the courage to tell me why. Actually, that's not entirely true. I did contact the two that did this, one said it was an error and asked if they could change it... which now thanks to Gav and is wonderful skills, is doable. The other person, was trashing several stories in a particular category.

It would be nice if someone would either leave a comment or send me a PM if they don't like something I wrote and tell me why (poor writing skills, lousy plot line, etc.)

I don't expect all 5s. I'm honored when I get a lot of them, but I don't let the scores bring me down. I write what I like... and luckily for me... others like what I write as well.
To be honest...I have never had a mod come to my aid on those who have down graded me. If they do it for one, they should do it for all...its that simple.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
To be honest...I have never had a mod come to my aid on those who have down graded me. If they do it for one, they should do it for all...its that simple.

It depends on the context.

If you've been caught in the crossfires of someone showing a trend of low-voting (don't like a particular category, style, author, etc.), then of course they'd be questioned about it and the votes will most likely be reversed and that person penalized because those are all invalid reasons to low-vote a story.

But you can't really expect moderators to go after someone for using the voting system for its intended purpose. As long as they're not rogue-voting, then a person has every right to score a story as they see fit.

Voting trends are investigated versus just random instances of someone low-voting.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by NymphWriter
Twice I've had someone give two different stories a 1 and I was upset by this... not because they felt it was only worthy of a 1, but because they didn't have the courage to tell me why. Actually, that's not entirely true. I did contact the two that did this, one said it was an error and asked if they could change it... which now thanks to Gav and is wonderful skills, is doable. The other person, was trashing several stories in a particular category.

It would be nice if someone would either leave a comment or send me a PM if they don't like something I wrote and tell me why (poor writing skills, lousy plot line, etc.)

I don't expect all 5s. I'm honored when I get a lot of them, but I don't let the scores bring me down. I write what I like... and luckily for me... others like what I write as well.

I gave a 2 to a story and sent a pm as to why. He blocked me, lol.
I like the number of hits rather than scores.
I NEVER EVER advertize my work and I couldn't give a FUCK how people vote...

(No Problem if others take a diffrent approach, BTW...)

MY JOY is to WRITE it and see it UP THERE...

(Everything Else Is BONUS.)

xx SF
I was supposed to quote you Steph..lmao

runs to give you all ones..lmao

Just kidding..I would never do that.

Milik might though...where is Milik?

We need a petition to bring his sweet self back.

:d/ =d>
Advanced Wordsmith
Generally, my ratings are positive, a 3 or better. If an author can't live with that, they won't go far in the trade. Face it, if you can't get past the folks here, what will happen when a real professional editor reads one of your stories? I posted earlier about the level of grammar and spelling ability of some authors here, and while I love the content, the technical side is lacking at times. I never judge a story here on technical matters like spelling but an aspiring author should keep this in mind! Think about having someone proof those submissions, if you keep an open mind you will become a better author.
Advanced Wordsmith
I understand the rating system, but what I find ironic is that certain writers on here who are regularly published have it set to where only certain people can vote on their stories. They obviously cannot handle anything other than a 5, and to me, it's pathetic and childish.

I personally don't give a shit if someone rates me poorly. It's their opinion, and a majority of the people that read what I write rate them high. So if one or two jealous people want to rate me low? So what?

But when I cannot vote on certain "favorite writers" stories? It's kind of pitiful and pathetic. Glad I don't have that confidence problem.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Porgy87
It felt like the output of a porn-writing robot, although the sex was graphic, steamy, and well-paced. I provided a comment with this same analysis, perhaps in a slightly shorter form.

I think a porn-writing robot sounds really hot. Do you know how I can get one?

I don't care about scores, which is good, because I routinely get non-5's. I don't think most are malicious, I just think they find my stories weird. Sometimes they are pretty weird. It's cool.

My favorite compliment is a thoughtful comment. I LOVE comments. But I don't pay much attention to scores or views.
Recently I scored a story a four (and that was generous). The author wrote me and said if I was going to low score then to not read her work. When does a four become a low score? I get them and thank the reader for their time.

I've been writing for three years and don't expect perfection. Quite the opposite. I'm always grateful for those that offer suggestions.
People are very generous here with their scoring. I don't think I've ever received lower than a 4. But there's no way that a 4 is a low score.

One of my stories, I had someone open an account just to vote my story a 4. They've done literally nothing else with the account since. I was ever so happy to think a person would go to the bother of opening an account for no other reason to score my story.

Shows I must be doing something right.
I'm with Verbal. The comments are my favorite part. When someone takes the time to compliment or critique, it's so flattering.

I get fours, too. It's a "Good" rather than "Excellent" vote. It's seems a little prima donna-ish to insist that everything you write is pure excellence for everyone who reads it. I don't mind if people use the scoring system as intended.
Quote by hidingmydarksecrets
I understand the rating system, but what I find ironic is that certain writers on here who are regularly published have it set to where only certain people can vote on their stories.

How do you do that? I can only see the following settings:

- Public Voting (which lets you set whether guests can vote or only logged in members)
- Disable Scoring (which turns off scoring completely and only allows comments)
- Comments on Score (which forces people giving a score to comment as well)

Nothing about being able to limit it to Friends or other specific groups like you seem to be suggesting.

