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Is Writing Erotica Worth It?

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Hi, I want to try my hand at writing some stories but would like to get some advice from others first.

I get the idea that erotica is sort of a niche now that 50 Shades is dead and gone, so is a new writer better off writing mainstream fiction? I hear that Lush writers don't get paid apart from the odd competition win, and have done some maths:

5,000 words per story
10 stories per win (say)
10 stories for $150 (£100)
10 x 5,000 words for £100
= £0.002 per word

I looked into internet copywriting for a little extra pin-money, and that pays around £0.02 per word, ten times as much as the above. Is this par for the course for erotica?

Lush apparently has a 'sister site' that does non-erotica. If anyone has been there then how does it compare?

ps Please don't reply that it's worth it for the fun of writing, that's already understood. My question is about the money side of writing erotica.
You really need to talk to some of the authors here who actually self-publish their stuff on Amazon, either on their own or in association with the site. They are the ones who can shed more light on the money side of things. Those of us who are just doing this as a hobby and maybe winning the odd comp (I haven't won any yet myself) really can't offer much insight into that side of things. The short version, I think, is that you won't make much $$ on a place like Lush alone but would have to then take your writing to the next level and get it published in some way, whether by a publisher or through some kind of self-publishing. If you were popular enough, I suppose something like Patreon would be an option, too, but I can only think of a small number of Lush authors who might have a big enough following for something like that.

The eBooks page can give you a sense of what's happening on that side on things. Hopefully some of those authors can chime in and help you out.

The blue site to which you allude is a different beast from Lush. Rather quiet, with fewer forum posts in some weeks than Lush gets in a few hours, and with far fewer readers and stories. There hasn't been a comp in quite a while, either. I have one story up on there and it has had a fraction of the views of even my least viewed Lush story.
Worth it for a bit of fun / titillation, as a writing exercise and to enjoy the feedback and social interaction, sure.

For financial gain? To be perfectly frank, 99% of people will never make a dime from their erotica writing - not here, or anywhere else.

We shelved our ebook publishing section, because even after publishing 30+ erotic ebooks, our revenue didn't even reach $50 most months - even with the site's backing and all the traffic it gets.

The trouble is, every man and his dog, thinks writing erotica is easy, and Amazon is awash with hundreds of thousands of (primarily dross) titles. Unless you are an incredibly gifted marketer, you are going to struggle getting your name out there.

If you're looking to make money from your writing, I'd suggest you'd be better off getting qualified, then going into copywriting, journalism or editing.

You do of course hear of the odd success story, but most of the people I know who've made any kind of decent money from writing erotica, started churning out ebooks 5-10 years ago, when it was all rather novel.

What are you looking to achieve? A side income? Career in writing?
I think you need to be both tenacious and lucky to earn money from writing, erotica or otherwise. I have one erotic ebook published but it's one of millions out there and has barely sold any copies. Sales may pick up when/if I publish more and establish a following, but then again, they may not. However, I think the same can be said of publishing mainstream work. It all about getting your work noticed and that's hard. Ideally, you need to get your work, whatever the genre, published with an established publisher who will promote it for you. There's fierce competition for that, so good luck.
Quote by Saucymh
I think you need to be both tenacious and lucky to earn money from writing, erotica or otherwise. I have one erotic ebook published but it's one of millions out there and has barely sold any copies. Sales may pick up when/if I publish more and establish a following, but then again, they may not. However, I think the same can be said of publishing mainstream work. It all about getting your book noticed and that's hard. Ideally, you need to get your work, whatever the genre, published with an established publisher who will promote it for you. There's fierce competition for that, so good luck.
Writing is worth it to me, because it relaxes me. I agree with Nicola in the fact that most will not make a cent from writing. I own a small bookshop and I can promise you that fact. However, never lose your dreams, if that is what you aspire for. I write only for fun.
Quote by Adagio
Writing is worth it to me, because it relaxes me. I agree with Nicola in the fact that most will not make a cent from writing. I own a small bookshop and I can promise you that fact. However, never lose your dreams, if that is what you aspire for. I write only for fun.

I might write more seriously once I'm retired but even then it would be more of a hobby that might occasionally bring in a some extra change than a "career". Right now, it's a hobby and one that I have damn little time for at that. IOW, quite agree with you (but owning a bookshop, now that's cool).
I have a couple friends who make a small but reasonable amount of money writing genre fiction (one does horror/SF, one does YA). They churn out a LOT of work, and they really know how to market on Amazon. From what I've heard and read, erotica is the same way: study the market, do a ton of promotion, and churn out like a book a month and it can be done. I've contemplated it myself, but am not sure I have the time or inclination to do all the groundwork (website, Amazon page, newsletter, email list) PLUS churn out 1000-5000 words a day. I am also not sure I am commercial enough.

There are some people here who have done it. Seek them out and pick their brains - I have.

