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Is Writing Erotica Worth It?

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Quote by nicola
Worth it for a bit of fun / titillation, as a writing exercise and to enjoy the feedback and social interaction, sure.

For financial gain? To be perfectly frank, 99% of people will never make a dime from their erotica writing - not here, or anywhere else.

We shelved our ebook publishing section, because even after publishing 30+ erotic ebooks, our revenue didn't even reach $50 most months - even with the site's backing and all the traffic it gets.

The trouble is, every man and his dog, thinks writing erotica is easy, and Amazon is awash with hundreds of thousands of (primarily dross) titles. Unless you are an incredibly gifted marketer, you are going to struggle getting your name out there.

If you're looking to make money from your writing, I'd suggest you'd be better off getting qualified, then going into copywriting, journalism or editing.

You do of course hear of the odd success story, but most of the people I know who've made any kind of decent money from writing erotica, started churning out ebooks 5-10 years ago, when it was all rather novel.

What are you looking to achieve? A side income? Career in writing?

This is all true. Before Lush I didn’t read or write erotica. I like the mental stimulation verses Porn. In my opinion the biggest sex organ is the brain. Since I’ve been on Lush, it has done wonders for my wife and I sexually. Whereas porn becomes a substitute for real life sex, erotica is a stimulant.

A real plus for me is that writing has become a great hobby and I’m expanding my skills to main stream attempting to write a complex science fiction novel. I look at my early work and I am amazed at my own improvement through practice.

Erotica is a great way to learn basic writing skills. I find myself focusing mainly on the interaction of characters and dialogue rather than the sex itself. I have no delusions of anything more than hobby writing.
If it puts the bully in your wooly, then yes.
It is unlikely to be financially rewarding for any but a tiny number of writers - but this applies to all genres. I understand that a very high proportion of writers who regularly publish earn £500 or less per year. It's only the ultra elite that make a living out of it. What Metilda has achieved is remarkable but she must have worked exceptionally hard with getting a following going through her blog etc. I imagine it would be much easier for a women to get a following going then a man. I have seen one escort with a huge fan base through her f/b page and website publishing and selling erotic fiction based on her exploits as a hooker. But she has a site where men can visit and drool over her etc. I also note that Metilda writes quite extreme stuff (eg explicit arsehole fisting) - is that an example of what is in demand Metilda? I only sell vanilla ice cream so unfortunately so am destined to remain obscure.

I havent read fifty shades but I imagine the lexicon and style most writers use here is extreme by comparision - I expect the words pussy cock arsehole clit (plus descriptions of extreme sex anal fisting) etc just dont appear. That kind of writing probably wont ever be accepted by a mainstream publisher.
I checked out Metilda's website and all the titles she is selling on amazon.

Impressive artwork for the covers and nice website, blog etc.

Amazon readers a far more critical lot than Lush readers it seems - but no one title has more than 1 review and 90% have no reviews at all. This does not mean too much - as few people leave reviews.
Quote by rafael
Amazon readers a far more critical lot than Lush readers it seems

I looked up Lush Publishing on Amazon and found 15 titles. Of those, there were 67 5-star votes and 5 1-star votes, that's better than 13-1 in favour of 5-star over 1-star. As a bit of an Amazon buff, I know that this is pretty good for Amazon votes, better than many big bestsellers. They're a critical lot but they certainly like Lush!

Curiously, despite the good ratings, those books don't seem to sell well. It just goes to show that book sales have little to do with quality.
For me, it is the fun of the writing. I enjoy what I write, and hope others will. My readers are usually most kind, and I have met many good friends and lovers in my stories long before I meet them in Lush.
Quote by CherylK

I looked up Lush Publishing on Amazon and found 15 titles. Of those, there were 67 5-star votes and 5 1-star votes, that's better than 13-1 in favour of 5-star over 1-star. As a bit of an Amazon buff, I know that this is pretty good for Amazon votes, better than many big bestsellers. They're a critical lot but they certainly like Lush!

Curiously, despite the good ratings, those books don't seem to sell well. It just goes to show that book sales have little to do with quality.

I didnt know that Lush sell stories on amazon. They must be doing quite well if they have some tales with 70 feedback. How do you know the ebooks dont sell well? Only about 1 in 100 buyers bothers to leave reviews so on that basis they have sold thousands of books.
Quote by rafael

I didnt know that Lush sell stories on amazon. They must be doing quite well if they have some tales with 70 feedback. How do you know the ebooks dont sell well? Only about 1 in 100 buyers bothers to leave reviews so on that basis they have sold thousands of books.