Personally, I prefer comments to scores. I also believe that the scores are really relative to Lush, not to the literary world as a whole, so a 5 here does not mean it's a 5 in the broader world, only that it meets the goals and standards of this site in an excellent way. As I've said in the past, a like system a la FB would make more sense since that is how most people use it IME (if they like a story, they give a 5, if they don't, they just don't score).
Her Royal Spriteness
i get pissed when people give me 5s. all of MY stories should get 6s. from now on, anyone who gives me a 5 is gonna get blocked and have a voodoo doll made of them.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
i get pissed when people give me 5s. all of MY stories should get 6s. from now on, anyone who gives me a 5 is gonna get blocked and have a voodoo doll made of them.

Damn it, she's right. We need to be able to crank this baby up to 6!
Quote by sprite
i get pissed when people give me 5s. all of MY stories should get 6s. from now on, anyone who gives me a 5 is gonna get blocked and have a voodoo doll made of them.

So, now I'm tempted to score you low just to see what you would do to my poppet.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Burquette

So, now I'm tempted to score you low just to see what you would do to my poppet.

give it foot rubs and massages. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

give it foot rubs and massages. smile

Quote by seeker4

How do you do that? I can only see the following settings:

- Public Voting (which lets you set whether guests can vote or only logged in members)
- Disable Scoring (which turns off scoring completely and only allows comments)
- Comments on Score (which forces people giving a score to comment as well)

Nothing about being able to limit it to Friends or other specific groups like you seem to be suggesting.

Personally, I prefer comments to scores. I also believe that the scores are really relative to Lush, not to the literary world as a whole, so a 5 here does not mean it's a 5 in the broader world, only that it meets the goals and standards of this site in an excellent way. As I've said in the past, a like system a la FB would make more sense since that is how most people use it IME (if they like a story, they give a 5, if they don't, they just don't score).

I think they literally block anyone who ever dares to vote them lower than a 5.

On this note, is the "public voting" option a relic of previous ways of doing things? I don't think guests can leave votes.

As long as we have a voting system, we're going to have complaints about it. I think we're back to the dichotomy between people who use the system as a true scale, and those who see the reality of the inflation that's taken over.

That is, if you read a fairly bad story that's gotten all 5s, and then you go read a really solid one, that's much better, and your own inclination is that it's a 4 (or a 4.5), but not a 5, what do you do? Hold out against score inflation all by yourself, but accept the reality that your 4 is going to make a good story *appear* worse than the truly mediocre one?

(Personally, I think that a 4.5 would be a great score to be able to give. There's too great a gulf between a 4, which feels like an 80% or B-, and a 5, which feels like a 100% or A+. This step wouldn't fix everything, and of course people voting spitefully, or wanting to inflate their friends' scores, wouldn't be checked at all, but I think it would allow for slightly more reasonably voting, if there were the possibility for 1/2 steps).
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Smoocher

This confirms things ... You are just wanting to be an "attention w@ore" ??????

you know i can delete you, old man smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by seeker4

How do you do that? I can only see the following settings:

- Public Voting (which lets you set whether guests can vote or only logged in members)
- Disable Scoring (which turns off scoring completely and only allows comments)
- Comments on Score (which forces people giving a score to comment as well)

Nothing about being able to limit it to Friends or other specific groups like you seem to be suggesting.

Personally, I prefer comments to scores. I also believe that the scores are really relative to Lush, not to the literary world as a whole, so a 5 here does not mean it's a 5 in the broader world, only that it meets the goals and standards of this site in an excellent way. As I've said in the past, a like system a la FB would make more sense since that is how most people use it IME (if they like a story, they give a 5, if they don't, they just don't score).

I'm not sure how someone does it, but at least two users have it where I cannot vote on their stories. And I know for a fact it was because I rated two of them below a 5. I'm certain of it. I don't know if there are settings, but the one person is a moderator or a manager or something on here. I've seen it. And yet I'm not able to vote after I voted a couple below a 5.

So you might want to ask the moderators or managers. It's pretty sad. Because obviously there are special settings for certain people on here. I tried to go back and actually vote for some of hers a 5, and I could not vote at all. She isn't blocking me, but she has it set somehow where I cannot vote at all.

It's kind of sad if you ask me. But obviously this is a setting that certain individuals have, because I don't block anyone from voting on mine, and I don't have anyone blocked on here.
Rocker of the cocker
Quote by hidingmydarksecrets

I'm not sure how someone does it, but at least two users have it where I cannot vote on their stories. And I know for a fact it was because I rated two of them below a 5. I'm certain of it. I don't know if there are settings, but the one person is a moderator or a manager or something on here. I've seen it. And yet I'm not able to vote after I voted a couple below a 5.

So you might want to ask the moderators or managers. It's pretty sad. Because obviously there are special settings for certain people on here. I tried to go back and actually vote for some of hers a 5, and I could not vote at all. She isn't blocking me, but she has it set somehow where I cannot vote at all.

It's kind of sad if you ask me. But obviously this is a setting that certain individuals have, because I don't block anyone from voting on mine, and I don't have anyone blocked on here.

It could be a couple different things.

The member disabled the comment/voting of their stories or you've been blocked. Every member has this ability, there are no special settings for this.