Oh, and thanks for reading my story smile
There is very small market in Erotica, but writing it will enlarge one's vocabulary and their hackles. I doubt if I sell more than one or two a month in my bookshop.
It all depends what you mean by 'worth it'. There are other rewards than money or fame. I get a great deal of personal enjoyment in writing about my fantasies — and nit just the mental satisfaction — and it is an extra pleasure to arouse similar feelings in other people. When it comes to poetry however, it is deadly serious, and the satisfaction there comes from knowing I might actually have produced a work of art.
I published an erotica novel in 2012, I think. It was at a small publisher that was just starting up and looking for titles.

And yes, there's a thrill associated with getting a royalty check. However, I've made probably made at least five times those numbers by winning contests on Lush. So, if 'worth it' means an hourly rate that isn't in the pennies range, no.
Quote by Burquette
I published an erotica novel in 2012, I think. It was at a small publisher that was just starting up and looking for titles.

And yes, there's a thrill associated with getting a royalty check. However, I've made probably made at least five times those numbers by winning contests on Lush. So, if 'worth it' means an hourly rate that isn't in the pennies range, no.

The thrill, is not in the money, but in knowing that one has skills. I am short on skill, but enjoy the tickles from posting.
Quote by Adagio

The thrill, is not in the money, but in knowing that one has skills. I am short on skill, but enjoy the tickles from posting.

You're absolutely right. If it was about the money, I would have stopped writing by now.
If only I could write the way I dream it, I would be my best fan. Somewhere in between paragraphs and stanzas, my mind wanders off track. Now if Lush only offered a writer's compass, I would be a good explorer.
Quote by Burquette

You're absolutely right. If it was about the money, I would have stopped writing by now.

Noooo! Please don't stop, the check is in the mail!
Quote by Stormdog

Noooo! Please don't stop, the check is in the mail!

You sweet thing!
Quote by Verbal
I have a couple friends who make a small but reasonable amount of money writing genre fiction (one does horror/SF, one does YA). They churn out a LOT of work, and they really know how to market on Amazon. From what I've heard and read, erotica is the same way: study the market, do a ton of promotion, and churn out like a book a month and it can be done. I've contemplated it myself, but am not sure I have the time or inclination to do all the groundwork (website, Amazon page, newsletter, email list) PLUS churn out 1000-5000 words a day. I am also not sure I am commercial enough.

There are some people here who have done it. Seek them out and pick their brains - I have.

Oh, and thanks for reading my story smile

If I was going to write for money, I wouldn't be doing erotica. I'd head for one of my favorite genres where I know the niches and tropes better. Probably fantasy or horror. I find myself limited in writing erotica because there are places I just won't go sexually (all but the mildest BDSM for instance) and I really haven't read much professionally published erotica, just this place and other online sites.

Footnote: In fact, I've been contemplating writing less erotica and more genre fiction anyhow but somehow I keep getting dragged back in. Probably because I love Lush so much and know the community here.
There is no money to be made in writing erotica. Why would a person pay money to read sex stories when there are millions online absolutely free? It's mostly done by amateurs as a hobby, for a bit of fun.

If people are looking at making money from writing, erotica is not the way to go. 50 Shades was a freak one-off; it'll never happen again.
Quote by CherylK
Hi, I want to try my hand at writing some stories but would like to get some advice from others first.

I get the idea that erotica is sort of a niche now that 50 Shades is dead and gone, so is a new writer better off writing mainstream fiction? I hear that Lush writers don't get paid apart from the odd competition win, and have done some maths:

5,000 words per story
10 stories per win (say)
10 stories for $150 (£100)
10 x 5,000 words for £100
= £0.002 per word

I looked into internet copywriting for a little extra pin-money, and that pays around £0.02 per word, ten times as much as the above. Is this par for the course for erotica?

Lush apparently has a 'sister site' that does non-erotica. If anyone has been there then how does it compare?

ps Please don't reply that it's worth it for the fun of writing, that's already understood. My question is about the money side of writing erotica.

The blue site is awesome but very quiet. Really great peeps there.

As for money? ... does any author, fiction, non-fiction, let alone erotica, ever make any money?. There are but a few exceptions that prove the rule I suppose.
Please write. Write because you can and most peeps can't. Well they all think they have a great novel inside them... which is very novel indeed!.
Now I might upset you, but... if you are only going to write to earn money you will be a jounalist, copywriter, etc..
Please aspire to be an author!.... no cash but heaps of satisfaction.

Is writing erotica worth it? Not by itself, no.

Is writing worth it, full stop? Yes, but only for the pleasure of writing, not because you think you might make a shit-tonne of cash from it.

Stephen King, JK Rowling, EL James, Dan Brown, Stephanie Meyer.... They're all anomalies. 99.99% of all writers are the ones you don't bother picking up from the shelves at your local bookstore, or downloading on Kindle. Chances are you'll never make a living from writing - but if you enjoy the art of building new worlds and new lives on the page, then that's the reward in itself. And if you enjoy it enough, maybe others will enjoy reading them too, and you can build a fan base and start charging, and then - who knows?

And you might even be able to do all that by writing erotica.
Well, it's competition time again - so if you want to read an erotic poem about love, lust and heartbreak, check out
I wanted more

Other stories I'd heartily recommend (and wish I'd written myself) include:
Quote by chesh78
Is writing erotica worth it? Not by itself, no.