Yes, there's many Lush writers with eBooks on their profiles, which take you to Amazon when you click them.

The Amazon Bestseller's Rank tells about sales, with the top 100 selling more than something with a rank of e.g, 1000. The Lush ones don't rank all that highly, it seems. Maybe the reviews come from those Lush authors' friends and not from the general Amazon reading crowd? I don't know. But as far as votes go, the Lush titles actually fare quite well on that score. When I look on Amazon for new books, I look at the votes and see how many 5-stars there are compared to 1-star when choosing what to buy, and I'm rarely disappointed when I read my new purchase.
Publishing is one of the few ways that you can get paid again and again for doing work once. I like it when I get paid for something I wrote five years ago, knowing that I had a choice of knuckling down to write or hitting another episode of some box set. Whether it's 'worth it' is a personal choice. Over 99% of people would be financially better off spending that time stacking shelves or any other job that comes to hand. Writing is not well paid unless you're lucky and good at it.

It is probably more difficult than ever to make money from writing erotica since the world is awash with free options and myriad paid alternatives to whatever you choose to write. That being said, the only guaranteed way to fail is not to try.
Quote by AbigailThornton
Publishing is one of the few ways that you can get paid again and again for doing work once. I like it when I get paid for something I wrote five years ago, knowing that I had a choice of knuckling down to write or hitting another episode of some box set. Whether it's 'worth it' is a personal choice. Over 99% of people would be financially better off spending that time stacking shelves or any other job that comes to hand. Writing is not well paid unless you're lucky and good at it.

It is probably more difficult than ever to make money from writing erotica since the world is awash with free options and myriad paid alternatives to whatever you choose to write. That being said, the only guaranteed way to fail is not to try.

I read somewhere that there are many millions of books in existence in today's market place, including eBooks by 'Indie' writers, so yes, it seems like it really is awash before even getting to the free ones. I suppose that makes the problem one of getting noticed, i.e., marketing, as much as being good.

But anyway, I like the idea of something paying over and over again. If you could continue making sales on just one book for 20 years, then that would eliminate much shelf stacking!
I can draw it but putting it into words is another thing for me
Quote by CherylK

Maybe the reviews come from those Lush authors' friends and not from the general Amazon reading crowd? I don't know. But as far as votes go, the Lush titles actually fare quite well on that score.

Yeah, I think that's it. The built-in Lush audience is really supportive at leaving comments and votes, but can account for a tiny fraction of readership at best. You need the infrastructure of a website, an Amazon page, an email list and newsletter, yadayadayada, to really make money in erotica.

Again, apropos of nothing, you have a shockingly pretty avatar, Cheryl.
Writing erotica has gotten me laid so much more with much hotter girls than I could have ever gotten without it. So, yeah... I think it’s worth it.
Ten years ago when the ebook market was just starting I was making...well I was make some money, but not enough to live off of. Then the crash came with a glut of ebooks on the market. Most of them where crap, poorly written and loaded with errors. My revenue took a nose dive. I still make a little money, but nothing near what I did in the beginning.

But, the question is...

Is Writing Erotica Worth It?

I like writing erotica. I also like to read some of it. I write what I like to read. And mostly, I write for myself. I enjoy writing. I also write non-erotic ebooks. And even there, I write what I like to read.
So is it worth writing? Yes. I like to write. I like to pound away at the keyboard as those thought race through my mind.

As for getting laid? I'm married. Yes, she likes to read my stuff. Do I get laid more? Maybe. It's hard to tell, she has always been a sexual animal. Of course we have both slowed down as our age crept over the six decade mark, but she is still a beauty and she say I still turn her on. So I guess it's worth it.
eBooks aren't the only option. There are quite a few porn magazines/sites out there that buy erotica, a handful offering professional rates (5 cents a word or so). Plus, it's cool to have your stories on actual porn sites/mags, which get a ton of traffic. Just remember Vonnegut got his first stories published by porn mags.
Quote by Verbal
eBooks aren't the only option. There are quite a few porn magazines/sites out there that buy erotica, a handful offering professional rates (5 cents a word or so). Plus, it's cool to have your stories on actual porn sites/mags, which get a ton of traffic. Just remember Vonnegut got his first stories published by porn mags.

Lots of publishers put out calls for anthologies and they pay a fee if your work is taken on. It's pocket change, but it's something and there's a thrill to it. I've just had a short story provisionally accepted for an upcoming anthology and if I make the final cut, I get $100 and a copy of the book - ebook and print.
Writing erotica for myself and my wife has opened up a whole new world to us. She has had phone sex quite a lot and some of the things she has learned in these sessions she has put in stories and given me lots of ideas for things to write about, even if she won't do them in reality. She enjoys reading some of my tales.
If you are trying to make a living, there are much more lucrative uses for your time. Standing at the side of the road with a sign that says I will write for food would very likely get you more money. Art is like that.

You do it for the love of it and then just hope you get lucky. Same for music and painting, sculpting and acting. They are great arts, but only a fool truly believes making a living is a sure thing
Quote by Milik_the_Red
If you are trying to make a living, there are much more lucrative uses for your time. Standing at the side of the raps with a sign that says will write for food would very likely get you more money. Art is like that.

You do it for the love of it and then just hoe you get lucky. Same for music and painting, sculpting and acting. They are great arts, it only a fool truly believes making a living is a sure thing

Do you know how much signs cost? smile

Thank you for your answer. That's what I thought.
I just got my royalty check check for my book sales from 2017. $7.34.

Quote by Verbal
eBooks aren't the only option. There are quite a few porn magazines/sites out there that buy erotica, a handful offering professional rates (5 cents a word or so). Plus, it's cool to have your stories on actual porn sites/mags, which get a ton of traffic. Just remember Vonnegut got his first stories published by porn mags.

Most of the porn mags are really struggling / already dead. It's s generational thing I suppose - why would you buy a mag in a shop when you can browse for free at home? I used to make a fair wodge of cash writing for the top shelf... brings back happy memories :-)
It was actually rather cool working on my taxes this year. I had to report some income from publishing an eBook to make the tax return legal. I can call myself a published author and a paid one, at that. Even if it was only about $10.00.

Totally worth it.
Quote by nicola
Worth it for a bit of fun / titillation, as a writing exercise and to enjoy the feedback and social interaction, sure.

For financial gain? To be perfectly frank, 99% of people will never make a dime from their erotica writing - not here, or anywhere else.

We shelved our ebook publishing section, because even after publishing 30+ erotic ebooks, our revenue didn't even reach $50 most months - even with the site's backing and all the traffic it gets.

The trouble is, every man and his dog, thinks writing erotica is easy, and Amazon is awash with hundreds of thousands of (primarily dross) titles. Unless you are an incredibly gifted marketer, you are going to struggle getting your name out there.

If you're looking to make money from your writing, I'd suggest you'd be better off getting qualified, then going into copywriting, journalism or editing.

You do of course hear of the odd success story, but most of the people I know who've made any kind of decent money from writing erotica, started churning out ebooks 5-10 years ago, when it was all rather novel.

What are you looking to achieve? A side income? Career in writing?

Let me add another perspective. I've written six relatively successful (mid-list), non-fiction, hardcover books, each of which sold anywhere from 5,000 to 25,000 copies. This is considered reasonably succcessful. Yet, the money I've made from writing is negligible, perhaps $25,000 in total.

Writing a smash-hit best-seller, like a Danielle Steele or a John Grisham, is about as likely as becoming an All-Star for the New York Yankees before you've been drafted. It happens, but it's VERY rare.

Don't look at writing as a way to make money. If you write, do it because you want to write. Or do it to give yourself a platform, using the book as an introduction: "And now, please welcome the best-selling author of…"

I enjoy writing, and I enjoy making money, but I generally don't try to confuse the two.

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

It depends what you want out of it. If you want to be the next JK Rowling, that is never going to happen with erotica. But if, like me, you just enjoy writing, find ideas easily and produce stories quickly, erotica is great fun.

I write for myself, first and foremost. I’m lucky that I have other creative outlets, but I imagine that for many writers it’s their only means of creating something new, unique, and special to them.

If other people like what I write, great, but monetizing it isn’t a consideration for me. Maybe with 1.5 billion Indians worldwide as a potential readership, I should be more ambitious. 🤣X

‘The pious fable and the dirty story
Share in the total literary glory.’

W.H. Auden