Is writing worth it, full stop? Yes, but only for the pleasure of writing, not because you think you might make a shit-tonne of cash from it.

Stephen King, JK Rowling, EL James, Dan Brown, Stephanie Meyer.... They're all anomalies. 99.99% of all writers are the ones you don't bother picking up from the shelves at your local bookstore, or downloading on Kindle. Chances are you'll never make a living from writing - but if you enjoy the art of building new worlds and new lives on the page, then that's the reward in itself. And if you enjoy it enough, maybe others will enjoy reading them too, and you can build a fan base and start charging, and then - who knows?

And you might even be able to do all that by writing erotica.

I think EL James, Stephanie Meyers, and JK Rowling have stories that are unusual. They all wrote one novel that they tried to get published. It did and was a huge success.

Stephen King, I think, is more classic. He was writing forever, couldn't get and agent, and kept his day job teaching. Only over time, with a huge amount of production, submission, and rejection, did he become successful. I really do believe if you have talent and you're stubborn, you can make at least some money at genre fiction.

I have a friend who writes at least one short story a week. She submits everything she writes and re-submits everything rejected. She has made at least some money this way. It's in tiny amounts at a time (I think the most I was ever paid for a short story was $150), but it can add up if you're persistent.
The quick response is clear. There is little money to be made writing erotica. For the vast majority of writers it is more of a hobby. I published an ebook of stories in Spanish. It has had continuous sales for the past four years. But in all that time the grand total for me in returns is just over $38.00, so no, I don't see myself making money in erotica. Also, I doubt if writing an ebook in English would make much difference.
Quote by chesh78
Is writing erotica worth it? Not by itself, no.

Is writing worth it, full stop? Yes, but only for the pleasure of writing, not because you think you might make a shit-tonne of cash from it.

Stephen King, JK Rowling, EL James, Dan Brown, Stephanie Meyer.... They're all anomalies. 99.99% of all writers are the ones you don't bother picking up from the shelves at your local bookstore, or downloading on Kindle. Chances are you'll never make a living from writing - but if you enjoy the art of building new worlds and new lives on the page, then that's the reward in itself. And if you enjoy it enough, maybe others will enjoy reading them too, and you can build a fan base and start charging, and then - who knows?

And you might even be able to do all that by writing erotica.

You will also make friends with deviants along the way, BONUS!
Quote by Emily260

You will also make friends with deviants along the way, BONUS!

and that is why i do it. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Emily260

You will also make friends with deviants along the way, BONUS!

Hi Em.
I probably have one of the better records when it comes to comps and it's still not "worth" it money wise.

The one time it was worth it was when a new girlfriend discovered it and read it and the first thing she said was " want to put it in my butt." So that made that easy. That was the only time I was like wow this writing nonsense worked out.
Is it worth it? As a challenge to put my thoughts into words and engage with complete strangets to tell that story? Abso-bloody-lutely. I just wish I had more time (I have two stories 80% finished at the moment).

Making money from writing erotica? I thought about it but to be honest only for the novelty of trying to.

Making a living from writing erotica? No way Jose.
I think it's incredibly hard to make money as a writer full stop. I have an old school friend who has dedicated the last twenty years of his life to writing and is only just able to quit his day job. He writes children's books and has loads published but it's taken this long for him to get noticed.

It's all about standing out from the crowd and that's really hard to achieve. Getting your work taken on by a large, established publishing house is the best way to go but competition is fierce. Good luck with it.
Financially, its not, but it could lead to main-stream writing. I sell very few 'pure erotic' books in my shop. However, I write it for the pure enjoyment. My rewards are seeing it posted.
Quote by Saucymh
I think it's incredibly hard to make money as a writer full stop. I have an old school friend who has dedicated the last twenty years of his life to writing and is only just able to quit his day job. He writes children's books and has loads published but it's taken this long for him to get noticed.

It's all about standing out from the crowd and that's really hard to achieve. Getting your work taken on by a large, established publishing house is the best way to go but competition is fierce. Good luck with it.

I have written and self published three erotica novels after serialising them here. I have sold some but certainly nothing like enough to earn a living from.
As has been mentioned before, the market is awash with erotica, much of it not so good but some outstanding (like SaucyMH. Definitely a good read)
My dream is just to have a book professionally published, whether it makes money or not. It would be an awesome achievement for me just to see it on the shelf of a bookshop.
To that end I have written a mainstream novel (The Nurses) which is currently available on the blue site. I have approached several publishers and have so far had four offers of publication but all want thousands of pounds up front which I cannot afford. I will keep trying though and maybe, one day... who knows.0PaC2T801CeJkeEY

Erotica, though is just something I do for the pleasure of my readers. I don't write filth and bad language and some will probably find it quite tame but if just one person genuinely enjoys it then how could I not be happy with that.
I like stories that are exactly that, a story rather than a written version of a porn film clip. I don't decry those who enjoy such writing but it is not me.

So, in answer to this thread, enjoy writing, enjoy the pleasure it gives readers here and if, by some slim chance, you make money from it, fantastic but remember, of all the millions of books written only a few make their authors rich.
WooHoo!!!! 27,000 views! Could I dare to hope for a famous story...